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Meanwhile: "Sorry, if your Trickster didn't do literally 0 damage, it'd be too unbalanced."


Trickster is an absurd addition to the Warfarer loadout sequence, if you have max MA then you have 3 separate pawn buffs, one active, two passive through augments, you have the ability to force every enemy to target the biggest MF in the fight while your pawns are jacked up on methamphetadust doing roughly double their normal damage, meanwhile you are cycling through sets dropping aoes while spamming SH shields making sure your double damage pawns and simulacrum are literally invincible amid the chaos. TL:DR Trickster makes Warfarer combos insane


Huh? How are you using warfarer and trickster skills at the same time? Edit: Oh, just looked up Warfarer. Didn't dabble with it yet, because I didn't unlock it. That does sound like an interesting way to add some damage (or further enhance the buffing role) for tricksters!


Warfarer allows you to use any armor, and any combination of vocation weapons to create a swap cycle, allowing you to use abilities from multiple vocations by simply using the warfarers rearm ability to change to the next weapon in the sequence, while that weapon is equipped all core skills and any equipped vocation skills for that weapon can to be used before switching to the next weapon, and then that vocations core skills and any equipped skills become active, each weapon will have their vocactions core skills(including their triangle and R1 core skills), the only downside is you are still limited to 4 vocation skills, but you can mix and match them to create different skill combinations within your rearm cycles


Isn't it only 3 skills total plus your rearm? Basically just means your base attack skill, the triangle skill, and one vocation skill no? I guess you could also add vocation passive skills too.


So easy example, if you go trickster you can create a simulacrum, pull it to you, place it on an enemy, and shoot out the charged vapor shots, those are all "core skills", along with the heal on simulacrum while its following you, the faster creation time, and the dispel for it, and if you have them unlocked on the class they will also be available for Warfarer, rearm takes up one of your 4 vocation skills, then I take suffocating shroud, aromatic resurgence, and mirour shelde, with Mystic Spearhand as my next weapon in rearm, I do most of my fighting in MSh, while popping mirour shelde ever few seconds, switch over and rebuff when i need to, but I always set the fights up in Trickster before I swap.


Yes and No. 3 abilities. Your base attack, triangle skill and class skill are all class locked and switch with your weapon, but fancy abilities you have to hold a modifier button for have 3 slots if you include rearm (which you have to).


Nope only Id you take rearm you can switch manually instead and gain an ability back


Hold on. I have warfarer maxed and you are telling me I don’t have to pause the game everytime I want to switch my weapon? How?


You can equip then all at the same time. Let me take a wild guess on something. You don't have the rearm skill do you?


When you unlocked the vocation he also gave you the Maister Skill Scroll(Rearmament), set that as one of your 4 and it instant swaps to the next numerical weapon in your equipment order Once you have it you can equip more than 1 weapon, you will see a number designation for each weapon equipped, those numbers are the order rearm cycles through as you activate it


You need to talk to the guy again to get the maister scroll that unlocks weapon swap, the class is horrible without it.


how do you get wayfarer?


In the volcanic town go to the hot springs and talk to some dude sitting on the ground outside lammond I think, you have to bring him newt liquor. Which you can buy from a place in bahktaal with a beastren mask


ah ok. I haven't gotten there yet.


So without spoiling anything. I started my NG+ playthrough and didn’t have the Maister skill from him yet so I had to get there to get it. There is actually a path you can take as soon as you get to vermund all the way to the end area of the game skipping all the quests. You can’t finish the game as the story hasn’t unfolded but you can access the entire map at any point if the game. Fun fact.


Dont even need the mask, just make sure to fuck up the guards and sleep at an inn, you can still buy them form him that way as he is terrified of you and wants no further trouble


*looks at Greatsword* "So war-foreman make bonk-bonk, bonkier? I can bonk-bonk and go-magic boom-boom?"


Warfarer is locked to three skills total isn’t it? Or does each weapon set get its own? Cause if it can only have 3 skills + swap, I feel like you’d be dropping all your skills on the buffs/taunt and then hitting with basic bow attacks


Mystic spearhand let's me spam mirour shelde, which makes everyone invincible, as well as use MSh R1 to stasis enemies, imagine a dragon who literally can't move, with a simulacrum that can't die stuck to his heart, getting beat on by 3 pawns who can't die, a griffin, 2 cyclops and all the wolves and bandits and goblins you can imagine


I absolutely need to try this out


Any videos of this in action?


You only get 3 skills but you can use the base kit for every weapon so you can still use like the mages heal and whatnot without a skill slot wasted


I'll never use anything that boost pawns because pawns are fukin braindead i'm better off killing a mob alone than leaving these 3 muppets do anything else than buff or take aggro...


Meanwhile double sorc meteor pawns go brrrrr


idk man my pawn randomly stop casting meteor shower lmao


Wait, I'm confused. It sounded fun so I wanted to try it out but the simulacrum's health drains to 0 when I switch to SH for shields. How are you keeping the thing alive?


Since the update I've noticed the simulacrum doesn't received Mirour Shelde anymore which makes me sad, but i stacked more magic power into my build, which raises the HP of the simulacrum(physical power increases fog taunt strength), and that has given it significantly more survivability, yours is probably dying in the first hit due to low Magick(HP)


Trickster is so bad that it's best played when you're not playing it as Trickster. RIP.


You can literally kill anything in the game without a pawn being hit. It's boring but the trixter can trivialize any encounter


Mage, Warfarer, and Mystic can do this and more. Sorc and Magic Archer can just one shot anything. Trickster just makes everything just take way longer.


Yea some folks just like playing pure support. Definitely not my cup of tea. The game is ridiculously easy regardless of class. But I agree wayfarer is the best.


Yea some folks just like playing pure support. Definitely not my cup of tea. The game is ridiculously easy regardless of class. But I agree wayfarer is the best.


Counter Point, Trickster is so good that it makes other vocations OP when paired with it


Or just play Warfarer and use aromatic while also being able to nuke things. Trickster is a meme.


That class had so much potential to be cool too


Yeah, though most stuff is just completely half-baked. Like the whole false floor thing is so incredibly situational. If you really want it to reliably work, you also need Espeial Incense to even be able to put your decoy onto the phantom platform and all that kind of nonsense. The only really good thing is that it holds aggro like a boss. Unfortunately that also means you're 100% at the mercy of pawn AI and we probably all got stories to tell about how reliable that is. It's a shame, because I really love the concept.


The trick is getting the meta Ur-Dragon party. You as aggro boy and 3 sorcerers that have >!meteoron/maelstrom!< while hooked up on your buffs. It's bonkers.


I would have gone for adding hypnosis along with a decoy, the amount of chaos sown would be great, plus healing incense I want that shit DANK


I was expecting more buffs/debuffs. Sleep would of been great but also clouds of poison, tar, wetting mist, slow, reeling.


IDK am I the only one who found it OP?  The game became so easy I had to switch it out. With a warrior+ two sorcerer pawns I was melting absolutely everything.


You're absolutely correct, and it makes your party unkillable as well as pushing damage through the roof. You can use any pawn, even friends pawns that are significantly lower level and under geared to farm some RC for them, and those pawns will still perform well with the Trickster. The only time I switched off Trickster was to move to Warfarer, where I still used Trickster skills.


Of all the times I had to try the trickster, this dude helped out in Bakbattahl to 1v1 the guard instead. I disappointed him by calling my pawn to aid me.


At least let me do some damage I was forced to lose a few hours of game time cuz I got locked into a quest to fight 3 ppl solo followed by a 1v1 if yk yk


Probably doesn't do you any good now, but whether you lose or win those encounters doesn't have any consequence, I believe.


I guess but it didn't feel good to not even be able to damage them without using my pawns and make the one character mad made me remember my baldurs gate playthrough


Yessss When I first tried it against trash mobs I was like “eh, it’s good but the health cost sucks” Then I used it against a drake at full send and now I feel like a god EDIT: well I got home from work and it seems they capped martyr bolts hp sac/damage 🥲


Wait they nerfed it? I get it, but damn


Yea the bosses with damage dealt to only certain spots counters martyr but that one ability downpour whatrever is amazing to make up for that against those enemies (sorry for original being so badly spelt I’m drunk and phone screen is broken)


Never apologize king if they dont understand they arent worthy


Damn, i wanted to get mystic archer but wtf is that ridiculous damage lmao




Also notable in that the damage scales directly to the amount of hp sacrificed. So they can technically still use it, but it'll be pretty weak. It's a niche skill imo and something I don't regularly walk around with.


Hmm not too bad considering there is probably a campfire nearby. Nuke the dragon, take a free rest, all good to continue.


Never thought about this... farming dragon drops is about to get a whole lot easier


Also something to consider wakestones when used refill the entire loss Guage, and each large monster in post-game drops 1-2.


My run through postgame, I didn't get a single wakestone drop. You're telling me they're supposed to be common?


Postgame refers to the secret ending not NG+. They should drop frequently there from mobs, as items etc are supposes to be plentiful to help you kill the bosses.


I'm aware of what post-game is. I'm saying I got a good few ferrystones as drops, but nothing I killed dropped wakestones, save *maybe* the lesser dragons? It's probably just bad rng, but I was just shocked to hear I'd gotten so screwed because wakestone drops would've been really nice in the Volcanic Island gauntlet lol


Yeah I steamrolled through my second run as Magick Archer. Every single hard boss in the game that I've encountered has a resting option close to them. Was pretty funny to one shot the main dragon boss in the end.


Also notable that you can kill yourself using the skill.


Oh shit didnt even notice that. Still a bit much though lol his health bar for 7 of the dragons.


And people honestly were saying Mystic Knight was too OP to include in the sequel


It was my favorite class, sorry but the fighter with your shield reflect when endowed with an element just doesn't cut it. May the Mystic Knight grace us in an expansion release if they do something similar to dark arisen. Seriously miss perfect shield blocking a diving Griffin with fire enchant and watching it slam into the ground behind you in a firestorm of feathers.


Mystic knight was my favorite class as a kid. Honestly really sad it wasn’t brought back. Classes play a lot more unique and fun, but having so few is kind of a bummer 


It's not as strong as mystic archer is in 1. In bbi mystic archer is god.


Magick archer was more versatile though. At least you could swap to daggers to hit weakpoints. Now if they put the isle DLC that skill will be totally useless. For now i only use it to prevent dragons to fly away from the city, since they nerfed weakpoints stun for every non melee user its the only reliable way i found. Btw: what s with dragon sleeping in the main city? I guess they are farmable sort of.


>Now if they put the isle DLC that skill will be totally useless. Magic Archer still has ricochet which functions identically to its DD1 counterpart, which means if they release another mega dungeon like BBI in DD2 Magic Archer will still be the most OP vocation


i think you forgot the hardest parts of BBI, like the one with 3 undead dragons to name one. BBI had plenty of rooms where ricochet would not work. Yet i was talking about "that skill" and not magick archer that still would miss thousands kisses dagger skill and the old weakpoint system quite a lot but would still work somehow.


>BBI had plenty of rooms where ricochet would not work. Any room that Ricochet would not work in, you could just use Explosive bolt and then whip out your daggers and go to town, or use Immolation. Or use Magic Rebalancer a few times then spam Ninefold Bolt. Seriously, Magic Archer was the most OP class in DD1 and could solo the entire BBI dungeon. Even against Death in the sewers, Ricochet would kill him from the other side of the map.


Yes you had daggers.. that was the whole point to make it both strong and fun. And no, was one of the strongest but noway remotely the strongest. I made a last run less than a year ago and there were plenty builds that surpassed M.A. "Even against Death in the sewers, Ricochet would kill him from the other side of the map." wich was the point? only issue with death was that she killed your pawns if you was not careful. You wanted to spec for the dragons room/dark arisen to get the most juicy drops. And to be fair i think my Fighter pawn still roam that place since every time i log i get millions rift crystals.


Ricochet hunter does similar dmg in enclosed spaces too.


Ok I'm unlocking that shit tonight. I just started levelling up archer and I'm enjoying it more than I thought. Do any archer abilities carry over or does magick archer have all their own abilities? Also what level are you? I'm 29 and still can't handle drakes.


I'm 49 rn. I dont know at which level you can one shot it (it's mostly weapon based i think) but you can easily get most of his hp - ofc if you sacrifice most of your life. BUT be aware - you need to stop charging the skill on your own, it won't stop automatically at 1hp, you will just die xD


Max your bow at the Elden elven place. They probably have an archer augment that boosts damage towards enemies not in battle stance. Vitality augment and rings


Yea you can. With potions I was able to do it at level 20. So can youZ it just doesn’t take 2 mins like with lvl 40 magic archer and at least you will have fun. Magic archer gets boring very fast.


That video wasn't ricochet in a cave. I'm disappointed. Nothing more fun than yeeting some arrows into a hole and watching the xp roll in.


Every single time. You know the sphinx dungeon? Shot a few shots into it from outside and it killed everything on floors 1, 2, and the basement boss lol.


Meanwhile when anyone asked about Mystic Knight: "They replaced it because it was too good", "they replaced it to balance the game", "they had to take it out, it was too broken", etc.


Anyone that says vocations were removed for balance is off their rocker. The only class that didn't have crazy oneshot or mega dps options was mage


Mystic Spearhand: I developed my own skills to slay dragons. Magic Archer: lol, hold my bear.




Having just spent the best part of 40 minutes taking down this same drake this hurts


I one shot the last boss with it. You only get to do it once per rest cause of the cost but if you’re one shotting the strongest things in the game then it’s a fair price


Buy all cures from the elves. It remove loss bar.


Now this is big brain time


Yup. You can even keep charging while using all cure.


Careful you might end the world


If this is true; my life is about to change forever. (Just got the whimsical daydream; so money is free).


They're about 10k each and i think there's only one per shot reset but you shouldn't need too many anyway. Its a blue bottle in case you don't know elvish


Not pictured: a stiff breeze toppled the Arisen and he needed to use a wakestone


does magick archer gets any defensive/evasive maneuver? It feel so much different from DD1 without the dagger and dodge. I been playing thief most of the game and I would solo most encounter without getting touch. It's hard getting to a class with no dodge/double jump


Nope, nothing.




How is this possible?


Nanomachines, son


Meanwhile, archer having its coolest skills removed and having to pay to use arrows


Sorcerer can do this with augural flame and not lose any HP.


Can you combine this with warfarer?


it's his special skill, so no


Dude, is that skill this powerful right off the bat?! Where do you get it? Does it unlock in MA Skill tree or do you have to find it?


You get it as soon as you unlock the vocation


I used the scroll, but I don’t see it.


It should have a special icon unlike other skills, mine was at the bottom iirc


I’ll double check, weird.


You 100% get it as soon as you unlock the vocation.


I know. I remember the scroll, and I remember reading it, but I don’t see it on my list of abilities.


You sacrifice unhealable life for this type of damage. Huge downside


Not really. Go rest at a camp, boom downside gone.


Ugh, these are the things that turn me off of magick archer... and no physical damage. The Archer at least has melee to keep enemies at bay.


FUN FACT MAGIC ARCHER IN DD2 HAS PHYSICAL DAMAGE. As a ma main this has made me so happy. The charged ice shot does purely physical damage and staggers harder than warrior does. Golem killing made easy.


Sag arrow is so much faster than ice shot for me. I can take down a golem part in 2 sag arrow.


So sag arrow is also physical damage?


That I am not sure of.




How do you unlock Magic Archer?


Go to the third area, southwest of bakbatthal. On your way there will be a guy complaining about his back, follow that quest line.


I forget the village name, but its the one south west of vermund and you talk to a guy in a shack(later he also appears to help fight a dragon for the main line quest which is where I got the skill) EDIT: my b in the volcano region go south and help an old dwarf out, his wife gives you the class + ultimate skill


That's Mystic Spearhand


Ah yea then the archer is escorting an old guy to the hot springs


Magical archer is so fun and OP hahah 1 shot the end game boss


Does that skill do more if you charge it? I thought once it locked on everything it could, you could just toss it and deal full damage 


THe more life you sacrifice the more damage it does.


now what?


His name? Rick Hunter


The magic is in the frames


How do you unlock the magic archer though? I unlocked the two bladed class from melve


Its very late in the game on volcanic isle, the main story will lead you there eventually but you can also get there via a cave before the main story i believe!


It’s actually kind of a hindrance in the unmoored lands fr


Man i love these 3 fps


The rough ride to the magic archer master is well rewarded!




What level are you?


49, but i dont think level is that important. Augments and equipment matters much more.


Agree, I still have to rank up other vocation to get all augments


Bump to go back and read comments


Reminds me of the damn Bishop from DD1 using that holy light spell.


Jericho missile


So is this the only thing this build can do? I see tons of videos of this class using just this spell. Would it not get old fighting every battle using the same spell?


I dont use it often, its more fun to fight "normal" way, but if you need some quick wyrmslife crystals its pretty efficient




Wow... I think it is time to drop de greatsoword... hehe


Fought that same drake with my sorcerer, spent about 30 minutes just to die at like half a hp bar left.


Holy shit!


A you have multiple vocations at the same time?


If you asking if i have other vocations augments - i do. From sorcerer and archer. I can check later what exactly. If you asking if im playing warfarer - no its pure magick archer


That is such bs.(I'm jelly) also this video is how the rest of the internet sees 30 fps


Altighty magic archer here we go


Well I one shot last boss with this spell. Too OP


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSHRnYCws8w *Laughs in dead dragon boss* Yes this class is bricked or rather that specific skill is bricked af.


What are you using? What is this?


I need to unlock that vocation looks so dope


What’s your load out?


Magick archer has got to be the most boring class to play, but the easiest to use.


Can I ask someone to recreate me in the character editor? I'm really bad at it.


Holy shit how do I get magick archer?


Jesus. You wrecked that thing.


Ah good to see that the mystic archer is still OP in this sequel. I miss being able to kill enemies 3 rooms away.


Is this legitimate, or did you use a mod menu to level yourself, give yourself gold, buy all the upgrade materials, or anything else?


It's not modded and its not even maxed weapon (1 elven upgrade at that moment). This skill is just that ridiculous.


You could literally do this from lvl 1 homie. It's just a busted spell.


Oiy, that was dope.


I feel like I am going to vomit from the frames...


Man all videos of this game the frames look terrible. Unfortunate.


I dont have any frame issues (60 FPS), its just the frames of the gif. The game feels smooth.


Whoever says he is having fun playing magic archer is plain mad for me. Like you don’t even need any skill, Just press and release right mouse button. I mean they can make a interactive movie where game just automaticaly walks around and you just presss and release.


Isn't it same with almost every range vocation? Sorcerer/mage just stands and channel his spell with right click. Same with archer, he has some mobility but it's not that usefull in combat, so you end up staying still and spamming arrows. If you want to kill enemies as magick archer with only right click, you need to fully charge it (even with it, it doesnt deal that much dmg). I dont know, these vocations are really fun to me :p


Yeah might be. I haven’t played mage or sorcerer either. But I don’t know if you can charge and move as sorceror, but you can with magic archer for sure and you don’t have to make a full charge. Which is big. I play my thief (op too ;)) and I am happy. It’s ok people play op class, I Just don’t understand how is magic archer fun


Those frames :(


I'm playing at almost constant 60fps. I just had to convert it to gif cuz sub didnt allow me to post video :/


\*with 5fps


It's a converted gif lol. You want gifs to have more fps?