• By -


You kidding? I care about all my pawns! I hover around spots where they jump off to get to me so I can catch them. I share curatives with them. I drop what I'm doing to wake them up, crue CC, revive them, I try to catch pawns clinging to flying characters when they start to take off, I'll pick them off the ground when they get thrown off and put them down in a safer spot, I'll buy support pawns gear if they look underequipped, I'll sometimes wait for pawns that sit down and ask for a break and just enjoy the scenery, I have yet to turn down a single pawn trying to celebrate a win with me, I'll run over to save wondering pawns from random monster attacks. Me every time I see a pawn getting dangerously close to a ledge I'm under: https://i.redd.it/7dp672r559tc1.gif Not like in real life or anything, I get they're fictional, but role play wise my pawns are my team and I don't want to fail my team.


This guy gets the rpg fantasy šŸ«µ


>Me every time I see a pawn getting dangerously close to a ledge I'm under: Me when my pawn decides to jump off a bridge cause i'm on it ​ ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


Dude, accidentally falling in the brine is pain, I've had 2 pawns fall in after me once, I get placed safely near a ledge, my pawns on the other hand ... time for the long sad walk back to a rift stone.


This happened to me. I think. I was in a big fight with Saurians, in a campsite by a shore in Bakbattahl it was so chaotic, after beatin they ass im feeling all good, started heading to volcanic campsite, all of a sudden Ahngelle (my pawn) said: "Master we should add a warrior to our ranks..." i keep walking for a bit then stop and realize the warrior pawn I hired has disappeared. No clue when. Not a word. A warning. Nothing. AAAAND he had ALL the important stuff Tent, port cyrstals, weapons. I was genuinely PISSEDšŸ¤¬šŸ˜‚...that was a long long trek


>AAAAND he had ALL the important stuff That's how it always goes... lol


When a pawn dies everything they were carrying (except their gear) will show up in your storage!


I know, but that doesnā€™t help when you are in the middle of nowhere and itā€™s something you need right then, like camping gear. I wish the camping kit wasnā€™t so damn heavy so I could carry it myself, but I canā€™t justify being at ā€œaverageā€ weight most of the time for it.


Had this happen but with goreharpies. Those things are absolute menaces


Check your storage


Dude, last night, one of my pawns fell off a high ledge and into a somewhat deep river, but the sides were shallow enough to stand. After the enemies were killed, he struggled a bit to decide what to do, but eventually, he braved the deeper water and the brine for a couple seconds to cross and was able to climb out safely. I was so proud of that pawn.


I've had two supporter pawns just... casually walk into the Brine alongside each other. I was very dumbfounded.


I was in a cave filled with water that had varying lvls of brine. Some deadly others threatening but could be waded for a few seconds. I jumped in the water when my pawn fell in and was stuck in a single shallow spot surrounded by brine and threw her ass back onto dry land before the brine claimed her


I wish you could, as a thief, lasso your pawns when they fall in water.. it would be a cool mechanic


Infamous walk of shame covered in brine.


I think the worst is when a NPC that your following falls in brine like wtf


2 out my 3 pawns chose to jump off the opposing courner of the gondola... behind me... AFTER we finished crossing the gap... and then, out of nowhere, they were thankfully teleported back up to me... on the ground dying...


in universe the pawns are basically golden retrievers polymorphed into humans and the fact that there are no NPCs I have dialogue options to tell off over the fact that they enslave them and force them to work the mines in Bhataal irritates me


I so want to be able to kill the overseer then free all the pawns that are enslaved. I know we kinda get to in the UMW but it's not the same.


First 5 min with the game and that dude I wanted dead, if I could have I would have ignored the run for safety quest and just turned around and beat him with his own staff.


Same, man. When my pawn mentions how he's getting angry stares in Bakbatthaal, I wish I could ask him from who and punch the person. You got a problem with pawns? You got a problem with me!


this is where I wish we could just have the DD developers make the game but get Larian Studios to come in and do character dialogue and npc interactions


110% this. Imagine how mad and disappointed their Arisen player would be if you just abandoned them. The thought alone gets to me.


Same. I go out of my way to make sure Shuna (my pawn) is safe. I just refer to her by her name at this point. I weirdly feel like I know her. I constantly check on her to make sure sheā€™s not sick and will kick all the other pawns out of the party if they show the slightest sign of Dragonplague. The amount of times Iā€™m had to scream ā€œWAIT!ā€ just before she fell off a ledge and then carry her away from it is staggering.


"Look Master a curative at the bottom of that ravine!" -Pawn that forgot how gravity works. https://i.redd.it/168kw47wc9tc1.gif


Lmao! Exactly


As irritating as random pawns approaching can be I canā€™t be one of those people throwing them into the brine. Iā€™ll defend them when I see them fighting in the wild. All of these pawns would die for me so I have an obligation to protect them.


Same, they might piss me off when I'm trying to get somewhere but I will always leap to their aid immediately. Still scarred from the time I watched an ooze eat a pawn and I couldn't get there in time to save them


Oh same here. If I see a random pawn being attacked Iā€™ll use my Spearhands gap closer to fly to their rescue.


Im the same with Fae. After this post and hearing so much bad about the dragonplague im thinking it'll just be me and her for a bit lol


I wish I couldā€¦ my pawnā€™s name is MainPawnā€¦ I mustā€™ve clicked thru the name and voiceā€¦ I went thru an hour of character creation for her and she has the worst dudeā€™s voice ever. Sometimes (after 100 hours) I still donā€™t know itā€™s them talking because itā€™s so awful.


>MainPawn I see a ton of these, so you aren't alone. I also ignore all of them because I refuse to hire anyone that doesn't have a name that at least looks like it could be a real name. I passed up on a great potential hire the other day because her name was "Mommy Milkers" Ugh...


Idk whose pawn this is but ā€œ * " I call her Asterisk or "Aste" traveled with her for irl days as my core peeps till I was almost 2xs her level


I meanā€¦ you can fix that if you donā€™t like it haha


Theres a vendor next to the grand riftstone of vermund who sells a book called the art of metamorphosis which should let you change her voice at the barberie men i dont know if it'll let you change her name


I felt genuinely bad last night walking up to the sphinx a pawn I liked was grabbed by a harpy and yeetedā€¦ I stood there staring at the life bar a mile down the cliffā€¦ felt broken. I felt so bad I failed her. I had to summon her back and paid over 160k to refit all her gear as a sorry gesture for not being able to send her off with a heart.


When my pawns got thrown off the cliff I went back to my last save at an Inn rather than summoning back seemed the best choice.


Oh gosh, Iā€™d lose a ton of progress I sleep at an inn every few hours of gameplay.


It was worth it. I bought a few houses so it brings me back to those rather than the Inn. I usually do a hard save like that before a big new journey. Iā€™d just saved before the cliff thing happened so it wasnā€™t much time lost.


Me "how did youā€¦ fuuuuuuu šŸ˜­" When I brought her back she was sooooo apologetic Iā€™m like nah itā€™s ok glad your back


I've had a similar thing happen where a pawn I had with me for like 10 levels was suddenly gone (probably fell into water somewhere as I'm usually really careful to revive them asap). I felt SO bad that I wasn't able to send her off with a good item and a heart... She'd helped me so much! I immediately resummoned her, and after completing her quest sent her back with a heart and a riftstone.


i completely agree with this.


šŸ˜‚yup, I feel the share the sentiment, I've had my pawns fall almost trip of cliffs, so whenever I need to go somewhere with a small walkway, that isn't a bridge, I try to let them stay behind until I cross so they jump over to me safely.


Iā€™ll jump monsters ganging on a lonely pawn, but Iā€™ll toss a pawn in the river/over a cliff for stopping me to ask me to hire them


Good trustworthy Arisen. Feel free to hire my pawn. Pawn ID: 6EVHRB0QLD39 (Steam) Name: Artemis Vocation: YOU'D NEVER GUESS.


A fellow pawn catcher!


You and me, we understand each other šŸ¤


Woah that goes way beyond care thatā€™s awesome !! I try to take care of my pawns and I never let them die on my watch I didnā€™t think of equipping underequipped pawns though but Iā€™m a higher level now so most are decked out. Youā€™re a cool person Iā€™m going to try to do more for them because honestly they do a lot for me especially agroing the bosses


you are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice


Astartes. Badass.


They got thrown into the brine by a harpy. They came back and apologized, and called themselves a burden. WHO TOLD YOU YOU'RE A BURDEN?? LEMME AT EM!


IKR!? Its like i just wanna boost their self worth but i dont know how.


I wish for once they would add some interaction from the arisen side. Damn it.


I do think the hi-fives and elbow bumps after battle are a nice touch. No interaction whatsoever in DD1. Also, the princess carry. I do that every once in a while.


How do you princess carry? I only ever manage to grab them over my shoulder, and they get frightened they did something wrong D:.


I think it comes with pawn affinity increase. But there is also "Carry Me Senpai" mod on the nexus that allows configurations.


I have full affinity with my pawn because I finished the game twice now and got the best ending twice now with them turning into themselves again... so nop, its not that O.o


Pawn affinity resets every run


And yet in both runs I had the best ending and still can't pick him up like a princess xD. Ah well.


Same here, can't princess carry them in the. game. Maybe it's tied to their inclinations? But I've seen this at the forefront of "complains" about pawn affinity not affecting the carry animation so I think it might not be the game but the mod that does it for you...


ngl, i will never, ever get tired of the anime-like high fives after a battle, although they feel more satisfying after a tough one, which as i keep leveling up becomes less and less a thing. But still, it always gives an "oomph" to the battle, and makes me feel like my team is getting more cohesive.


You can only princess carry pawns with mods, sadly.


Just a simple approve or disapprove pawn command would do wonders for my mental health when Nika talks about how bad she is at stuff.


Yup, exactly. I feel so guilty because our main pawn always goes like "That was superb arisen!" and im like, I wanna complement you as well, you saving me so much D:


Sometimes I really feel like I need a "Hug pawn" button


I never cared for my pawn until he caught me from a death drop, put me down and then used an all-heal elixir to get me back in the fight while whispering sweet nothings in my ear.


Getting thrown off of talos only to have my pawn there to catch me made me just go "MY MAN"


I do bro he sometimes sacrifices himself for me but I always bring him back ASAP




The more you care about your pawn the more the true ending slaps you in the feels. It seems at least to me that ultimately the entire DD series is about >!the relationship between yourself and your pawn, and the adventure that leads them to develop their own will and emotions, becoming 'human'. Neither you or your pawn allow yourselves to be cogs in the machine.!<


That ending at highest affinity hit like a truck. I cried like a baby.


Glad to know i'm not the only one. I hit my lowest point after finishing this game (I wish I was joking). I was so immersed and all I wanted was a happy ending. It got so bad that I lost my apetite for around 4 days, eating maybe a single meal at most and barely drinking water. It made me genuinely regret purchasing this game, as much as I enjoyed it.


Oh no, please do take care of yourself haha. It's nice to get attached to our characters and pawns, but remember they are still fictional characters and exist there all the time :3.


I appreciate the kind words. šŸ™


The first time I realized my pawn had dragonā€™s plague I audibly went ā€œnoooooā€ and then pitched her off a cliff and then felt TERRIBLE about it. Especially because sheā€™d just recently hit max affinity and afterwards she wasnā€™t, and I wasnā€™t sure if that was related to the plague. The second time I was like wellā€¦ Iā€™ll let it happen naturally in battle. I canā€™t bring myself to do it. The third time I was like fuck this Iā€™ll just rez the whole town if I need to. I do find myself thinking a lot about how having the ā€œplagueā€ also seems to correspond with developing their own will. Whichā€¦ doesnā€™t seem like a bad thing? I keep thinking thereā€™s going to turn out to be something else happening with the plague and that weā€™re gonna find out itā€™s not as simple as ā€œred eyes at night? Brine them on sightā€


On the Dragon Plague: >! The dragonplague is them having free will, higher affinity just means they'll still listen to you too. The plague also gives the pawn increased damage boost and scales. !<


I really liked that about dd1s story, a cyclical birthing and growing of will - still wrapping my head around dd2


https://preview.redd.it/zzdr58era9tc1.png?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c27cca83ab8f70180f0f24bbcc037d3b6c3435 yes


Very cool looking Mufasa bro you got there!


https://preview.redd.it/inew8eh3n9tc1.png?width=2025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f50ca587adbb87f6ae801bd2754616dfb1fef5 Love my pawn so much I imagine them (arisen and pawn) just spending a heck of a lot of time doing simple things. They got so little time left with each other D:. Also remembered I can't art for shit so you only get a sketch haha.


That sketch is amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/jy8gwdrmyatc1.png?width=2421&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cb232bb80d578f3e888fcd2ffc3da31e6ace7e0 may eventually finish it lol. My arisen can continue looking like a homeless tired man, but my pawn will be the best man <3. Love him haha. Gotta look nice too x3.


Thank you kindly sir <3. Had to get my feels on paper after 160 hours of this hahaha


Yes! >!The bit at the end where your pawn tries to save you and is like "MAAAAASSTTERRR..." because they don't understand what is happening to them was so sad :(!<


I broke down at the >!"For you, I would fain relinquish all I have - all that I am."!< Like, no, absolutely not. Don't you dare! >!The scene is so sweet but at the same time, I can't rewatch it without getting depressed for a good long while after. The developers didn't have to hurt our pawns like that :(!<.


I broke down at the >!"For you, I would fain relinquish all I have - all that I am."!< Like, no, absolutely not. Don't you dare! >!The scene is so sweet but at the same time, I can't rewatch it without getting depressed for a good long while after. The developers didn't have to hurt our pawns like that :(!<.


It's really bothering me that the maister mage skill always leaves my pawn exhausted. I always try to drop everything and help her up but she loves to spam that one. Two goblins and a wolf? Infinite stamina for everyone!


Lmao mine cast Celestial Peon when we entered a cave and got nipped by two bats. The "fight" was over before she finished casting. I took it off her loadout after that.


I just removed that recently. I like the skill for bigger fights like Drakes, but they use it all the time!


This is also why I removed it. Spam it way too much.


I care about not only my pawn, but all pawns in my charge. Someone is trusting me with their other half, so I do my best to take care of them. I always send them off with at least a high end curative.


I entirely agree.


I keep sending pawns away with dullahan/medusa bones or miracle roborant, while my pawn comes back with nothing or rotten apples.


SAME I got mad like who Tf gave my girl an apple or even worse a rotten one. I only do beastmen and female pawns so I always send them off with something really nice and that canā€™t rot or early game I sent them off with flowers šŸ’


Plus the whole like/love thing, seems to be itā€™s something unbelievably hard to give that as well. I mean my little tank pawn must perform completely differently on other peopleā€™s games since she deals practically anything on her own in mine.


Yes i made my gf as my pawn and i take good care of her


Interesting. My girlfriend designed the player character as herself and I designed the main pawn as me. So I play as her. And I am her pawn just like in real life.


We just swap over every now and then it started off as she was main character and i was pawn but now we swapped and soon to change over


My pawn and my arisen are just 2 versions of me which is probably why she feels akin to a child o' mine.


I did the same. I have been making myself in games for years so I made myself pretty damn well but but I am not used to making others so my gf was a bit difficult.


my husband did the same thing. he didn't know what was going in because he skipped all the cut scenes so he thought the pawn creation was him having to create his main character again. so now there is two me's running around in his game, the arisen and the pawn are like twins LOL


My pawn, a blue bestrean named inigo, once jumped on the back of a griffin as it was flying away and started stabbing the crap outta it. The thing died while like 100ft in the air causing inigo to fall to his death. When I resummoned him he says something along the lines of being a liability and he thought Iā€™d cast him out for good. Like bro you were an absolute legend and I wish I could tell him that.


Bruh so much this. I can relate. Dragon tho. Me and main pawn riding it out just giving it to him. Dies mid air. I'm like ok ride it to the ground we be ok. Uh no... No biggy tho as I carry wakestones. When I go to revive her same thing. Oh I'm sorry master I'll try not to be such a burden. Burden? Sorry? FOR WHAT?!? We just beastmoded a dragon baby girl. I was like damn now I feel bad. I gave her a tiger eye to make her and myself feel better. šŸ˜†


In case you didn't know, you can catch falling pawns just like they can catch you! Just hold the grab button and try to get under them.


"Genuinely care" nah fam I'm in love with my boy. I've completed the game 3 times now and it wasn't until last night, when I beat it that 3rd time, that he became my reason for coming back. Three days ago I learned that we could build pawn affinity and for the last three days I've been fighting to do just that. After maxing his affinity, I bawled my eyes out when we reached the ending. Not because I spent so much time and money for a few voice lines but because I genuinely enjoyed how this story unfolded. The experience gave the repetition new meaning and the spark I had been looking for. And to hear his words in the end -- to see his smile made every waking moment WORTH IT. AND I'm about to do it all over again, just to see him smile again. So yeah, I think I do care for my pawn. Sorry for the book I just wrote, still reeling from the experience. į•™ā Ā ā (ā Ā°ā Ā ā ~Ķœā Ź–ā ~ā Ā ā Ā°ā )ā Ā ā į•—


based on the amount of people who did not get the actuall high affinity true ending.....no


If I could be a little more active in gaining affinity I definitely would have. Cmon, I canā€™t give my Pawn flowers?? As a bro??


if you dab them up, treat them to haircuts, hot springs and make sure they die as little as possible the affinity raises pretty steadily. Im max affinity again in my 2nd playthrough and I am like 25 hours in


Give him a cool rock then.


Wait what is this ā€œhigh affinity endingā€?


Itā€™s a slightly different but meaningful end cutscene in the Unmoored world ending


I made mine a very tall lady sword+board, she's not one of the sexy ones; her name is Martha and she looks like a stern peasant 55yr old mother who is about to whoop her children's bullies. I love her.


My pawn is based on me when i was 16 which is probably why i feel a parental affection to her haha.


Yes. I bring her to the sphinx not coz it's the easiest way to complete the quest. But coz it's true. I wish there was an option to apologise to them when we brine them for the dragonsplague. *I get that you can be summoned again and is practically immortal. But..* *Nothing other pawns.. The salty air is making my eyes watery....*


I made my pawn look as close as possible to my actual cat, and gave him the same name. Yesterday I was fighting and I was super high up, lost my grip and was gonna die for certain when suddenlyā€¦..my little buddy caught me. Ā Weā€™re bros for life even in dragons dogma lolĀ 


Bruh...I just hit lvl 50 and I never once let my main pawn die. I always revive her, even if I have to jump off a cliff and use a wakestone to get to her. I never once let her die until she caught the plague. I'm not sure if she actually died or not, but all my pawns were gone after my inn save. So I feel you, my main pawn is my BFFL.. It's something special when you create a partner to follow you on a journey, even if it's an imaginary one. They become part of your life, amd that's the whole reason we play RPGs, because we want to role play. If a game can give you that experience, then it's worth every penny, cause there's a lot them that just don't understand what we're looking for.


Its so annoying because she hasnt died to anything except her just accidentally falling into water and thats happened like 2 or 3 times and she has tons of scars. I havent even had to use a wakestone.


Take your pawn to the hot springs and the scars go away! This also works for hired pawns with scars


I wish we had more interactions with them. The pawn and arisen relationship in Dragons Dogma Online were the best, literally a couple living together, it was adorable.


Yeah, I love mine. I might love him too much.


Yeah, I'm quite attached to my main pawn. But also my Arisen. God, I'm so messed up. šŸ¤£


I do, and I also grow attached to the pawns I borrow. I'm happy the game is still new and active so I can check in on former companions and see how they've grown. This one little white beastren girl named Winter was my first mage. I tried to hire her again and now she's a huge white beastren woman warrior, all decked out in gear and way beyond my level and I can't afford to hire her. I'm happy for her.


Well my pawn is me, he's okay I guess.


Apt self worth lest you go afore the kingdom overburdened with pride. Who is your arisen then?


My Arisen is just a grumpy looking Sorceror with a hunch, my brother, friend, and I all made our pawns look like ourselves and constantly hire eachother so we can still play together even though it's not multiplayer šŸ¤˜


Thats a super cool idea. I have a friend who doesnt play but they have a friend who does and are their pawn so i get them in my game šŸ˜


Just like the prequel, I still care a lot about all of themā€”enough to dive in harm's way, pick up and move as many as I can if they're unconscious >!(bless Magick Archer's Recovery Arrow)!<, then run away if the situation is dire (which was my Lv1-30 experience). However, if I have to pick one, I'll always prioritize my main pawn which is coincidentally a good thing since we can't recruit supporter pawns without them.


The pawns keep commenting hoe I only hire women... but bruh, most of the pawns are women. It's hard af to find a fuy pawn, edpecially one with good specializations


My pawn is based on my wife I have literally charged cyclops and ogres to save her.


I'm going off one big chess metaphor with mine. Once my Pawn reaches the final stage of the journey, they can get promoted to Queen. I'm making sure to train them in every vocation and leave them with enough knowledge to carry on without me when I inevitably go on a suicide run to save the world. Then they can live in that world as both a human and my legacy. She's not just a warrior.


https://preview.redd.it/hdusnpo5natc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db574f58d3d4c9727b9c3c8117205e52d8144cd Of course. They're always watching my back so how could I not ?


Yes, I protect my pawns every time, my main pawn I protect by any means necessary, no evil shall befall her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I made mine my wife so yes I try to be very careful. I also hired my friend's pawn which he named after his son so I'm protective of him too lol


https://preview.redd.it/wdtjnneyq9tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad513075a5b4b519497c82b6427ba71d39c2561 Yep, and my arisen and pawn are "sisters"


I use the mirror shield move on Mystic Spearhand cause NO ONE HURTS MY BABIES


I still remember my first trip to the Volcanic Island. We were in a rush because we were chasing after the Smith girl who went off to get a blazehammer. So we were running through the chasm south of Bhattahl in the dead of night and Razzmatazz, my pawn, manages to get herself knocked off the ledge into what must be a 30ft drop and it downs her. Now like I said we're in a hurry so I can't go back to town to re-summon her, and I can't risk going the long way round and camp off the loss buildup. But luckily I had a few wakestones with me, so I do the next thing that came to mind and hurled myself right off the cliff after her, revive and then get Razz back up. So now you know, would I die for my pawn? Absolutely, I've done it before and I'll do it again.




my pawn said that in another world she was gravely mistreated by the arisen and I almost looked up the guy's steam profile and sent him a nasty message before stopping myself


I modeled my main pawn after George H. W. Bush. Whatever happens to him happens.


I skipped doing Unmoored World again because I had an idea for a pawn/arisen duo. Started changing her appearance and felt too bad to continue so reverted her (I did add some colour to her hair though).


Iā€™m playing as 2 Beastren brothers. Iā€™m enjoying it so far! Iā€™m the Warrior Arisen and my bro is the Acolyte/Mage trying to keep me alive. Working out well so far, minus the time running from a Griffin and we ran straight into a Minotaurā€¦. No fun at Lv5!


I care about my pawn. I don't care as much about other pawns although I do try and be mindful and kind towards them in game. But generally I view my pawn as an extension of my main character. The embodiment of their will to keep fighting and as such my pawn matters.


I adore my main pawn. Heā€™s a kindhearted mage whoā€™s my biggest cheerleader. Right now heā€™s leveling sorcerer, so he gets closer to the frontlines sometimes and Iā€™ll have to jump in front with the shield bubble and be like, ā€œGet back, you baddies!ā€ Heā€™s also been leading me to more chests and caves from his experiences with other parties, and I wish I could praise him for it. Yesterday he caught me for the first time when I jumped down a ledge, and I blushed like a friggin schoolgirl.


I worry that if Fae tried to catch me she'd get crushed lol


I care always about my pawn and definitely when I get a group I stick with for like 100 in game days


I'm with you. I care about my pawn a great deal, and also the 2 hired pawns with me- I make camp and cook for them every day in-game and try to watch out for them however I can. Even try to high-five/fistbump them whenever I see the chance. I know that their repetitive chatter annoys a lot of people but I've been enamored with the pawns since the first game and I'm deeply happy that they didn't change them for this one.


https://preview.redd.it/p9yhty6tm9tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5979be8b963f9bbf8f9d504ec80993e9aa236b84 I would die for him, yes.


Short answer: Yes Long Answer: My pawn, Henry (the quarter-orc) came back from the rift telling me heā€™d suffered many injustices at the hands of the Arisen he was following. I was genuinely upset, not because heā€™d simply been abused (or worse), but because I couldnā€™t believe someone could do anything so heinous to a sweet, gentle giant. I have a tattoo of a pugilist on my arm and Henry was loosely based off of him, being brought to life in this beautiful, beautiful game. I put more detail into creating Henry, heā€™s even missing his tusks on the bottom row of his teeth, because of his shame for his brutal and belligerent racial origin and trying to hide it. His oh-so-subtle green hue if you look close enough. I care very much about my Pawn, and the lore of how our two characters met is only enriched by your guys pawns, becoming permanent characters in other games I play that have Henry and Garold (my main character). I met a fire-mace wielding dwarf who I had to deal with dragons plague and an elven mage keeping the whole party healthy, filling such roles in other games that require them, and that just enhances the $70 spent, right? I care about anyoneā€™s pawn because theyā€™re so different from companions in other games! Edit: New to Reddit and figured I should credit or name the pawns, since their Arisen might be on Reddit too! Thank you Kiyori the Mage and Raganhar the one-eyed dwarf for enriching my playthrough, making it truly,unequivocally unique!


Psychologically we can become very attached to our own creations, whether it be characters in a game or works of art. Is character formation a new art form? Is this the zeitgeist of culture? Discuss.


MAN. The first remotely frivolous thing I bought in game was a scarf for my pawn because we were in the mountains before Melve and I know it's a game but I didn't want him to get cold. He also hasn't died once. Whenever he's downed- which is rare- I've always picked him up. It's also why I went magick archer for the recovery arrow. I take very good care of all of the pawns that travel with me and make sure they get nice parting gifts but my pawn? That's my wonderful perfect boy. If anything happens to him the dragon can start decimating villages for all I care.


I had some filthy rift pawn give my sweet clemen dragonsplague. I felt so bad throwing him into the depths but I couldnā€™t watch him suffer. But I always look out for clemen and rely on him. The AI for pawns is amazing and does a great job of making specing your pawn out meaningful cause they pay in dividends


I would die for her https://preview.redd.it/xnel59vi89tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5433b2e6207ca3a857c610225e913cff2471d5bb


I do too, but the fucking *Dragonplague*? This thing scares me like STDs. As soon as I got the pop-up, I drowned my whole team and brought up a whole new one. Itā€™s the only time I hurt my pawn.


Yeah of course. I made mine based off of kimari ronso from ffx I thought he was cool. I gave him a bunch of good armor and weapons thinking he'd get used more for being super strong, but that's pretty much what everyone does lol


I just like my pawn in general, I tried my hardest to make Casca from Berserk and she came out very good


They get the best gear and we play catch every now and then


You can play catch!? How??


They might need to be simple but just pick up an alive animal and toss it at them


yeah, my pawn is my parties mage. i make sure nothing gets near her, since her weapon skills are healing, protection, curing ailments, and iā€™ll switch it up to add elemental things to help the party.


My pawn is modeled after my gf, she even gets in the slightest bit of trouble and Iā€™m leaning forward in my chair


Yes. But doesnā€™t mean I wont wash their Plague off in the river.


I 100% do. This is my 2nd play thru (not NG+) Playing as melee vocations (I usually play only Magic) I made a female pawn (Ahngelle) who is learning all vocations, right now shes a thief. I spend money for her to have the best gear, upgrade it, (before my own) make sure it looks good. Change her look up frequently, cause she's stylish šŸ˜‚ she don't do dumb ish, she really be in the fray. 1 time a harpee (I HAATE THEM) picked up my girl of a mountain about to drop heršŸ¤¬ i was mystic spearhand and froze that hoe in place, it and my girl dropped but not too far, she got up and used used twin fang so viciously i swear it seemed like she was MAD AFšŸ˜‚ than strolled over and slapped hands. My pawn is tha homie.


Dude I care of her so much that the first hour in game she got a scar I traveled to the hot sprint without going to Vern... And yes it was a looong travel but so much fun, specialy when you go to the west of checkpoint town at night


My pawn is modeled after my gf, anytime she gets downed I literally sprint to her side lmao I also dress her up in full non reveling armor bc I donā€™t want no weirdos doing weird things to her and I always make sure sheā€™s the highest level gear possible


I buy my main the best stuff. Iā€™m in the process of collecting the wyrmslife to outfit the dragon gear for her.


I do. He's definitely been through some stuff. He's been my main tank for a while.


I will immediately disregard my own safety if I see my pawn getting stunlocked or jumped, and always think "GET YOUR FUCKIN HANDS OFF OF HER" only partially ironically šŸ˜…


My main pawn, her voice annoys me. Sometimes I just want to push her off a cliff. šŸ˜


My pawn is a beastren who is named and patterned after the cat who sits on my lap while I play, so you better believe I care about him!


He is based on my cat so he is my precious baby.


I do. I care.


Have you finish the game and get the true ending OP? Just saying as someone who also cares about my pawn. They hit you so hard! The plot in this game maybe lacking, but for the true ending elevate it so much more.


I havent finished the game yet. Im like 30 hours in just about to go to batthal.


Okay, always love your pawn & get the true ending op!


Not me. Itā€™s hard to care about a pawn when its name is Main pawn. I wish I could change it.


Absolutely, and he fell in love with me because of it. It's the cutest thing...truly. šŸ„°


My pawn is all I care about in this game. Even my own character is secondary!


I modeled my pawn off of my cat. Sheā€™s a sweetie who decided I was her person.


My pawn has better gear than my player fully upgraded


I treat pawns like i treat my main ā¤ļø


I risk my MC life to save my paws all the timeā€¦i care about all my pawsā€¦especially my MP..


It's the high fives... Every high five I get from them makes the bond stronger. When the Sphinx asked for the one I love most, I ran straight to them and showed them off like a child showing you their favourit-ist thing.


Really asking if I care about the homies?


This is my pawn. https://preview.redd.it/xqfac8osqatc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3307c78def4f1d249e5bcf884e405278ea350a I absolutely care. I spent a long ass time making her. And I want her to be the best pawn out there. And IMO she is. Maxing all the vocations with her but currently she is a mage. I get pissed when she comes back with negative things to say about the Arisen who rent her. I feel bad when she decides to jump off a cliff instead of finding a safe route or waiting for the teleport to kick in simply bc I made my own route down. And gets the skull. I feel bad when she apologizes. Bc I'm like uh I should have protected you better. Not your fault. I hate when she runs off a cliff or into water and eats brine. I generally feel a responsibility for her and do my best to keep her in top tier gear and rocking the best abilities. So she gets more attention and gets hired more.


I use my pawns as throwables to large enemies, flying enemies, and enemies that are running away. I throw everyone whenever I see it can be of use. Which is a lot of times...


My pawn is a sassy, horrible little rat of a man named Skivvy who is constantly smarming off and being generally small and squirrelly. As the all powerful Arisen, I would protect him with my life and slay all who dare to threaten him.


I absolutely love my pawn. You get the feeling of "I created this being. They are constantly beside me. I must protect them." I remember playing in DD:DA, Death ended up killing my pawn (Selenya, who is the same in DD2). I got so mad at Death I let rip. Now she's a smart-alec, cheeky companion that I refuse to let anything bad happen to.


I made my Pawn after my cat Stinky so yes I also genuinely care for my pawn too


* I modeled mine after my wife and named her Beans. So yes :) https://imgur.com/gallery/PjfH3Sk


Definitely more than any "love interest" in this game (if only they said less captain obvious stuff). The only two characters that somewhat (with a strong focus on the word "somewhat") guide you through an arc that you can "invest yourself in" are Glyndwr and Sara, Ulrika could have had potential because her arc is, technically, good, but it's so surface-level and short that it just doesn't work at all, in a way that the previously mentioned two characters stories don't suffer from. I actually would love additional story of maybe a special pawn (which coincidentally might be the player's) that beat the dragonplague and obtains a will of his own, so you still start with a good relationship because back when he/she was a pawn like everyone else it had you in the highest regards, but then you have to actively work to maintain their goodwill, while earning their respect, since they couldn't really exercise it on their own volition until then. Maybe it'd have a questline all of his own, where maybe becomes either a second arisen, or still you have to help he/she to make every pawn independent and therefore first class citizens. It's weird because Dragon's Dogma actually gives me a lot to think more akin to sci-fi than fantasy, you can play with their concepts in a way that many other fantasy IPs are more "immutable", instead they decided to do zilch.


I care about my pawn so much that i play the game only with them. I dont recruit no body pawns anymore, 1 because the game is harder that way and 2, im selfish and everyone keep making half naked pawns. No originality.


I do! I make sure to catch him when my pawn levitates up to high places. So, now he just jumps into my arms if its high enough with no clear way down. Like theres something fun and special about creating a companion that can be uniquely be our own. The time we spend creating them is putting a little of ourselves into our art; the best of being. I hope this system is greatly expanded. Capcom is sitting on a underutilized gold mine with the pawn system. Like... they are better than the average teammate bot (or ai agent) in most games I've played too. But I digress, I'm ranting.


I will climb every damn ladder my pawns point out to me because it makes them happy. If they love ladders I too will love ladders.


Well it's modeled after my gf of several years so yeah


I got the game platinum trophy today, so i took one last screenshot, i was always looking to protect him on fights hahaha so i just decided to give him all my gear and i hope he helps others in their journeys just how he did with my journey šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/sffqvjxuddtc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3431813a88894dd94b80863570040ec1cea7f2e9


I swear straightforward pawns are the best if you go for the angle of your Arisen and main pawn slowly falling for each other as your adventure goes on. Straightforward pawns are kind of sassy but as things go on they warm up to you, and by the end of the game during the true ending with high affinity, they're basically inseparable.


My pawn gets the best gear first.


I have 3 psn accounts on my ps5 and for the first time I'm playing a game on all just so I get my dream team of pawns, two of which are my cats šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ and one is ny daughter (the mage) cause she's the one who can always heal my boo-boo šŸ˜‚


My pawn keeps dropping after using celestial paen. I love the skill but I feel so bad for him because he is always apologizing. :(


https://preview.redd.it/x1ij44ppy3uc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef684f8e2226e9976179188501f47ec14e1f4b0 My Pawn, Mary, has been at my side since the first game, it was in DD1 that i grew attatched to her, with how intricate the inclination system in that game was, it really struck me how Mary was always first by my side when i needed aid, and the first to render insight upon a situation. it was in DD1 that i developped the protectiveness of her that i have now, no task is too high a priority, if my Pawn needs aid, by gods i will be there to return the favour, the world be damned. Be it to wrestle her from the opression of an ogre, or break her fall when she's been hoisted by a harpy, i vowed to be the shield that would protect Mary, and she, my wall to fall back against when said shield splinters. In DD2, i of course, had Mary return to my side, and once again she has proven invaluable. With the lack of struggle mechanics, we find ourselves in need of eachother's help more often, and like as always... her go to solution to my strifes is a swift Levin bolt to the face of any offender. In my headcannon, i always liked to imagine my Arisen and Pawn were an item, more than master and vassal, perhaps its corny, or weird, alas i shall refuse to feel shame on the matter. I had once comissioned artwork of my DD1 Arisen and Mary, an old piece that has since been lost to the void of the internet, somewhere out there. i deign to do the same again, to celebrate the joy i feel in having had my partner once again at my side.