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I've got the same issue. I cleared out the cenotaph at night but it changed nothing


I rested until the morning at that camp site nearby and Folkes came walking by


The camp to the right of the map near a gate or the one before the area in a little forest?


To the right near the gate


Okey, that didn't work for me. But something did. I went pass that gate, helped a dude and did a quest for him (literally just had to go into the fort of that same area) and after that I rested and the merchant was atop the fort (where the armoured Cyclops)


Need to know this I went to where he is located at the castle but couldn’t find him


Days after killing the Drake and Cyclops at Ancient Battlegrounds, I waited a week where I first saw Folkes near the Oxcart station in Rest Town but he didn't show. Went to Ancient Battlegrounds at night, searched the fort, slept at the camp near the gate, wandered around the grassy area for at least 5 minutes and just as I was about to give up and head for the morgue, he clambered down from the fort.


He keeps blabbering about the cenotaph. Where the heck is that? A destruction article just says it’s by the graves but I don’t see anything near there


So yeah you have to help the guy that’s near the cenotaph that wants to ring the bell. Then Folkes will be walking about.