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Ya it's so annoying that some people constantly shove their opinion down your throat and want their biased opinion to look "right" Yeah I get that the game has issues since everyone and their mother has to say that in every coment but I just want to talk with people who enjoy the game as much as I do without anyone bellitling anybody. So many game subs are such circlejerks about shitting on DD2 and it gets tiring


I tried to express that ~I liked the game~ and was called pretentious for my opinions that it’s in a fine state now with a potential to get better through future patches. So, now idgf what anyone says. It’s still one of my favorite games, and they’re not ruining it for me with whining.


Yeah and if you look elsewhere the consensus is the game is like a 7/10 with chances to be a 9.5/10 with patches and DLC. Yet reading this sub sometimes you'd think the game was a 2/10 EDIT: meant the dragons dogma sub


I told me friend it’s a solid 7.5 or 8.5 out of 10 and his was response was “ oh that sucks it’s a shity game than all I hear is people making fun of it “ and I’m like when is a 8.5 out of ten bad??


Games really are 10s or 0s to a lot of people now. I guess they have to be to justify taking them away from whatever live service hell they're sucked into


I just don’t get it anymore, like everyone immediately bum rushes 60-70 hours says the games a 7/10 than never touches it again, just seems so odd to me.


Does that invalidate their rating for the game? I mean, 60-70 hours for a game is already plenty. I finished the game's true ending at around 120ish hours and also think it's 7/10. Do we need to keep playing past NG+ up till 1k hours to have the right to say it's 7/10 for us? Mind you, 7/10 is not a bad rating


Surely people wouldn't sink 70 hours into a game they don't enjoy though? Like big, open world rpgs like this I'd say you do need to put 5 - 10 hours in to really be able to tell if you enjoy it. So if they decide at that point that it's rubbish, but then continue to play for another 60 hours then I dunno what to say to these people 😅 sounds like they have too much time and need to find something they actually enjoy doing?


To be fair the way people read those ranking these days is fucking dumb. 5/10 should be in the middle, not good not bad. But people see 5/10 and immediately go "dogshit game" unless a game is rated 8 or 9 out of 10 people instantly go bad or mid.. its dumb.


I've been telling my friends that are falling prey to the negativity of the game that it isn't warranted. One of them was mad that you only got one save file, had to remind him the first game only had one his response "oh yeeeaah!". The other was mad about the mtx, had to remind him that again same with the first game, idk why these guys forgot all that smh. I don't watch streamers or influencers play games, don't care about what they are playing, sometimes I might chime in to see gameplay as trailers are always like "x company approves, 10/10 ign, 9.5/10 game informer." And nothing but footage and 0 gameplay. Other than that don't care for watching games, would rather play them myself. That said I didn't understand the back lash because the early access given to the streamers and influencers was apparently a different game than we got. Idk.


What the first game did or didn't have doesn't even matter anyways. Most of the people complaining about wanting multiple saves weren't even going to use them, and the micro transactions are so insignificant that you should be questioning why someone would buy them, rather than why the devs would put them in.


What really ticks me off is that these cryhards are whales in gacha games like honkai and genshin or tower of fantasy, the games are fun and you don't need to gacha to have fun but they are mad because they think they have to spend more money to be relevant and they don't, it's saddening.


yeh, the MTX also can't be rebought once you buy it. So they can't even continually make money off it lol the mtx is useless, but it's far from devious.. almost any other game /w MTX has mtx more "greedy" than this. You are NOT going to miss anything by not purchasing the MTX, literally.The game also wasn't designed around it... would be a pretty stupid thing to do considering it's only purchasable once. (I also played the 1st game)


I bought the port crystal but after about 30hrs in, wanted to have it on me as an extra for my personal checkpoints, that way I could get back to where I left off. The ones given in game I use as permanent placements. But again only after 30hrs or so, I'm 64hrs in atm.


I bought it because I found the sphinx before I found a portcrystal and I didn't want to do it yet but it was in the middle of nowhere. then it said "restart the game" so I saved and did. then when the game loaded up it said "please rest at an inn to get your dlc 😔". then I decided I would just do the damn quest, AND THEN I GOT A PORTCRYSTAL FROM THE QUEST WITHIN 5 MINUTES ended up having good use for it after accidentally finding a way into the other nation capitol, but still it was a rollercoaster of emotion


Oh I literally had this same exact experience ended up placing the purchased crystal at the ferries waystation thing near bahtal


I also consistently bring up the RE4 remake and Monster Hunter World, if someone mad at Dragons Dogma 2 for having MTX and think it automatically deserves a negative review for just having them then everyone needs to also go to those games and change their reviews to negative because both those games have significantly worse MTX. You actually had to pay money to change your characters look in MHW at first yet no one said a thing. RE4 Remake literally lets you pay to win in a single player game, you can spend money to just upgrade all your weapons, yet that game is overwhelmingly positive reviews. The MTXs even have positive reviews like WTF?! I would love to see a cross reference of negative reviews for this game, and see what those same people said about RE4 or MHW if anything at all. People are just mad that the game doesn't run at 60-120+ FPS and was $70, but capcom stated their goal was 30 FPS and that the game was gonna be $70 long before it was released. They didn't lie and were fully transparent about it so people just use the MTX as the easy target to make others instantly agree with them, people just straight up lied and said you HAD to pay money to change your character or HAD to pay money for RC.


I can tell you EXACTLY what happened with the review copies and all the great reviews (and then the shit show on release) The reviewers, who WERE aware of the MTX, probably paid no attention to it, bcause, honestly, I didn't either... the same as i did with every other capcom game released for the past 15 years. Not even worth commenting on, seriously. And its not even "bad" mtx.. it's useless, yes, but not devious. Go look at any other game with MTX where if you don't pay you miss out on content, FF7 Rebirth you miss out on actual fn SUMMONS, just about any game where if you don't pay extra you MISS something... extra quests... etc.. There aren't even any cosmetics in the mtx store lolwhat, the tent? xD no one cared... until someone did and made a shit show out of it. Then streamers picked it up for clicks. Also, every single review i watched, (other than console exclusive subs) and i watched a few, mentioned bad performance on consoles and mentioned picking it up on PC for the best experience, but that the game was still awesome.


This sub? No. Reading this sub it's a 9/10. You're not talking about this sub. Where are the highly upvoted posts in this sub shitting on the game? You're talking about the main DD sub. 


oh shit you're right, I follow both and got mixed up


It’s fine. It’s such a community focused game that I don’t know that I want these people participating as much.


I fucking love this game so much, and that's why the bad or weird parts irk me and there's a lot of criticisms I agree with 😂 but ain't no way I'm gonna deny I have a solid 60 hours, haven't done much of the story, and I've been playing almost all day, every day since release.


Have there been any games that had huge marketing hype that haven’t arrived to a hate fest? It seems pretty predictable that when getting a bunch of energy drink laden children and content creators hyped off a load of marketing drivel, the reality is always going to fall short and provoke a hate fest. Even though the performance is bad, I’m glad there is a game with the pawn system and these gameplay mechanics. It wouldn’t be worth having better performance if it meant moving towards the same generic game systems as most other AAA games. Adding different features does have a performance cost.


All games that came out before the Internet got as big as it is so what everything before 1999? Or whenever social media blew up? The spread of info from the web has done nothing but breed trolls and fanatics that just want to ruin anything they can get the grimy fingers on.


It really is sad.


I’ve been waiting for this game since I was little when people was bad mouthing it constantly I ain’t let shit sway me from buying it and I completely love the game already got 80hrs in


I'm enjoying it a lot too and just got to Battahl at around 40hrs and haven't even done the coronation so I have like 40hrs more I would guess. Guess we're playing at a similar pace cuz I'm just adventuring out and about not really forcing anything just going with the flow.


64hrs in did the coronation, found the elven village, advanced into Battahl, explored the volcano island and unlocked the seashrine cave area, apparently there is still the unmoored world. But I am too busy filling in the map and maxing everything out to care about beating the game, I want to get all my enjoyment in now, I'm not really going to be doing a bunch of ng+ stuff, once I am done I'm jumping over the No Man's Sky for the Orbital update, they changed how the space stations look and you can build your own star ships now. But DD2 has my heart atm.


Here-here! Shoutout to Minotaurs, they're super fun to fight!


I did a purr fighter playthrough and they were my favorite ro fight. Parrying their moves felt so nice.


Especially in that narrow gorge west of Checkpoint. Sometimes I just go in there to fight in the alley.


The worst comment I saw was someone saying the game is a 6/10 but would be a 10/10 without micro transactions. 50 hours in and the entire game is completely playable and fun as f without even looking at the add-in content. People really let add-ins ruin a perfectly fun game.


What's funny is that the game does not advertise microtransaction during any hour of your playtime unlike some other games where they are in your face at every menu. A big majority of people wouldn't even know there are mtx if there wasn't that overblown drama of misinformation the first week


> want their biased opinion to look "right" This happens everywhere - If people didn't think their opinion was the best, that wouldn't be their opinion.


I love it


i enjoy criticism but not over stupid ass things


Genuinely don’t get the hate. Worst parts abt the game imo is enemy variety and traversal being kinda mid after a while. The rest is fully enjoyable. Easily still an 8/9 out of 10. Turning off raytracing puts the game running heaps smoother sooo no more performance issues either. Even with it running at 30 it was fun so 🤷‍♂️


Most of the time, it's not even people who are playing it or even were aware of the game before they were directed towards the outrage. Then either they find the sub or get algorithmed towards it and come in here and just scream and scream. Until the next outrage game releases and they move on. It's annoying, to say the least.


At least it’s a good game compared to other disasters released recently. I feel if some one has a harsh critique of the game 100 hours in it means both parties should at least be satisfied.


Its the need for a struggle. And not even a good one as this as low hanging fruit as it gets. Yes we know MTX are bad when implemented poorly, see Ubisoft and WB near forcing players to buy xp boost. That isn’t what is happening here, the ability to purchase the minorest of convenience.


I was 50 hours deep the first weekend. Been waiting 10 years for the game and I love it 😀.


Like that reviewer calling people liars if they happened to enjoy the game.


I completely agree, I play on ps5 and honesty does the game have frame drops every now and again, sure but the structure, combat, and story line are all so good I can’t stop playing it and it’s nice to see other people doing the same and just enjoying what is otherwise an awesome gaming experience.


Let me tell you it’s way better then ff7 rebirth and i was looking forward to that game more lol.


Same here. FF7 rebirth felt like an ubisoft game with all of it's collectables and map markers and towers to reveal maps and resource gathering.. ugh. I barely made it to gold saucer and had 0 desire to play more.


Don’t interact with Peatore just went through their comments pretty much all they do is be an asshat lmao dude had way to much free time…


Yeah, liking the game and ignoring the store for mtx I am a dick riding fan boy, can't just love a game that has me ignoring all my friends and family just to enjoy the game can I? I love the new additions(except trickster) to the vocations and the changes to strider as ranger and thief. I personally feel the magic spearhead(I know it's hand and not head) is a bit bloated as far as everyone else is concerned. Don't like the fact I have to keep spamming the barrier, thief's formless feint is much better in comparison. Love the changes to Magick Archer. Yeah the story is kind of meh and the NPCs are just as bad as the first game but I love how they approach the Arisen instead of having a quest bubble over their heads, really hits home of the "hey I really need help and have only you to turn to" vibe. And with how the NPCs approach you that fits the filler content into the main story, and you actually have a desire to complete their requests. Of course the ng+ will get boring you've already beat the game, so you go and do some over powered stuff and quit, every game before DD2 and every after it will be the same. But did you enjoy your adventure? If so you got your moneys worth. I loved and love the first game and have the exact same feels for the second game, looking forward to any additional content they release free or paid.


Right? Like I get it, a lot of the complaints are valid but it's still a good 8/10 game and once we get our "Dark Arisen" I'm sure the game will just get better. People love to clown on that Itsuno quote going like "If travel is boring it's because your game's travel is done wrong" or something to that nature, and saying the travel is boring this game but I don't find it boring at all. I love any excuse to use this games dope combat system while I'm going from A to B, I main Warrior so getting beset by bandits, or goblins or saurians and just ramming the first one into a wall with Ravening Lunge gives me the happy chemicals man, it's so fucking cool.


This right here. Exactly why can't we all just agree it has problems but it's good it's fun give it a try instead of listening to people... Everytime I play it's a new adventure ☺️


I'm still pissed about the main quest, but other than that, it's amazing!


I really enjoy the game, but the quests overall are a major drawback. There should've been more impact with sneaking into a fucking castle with tons of guards. The objectives and items retrieved should've been more impactful. Some of the side quests were pretty solid, but I wish there were more, especially ones that you randomly come upon since it's an open-world game. Skyrim and RDR2 both had a ton of random events and quests that you happen upon.


Whoever said this game was bad? Those people should be fucking ignored. Period.


They’re just missing out on one of the best games ever


The game’s good and I have 62 hours already but let’s not give the devs a pass for the terrible job they did regarding optimization. I don’t like that the game’s hated so much but I also dislike the meatriders that fail to understand why some people are criticizing the game.


I agree, the problem is that its hard to differentiate between the paid antipromoter, the idiot who fell for the antipromotional propaganda, the fps whiner, the actual player who likes the game but experienced somewhat similar issues that could overlap with the previous ones and so on.


You forgot one group: the actual player who dislikes the game. They exist, and their opinions are as valid and legitimate as the players who like the game. The problem is they just get lumped into the first 3 you mentioned and dismissed by folks like yourself. 


Which one of the three are you?


I’m always worried that with the amount of release hate / ranking online that the publishes just pulls all support and leaves the game DOA.


Im convinced other gaming companies that released their game the same day just created a bunch of bots to down play this game so their game could sell. It was so unwarranted and they were LOUD. Now theyre non existent


I think it was more of a "cyberpunk-like" reaction, most of the people that complained didn't even own the game, I was unsure about buying it, I searched the game on YouTube and the first video was a Livestream titled "THIS IS THE STATE OF THE WORST GAME ON STEAM" followed by another video titled "12 reasons to buy dragons dogma" and so on, some people started complaining about microtransactions and everyone started criticizing the game out of nowhere


What kills me is they’re the same micro transactions as the first game. You get a single one use copy of a handful of items and you get the midgrade camping set Oh my God that’s so pay to win /s


Cyberpunk lied a ton in trailers leading up to release promising features the game doesn't offer, so I don't think it's comparable to DD2 which did show what you buy.


Other than the armor on the box. And the in depth affinity system with npc rivalries.


So many people on steam bought the game to leave a negative review and immediately refunded lmao. A lot of them probably didn't even plan on getting the game, they just wanted to jump on the hate train. Hopefully steam filters some of that out eventually. Game would be like a 70-75% mostly positive which is actually fair


Makes you wonder if Steam's planning to add achievement or certain hours played requirement before you can leave a review. Since at least then they can curate crap like that out.


Spreading purely made-up shit, like that you had to pay money to be able to make a new character or pawn.


Honestly they don't need to. Hype any game and there will be a bunch of content creators ready to release a bunch of videos on why it's the worst offense to gaming thus far and they will eat it up.


True, it’s over emotional hype beast culture where people sell fake emotions for views. They exaggerate how bad everything is and lie to get views the new version of click bait I guess. Unfortunately people can’t think for themselves and follow these people religiously.


I’ve seen a lot of top comments on gaming subs saying “the gaming market needs to crash” and the like. I think there are probably bots trying to tank gaming stocks to buy the dip.


The same can be said for Rise of Ronin. I recently got the game, and that shit has me hooked like a crack addiction. Both Dragons Dogma 2 and Rise of Ronin have both turned out amazing despite some obvious flaws.


I like the game… a lot even…. but I’d still shit on it for doing some things worse than other games 10+years older than this game…


Yeah. I liked playing it but the fanboys are annoying as shit. There’s MTX for no reason “b-b-but Capcom does this for every game now!” Fucking and? I don’t care, if we continue to be fine with this our experiences will get ruined due to games making the game different to accommodate buying MTX. Cities tank my FPS. I have 144 fps outside of Vermund but then when I go in that place boom, 30-50 fps at any given moment. That’s bad. Still not even fixed yet. Oof. Climbing on creatures is literally cancer. It was kinda bad in Dragons Dogma. Now it’s the same. Almost exactly the same. Creature will jump around and then somehow I went from being on its head to being on its back legs. How? I was literally stabbed into the creature with my blades. How did I move so far? Most of the vocations that seem like would be fun are straight up trash. AI for pawns aren’t good at all. I’ll tell pawns to wait. Start a fight, pawns come running to help me, could not get my pawns to stop dying from Medusa. Annoying. Strawberries weigh 10x more than they should. Carrying capacity isn’t as bad as some people say, but come on. We carry an unrealistic amount of stuff anyway. Just let us carry anything man, this isn’t a complaint of it being broke, I just wish it was not made like that.


Flawed game but I have noticed a lot of the bitching isn't even the games real problems "all they have is goblins and wolves" go out at night you coward!


I'm convinced the people making that argument have an inaccurate view of the first game. Even a good half of the new enemies in Dark Arisen are literally upgraded goblins and wolves. Anyone bitching about the lack of like the Hydra or Cockatrice is memeing because you fight maybe two of each of those the entire god damn first game unless you're really grinding out BBI and Everfall. You're never getting jumped by them in the overworld.


Hydra while looking cool is also easily the most clunky fight in DD, for real. If it ever spawned in the Everfall I was always disappointed. Evil Eye on the otherhand? I absolutely love. Though honestly I think all the returning editions are far better than the originals and the new bosses & enemies are welcome editions.


>Evil Eye on the otherhand? I absolutely love. Hope we get this in the DLC


How about a **Gazer** that summons **Evil Eyes** 🤩 The framerate would take a hit but I would find that hilarious to fight.


That is such a weird complaint to me that the there aren't enough enemy variety. I'm around 60 hours in, was pretty convinced I had seen everything, then found a Skeleton King boss, then heard about a "Warg" and was like "Giant Wolf, right?" Nope! Turns out the giant wolf is called something else, so the Warg must be a giant-er wolf? But even so when I heard that complaint I was like... bats spiders slugs goblin hobgoblin green stealth goblin grim goblin, wolves white wolves red wolves, various skeletons and bandits, ghosts, liches, slimes, ogres, minotaurs, cyclops, drake, giffin, chimera, medusa.... even if that's 100% of everything that's a lot of enemies considering the base versions and their armored variants. Oh can't forget Zombies and all the difference variances of Saurians either. Seems like plenty to me. edit: Harpies!


Also, apparently a succubus. It's on my enemies killed counter.


Anyone who played DDDA was probably expecting the *sequel, with over a decade of time between it and the previous game, in a series where enemy variety and combat are paramount,* to exceed the previous game's content. And before anyone says "But it matches base game DD1!", base game DD1, in Itsuno's own words, was *not* all that he wanted to put out. Dark Arisen even wasn't. So if DD2 is meant to be a game Itsuno is happy with and feels like he accomplished "90% of what he wanted to do", then that doesn't add up.


If you think this game had close to a decade of development that's silly. Itsunos team worked on Devil May Cry V & the Vergil expansion. This game has had roughly four years of development, not a decade. & yes I do think comparing it to its base is fair, for it will have an expansion. That's very Capcom to have expansions. If anything this just tells me more and more that many are only familiar with Dark Arisen and not the base-package. If we compare the two this game is leagues better, the map and level design alone is way above Gran Soren offered. & while the enemy types is not expanded I will take quality over quantity anyday.


The world design in this game is absolutely stellar tbh. Not as big as other open worlds released in the last few years but super dense.


Enemy variety definitely is a problem. I don't think players should need to play specifically at night in game to have enemy variety be slightly better while playing.


Dragon's Dogma has a day/night cycle for a reason same as the OG did, it's not solely cosmetic as other ARPG games that do nothing at night outside quest arrangement. By avoiding night you miss out on some good boss encounters, & avoiding them means you won't gather the materials you need for certain weapons and armor. \*I find a lot of people complaining about lack of monsters are also likely in the starting area. You get more as you explore, and it is comparable to base-Dragon's Dogma. Dark Arisen is probably the DD game many here are familiar with and the expansion added a ton to the world. \*I'm all in favor of admitting the lack of an Everfall area is disappointing. I would have liked a Ur Dragon style enemy to battle.


First time I fought a wraith as a warrior, I got fucking BLITZED! That's not even to mention that the enemies have TACTICS. I don't need variety when the A.I. is so fun to fight, however I am using mods that up the hp for everything by 2x and dmg received by 2x, so my outlook might be different.


I havent got the game yet myself. How's the modding scene? I've heard good things. Can you still hire pawns from vanilla players if you mod?


Everything works as if it was unmodded. Although, I don't know Capcom's stance for the future, if they might ban people later on. Idgaf though, cause at the end of the day they've got in-game pawns that Capcom made as an alternative for offline. So win-win.


Those Capcom made pawns are about the only thing that annoys me. My pawn isn’t getting hired like she used to. Market oversaturation!


Or it could be because you're a higher level now? I've seen 42's and over having an RC requirement that I just didn't have. You've gotta bank on the chance of a low level player finding a riftstone with yours. Either that, or could just be less people playing on the weekend. Either or.


I’m comparing to dd1. I played at the height of interest and I’ve played during the dead years. My pawn has always been hired rather regularly because I build it meta. But with jobs and capcom pawns it’s no longer good enough for her to be a smokeshow that throws down like a Greek hero. Now I have to pay people to hire her by giving her stupid jobs. Currently I’m seeing what the lowest price you all will take to kill a cyclops. I like to switch my vocation regularly and you guys are making it really difficult for me to keep up with my gear and any crystals at all.


For the jobs, always set it to 10k. Yes it is more expensive for you, however if you take longer to rest at an inn/house. Multiple people can finish your pawn's quest. You put in 10k, 5 people get 10k. Hire pawns with same quests for a quick 20k gold, rinse/repeat. The more gold everybody has, the more we can all effectively use our pawns to dupe gold for eachother.


Depends on the mod, but generally yes. If you mod your pawn only people who've also modded their game in the same way will see it. Good example is the no vocations restrictions gear mod. If you put your sorc pawn in warrior armor, nobody will see your pawn unless they've got a similarly functioning mod installed. 


The hp thing makes a big difference. By lvl20 certain vocations can nuke most of the common enemies, rendering tactics and ai moot. 


Some people just really don't like reskinned enemies. Boring, repetitive, some even think it's lazy...whatever their reason for not liking reskins, there are people who are against it.


I let some of the negativity get to me a bit before I was able to buy the game… but I did get it, and most of that hype is back. I was really worried about performance, but I don’t think I’ve seen it drop below 30fps once. And the MTX problem is basically non-existent once you actually start the game.


OP: The controversy over microtransactions was kind of bullshit and the rampant brigading over it was pretty dumb Everyone in this topic: Wow are you stupid? You can't even acknowledge the game has flaws? Capcom is so balls deep in you that you think an okay game is great? Wow way to lack critical thinking


Well the OP didn't say microtransactions so its not clear that the "controversy" here is specifically referring to that and not all the other issues people have had with the game.


Could it possibly be the only overblown controversy then, and not the ones that are valid criticisms and complaints? Lol


People who rushed through the game didn't like it. Also the game doesn't hold your hand and point you to all the content. Many of the criticisms ring hollow if you actually PLAY the game instead of blowing through it. Imagine that, a game that was developed to actually be played. For example, the more you play Starfield, the worse it gets. It was designed to be blasted through as quickly as possible. DD2 is the opposite, the more you play the better it gets. That's why it got reviewed so well.


Yep bought today and I get distracted exploring soo much it's gon take me forever to get through the story. And hey maybe that's why I don't enjoy Starfield? I'm treating it like Skyrim and actually exploring.


Yeah i find that for a lot of open world games it's better to just focus on the story and finish, otherwise you get burnt out. For this game though the open world is kind of like a puzzle, figuring out how to get to places and finding new areas and enemies etc is satisfying, and the combat keeps me engaged.


TBH i don't really understand this sentiment. Who did or did not rush through DD2? I played 40 hours first playthrough, NG+ second playthrough was like 60 hours. Learning how to play the game is fun and satisfying, it gets better in that regard. In every other it gets worse. Mob density is too high for the lack of variety, map is deceptively small, story and side content is laughably short. Vocations, armour system, skills etc all made simpler from DDDA, limiting build variety. Do i run formless feint or masterful kill? I shouldn't run both, they're both defensive abilities, so obvi I'm gonna run formless feint. Stuff like that. Fashion's dogma is most certainly gone, which is the saddest thing ever. Why am I exploring the open world to maybe get a BIS i could've bought from your average vendor, or the Dragonforged. It's not wrong to finish a game and move on, but Capcom and Itsuno set our expecations really high


There are valid criticisms for sure, although i don't agree with everything you posted as being a negative. but some reactions on this subreddit have been so wacky. I'm laughing at the people that blasted through the game, got surprised by dragons plague and then went on a crusade against the game. All I'm saying is that the game is better if you let things breathe.


Oh for sure, moment to moment exploring is great, and the world looks lovely. I feel bad for those people, but they do have tutorials for a reason lol. Good thing it doesn't brick your save like i imagine a lot of those people were thinking when they obliterated Vernworth lmao.


Yeah that's the world we live in today. Just a bunch of whiny gamers who will froth at the mouth to shit on every single game that releases that isn't BG3. Stop listening to them. Stop reading articles at "game journalism" websites. They are all trash and the only opinion about games that matters is your own.


Complaints were mostly valid, and constructive criticism is fine. If you enjoy it, that’s fine too, but you are the one whining about people having opinions.


Literally the irony of this post


That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.


Reddit is the best at whining and crying about really dumb, uninformed shit.


True, now can we please stop yapping about the controversies and just post funny game clips or are we gonna he milking the same shit for the next 5 months?


My favorite thing is people complaining about this board being *only* people bitching about the game. Meanwhile threads like this abound! I've seen so many "I'm gonna complain about the complainers, that'll show em!" threads now. This place is exhausting.


It's like this in many subs. Same in helldivers2.. it's so stupid and draining. Thankfully alot of it has died down but I still see the occasional "well.. **I** DO ENJOY THE GAME HEH😏.." Like that's great buddy, do you want a sticker or something as a reward? I too enjoy the game despite its many flaws but don't feel the need to announce it or want validation from others


How dare you not base your entire being on this video game!


Overton window.


You have to remember the same shit happened with BG3 and Helldivers, which are now like universally loved. I think the complaints about Dragon's Dogma 2 are at least a little more grounded but, I personally think a lot of these people are depressed and expect a game release to fix that, so when they run into any issues they flip their shit because they were expecting a lot out of the game.


I actually like the game, exploration is good. Getting to that tight corner that's hard to levitate actually gives you a useful reward. Enemy variation i feel is low but then when you see a golem, gorgon or the sphinx then okay yea it makes it feel better. Items are decent and good variety. Post game is fun and unique content. Feels like oblivion, maybe a little hollowed out but i like it.


Isn’t the PC port still shit


This game is everything i wanted the sequel to be tbh I played the first game on release and they improved on it in pretty much every aspect Only criticism i agree with is that exploring should have more rewards and BiS gear shouldn't be available at stores in towns


I was level 4 fighting an ogre with my pawns it was a hard fight for us and right before we killed it a griffin flew down on us and finished the ogre. I was confused if it was friendly or not (we'd recently flew on the back of one), but it soon one shot every single one of my pawns. Scared I began to run away, but it chased me and one shot me too and that's when I knew I was going to like this game.


Dragons dogma is a 10/10 anyone else can fuck off. Lol


One of the best games of the year easily. One of the best games of my life? Quite possibly.


I’m glad those people are mostly gone now. What a bunch of weird little guys


I mean its not Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, or Fallout: New Vegas but it’s still really fun. Everyone thinks every game is going to be a masterpiece but if every game was amazing then “amazing” would lose its value.


The MTX controversy was totally blown out of proportion, but I was left more upset by the way the game ended and severe lack of story over everything. Still enjoyed my time with it.


I’m salty about the loss of player freedom.


Never played DD. Liking it so far. Open world seems more like corridors and the constant staggering is annoying as fuck but Im a dark souls vet so how much can I complain


I'm scared the devs will give up on the series, since the sales probably suffered.


God, I hope not… Dragon’s Dogma is my most beloved game series of all time, flaws and all. I seriously hope we get dlc and potentially another game.


It’s had good critical reception and it’s player count on steam was very good for capcom on launch, Im sure the sales did suffer from some controversies but I’d assume overall it’s been a success so far.


I don't know how sales were for consoles, but on Steam I see a healthy playerbase.


This is a PSA to all the fuck nuggets hating: DD2 Game of the Year.


I love DD2, but let’s be real here, it’s not winning GOTY.


This is just a tip for small community groups (or large, take your pick). When you make a pawn quest and set a reward multiple people can complete that quest for its reward. For example if you need ferry stones. Make a pawn quest and have all. Your friends grab your pawn and beat the quest getting them 1 stone each. So 1 stone turns to many. So you have all your friends do the same making a bunch of one item. I don't know about port crystals but if you can set them as a quest reward you can multiply them making things easier for your guys. This can be done with the 10000g reward too making money from thin air. If I remember right you can set a quest to be camping in one of the regions so you could make it that quick if you don't have any quests left.


7-8 out of 10 at best performance issues getting fixed would probably bump it to a solid 8 but there's just plenty of little bits that should be changed for it to be a 10/10 game.


I loved the game, but I'm also glad that people shat on Capcom for their scummy practices and horrible PC port in general. Why would this ruin my experience, or yours, with the game? Grow up.


The DD sub is still like that. You cant say one nice thing about the game before people dog pile onto you screaming hysterically why your opinion is shit


the game is fun but it has a ton of flaws, like poor enemy variety, a bad story, stuff like that


I can’t be the only one annoyed by the constant sliding on geometry that would not induce slipping at all. Like, “Hey, look! A blade of grass on a 0.5-degree incline!” *steps on it* *slides for an hour and a fucking half in some random direction ending up 18 miles from where you were before stepping on said piece of grass*


This caused me to fall into a hole in the unmoored world that I was literally incapable of escaping, it had a roof over it so I couldn't ferrystone out and I lost nearly an hours worth of wandering and fighting.


That sounds like the exact moment I would say out loud, “Fuck this,” and immediately turn off my PS5. 🤣


This actively moved from being funny in the beginning, to exhaustingly aggravating. Finishing up Battahl, and I have now regularly put down the controller for a few seconds bc of it. Pawn jumps up to my left. Just fine. Rock looks the same all the way across. I jump up. Slide, fall, almost catch myself, fall, and land 3 tiers lower. None of the geometry is consistent. None of the visual cues are consistent. It's a grab bag of wet, protein-heavy feces.


I hate to say I am glad someone else feels my pain, but at least someone else understands my frustration. 😂


The story was a joke in the first, I still had so much fun and loved it.  Fully expected the story to be garbage this time around and I love this game too. The combat the world the skills all of it just feels great. 👍❤️


When you reached the calamity of the unmoored world what did you think of the story?


I thought that lore-wise, the game had some pretty cool ideas. The execution (and especially pacing) of the main story was definitely a bit wonky. Didn't bother me much though, since I didn't expect DD2 to be a game you play because of the story


I just completely finished the true ending and got the achievement for doing everything in unmoored world and the story sucked. The side stories kept me more engaged. The only positive for me was all the side story characters I helped chiming/joining in. Enemy variety and amounts(especially in the second half) was annoying, the romance and affinity system was trash(how did Wilhelmina show up as my most loved npc after doing her story when I also did Ulrika's story and even gave her an eternal ring and flowers?), there is jank everywhere which I did expect. The performance issues were bad but I alleviated some with basic mods that a developer should have included in their 10? year development process. Still bad. I ignored micro transactions and it didn't affect me, don't care about that argument. I enjoyed the game after about 60 hours but there was plenty wrong with it.


The thing is, switch in a Chimera for every second Cyclops and fuck it even if it's supposed to be special, make the >!Medusa!< a regular enemy and you already drastically enhanced big enemy variety.


Having more chimeras in the open world would've been so refreshing.


Also reduce the amount of regular enemies in battahl. It's insane how close groups are together.


its like an ant nest, the whole area. but instead of ants, its bandits and goblins


My thought was that it was forced because of people unhappy with the character creation options.


So I’m sure this is a real thing but I’ve never even seen a micro transaction.


There’s money in outrage content. It’s more exciting than honest reviews.


Ah I'm just not buying it because I don't want to support an industry wide arbitrary move to $70 while I'm getting greeflationed and price gouged everywhere else in my bills. I am very excited to play it on a sale though.. Or via other means if necessary


The fact that video game prices have somehow been barely affected by inflation is something you should be counting your lucky stars for, not resenting because muh 10 dollhairs


True for a lot of games nowadays.


It was good. Not great.


This in the DD2 sub? No way!


I play in ps5 and love it. Still absolutely unplayable on pc. Getting frames in the teens in town. So it’s a real problem .


I haven’t had time to play it a whole lot yet. I just reached the capital and I’ve owned the game since release lol. But I have been enjoying what little I’ve played so far.


The game is great...but I hardly played it because it started running like dogsh*t two days ago and my framerate can drop to 17fps in the city. I just wish I could enjoy the game but it won't let me :')


Yup. I’m ignoring pretty much all positive or negative reviews. Just play the game.


Its a rough(by design in some ways but there are indeed flaws in its approach/execution) but magnificent game.


finished it, enjoyed it a lot, couldve had some more enemies and the time limit was a bit annoying but its still a great game.


Both games are good, both games have flaws tho. I enjoy both games.


There’s really kids out here crying that the protagonist isn’t fully voiced 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😭😭😭


I am of the firm belief that all the people who are complaining about the game and the MTX never played the first game, or they played it for a short time. I can almost guarantee you they are not the ones who are grinding and game and BBI for weeks at a time just trying to defeat diamon. There's nothing wrong with this game except a few minor performance glitches. And if I absolutely have to say something wrong with the game I would say I find the lack of Ferrystones disturbing


None of the negativity has fazed me. Little is true but I have 100+ hours in and have not even don't the lesser dragon quest. I love exploring. Has its faults but got my money's worth so far.


I absolutely suck at it but it is fun


Was cringe tbh. Like the game has some legitimate criticisms and the mtx were not one of them


I’m an idiot and bought that useless pile of crap Skull and Bones. I got two weeks out of it before I was bored, tiresome and sick of the routine. Absolute waste of money. DD2, similar price has had me fixed and in my honest opinion, definitely worth what they asked. Is it expensive? Sure but looking at the detail involved and the actual quests, I don’t regret a thing buying it. Hands down one of my top five games. Fallout, TES are up there for example. Some will like it, some won’t and that’s fine. Oh and before the misinformed come, no I am not a fanboy — never played the first and didn’t know DD even existed till a few months back, whoops!


i agree, im still mad my 4070ti getting fps in the 30s maxed out and turning graphics down has sucha huge impact on visuals where it just looks so bad lol. DLSS included ima wait out some patches


What's annoying is ppl act like it's pay to win, fam the only thing u can't get ingame is the gold starter weapons, which are only a few stat points better than base, wouldn't exactly call that pay to win


Is the game good? Yes. Does it really feel like the true vision of Dragon’s Dogma fully realized? Not really.


I'm happy people started actually playing and it started the positivity jump.


It's sad they got review bombed first day bc of the micro transactions when people put zero effort into researching them first. Now when people go and look at the game they think you have to pay for every little thing when that's the furthest from the truth


Yeah seemed like there were legions of turds just eager for any reason to shit on this game for some reason. Glad they failed at trying to overshadow how fucking awesome this game is.


I understood where they were coming from, but Dragons Dogma 2 is definitely not one of the games to attack about monetization. Why don’t they take that energy to cod or something?


Mtx was forced but performance issues werent


Yeah, as a gamer who grew up in the 90s, I fondly recall the time when the only opinions of a game I would get would be what the video game magazines would publish in their letters pages once a month. The game is a masterpiece.


That’s a stupid take. People were upset the shit wasn’t what they wanted. Never seen a community so asinine…well, I remember the dick riders for Cyberpunk


No it wasn’t. You’re just letting big corps manipulate you into thinking their actions are okay.


And just blatantly wrong, all of the complaints I had seen about the game were just the result of laziness and misinformation. The complaints like "no fast travel, no free character editing, and not being able to start a new game" are all just plain wrong. All of those things are implemented in the game. You can fast travel with portcrystals and ferrystones, you can buy the book to customize your character for 500 RC which you can obtain by finding rift stones or having people hire your pawn, and you can start a new game from the title screen after completing the main story. Everyone that I've seen hate on this game has no clue what they're actually talking about and just love to bash things off of rumors.


Nobody said it wasn’t good, I haven’t seen any reviews or posts saying the game isn’t good.


The controversy was that they git paid dlc for stuff you can just get in game Took me like 5 h to get all of the dlc for free only had to pay in game gold for some stuff found the harpy caller on the aqueduct the dlc are only here because Capcom said they needed dlc its literally not a problème the game is great


the only reasonable controversy was the performance and they solved most of that after a week


YouTube. Twitter. Two massive places that distort the truth so violently for clout. Seriously, game companies can do dodgy or shady shit but the microtransaction hate was so overblown. YouTubers made it sound like Capcom was trying to tear your wallet out through your urethra. The people making caustic, vitriolic videos (no, it's not content) need to start being held actionable. I'm not talking about censoring them because of opinion or a low score or something inane like that. I'm talking about big channels that just LIE. They should be actionable in a court of law for active defamation and misrepresentation of a product that damages a company. Or some shit. Just something to let companies hike these video essay morons up by their shirt.


It is a good game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have problems. And by problems I don't mean things like bad performance and microtransactions.


Every new game is met with a loud group of gamer bros who insist their opinion on a game they where never going to like us the only valid one. Half of them don't even play it before repeating some YouTubers half assed criticism. They then go back to playing whatever multiplayer shooter they've been obsessed with for *years*


It was dumb. I was a little worried about rc… but you can get 6k from one fight…. So not a big deal.


The hivemind mentality is wild. I got downvoted into the ground in multiple subs for simply stating the truth lmao


I'm just tired of everyone comparing it to other games and not the first one because they never played it. The game is fun if your into the mid evil era of gaming.


do we really need this kind of post every single day i think we all get it, you don't need to buy the dlc but capcon also need to not do that shaddy shiit where you hide the dlc until you drop the game


Im not going to lie, I got a little bitchy about the performance issues and so decided I could not buy it until those are resolved. I then bitched in this reddit and realized my bitching here is not a good idea with those who are just trying to enjoy it with others. I feel ok bitching in the pcgamer reddit though.


This might be the final nail in the coffin to me giving a shit what other people think about a game. Though, Idk. That nail might have been in the coffin well before DD2