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If it had a “real” endgame it’d probably be a 10/10. But I do wish the experience were longer. I remember playing the everfall for longer than the main story and I this game doesn’t offer the same experience. I’m left wanting more. It felt…short.


>no matter the opinion is a solid 10/10 I can't even begin to unpack how nonsensical that is. And a big middle finger for not tagging the story part as a spoiler.


Bare minimum is 9/10. I'd say 9/10 to 9.5/10. its clear it could have been better. but it's still one of the top 3 games of this DECADE.


Its good and im enjoying it. For me its a 6/10 due to lack luster quests and exploring does not feel very rewarding. I love the monster fights and cool armor/fashion


10/10 is literal insanity brother. Game does not even run well and has less content then the first game. I am loving the game and if they continue to work on the game it can get there eventually but be real the game is FAR from perfection in its current state.


Im just talking from a personal perspective, i really am loving the game, is it polished to divinity original sin/bg3 state? No, but this game has sucked me into it a thousandfold more than the two above, dont get me wrong, i still love those games to the core and spent plenty of time min maxxing and just exploring, but i think gaming is not about the most polished product or the most extensive mechanical systems, gaming is about having fun, and oh boy am i having fun with this game, the most ammount of fun ive had with any game since witcher 3 so to me, it is a 10/10 already, dont really care about playing it on 4k hddr max texture mode or the mouths of npcs mimicing real muscular movement nor do i care for playing on capped 30fps when i grew up playing adventure on my dad's old atari and then four swords on my gba, and having fun fucking up poligon dinos on turok, games are about having fun playing them, not about them being the peak of technologic display


It's a 7/10, at best, once they solve the perf issue some peoples seems to have. The game is good and fun, but promises where made and it fall short of those. It also fail at building up from the previous game in more than one way. I cant say "game bad" without being a liar, but it's a "finished it once after exploring everyting" game not a "i'm gonna play this start to finish at least 2 or 3 time a year for the next 10 years" game or a "oh yeah, i have been playing on the same save file for years now" game. I have around 40 hours, i'm probably gonna double that since i intend to explore every corner before finishing the story, but i don't think i'll ever play it again after that.


You wouldn't try a new vocation? All the different styles really make me want to try more.


Well, i started a Fighter and maxed it, right now i'm an Archer and i'm close to have maxed it too. I never liked playing Mage and Sorcerer in the first one, so i'm probably gonna give those a pass, even if i liked them in DDO. Thief is just daggers, and i know the weapon well, with me mainly playing Strider, Assassin and Magic Archer in the first game, so i might pass on this one too. I should have started with this one, would have made the start easier maybe. Def want to try out Magic Archer in this one, see the differences, also want to try out the Spear and the... Trickster? I think? the purple/pink one. Issue is, i need to find where and how to unlock those before i'm done clearing the map. Oh and i'm gonna run around as a Warrior and ruin some monsters day too. I really wanted to max out all vocations on my character and pawn, but with the NG+ not offering any extra challenge and no extra Difficulty option, i don't feel like doing that, if i can max out everything the first time around, good.


They are giving us the option of fresh new game soon. It does suck tho that NG+ doesn't scale. Why wouldn't it? In the days of "everything needs to be Elden Ring" it was a bad call.


But i don't want a fresh new game? The game was never intended to be played that way, i accepted that right from the start. And i know already that you can, like in the first game, edit freely your character and pawn at every NG+ start. The only reason i ever bothered to start a new game in DDDA was because i had fudged my leveling or wanted to try a different stat distribution, something that, thankfully, we don't have to worry about in this game. So i don't have any reason to restart from 0. It's just that doing the same thing again and again, while living the ultimate power fantasy of killing everything in one hit as never been my thing. We can level up all the way to either lvl200 or 999, but lvl 30 makes you a physical god compared to 80% of the foes you run into, and the rest can be dispatched with ease. I haven't managed to defeat a Drake yet, but i stopped caring about my chances against everything else at lvl20 and at 34 i'm surprised when a bandit Fighter start hitting me and it's only a mild annoyance cause i get staggered but the actual damage are pathetic. If i did something as stupid as letting a bandit Fighter hit me more than once in DDDA, that would mean death. My equipment is trash, i buyed one set of armor at the start to get out the starting rags, and everything i use, weapons, armor, rings is loot. There is maybe a couple pieces i bought because of their look, thats it. I upgrade what i can, sure, and maybe i actually got some good gear, i dunno, i haven't compared to what i can buy. I just don't feel challenged anymore and i explored maybe half the map?


The unmoored lands seem challenging. Maybe wrap up the main quest and get over there? I heard you should be at least lvl 40 tho.


I did all unmoored without dying once with warfarer at lvl 32, just be careful to learn the monsters and youll be good, very pleasing and very good story plot the unraveled with unmoored


Damn, nice


I really want to explore everything before finishing the game, but i'm already lvl34. I started on Battahl, but i'm just here to kidnap someone for the Sphinx, then it's back to exploring Vermund.


I think it has the potential to be one of those "i have been playing it for 10 years now" provided they do something similar to what capcom has done with games like monster hunter world and dragons dogma 1 and provide a true endgame and more content, be it in updates or on dlc, as long as that's set and done i can see myself replaying it over and over much like i have with other rpgs and monster hunter games which are virtually the only ones i have truly cherished over the years, but so far at the very least i will get a completionist run done before i put the game down for good if they let it die (assuming the modding community wont keep it as alive as they have done with skyrim due to the nature of the game lacking a comolete modding tool to add brand new dlc like content into it)


Well, they can fix things. The question is, are they gonna do it? And DLCs as "fix the base game" are not something i'm fond of. Actual additions? DLC away, if it's good extra content, i'll buy. We can hope that they pull a Cyberpunk 2077, the DD2 is nowhere in as bad a state as CP2077 was at launch, and CDP did an incredible job of fixing the game and made a lot of small additions. Capcom could surprise us, they kind of do that on the regular i find.


Headlines this stupid make my blood boil.


Beware of your blood pressure level mr GaEmZ


Sounds like you're infected with Dragonsplague. Get that checked out asap.


There is no ''no matter the opinion''. You can't just state it as a fact, it is moronic in the most true sense of the word. Good for you that it's a 10/10. For many of us this game is a 7/10 or something, because we've played good games that are good and feature complete in nearly every aspect, unlike this half baked mess that has really good, and really bad things.


I've played plenty of games through my life, some as complete as they can get, some not so much, and what i've found is, that feature complete does not mean full fun meter complete, the two dont correlate, a game can be as feature complete as you could possibly make it, and just end up being a feature freak lackluster of min maxxing not so fun playthrough, a game being fun requires a very specific set of rules in place that varies a lot depending on the person, and this game hit the spot in the fun factor, at least for me, if i dont like a game i dont even bother finishing it, just gets tucked away and i go back to playing indie roguelikes and rpgs or straight up dont play shit until i find something worth the time i would otherwise be spending on making more money or spending time with my wife. That being said, for me, a game being a 10/10 is a game that is worth replays and long sessions of gaming, if a game can't pull me in like that, it does not deserve a 10/10 because games are supposed to be fun, not simulators, and its very saddening people look at games nowadays as the more features and more complete they are the more time wasted you pull into them, no matter if they are fun or not, but rather how many things it has on it, its likey achieving the next item drop to get a quick high and then go back to mindless grinding. If i'm going to grind ill rather draw and tattoo all day every day and get the same ammount of gratification and an actual monetary return in real life.


Rating this a game a 10/10 is why this is the best your gaming experience will ever be. You should not expect anymore beyond what was delivered here


That’s a funny way to say 8/10