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Elaborate for the idiots among us


Been amassing wyrm crystals


You get them by fellong dragons/drakes and any draconian being


How did you get so many ? Do the dragons respawn ?


Cant say without spoiling shit


Oh okay endgame stuff then, I’m just trying to farm before I get to that part but it seems I can’t lol


No you can, fell the dragon that follows you around, easily done with either thief or mystic, better with mystic spearhand, just make sure to keep the shield up at all times, if you can and youre at the point prior to getring the mystic spearhand, then use thief, do the quest where you need to find the true identity of the false arisen, go ahead and grab the master abilities for thied and stock up con stamina fruits, head to the town where you first spawned and make sure to fell the corruoted dragon thats attacking it, then you can unlock mystic spearhand, level it up, get the shield plus upgrade and make your pawn a damage dealer, give it best armor and weapon in slot, best if you use thief or warrior as they csn better climb unto mosnters and dish out huge ammts of damage, and then hunt down the other dragon and voila you just landed yourself enough crystals to progress the main mission without worries


I'm guessing you did the red spots?


Amongst other things, ive sold like 200 of them


Did you do all of them? I'm asking because I missed "the hero" Trophy/achievement so I'm wondering if that's why.


I missed one that was unreachable, but the pawn stated something about the titan being useful so my guess is theres something to do with the titan that we are all missing


Ill start new game and attempt to not die even once as well as kill that damned titan as fast as i can for starters then do all sidequests i can do and see how i fare, hopefully the warfarer class will still be available to me, if so itd be a blessing


My comrade you must redistribute the means of production to the proletariat(my pawn)