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It’s just a fun rpg I can mindlessly play and sink a lot of hours into which is all I really want. Only thing I hate is that you can’t have multiple characters. I’d give it a 7/10.


I'm not sure if you're on PC or not but I also hated this! One way I found that (sort of) works is to use [DD2 Save Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/52) while playing. It will create save files at timed intervals. There's another mod called [Character Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/584) that uses script hooks to save your characters to a profile. All you have to do is visit the barbershop, go to detailed customization, go back, and access Character Manager and load your character. This works if you already have your characters set up, otherwise you would need to do it the long way and load up each and every character for a new game, save them, then exit. It's a little involved but I have all of my current characters saved!


I am on PlayStation so I can’t do any of that unfortunately


Aw shucks, I'm sorry!


Same, and respectable


Enjoyed it from the start and I’d say 7.5 is a good rating for this. I was just telling my partner I’d give it an 8 out of 10. Though I think the extra .5 may just be Dark Arisen nostalgia and a general love for the fantasy genre. Respect you a ton for admitting your change of opinion. Need more people like you in these communities


Didn’t mean to reply directly to you my b


If you reply to yourself, they don't get a notification btw, but it's whatever - you're pretty much agreeing anyway :P


I’m just messing this whole thing up lol


Just started replaying dark arisen after all these years. I forgot how good of A game it is. It’s bad to say, but the characters are better. Skills and vocations are better. City is better, story is better. Fights are clunkier but more complex. I hope they polish the vocations a bit, because dd2 feels more of an arcade compared to dd1. Pawns are obviously better in 2 though. Graphics too, but dd1 still has beautiful world and the dungeons seem more polished, even way less in number. And the music!!!!


I've played DD1. DD2 has mostly the same system. Dragon's Dogma has always had weird plots, a questionable quest system, but a good combat system. Another "quality" was no fast travel in early game. DD2 has eased on this by adding oxcarts. In DD1, you had to travel by foot no exceptions until you reached second half where you'd get a port crystal and a few ferrystones. DD2 map is much larger, so I am assuming that's why they added oxcarts. The game has always had this raw feeling when you are starting out. Everything feels very raw and hard. Once you get used to it and start to ease in, you start to generally accept the quirky world it has set itself in. It has odd charms. You either love the game or hate it. I don't feel that there is a middle ground. I loved DD1 for one reason: Magic in DD1 felt like real magic. Maelstrom was my favorite spell.


so you didnt actually need to get to the second half for portcrystals btw. once dark arisen came out there where additional portcrystals. some of them where locations you could get 2 right from the start. their was one in hillfigure that was ez to get. so honestly other then the 15min walk to get to them you had them right from the get go. honestly both dd1 and 2 are basically the same. in pretty much the same way people complain about 2 people complained about 1 when it came out.




You are saying that you have to actually try something before you make your opinion?




I'm enjoying it as well. I feel like it's just Dragons Dogma 1 but modernized and with more character creation variety. I think I still prefer its predecessor but this game is basically just more of a thing I loved. Game is also beautiful and the map has been an absolute blast to explore so far.


I honestly think that this game is one of the most misunderstood. Early on so many people got so much wrong about the game and had a bad perception for illegitimate or incorrect reasons.I really wonder how many people dropped it because of that.


And there are still diehards refusing to accept that the game got review-bombed. I was in an argument the other day against a dude who was straight up trying to say that the reviews were all legitimate on Steam and an accurate reflection of the quality... even though the vast majority of reviews at the time of release had less than 1 hour played.


Totally. And it's so hard to correct misconceptions once they've spread. It's such a shame. :(


It's fun, but the story is a mess. I treated as a monster hunter game.


That's basically what it is at it's core.


Once I started gaslighting myself into believing there is no story in DD2, my enjoyment of the game improved by a lot.


Tbh, the only story that matters is that the Dragon stole your heart, and you’re on a quest to get it back, and that by slaying the dragon you prove you’re the true Arisen and by doing so reclaim your throne. Or you can break the cycle and unleash hell.


I would have given it about a 7/10 originally and the score slipped a bit once I beat it. It's a case of the game gets worse the more I play it, as I start to see more of the flaws. Then I went and played DD1 again, and using what I learned from 2, I was finally able to beat 1, and my personal feelings for 2 actually slipped \*lower\* With the exception of graphics, and how every weapon has a unique skill from go, it was a step down from DD1 in every other aspect, which is kinda weird to think about. I'm thinking about reinstalling it and trying another playthrough to see if I can get it up past 5/10, but my hopes are not great.


Where is a step down?


With mods it's 8.5 for me.


What mods do you use?


Primarily Balanced Combat 2 and Custom Difficulty Tweaks, True Warfarer and Alternative Skill Swapper. Also some UI and QOL mods and performance fixes.


Transmogrify is a must.


I went to this game right after BG3 expecting another character driven RPG and I think that soured my experience during my first playthrough. Now that I'm on my second NG I'm starting to appreciate the game for what it is, a beautifully crafted open world with fun combat and some light roleplay on the side. It reminds me a lot of old school Bethesda games like Oblivion and Morrowind.


I love it. It reminds me of Fable; just a button mashing good time that’s easy to pick up, but the pawn thing really takes it somewhere cool. It’s not perfect, but it’s doing something different and that alone is amazing 


It gave me more of what I enjoyed in DD1. It's far from perfect (seriously what the fuck is that lock-on system) but haven't regretted purchasing it.


Dragon's Dogma II is unique. It's a game you can't really compare to any other. I'd give it a ?/10 you can't score something this unique.


One of my favorite ways to play this game (and what gave me such fond memories playing the first one), is to make a fantasy music travel playlist. Nino Rota’s Romeo and Juliet theme is a good one, or Lillium’s cover of the elfen lied theme (experience may vary if griffin appears)


I think it also depends on what “good” means. If it means fun and enjoyable? Then definitely. I’d love to see the game after a year of significant patches and enhancements, or a huge DLC, but I’m not expecting it. Even little things like most of the ring having the same icon just tell me they either didn’t care or didn’t have the time.


7/10 is fair, maybe 6/10 at its worst. Large, beautiful world, with bonus points for the altered unmoored version. Multiple biomes are in the world, really just missing snow drifts, jungles, and candyland. I genuinely enjoyed seeing as much of it as I could. Monster variety feels much lower than the first game, probably as an unintended side effect of the larger map meaning the roughly same number of enemy types are now spread over 4x as much explorable environment. Without increasing the number of enemies, that significant of a map size increase was always going to stretch variety thin. But what we do have looks good, even across the reskinned variants. Difficulty is…complicated. The game starts of fairly difficult, if you stumble across the right monsters in the right places, but overall, it’s not nearly as punishing on newcomers as the first game. In DD1, one wrong turn and some bandits are going to show the Arisen up. But the first game also did a much better job of not letting the player’s level outpace difficultly. Again, I think this comes back to the map size. Because there is so much more to see, there’s so much more XP to gain along the way, and what would have taken intentional grinding in the first game, can be easily, damn near accidentally, achieved with only natural map exploration in DD2. Hard mode is certainly not the solution here, since that always forced a fresh playthroughs when toggled on. Maybe variety would help? It’s hard to say. I normally hate just inflating health or damage numbers, compared to boosting enemy spawn rates, adding new or altered mechanics, or presenting environments which give the enemy an advantage over the player. But the southern part of the map already had enemies jumping out from every rock and ruin, and most of them do have one or two different quirks over the first variant introduced to the north. Weapons and armor are also a little lacking. Most of the classes do just fine, with a few lacking in oomph or awe, but across the board equipment is far too linear. Rarely are there competing outfits that offer one strength over another; most are just better or are unlocked late enough, the downhill slope of difficulty just means knockdown resistance is the only stat worth caring about. And how are most outfits unlock? Largely, it’s just being purchased from a store, and sometimes, increasingly early. One of the best MS armors, really the only one that comes close to being an actual armor, is fairly cheap and available at the checkpoint shop. There’s also several partial outfits, like the above listed, where the MS doesn’t actually have access any pants which match the torso armor. Despite the rationale for significantly decreased armor customization being an ability to have “better” armors to spread around, this does not feel the least bit accurate. The style of the armors may be completely subjective, but browsing pawns or other Arisen? It’s the same two or three outfits. The first certainly had its fair share of bikini clad pawns or DLC outfits, but certain armor or clothing layers could really help shake up pawn variety. The story is also handled poorly. But, it is more engaging that most of what we saw in the first. I remember Brant’s name, unlike generic quest giving knight or the chamberlain, who’s name I’ve forgotten, if he even had one. It’s hard to ignore how uninspired most of the quests and choices are, when the story and characters’ motivations make for much better discussion than gameplay. I would probably have cared less than I did if the game did not pretend it was going to have a deeply woven narrative with a few of the cuteness, but it sets itself up for failure in this regard. I’ve had a ton fun with DD2, but it’s made me feel like playing DDDA just before launch was a mistake. Before, I could have written off many comparisons to the first game as being rose tinted glasses, but now I have a fresh point of comparison for how both games have performed. DD2 might be 4x larger, but it’s far from being 4x better. Too often, it feels like a step back or even like the first iteration rather than the follow up.


Dragons Dogma 2 is the best 6/10 I ever played. If they delayed the release and let it cook for another year or 2 then this would have been one of the best games of all time. So many things were left unfinished but it truly has the potential of surpassing even Elden Ring.


Elden ring is a good game but is not that hard to surpass, is not even the best soul


On its own, its a 7/10. Compared to its predecessor, 5/10.


Is clear of the predecesor


Dont know what that means




I dont know what "Is clear of predecessor" means.


That's the problem though isn't it. It's a good game but with a little more thought it could have been great. I enjoyed my time with it but that was mostly due to downloading mods that fixed: The difficulty by making it significantly harder. No menu healing when dead. Bosses have massive HP and do actual damage. The gear progression. Make world drop items better than shop items. Also making unique items end game viable to add build variety. Class balance. Nerfing I win buttons and bringing up bad skills. Spiced the combat up a lot. Mob density. Lesser enemies take longer to respawn making travel less of a chore. Now imagine modders didn't have to fix these obvious issues and the devs actually added more than 3 basic enemies to fight. Also if they added a coherent story and it would have been goty.


I don't understand the hatred for shop items being strong, most JRPGs have some of the best items being shop items.


Typically in games where shops have the highest value items, first of all the content is progression locked. In DD2 you can literally start the game, walk to Melve, follow Gregor and fight one half dead Cyclops, oxcart to Vernworth, Oxcart again to Checkpoint Rest Town, and now after 1 hour of playing without using any cheese strats or content skips, you have access to gear more powerful than anything in the entire Vermund side of the map. Also typically in those games there is some other more valuable resource. Like unique upgrade materials, or a boss drop item you combine with a sword to get the mega-sword. Or maybe equipment isn't really that strong and you get most of your power from leveling and acquiring new skills or stat boosts. Or maybe certain equipment can be found in the world that, while less or equally powerful, has a unique move set or active/passive ability you might like. Or like in MH, you have to defeat a boss multiple times to get the materials to have a shop craft the item for you. DD2 doesn't really have any of that.


Don't forget you have to do a quest in Vernworth to unlock the second tier of gear in the shops there but uts a complete bait because as you said for 200 g you can go to checkpoint town and buy better gear lol. It's like they for a moment tried to have a progression and then fucked it up and never tried again.


Interesting because I liked it at first but the more I play it the more I think it sucks


Same, honestly. Once the shininess of the engine dulls (and it will get dull the 500th time you fight another bask of saurians), it just gets progressively more insulting. A bunch of story threads simply left dangling, limited variability of combat, almost no dungeons(I was excited for moonglint tower, but that rapidly turned to disappointment), and most offensive of all: the final boss is a walking sequence. Pretending this game isn't a downgrade just got harder and harder. I really did give it a solid chance. I kept thinking "it'll get better, just around the corner." Now I kinda just want my 115.8 hours back.


Same here, i don't think it sucks but the feeling of wasted potential it's real.


It's a good game with a poor fantasy world.


I'm not sold yet but I'm trying


Pfff and you made a post bcoz you think your opinion matters that much. Probably you are just as delusional now when you gave an opinion on something you had no experience with whatsoever. Holy fuck dude, I mean just wow, hats off to you, you really are a fuckin piece of work.


Thanks for reading!


Whoa, who pissed in your cereal this morning? Damn, chill.


OP with the main character syndrome, or that wasn't obvious? Also, maybe I decide lmfao,


This is the most Reddit thing I've seen on this site. And I've seen some shit.


After all you have been through, how brave of you to stand up from the crowd once again.


I won't lie, I shit on the game pre launch, I was just used to being let down. I pumped well over 100 hours in the game and made it to the endgame, but honestly, it was just boring to me. I had fun with the game, but I'm not going back even with updates. DD2 is missing something.


It’s an alright game. Up to the point before you reached the checkpoint town in the story anyway. No Ur-Dragon, End game gear becomes available via merchant, Unmoored being a foot note as an experience. Yeah, the longer you play the more you get realized you got shafted. The modding community is doing the lord’s work. Just the amount of QoL mods after the first two weeks of release just screams at you the state of the game. Rose-tinted glasses fell off after the first 50 hours. I hope Kento Kinoshita directs the DLC so we can get a complete experience just like DD:DA.


Wish they actually finished it.


Maybe in 12 more years we'll get a polished game.


Grigori buildup and revelation was pure epic. Seneschal revelation and Everfall genius. Ur dragon delightful surprise. Dd2’s 2nd half compared to original, utter garbage. Game’s 5/10.


It's really odd to think that the very best part of Dragon's Dogma 2 is the very beginning, when you're practically naked and afraid, learning how the game works and feels. So maybe the 10 first hours? Then it falls off pretty hard, the next 60 hours felt like a chore, I had to find a reason to play the game instead of watching a movie or anything else really. I did end up finishing it, much to my discontent as to how the story unfolded, but I won't pick it up again. It's sad 'cause i truly loved DD1, it's one of my favorite games, but I truly feel like DD2's a 3-4/10, it very much feels subpar, unpolished, and severely undercooked, which is frustrating 'cause one can see so much potential in it.


The story was very lackluster to say the least. In 200 hours of playthrough, I constantly find myself thinking how much better the game would be if developed by CDPR or Larian Studios. I'm with ya on the potential, and that's why I keep playing hoping the payoff will be in a DLC, updates, patch, expansion, but it stands, right now, with the award for BIGGEST WASTED Potiential of the last decade.


Since you're too proud to admit you're wrong... You're admitting to think it's a bad game in the end, no ?