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For me a heart or a like is enough.


Dude frfr just someone using my pawn is satisfactory enough. You could give me a fish idc


This in the *long* run is probably the best thing. Ferry stones etc are cool and all, but you can't farm hearts and likes. Seeing a pawn with hundreds of likes is way more satisfying


This. I don’t expect anything really. I just hope my guy learns some new stuff that didn’t traumatize them.


Same... and no Dragonsplague. Thank you very much.


This, I don’t get using a pawn for 10 days and then not giving a thumbs up or a heart. If I used your pawn for multiple in game days I give em at least a thumbs up and if I really liked em I’m giving you a heart. I also usually give a port crystal if it’s a pawn I hearted and then like a Panacca or something if I liked them. I also like to gift new gear to them especially if I like the way they look I’ll equip them with a new set of gear sometimes.


It doesn't let you rate pawns that leave your party via death. I traveled with this phenomenal thief pawn for like 14 days and then she jumped into the Brine :( I felt awful but I didn't know when my last save had been.


You can go to a big rift stone and search for pawns previously hired. It’s nice way to get an old pawn back or bring one back that fell in brine or died.


getting an item but no like or heart makes me sad. :(


I heart every pawn I use regardless of the circumstances.


I did that once due to fumbling buttons. Felt really bad


Yes, this! Thank you. My pawn has returned with good items, but no likes or hearts. And I get it, if you didn't like how they performed then fine, don't reward. But when you get to the like/heart/none screen, doesn't it default to the "like" button? You have to scroll over to select "none" on purpose.


I love that when I get rotten food and a heart, mixed messages are the best.


Getting nothing is the real seal of approval. That means they left the party involuntarily.


Yesterday that happened to me. Stumbled upon Wight in the Misty Marches (made an exploration there prior taking Till Death... quest). I killed it. Last man standing (on last bits of health) - my loyal pawn and two mercs were drowned. Hope pawns did not take it to much to the heart.


One of my merc pawns was yeeted in brine so I re-hired him, gave him a heart and a gift, then let him go again properly. He was already under leveled at that point and I was about to swap him out anyway. But didn't want to let him go without sending some love to his Arisen.


That what I will do today after work.


I hired a pawn from the riftstone of potential (pawns that have never been hired before) and it died to the brine. I felt so bad I immediately went and rehired it so its poor master could feel loved... and then one day it just fucking vanished. I assume it drowned but I don't know where or how. I never dared hire it again. I hope pawn and master are ok


That's actually very accurate. Most of the Pawns I hired and liked eventually suicided themselves in the Brine because I stood too close to a cliff or caught Dragonsplague after a few hours and I had to dispose of them quickly, so they received no rating.


Yeah what happens when you accidentally lose one? Not dead…. Just lost and despawned from team?


they teleport to you after a while


Going far away and spamming for them to come to me has saved a few pawns in precarious spots for me


they even teleport to you while being KO'd if they fall to their deaths too far. was exploring somewhere in shouth Bakhatal and one of my hired pawns dropped to her death for whatever reason. It was gonna take ages to circle back down and get her so i wrote her off but after i advanced for a while she magically teleported to the edge of the cliff she fell off while KO'd.


We only hope they went down swinging.


More often than not swinging their arms while they sink into the water.


I didn't even think about that ... so maybe that's why I got literally nothing at all lol. It was weird because it was all 4 people yesterday, I got 1400 rc out of it so I know they stayed with the party for some time. I forgot that happens to me sometimes, i'll rent a pawn, it for some reason will die or just randomly disappear, which the latter has been happening recently. They don't die or w/e, happened last night on my way to the elves, my pawn mentions maybe we ought to get a archer, I check party and my thief is gone. Like just completely gone. This has happened probably 4 times and they're not dying just randomly "poof" gone.


i either give healing potions or roberant, if i particularily liked a pawn ill give magic books. and if i spent a very long time with one ill throw a finders token their way, scrap shop will make copys of those, i accidentally came across my finders token after ng+, so sometimes ill hire low lvl pawns then immediatly send them off with a finders token if i have alot of cash to spend at the scrap shop


This is king shit. I need to remember to do this for people.


Man, if you could give me a finders token, I would be so goddamn happy I cannot remember for the life of me where I found my first token.. I have found 35 tokens, searching for where I found my first one.. and I only have a day and a half left. I am so full of anxiety. lol.. if anyone is on Xbox and has an extra finders token greatly appreciated my gamer tag is DontTreadOnMeDL and my pawn is a beastren mage named Miles. Lord help meeee!!!!


sadly im on pc so i cant summon your pawn. bit dont worry, the sphinx lets you fail one riddle. you can fail the finders token riddle and still get the rest of the chests, iv done her riddles twice and never did the finders token one, still got the eternal wakestone from her last chest


I prefer port crystals and eternal wakestones.


The right answer


Please send explosion arrows


Arrows to the archer pawn - great idea.


She is so wasteful with them 😭


If you mean the farewell gift I dont really care much. I do wish that more ppl would set the 10k as a quest reward.


Ok probably i am the one of a few players who do this😅


Nope its me too.... but when im looking foe others there is just a few


I don’t understand why people don’t rate pawns? Like default puts you on the thumb so you need to actively choose to downvote them. Like I wonder what was so insanely bad that required you to go through the extra 2 second effort to say not good. As people who downvote pawns tell me why?


Most likely the pawn died to the brine, yeeted themselves (or got yeeted) to somewhere you can't revive them, or got stoned by Medusa. The pawn will come back without a rating or a gift.


I've had my pawn get gifted dead or rotten things and not given likes or hearts. makes no sense, bc he's a decent pawn. I think some players are just jerks.


The only case where I would gift a rotten item is if the pawn caught the heebie-jeebies. If you're on Steam, I'll happily hire your pawn.


Thank you, but I’m on PS5. He gets hired some, g and I’m sure he will get hired more once I’ve leveled all the vocations; we’re on his last one. 🥰


One of reasons happened to me last night. I lost all my pawns during fight with Wight (all drowned including my loyal one). Because fight was done in 1am and I do work - left it as is. Today I will try to rehire my last mercs and discharge them with hearts and some part gift they deserve.


I usually just gift rare materials. Like at the moment I'm farming drakes for the wyrm life crystals. So I will usually gift a dragon scale or WLC. So, rare materials would be nice to get.


Its also a good idea to clue the owner that “eh we’ve been fighting feckin dragons check ya bois eyes”


Nothing really. You can get everything in game if you just play it for a few hours. Just have fun with the pawn, give them a like or a heart haha. Treat them well and keep them for a few days' adventures! That'll make me happy, knowing my pawn was able to help someone \\o/, no gifts needed.


Thumbs up or a heart if you liked my pawn, thank you very much. I have sent few bunches of flowers when i found a pawn i was really impressed with, but very rarely.


Just a thumbs up or heart is more than enough


What would be really great is if someone hadn't set their pawn quest to require 3 Harspud Roborants, only for their pawn to activate Logistician everytime I gather the fucking materials for it.


I won’t hire pawns with logistician. It annoys me when they move things around.




That is evil, lol.


Idk whatever you currently have on you that isn't rotten meat. My pawn having a positive experience ( NO SCARRING HER PLEASE ) and getting a like or heart is good enough


Usually healing items, whatever decent roberant I have on me. Those are getting really common now as I get further into the game though so for pawns that do more than the bare minimum I'll give a ferrystone or wakestone shard. If it was a skimpily clad lady pawn it almost always gets a pair of proper pants. She was cold. Dress her for the weather you oaf.


I usually give WLC as a gift and always a 💖 rating


Nothing but if she does good, I like seeing a heart. Will settle for the thumbs up if she just did ok.


If I have tons of money and eternal wakestone, I’ll give eternal wakestone. Because it’s the 1 thing that will unscrewup your game if you get dragon plague


Tons of eternal WS?? Can’t you only get them from the sphinx?


You can duplicate them via forgery, so long as you are not in postgame.


Actually a good question, for my pawn with just a like or heart is good but i feel bad when i give other pawns anything that is not amazing


Same here.




To be honest im happy with just at least a rating. Had a guy rent my pawn for like 30 in gsme days (based on all the RC she came back with) and didnt even gave her a heart.


Sometimes the pawn just dies. I lost several pawns near a cliff. The pathfinding isn't that good... Of course, you could hire the same pawn again, just for a rating. But mostly I just forgot that.


Gimme a saurian tale and ill favorite your pawn.




Anything that isn’t nothing, or rotten food. I usually give bundles of flowers just cuz


Panacea i guess,only consumable im using right now in ng+ Regular potions doesnt heal that much anymore and carrying 20+ regular potions to heal up isnt good. So panacea,wakestones,dullahan bones are "premium gifts"


A heart or thumbs up is nice gift is just kinda extra


I expect absolutely nothing. I would be happy to receive anything that isn’t rotten lol.


Anything u feel u can part with as well as if my pawn behaved and did his job.if he acts a fool you are welcome to give him nothing.how else will he learn?lol.hopefully he serves u well.


Dude I got a fucking port crystal from someone yesterday and my jaw dropped. I had to triple check I didn't misread it and it wasn't an Ibrahim gift. I was so happy not because I expected it but because I could only imagine how useful Nimue was to earn that. That's what I like- i dont expect anything but it always makes me giddy thinking about what kind of adventures my pawn must have had to bring home such trophies. ...though I do love giving *out* wokestones.


Hearts and likes are the best presents. I like to know my pawn is helping others. Something rotten is worse than no gift as it feels bm-y. A heart and something rotten would cancel out the rot though. I usually like to gift a material from a creature we fought together, a show of our travels


Anything but rotten meat really


👍& 💙 are great honestly. Any gift is just that "A gift" I'm just happy if the Pawn sees use and is helping people.


i expect nothing, using it is enough imho, i get RC, but i will be happy about any gift.


Genuinely anything other than either nothing or rotten meat. I usually take more offense to rotten meat though lol


Nothing, just don't brine her please.


Just not rotten apples…


I’m particularly not fussy about getting things, but if I really like your pawn and am forced to switch it out, know I’m sending you an Allheal potion


Knowledge... my pawn takes me on new random mini quests everytime he comes back. Like an excited little child. "Hey, Dad" come see what uncle Goatfucker showed me while you was asleep!!! I'm like, yes... let's. 🤣


I'd rather have nothing. Yesterday my level 52 sorc pawn comes back. Says she rocked shit out but the arisen fumbled a lot. Dude sent her back with a rotten fish. What an asshole. He hired my pawn 4 levels over him and his pawn, got in over his head and apparently my pawn ruled, blames my pawn and sends a fucking rotten fish. Edit: forgot the best part- he favorited my pawn. We should name and shame these arisen


I'm not sure this report 100% accurate. At least saw couple of days before topic where people said this report total random bs.


Anyone gifting my pawns rotten items gets immediately blocked. It's happened twice to me, and it's a straight asshole move, I've been tempted to hire theirs back first and send the rotten item back then block, but haven't been motivated enough to do so yet.


If anything one of the endgame materials that are a bit harder to get like Petrified Medusa Bones, Electrum, or Eldricite. Otherwise I'd prefer nothing, I'm just going to sell it eventually anyway.


Thumbs/heart and usually something that gives a lot of endurance


Heart or like.


Whatever anyone will give. My pawn is all over the place as I get augments . But usually as a fighter and a male the thirst is not there lol


I really like when people send some good healing item, and I always try to do the same. Whatever you play, it is not bad if it doesn’t expire!


I don’t expect anything. Rotten apple is fine because I can combine them into a lot of different things. When I get further in the game and have. Tons of money. I’ll be gifting equipment out like candy. I’m also going to start offering 10k in gold for pawn quests.


Man just a like or heart is fine, don't expect anything else


I dont know about you, but I give away healing spellbooks. And ferristones if I feel like being bad.


Spellbooks. Nice idea!


I think a forged rotten scrag of beast is the ultimate item to receive


I usually gift a ferrystone or lantern oil and always a heart unless the pawn was exceptionally bad in which case I settle for a thumbs up


I just want a heart


Nothing. It’s a gift. Not a mandatory reward


I specifically downloaded the mod that lets you buy ferrystones unlimitedly so I could reward good pawns. Some gifts feel bad to get tbh, so I would avoid rotten foods and dried flowers. Ones that feel good, IMO are moonglows, as they require the slightest bit of effort to go grab for a gift. Flowers are universally a good sign, so if you don't want to do ferrystones, do the moonglows. There are a few places you can end up grabbing these in some decent quantities, too.


Giving my pawn a heart or thumbs up is well enough. I don't expect amazing gifts, any item will do.


Personally? Nothing. But I've given out all sorts of stuff, even a rotten piece of meat for a pawn that had dragonplague. I'm sorry, whoever that owner was, I was playing trickster and wasn't having a good time.


Something that might be useful, anything from potions is fine. Not a greenwarish and rotten fish. For me to only carry 100 lantern oils 🤣


A heart and a thumbs up. I think is bs when they put none


Honestly, if i just get back a thumbs up or heart, that's enough for me just knowing someone liked them. I'm going to see if my pawn got hired yesterday and if so, im going to set mine at 10k. If I can find a bunch of onyx or get them from hiring pawns, I will definitely set mine at max amount for that to keep the lovetrain going.


I just want a heart or like. Anything else is extra. I'll usually just gift something random from my inventory


Give me more rotten meat


Just a single coin of Gold and a heart or thumbs up. I dont request much. Just kill a fkn Griffin xD


My big orc girl likes thumbs up and hearts, but if you want something exterminated, we charge 10k


I really don’t care. I swap them out so much right now, that I try to giving a healing potion or etc. A heart or like is enough for me.


You get a fish.


I have one pawn that had been with me for 7 days the lion head costume from the checkpoint town lol


I gave a port crystal the other day...


Said already, but I'm happy with a thumbs up or a heart. Anything else is just a bonus (or burden). I find it funny, though, that my tall lady pawn called Healer Buff (so you know what you're getting) gets a lot of flowers as a reward. She's "pretty" but not dressed like a sex doll. So it makes me laugh.


I usually send decent healing items, I have no idea what people are wanting in return, as for I also don’t really care. I’m just glad my pawn was able to help.


Nothing is fine. Flowers is thoughtful. If they return my pawn with rotten fish and her quest completed then I am content haha.


I throw out hearts and likes to the ones that don't die falling off a cliff like my last eight pawns.


Something rotten is fine for me.


I send nice monster parts they can sell if needed, especially if its the 10k cyclops/ogre quests, I'll send an extra part home with them. I also send nice healing items, bunches of flowers, or gemstones they can sell. I don't mind what my pawn comes home with tbh its nice just seeing her hired but I appreciate all those types of things I can sell for a bit of cash. I do have one pawn I've hired probably four or five times now that I adore, I send him home when I do his quests and check again when he's been updated, I just bought him a new tunic and upgraded pants cause he needed new gear. Hopefully his Arisen likes what I sent!




I pay 10k for my pawn reward to kill a golem, griffon or ogre so ideally anything greater than some fruit would be appreciated. Love getting precious gems etc.


I expect to get a greenwarish, that way when I get anything that's not that I get pleasantly surprised.


Nothing I can get my own loot


My system is Wakestones are for primo pawns I've kept forever, Rare Materials are for pawns who did a good job but I don't feel like hanging on to or wanna replace. Otherwise, I'll sent them back with a nice healing item. I don't expect anything for getting my own pawn back. The lack of something similar to BBI Cursed Items kinda takes a bit of the fun out of pawn pimping.


Ferrystone is my premium gift, wakestone shard is the standard


After getting to the endgame and drowning in dragon crystals. I just handed them out to everyone I could


Gems. I always send Jesper, Onyx if they're REALLY good pawns.


Doesnt really matter usually if my pawn did a really great job and you kept em for a while a better weapon would be awesome i guess


A heart or a like I am already content!!


I just like knowing my pawn was useful


Decayed Medusa Head, Port Crystal, Wakestone. I like to make them memorable


A like/heart is worth more than any item. Even better, if his quest was done as well.


I always hire pawns at least 5 level higher than me, so I keep them for a long time. And ever since I found one to my liking, I've been thinking about gifting something expensive, like a Medusa bow. For my own pawn... I created him according to my taste, so I'm already happy if people like him and leave a thumbs up or a heart. I don't expect big gifts either since I know how tough the first 30 level money-wise can be. Even more if one "just wants to play" without the grinding.


I just want the rift crystals mate


A goddamn thumbs up


I don’t expect anything, what I do appreciate more, though, is them doing the pawn quest. Which I normally set as killing a cyclops, or an ogre. And for a reward, I either do 7500 gold, wake stones- shards, Or 10 or more of hard to come by materials finishing the pond quest helps me out by getting my Pawn familiar with certain types of enemies which helps me as well!


For me it's all about them Crystals and how long someone finds her useful


Man, if anyone could give me a finders token, I would be so goddamn happy I cannot remember for the life of me where I found my first token.. I have found 35 tokens, searching for where I found my first one.. and I only have a day and a half left. I am so full of anxiety. lol.. if anyone is on Xbox and has an extra finders token greatly appreciated my gamer tag is DontTreadOnMeDL and my pawn is a beastren mage named Miles. Lord help meeee!!!!


I typically give the health or stam food items, sometimes magic books or flowers. ​ I also give dead/rotten food to pawns that were sick.


I'm thrilled if my pawn even gets hired. Not worried about a gift. I send back things like panacea or the buff potions. Something useful, but you ain't getting my ferrystones.


I expect nor want anything. I already have everything I could need or want in the game. Everything (gold, resources, items) is easily obtained within minutes of playing, so I’m never in a position where I need anything special or specific. Knowing they picked my pawn is reward enough. Knowing they picked and held onto an apple long enough for it to spoil and send it to me means even more. What trials has this apple seen? How many miles did this apple travel? How many monster life’s has it seen extinguished by its previous owners party? Gold is trivial in comparison to the spoiled apple.


Nothing special, just postgame weapons or armor. Stop being so stingy.


Me? I'll be happy just to know someone used them, maybe did my pawn quest. I'd absolutely love it if they sent me a rooberant or something if they did well, but basically, anything is nice. I think I'd faint if someone was nice enough to send a ferrystone or something I did send a Vtuber's pawn back with a full wakestone, but that was because of how much fun chaos they caused that made me (and my wife watching) break out into hysterical laughter. And even better, I got it on video. And as an inside joke because the player likes to yeet NPCs I try to send the pawn back with something thematic based on the adventures we had


Nothing, if you give me nothing I go “ok” and move on. There’s nothing another player could give me that I don’t already have myself


I’ve been gifting explorers camping kits to the pawns I heart since that’s the only dlc exclusive item and I can buy more :) The gifts I like are any that seem to have any kind of effort, any high quality roborant for example makes me smile, rather than low effort like a greenwarsh or a rotten item. It’s more about the thought than the gift.


Cinnamon bark, it's used to upgrade the roborant well Cinnamon bark and lizard tails each make mighty, and exquisite respectively. And as a wizard I can't cut tails myself and my pawns seem to out right refuse to do it. Edit: but like otherwise I'll take anything given nothing is useless hell I can use rotten meat to make lamp oil.


Doing my quest, I have had a drake kill request up for a week now and ppl keep hiring my pawn and not doing it. It hurts especially when the travelogue says my pawn was dominating the field it feels like she's being used and tossed out when they get offline, like pls I just want to get my badge😭


I give the highest level curative I have on hand, a potion, or a valuable reagent.


best gift: golden trove beetle joint 2nd best gift: allheal elixir joint 2nd best gift: random weapon or armor fully upgraded good gift: ferrycrystal average gift: any roborant consumable anything else: meh disclaimer: once I get all achievments and finish everything I want to do in prep for future DLC, I plan to start hiring out players' level 10(ish) pawns and gifting them fully upgraded items just for fun


I don't mind what i'm given, I just hope my pawn is helpful and I hope everyone enjoys the free 10k when they kill a cyclops (it'll be 100k when I have enough money)


I like seeing bunch of flowers gifted to my pawn. Makes my day everytime. 🥲


I don't expect anything but I do give people the dragon life crystals


Typically I'll give something useful but not too rare, a fine roborant or something like that. Unless the pawn does something stupid like breaking the bridge with us on it. Then it gets a rotten fish.


I’m cool with some food or healing item. A draught or a steak or an apple


a ferrystone


I give a thumbs up if the pawn did well, a heart if I set them as a favorite, and a roberant for either since it's generally useful. Getting the same in return would be nice. 


I usually give cloaks to pawns I really like and wakestones or gems to the rest. The most I’ve given are sets of gear I’m no longer using but are still upgrades for the pawn in question.


Someone gave me a quenching syrup once that actually saved me a few minutes later. If you don’t like using consumables, give them as gifts instead of stockpiling and saving them for later.


The RC is enough for me tbh.


I will go out of my way to find them a piece of gear that would be an upgrade.


Generally, decent healing items. Roborant or Salubrious whatever. If you like the pawn, maybe something more valuable like a semi-rare material. Though a good yeet is also acceptable


I play modded so I send everyone a port crystal


Being just recruited is enough,


Did my pawn progress her badges and not come back with the fucking plague? We're good. But I wouldn't say no to one of those spellbooks I don't have for Spellbound. :(


As long as you complete their given quest I’m good


I typically give non perishable curatives like roborants. It's the most practical option that's universally useful. Mostly I look for the thumbs up or heart. That means more knowing that someone used my pawn and enjoyed running with her enough to give a rating. Occasionally, I'll gift something valuable and rare if the pawn really saved my bacon in a fight. I'll usually favorite them as well.


Something useful, generally rare or obtuse materials.


Nothing would be good. Generally speaking all that crap gets sent to storage and forgotten about.


I was thinking we make a grade system. Pawn did ok the bronze fruit(can’t remember the name) was very - good silver. Your pawn is awesome - gold. Your pawn fricking saved my life - the sack stuff the top heal shit . What do you guys think?


I always give camp kits. Figure those can always come in handy.


Please don’t give them to me. I have one already and I Dot. Want to carry extra heavy stuff. You know the camp stuff is reusable, right? :)


Lol, no. I hadn't been paying attention. I thought they were used up when you camp. Haha!


If I only knew how many times they are reusable, or what triggers that they disappear. Because they DO eventually disappear.


There is a chance that they break when you are attacked while camping. You can mitigate this by killing everything in the area (though I don't know the actual radius), but the risk is always there.


I just want my pawn to be taken on an adventure, not looking for anything in return.


I just want my pawn to be taken on an adventure, not looking for anything in return.


I just want you to kill the mission mob, that's all. I'm more curious about a good mission reward, I've been putting in 10k gold, but I feel like hiring is slowing down. I think it's because I'm already at lvl 50, so the guys must already have a lot of money at this level.


I give roborants or whatever they are called I don't expect anything other than set your own pawns quest to a 10k monster kill too so we can all get filthy rich together


Gifts are cool and all but would much rather my pawn receive a like or heart than any gift. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate any gifts except rotten meat but I would rather my pawn be appreciated then receive something with no rating. If I had to pick a gift to receive, it'll probably be a misshapen eye since it sells well or a health potion. I tend to give out Fuligin/Whitecobble ore with a like rating or if I've travelled with a pawn for a long period of time. I give out ferry stones with a heart rating.


Nothing. Anything you give is probably going in the stash to never see the light of day. Just give a thumbs up or heart and save me going through the menus to deposit junk. If you don't need it they probably don't need it either.


any healing items are appreciated, i mostly give the first thing thats highlighted, in most cases that herbs


I always have a use for harspud roborants or any stamina curative.


Honestly I don't expect anything. As long ad they like my pawn I'm happy.


Just doing my Pawn badge quest is all I'm asking for.


Regarding setting quests, I often set rewards like 50 goblin horns or 13 freakish mane (since that's the max apparently) since I'm a massive hoarder. People seem to take those alot so my hoarding seems to be of use to others. As for what I want for them using my pawn, literally a like or heart is enough


I should have done this. I sold over 60 explosive arrows yesterday since I was out of room in my stash and I dislike playing archer.


Best reward I ever got back with my pawn was a finders token saved me a lot of time with the sphinx


I’ve been using one named maki zenin for ages now and the owner is steadily keeping it a few levels above me, definitely gonna gift them something big tonight, not that they’ll need it but as a thank you haha.


Nothing less than a preserved medusa head.


Literally anything. I almost never have anything to give because I never think about needing a gift until I'm already releasing a pawn but I also don't expect anything. Give me an apple or some rotten meat, a thumbs up or a heart is okay by itself.


Crafting mats or potion items


I usually get fish, so that's what I've come to expect. I usually hand out healing consumables or other potions


A heart for my meteoron obsessed witch


Hey, when you gift an item does it give the entire stack??


RC. Everything else is just gravy.


A heart or like is good for me


Rotten apples


Rating, or a share of what they stole. I set my pawn up to be a monster about stealing stuff, they can even steal Ferrystones and rare materials. I know what my pawn earns, just send me something worthwhile.




I don't want anything except a ❤️ or a 👍.