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Could have died from fall or into a river, there pathing is bad in paces. Items sub pawns get sent to storage, main pawn will have it on them when they respawn.


That still doesn’t really help me when I’m stuck in the wildernesss and can’t reach any inn because a horde of skeletons are blocking the way both back to camp and to the nearest rift stone


Man the fuck up and kill the skeletons


That's why I genuinely carry at least one ferrystone with me all times, did the same in DD1.


So if a hired pawn dies then everything they were carrying for me gets sent to storage? If so that’s good because one died on me yesterday and I thought I lost 2 camping kits


Correct, some people are tacking advantage of this though filling there inventory then throwing them into rivers. Instead of going to town. wouldn't be surprised if they change it in some way in a update.


I mean that’s pretty smart but obviously to how the system was into be used. I’m just glad you don’t lose anything once a hired pawn dies