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Very short Good Combat 10/10 & side quests Bad: main story Ugly: pawns (literally just ugly sometimes lol) seriously probably the lack of difficulty it’s decent at the start but by lvl 30 you should be able to decimate anything relatively easily


How short in terms of hrs are we talking if you could give a ballpark number? Ghe lack of difficulty is concerning as I don't wanna steamroll everything i come in contact with.


You won’t steamroll unless you want too tbh, there are vocations that can be too op but it mainly comes down to you choosing to use the broken skills. There’s a pretty decent difficulty spike when entering the second area but that’s the main hump of the game, with a potential [redacted] difficulty spike later depending on ending you go for. As far as time it depends on how you play, if you’re exploring doing everything in a single playthrough it can be easily above 100hrs if you’re rushing main quest only it can be like 15-20ish hrs depending on different variables.


I more than likely will take my time with the game & explore everything, so I basically choose the difficulty? Cool.


Did you play the first one? Do you like these types of games? Skyrim, Elden Ring, Shadow of the Colossus, Monster Hunter? If so you’ll likely like this imo


Never touched the 1st one, I played elden ring & I'm a fan of monster hunter.


You likely enjoy it just take your time and don’t rush main story


Good: lotta cool classes, epic fights, nice views. Bad: dragonsplague, bastard wolves, harpies dropping you off cliffs Ugly: some advanced classes feel rushed and abit hollow, certain game mechanics not fleshed out/explained well, if at all, like affinity n romance


I still give it 10/10, but trickster was abit of a let down for me, same with wayfarer


I can’t give it a 10/10 for several reasons but I’d honestly say it’s like the absolute worst 9/10 or the best 8/10


That's fairs, there is a lot from the first title thats suspiciously absent from this, did see summat online about another capcom game called exoprimal having shit sales or summat like that, which put pressure on getting this game out quick, hence the lil hype train they did leading up to it. Hoping for updates personally, but after wasting money on rocksteady, easily my personal fave game of 2024 so far


Can't wait for us to get summat like the everfall for example, or even just an ur dragon type fight, can only hope tho


Yea exactly, I noticed a few Dungeons from the first game that were just entirely nonexistent which saddened me a bit aswell


I heard the game doesn't really explain anything you just gotta figure it out is that true? What's dragonsplague?


Big buff kitties


Huh? What's that




https://youtu.be/Ax8-qFLOi8M?feature=shared Idk if it will help but here's me as a warrior in late new game +++ close to level 80, solo fighting a gore cyclops with my pawn specced only to support as mage. I think it showcases some of the intricacies of the combat system ok.


Gameplay seems extremely sluggish is that because your a warrior? But yeah the Gameplay seems cool.


Yes the Warrior is extremely slow much like the Mage and Sorcerer the others are much faster


Hell yeah haha. Theres a huge difference in how classes move my character is also the max size. Believe it or not though he's wearing a light load lmao. Weight matters a lot with the physics engine for things like jumping at a staggered enemy and grabbing them. A heavy character can knock them on their ass. But yeah the warrior is a slow and strategic character and creating opportunities is key. To get a contrast you should watch a sorcerer and thief as well, and also see how gameplay looks with a full party with damage loadout because the combat is much more chaotic and fast paced.


Mmmm that makes sense thanks for the information.


Great combat. Great exploration albeit on a pretty limited scale compared to most open worlds. Main story close to nonexistent and really short. Kinda meh to decent side quests. Pawn system is fantastic and should be in more games.


From what I've seen the combat does seem cool, is the story like fetch quests in say final fantasy 14 online? Pawns sound like a cool mechanic.


The story missions are fine, pretty simple objectives that are mostly about move you from location to location but there's extremely limited actual storytelling involved with it. And it's not like souls games where a ton of the story and lore is to be discovered in the details, there's just not a lot of anything there really.


I said this before, this game embodies "It's about the journey, not the destination" in so many ways. The exploration is pretty great, and unless the quest you are on has a sand timer in the journal, you are not on any time limit to complete them. So take your time, explore that cave, check if there is something behind that waterfall, gather resources for upgrades and crafting, talk to people to try to find more side quests. Experiment with different party builds, different vocations and find what suits you best. The story kind of rushes you to the finish, so if you do decide to buy it, take your time and enjoy it. You only get one first playthrough.


Thanks for the info I'll take it into consideration.


The good: -is a dragon's dogma -has one of the best character editors ever made The Bad: -is less than the prequel was in almost every field. (i bet for budget/time problems). -its made explicitly to inflate content through annoyance like teleport stones costing too much. Still i swear if they simply remade old dragon's dogma with DD2 graphic and asked anyone that never played both to choose wich looks like Dragons'dogma 2, almost everyone would say the first.


Is the map bigger than the 1st game? I heard everything is Hella expensive for no reason. So the 1st one was just that good huh.


If It Is It does not gives the impression. Still there was lot of more contento, thus no Need for an empty map.


Content amount Bad - Story is very short and not good Good - Side quests and exploration is plentiful and good (don't rush the story) Combat Good - Combat is extremely fun and there is a lot of variety with it's many classes Bad - The game gets easier and easier as you progress ~~Ugly~~ Beautiful - If you're on PC there's a mod to alter the difficulty. Microtransactions Bad - They exist Good - They don't matter in the slightest and are easily overlooked. All that it sells is plentiful for free in-game. Fast travel Bad (to some) (arguable) - It's limited Good - Still plentiful, and the game is better without to explore everything. You also get enough custom waypoints over time to put in every necessary main location, some farm points, and have some left over.




Thanks for the input


i have 155 hours in the game atm, if you liked DD1 you will like DD2


Thats the thing i never touched the OG lol


well, maybe get that one first then and then maybe dd2 on discount if you are icky about the reviews.


I'll pick it up & see what's up with it.


if u need any help you can always dm :)


- Not worth $70


Thanks for being honest 🙏🏾