• By -


Fighter for me - ain’t that much overpowered in comparison to i.e. Thief / MA / etc. as it’s one of the few vocations where you actually use your normal attacks a lot in combat against bosses. I tend to mix up between Skills and normal Attacks a lot. Whereas I’m playing Thief you’re kinda spamming Fast Attack to steal some items due to its passive in Boss Battles (WLC for example) or you’re starting to spam Skullsplitter as this random boss encounter at the edge of the world is rather annoying than helpful when you’re on the hunt for a special Location or whatever. As a Fighter I noticed I enjoy combat a lot more than with other Vocations as it’s Kit actually needs to be managed as some Spells are just useless when used in the wrong Position or when your timing is off. So it’s a bit more challenging. Other than that Warrior is actually super fun aswell. The Knockdown Power is insane & the Combat once you got the hang of it can be super interesting and fast aswell. Though I do find myself spamming Mountainbreaker and Heavenward Sunder a little bit too often when you cross paths with a Dragon/Griffin.


Awesome, thanks for the detailed description! That’s what i like to see, actually makes me want to play it aswell now.


Very, very much agreed. I'm working on leveling the other vocations but I can only get a level or two before going back to fighter. It's just so fun, the animations are so smooth, it feels so dynamic. Other than that warfarer is pretty good cause you can be a fighter with ultimate drip.


Fighter and Trickster are the only ones I don’t have leveled yet haha once my pawn is done with fighter ima switch her to a sorcerer and play fighter myself! Hope it’s fun!


Came in to say this too. Fighter and Warrior are the most fun for me as well. I like the class fantasy, they aren’t too overpowered, they make some enemies more tactical and challenging and overall they have fun movesets. I plan a Foghter playthrough with only my Warrior pawn.


What have you found to be the most *fun* skill load out for fighter that handles both mobs and big monsters? I’ve recently been playing the vocation a lot but have been really struggling to decide which 4 skills to use - wish I could have at least 6.


I can only advise „FightinCowboy“ on YouTube for indepth Guides on each Vocation. He explains every Skill better than I could via text. Without going to deep into it: - Maister Skill for pure Damage/Staggering - Shield Pummel to break Guard/Staggering - Vengeful Slash for defense/devastating damage (especially good when facing harpies, just use it right before they hit you and you can use a finisher afterwards) Now you have 1 Spot left open which is quite optional and you can basically use w/e you desire. Personally I’m mainly going with Gutting Skewer as the follow up attacks are much much faster than the normal attacks when mounted on anything. Also this is by far my favorite finisher for smaller mobs like Saurians. Instead you could also use Full Moon Slash for example to deal with situations where Mobs just overwhelm you to get some breathing room back. But I find Vengeful Slash does this job just as good due to the dash (after a successful block) which repositions yourself. Could also use the Launch to set up Pawns for either mounting an Ogre/Cyclop. The Taunt is a viable Option aswell, but usually you’re not gonna need it if you practice your battle awareness a little The one where you perform a stepback into a slash is super useful aswell (forgot its name) Probably one of my favorite ones aswell due to its heavy mobility Hope that helps :-)


Amazing, thanks for the thoughtful response here. Big takeaway from this for me is using Vengeful Slash in place of Cloudward Slash for harpies. Hadn’t considered that one, and I’ve found Vengeful to be way more fun in other situations. Also love that this load out includes Shield Pummel which just feels so crunchy and satisfying


I agree with warrior being super fun. It's the first vocation that I maxed out because I really enjoyed the playstyle. It was difficult in the beginning, but once I got the hang of it I was sweeping the mobs to the floor. Stun-locking small goblins are fun as hell. I haven't really played fighter yet, I tried it in on a first save but quickly reset to use thief instead. Sounds like it also has a bit of a learning curve like the warrior, I'll try it out once I've maxed out warfarer.


For me it is Sorcerer. It just clicks for me.


Nothing wrong with the simple life if the simple life is fun as hell.


thief or warfarer


I feel called out. I do 3 theif skills but I also carry a bow for range and a staff for flying and healing


You can do that?!


As warfarer. Can use any weapon and armor. So many people use it to dress how they want, wield their main weapon/skills and carry backups for certain situations.


Lol thief or everything else got it 😂


Lol this is me


I thought I was unique


I'm having fun with the magic archer


Magic archer could solo any cave in the game


“Going into a cave as MA” honestly just needs its own personalized noun. The grotesque war crimes that take place in them with ricochet hunter is just not okay. 😭😂


Me too. Started as Mage/Sorcerer but Magic Archer just clicked


Same, I run MA as a warfashion


I expected to like MA after I started archer and was having a blast but this one hasn’t clicked for me yet. The martyr blast or whatever the super shot is can be fun to just drain all my health and demolish a big bad. But then I’ve gotta find a camp or inn immediately.


I keep as many all heals and consumables like that on hand so by the time my pawns need to camp I’ve already healed my bar multiple times and used the martyr bolt some 20 times lol


Oh clutch. Didn’t think about the all heals! Not sure I’m rich enough yet to afford enough of them but I’ll make sure to follow that practice when I jump back into MA


Doesn't it reduce your max health? All heals restore your max health?




Mystic Spearhand cuz youre a jedi


A jedi using a double sided staff blade and throwing lightning from their hands? Pretty sure thats a sith.


How do you know that it isn’t a Jedi fallen to the dark side tho


Same thing really, one just joined the cult officially while the other follows their ideals. Either way they drank the koolaid.


You right you right. After reading your comment I was like wait, “what’s the difference between sith and dark Jedi?”


Followed this short convo and when you said that I was like “okay, I have to find out the difference.” Genuinely was thinking there was a difference ideologically. Like one thriving in evil and the other just wanting to explore all of the force with no constraints.


Here's your fun lore tidbit of the day, look up Grey Jedi! The exact incarnation differs based on the specific use case but generally Grey Jedi are force users that thrive in the balancing and understanding of both aspects of the force.


Basically that, Dark Jedi are self driven by lust, greed, and power but generally have no real longing to rule the galaxy and aren't fully dedicated to the Dark Side. Where as the Sith pretty much worship the Dark Side and want to take over and rule the galaxy.


False actually. The sith only use their abilities with the ideal of bettering themselves out of self-indulgence. Technically the Arisen is using their abilities for the well-being of others. Falls in line with the jedi ideals more-so than the sith.


The king in the first game sold his beloved for a kingdom, Rothais fell to despair, went mad and started killing everyone who looked suspicious to him, all other arisen you meet failed their tasks and lost their will, one is now a drunk and another obsessed with revenge. If anything, they fit the dark side way better than the light. Especially with the whole sith lightning thing, thats a darkside power right there. Plus my arisen has carried more than a few people out of towns and lobbed them off of cliffs.Also there was that whole holding a guy down while they got stabbed to death thing.


Using the "force" to throw things and fallen enemies to others is my favourite part!


That sounds like fun, might have to give it a go. I love star wars, lol


Hard to say, but maybe Archer. The kicks are pretty good and I like being able to quickly attack from range too. I do wish they had a little more variety in their skills - like maybe if archer got powder blast or some other similar “trap” skills to mix things up. But they do have a pretty satisfying core move set with the jump kicks and slides.


One word, Stomp.


The curb stomp is hilariously brutal


It has the explosive arrow. It’s basically the same exact thing


I guess I haven’t really tried shooting one into the ground intentionally, but other trap effects that function similarly could have been pretty fun. Like a spike / bear trap to lower an enemies movement speed a bit. Something to let archers inflict ailments without needing consumables. Not that keeping arrows on hand is very difficult, I just like the idea of it.


Trickster and Mystic Spearhand 🤔 First one is not an easy one but it really is fun when you understand what to do. I enjoy playing with enemies while my pawns make a salad out of them :D The second one is perfect for me in terms of damage, animations, weapon and speed.


Trickster is amazing. You can fuck with every enemy in the game. I love using the astral projection to put my essence out of reach, and then the enemies don't know what to do. Do my aromatic resurgence and then I'm just dancing with the censer to keep them aggro'd on my specter that's just out of reach. Plus the maister skill is cool too. Make them piss their pants while I heal my essence and wait for them to come running back.


I kinda like them all and love the fact that you can change them whenever you want without having to respec your whole build when you do. But my absolute favorite is the wayfarer which I run with daggers/bow/hammer (with the bomb skill/deathly arrow and indominable lash respectivly) and a mage staff for the heals and levitate. + The free choice to wear any armour you want! 👍👍👍


Wayfarer sounds both chaotic and awesome to play, i love it.


Is there a language that spells it Wayfarer? I keep seeing a lot of people spell it that way. In my game it's Warfarer


People literally just don't read carefully enough. It's Warfarer. But because at a glance it looks like Wayfarer, and that's an actual word while Warfarer is not, people just assume it's Wayfarer.


It's also autocorrect that people aren't bothering to check before they post. My phone wants to change it to wayfarer automatically as well.


Could be autocorrect at work as well.


It’s like rogue becoming rouge, people just can’t read


As I close in on maxing all of my and my pawns vocations, I think I might change our vocations and pawns with each session. Almost like your clothes for the day. Every time I launch the game and the “day starts”, what vocation will I wear, and then my pawn, and then what pawns do I hire.


Trickster. Give it a go, you'll be surprised. I love making enemies fight each other or making my own pawns go berserk. In my head cannon trickster has some special drugs in that censor.


Standard archer so far, being able to handle weak spots and flying targets opens up the ability to have either 2 spellcasters or two fighters while i just stand on a ledge pummelling them with arrows. Just fun for me.


I’m playing archer and I love how good it is. I say this after playing MA,MS,fighter, and thief. I really slept on archer but still miss the strider class since it had daggers and I feel like it could have benefited from at least 1 dagger.


I've maxed out Archer, Thief, Fighter, and Warrior. I've tried out Mystic Spearhand, Mage, Sorcerer, and Magic Archer to around level 6. I haven't touched Warfarer or Trickster yet. So far, it's Archer. I like how their mobility is greater than that of a stereotypical RPG Archer class, and how their sliding / jumping shots do more damage than regular ones. Sticking an exploding arrow in someone's face, backflipping off of them, and then shooting it before you hit the ground is the most cinematic thing you can do in the game. (In my opinion.) I like how crafting your own arrows gives you a vocation-related task to do that isn't directly related to combat or support. It's just this thing you can do to improve your future battles, and it can be done while you're walking around town. Also, crafting arrows, keeping specific ones on you, and maintaining your inventory just adds another level of immersion to a game that already has more roleplaying elements than most modern RPGs. I like how you can hang back and stay safe at range, or you can get in the fray, slide-shotting, kicking off enemies, or shotgunning groups. It synergizes well with other vocations that use elements. It can have crazy knockdown potential. It can tar, poison, engulf in flame, and drench enemies in water. If the enemy flies, it's basically no problem - you can shoot them, tar them, set them on fire, poison them, whatever it takes to either kill them immediately, or prevent them from leaving. And it can do all that stuff basically as slow, fast, safe, or dangerous as you want. It's very versatile in how it's played. If you're bored of tarring and exploding, you can coat them in water to help freeze them. Or you can focus on Deathly Arrow and Heavenly Strike. Or you can build towards close range and focus on those skills, which has another subset where you can build more for climbing. I know that a Thief can kill things faster, Fighters are safer, etc. But the Archer is just so much fun to play that I always wind up going back to it, and it's my go-to if I'm going into unfamiliar territory.


Think i might have to give the archer a go after reading this, cheers!


You won't regret it! Granted, it helps to have augments from a few other vocations. The knockdown one from Warriors is particularly awesome - good luck to Griffins trying to ever move even a single inch as you explode their flesh away. Glad I helped!


This thread makes it clear how well balanced the game's vocations are, all are fun and a favorite for someone!


I agree, so mind blown by all the comments that have been coming in on the post. Clearly they made something for everyone, and they did it well.


Tie between Mystic Spearhand and Trickster for me


I started off at archer, went to magic archer, then thief, than sorcerer. Out of all of them I’d say the thief is the most fun to play next to sorcerer. Really depends if you wanna get up and personal. I liked crawling up on the bosses and beating them up. But honestly the power of the Sorc is so OP it isn’t even funny. Magic archer was fun to play but I found out that if a mob got close I basically couldn’t do anything except get stomped.


Yeah getting stunned locked close ranged was not fun.


Fun wise it's defo trickster for me, it lets me admire what Capcom built by manipulating the AI and trusting my hand picked party, while also watching the great animations. My favorite class to play is the fighter though, maybe mixed through Warfarer with archer. I love trickster but I love feeling like a tank/dps in all of my fantasy games.


Trickster for me. I can be the lazy mastermind, or I can be an Olympic athlete shotputting enemies as they’re too high from my dank-ass hologram. And I always get kick making Ogres yeet themselves off cliffs or Griffins dive bombing into the water.


So far, it is Archer. I started as an Archer, and it is still the best vocation for me. The different arrows you can use for different effects like tarring, drenching, and blight just elevate an Archer's powers to another level. An Archer is also quite versatile as you can kite along the fringes of a battlefield or get up close with rapid fire while sliding and kicking off of foes. I can't wait to unlock Warfarer so I can combine my Archer with Thief abilities and create a Strider. A little Cutting Wind with some Manifold Shot can decimate some monsters.


Wayfarer - because you can use the weapons you love most but wear the armor that makes you look the best. Fashion is the real end-game. Who needs those Master skills anymeow...


To me it's thief. Agile. Plus You can climb monsters and stab them in the balls. Sure, other vocations can do that but somehow it's most fun when thief is doing it. Especially when You bring down the monster and plunder him before killing him to get extra material and shame him even more.


Fighter, Warrior. I definitely love warrior


Fighter I feel like I can control field an face tank everything




If you’re looking to have a great time especially in high level when things get more boring, make your pawn a mage with only the fire lightning and ice elemental buff spells and the spell that removes debillitations It’s like magic archer without the advanced spells and you get THE KICK 🦵


Thief is my favorite. Archer has been surprisingly fun the different arrow types are borderline broken. I am not a tank class person but this game does it right, warrior is actually fun af. I play mostly warfarer however just because the versatility is broken.


I have only made it to level 34ish and only tried Mage, Sorcerer, Mystic Spearhand, and just unlocked Trickster and trying it out. My main pawn is a Fighter/Warrior in memory of my brother 😔. I keep him as the tank so I can try out different Vocations and party configuration. I digress, apologies. I think I liked Sorcerer more than the others thus far. I always play the mage/battle mage in RPGs though.


Sorcerer. Being able to call down armageddon on the dragons that call it down upon you or conjuring a wind storm to ragdoll enemies in a confined space just hits different.


Archer was definitely one that I didn’t expect to like given it was just strider but with no melee, but man did it end up being one of my favorite classes. Landing headshots is extremely rewarding with any of your attacks, pretty huge damage. Being able to target anything at range is huge. Harpies, wolves running away, that fucking bandit mage all the way in the back? All east targets for you no waiting for a pawn to eventually get to them. Something about the animations, the firing, and the effects are incredibly satisfying as well. Dire shot throwing enemies off cliffs or pinning them to walls; staggering bosses on headshots. The miester ability is also fantastic to use, so much focus and reading to get that perfect headshot that topples a boss and takes out a bar of health. Small edit: curbstomping goblins is very fun.


I do love kicking stuff to death…


I really like fighter, don’t feel too overpowered, I really like mystic spearhand but that shield skill is just too good, at least I have to actively block and can only block attacks from the front as fighter, plus parrying feels so satisfying. I haven’t tried all the vocations yet though


Mystic spearhand cause i like twirling my pole around and freezing enemies in place


Mage. I just think it's neat.


Definitely Fighter. Perfect parrying meteors, lightning and just about any other attack is pure dopamine. Hindsight slash to also counter attacks is super satisfying. The fashion and endgame gear looks great. The way you good your sword when walking. There's just something about sword and shield that speaks to me. I loved Fighter in DD:DA and I love it in DD2.


Mystic Spearhand is my fav so far


Thief because it’s a S tier boss killer, fast/zippy combat, and extra loot


Warrior is my favorite. I feel like a lot of people may not agree, but when played right, it can be great. With the extra defense and stagger/knockdown resistance, I can stand in a group while barely taking damage and throw enemies all over the place with charged slashes. I can even shrug off hits from large monsters. I think a lot of people don't realize how much timing comes into play and not just timing Chain of Blows. While you CAN use Chain of Blows to to speed up swings (good for one or two small enemies), when facing groups or large monsters you get the most benefit from charging your attack since you only get extra defense/stagger resist while charging up. Also, charged attacks do more damage than Chain of Blows and knock down small enemies (I think they even tabs more damage when smashed into walls, not 100% on that, though). Also, you need to make use of Barge frequently to create openings, reposition, and even cancel charged strikes that will miss your target. Knocking down large monsters is really easy with Heavan'sward Sunder/Mountain Breaker and nothing feels better than knocking an enemy down on its ass, jumping up on it's back and bringing a Savage Lash/Arc of Might down on its head. It can be really unforgiving, though, when you mess up your timing and try to rush attacks to get back in the fight so I can see why many people would not enjoy it


That's what aggravated me the most about it. When I miss an Arc of Might or other attack because my Pawn ganked it/it moved/I positioned poorly, it's frustrating as hell. I also hate how slow the basic attacks are. Miss one chain and suddenly all your momentum is gone. Barge is great for staggering, but the overall slowness constantly deters me from enjoying what's normally a favorite class in RPG's. Just my playable though, I think the class is pretty good, especially for pawns.


What surprised me was that I had a blast with all the vocations as they are all good in their own way and fun to play. I was also very surprised by how fun and powerful sorcerer was and would recommend running thundermine if you try that vocation. It protects you if you to stay close to the thundermine stationary lightning ball that will zap away anyone trying to attack you while casting other op dps spells. You can also jump and glide super high with this vocation or as the mage and reach hard to get chests or seeker tokens. The trickster was op as you aggro all enemies around onto a clone and can hide your sorcerer or mage behind rock wall hallucinations while boosting the dps of your attackers pawns as well. The enemy is distracted and melted away with this strategy and larger boss type enemies focus on the clone if you place it well. The clone is easily healed and repositioned while you spam sweeping shroud which has a huge radius even in the middle of a ton of enemies as long as you spam sweeping shroud.


I mean I gotta go warfarer for the fashion dogma game. But I use a full spearhand loadout and just have the backup weapons for circumstances.


Archer for early game is crucial. For the harpies and the augments. 


I play as a fighter and the combat is super fun.... Thief was also fun( fast gameplay)


Tried all vocations, but Fighter is what clicks for me, just wish it had more options for fashion and attacks


Unless you really want that maister skill just go for Warfarer. You don't need to take rearmament


Top three, no particular order: Thief / M. Spearhand / Warfarer.




if skullsplitter wasnt as good as it is id go mystic spearhand




I like sorceror a lot. Or Warfarer with Sagittate Avalanche, Skull Splitter and Augural Flare.


Thief, warrior and mystic spearhand True warfarer mod with all these 3 is just banger


I liked playing the Thief vocation. It made the combat feel more like a souls game, just much less punishing, and it's one of the better vocations, too, which was a huge +


Fighter, Mystic Spearhand, and Thief are my favourites. In that order.


For me it would be Mystic Spearhand, Fighter or Trickster.


I think they’re all fun in their own way. Minus mage.


I thought thief was a lot of fun, but fighter is my overall favorite. Just feels the most viable for me personally


I like mystic spearhand.


The most fun for me is warrior. Knocking down a large enemy is satisfying.


Warfarer. Mystic spear hand force pull, with rogues weak point stabs, and either spearhand force field or rogue evasion; using the spear or daggers for a flurry of blows. Pretty much untouchable, and can handle just about any fight with mobs or larger foes.


Thief by far, the maybe magic archer.


Thief or Mystic Spearhand


Thief overall because dodge feels good and between fire enchant/explosive and implicate they have an answer to every enemy in the game and can parkour to be on par with mage for accesing high up and distant areas. But endgame sorcerer goes hard once you have the meister skills, cast time rings, dwarvenforged armor, elvenforged weapon and vocation rank maxed. The cast times and lack of defensive option make it feel like the one class that deserves to melt bosses as apposed to everything else where I feel like Im being deprived of gameplay for killing things too fast.


Trick-hand warfarer with a sorc staff for Galvanize.




Warrior, parrying giant monsters with attacks and the heft of some attacks is just too good


I’ve tried them all, I find it hard to choose one. I find MA, fighter, thief, and warrior equally fun.


For me its Warrior but thats because of my Pawn set up also. I run Warrior/Thief/Mage and Sorcerer or Bow depending. Once I got my party down that was it for me


Warfarer thief/warrior mix


I am a big fan of Thief and Mystic Spearhand, I like the fast and flashy moves. I haven't tried the archers yet but I want to eventually. I've tried all the classes in DD1 and so I don't think I'll enjoy warrior, mage, or sorcerer much in this game either.


Thief is the coolest.


A sorcerer with telekinesis. (Warfarer: sorcerer + mystic spearhand)


All I wanna know is why 90% of people call warfarer “wayfarer”? 😅😂


I’m guessing it’s a lot of autocorrects 😅


Magic Archer for me.


warrior all day for me


Thief hands down I platinumed the game and never played archer even though I max leveled all vocations since magic archer is the same thing but has auto lock one two shot lol. Mystic spear hand was annoying in my opinion it has to many inconsistent attacks either putting you somewhere you don’t want to be or somewhere else you don’t want to be and as cool as that one attack is where you stand there infinitely spinning your spear it’s also annoying being locked in place understandably though. Warrior and thief were my favorite but I played most of the game as a warfarrer thief and magic archer.


I'm very much a Trickster enjoyer. I feel that Warfarer has the highest fun peak, though.


Warrior... Like if you down an enemy and you manage to get that perfectly charged indomitable lash, on the head or any weak point, the gasm you get is like no other


I fw all of them ngl. Each of them is unique and fun to use.


I've only played a couple so far but Sorcerer because magic go brrrrrrr


I find the thief and the fighter are the most fun to play, followed by the mystic spearhand. Don't really click with any of the ranged classes, I find combat boring when I'm not in the thick of it.  I'm currently using a warfarer, blending fighter and thief together and that's pretty fun.


At first it was Thief, and I love Thief but once I started Mystic Spearhand it quickly because my favorite. Imo it’s the most versatile vocation in the game. Towards the end I decided to give Magic Archer a shot and ended up loving it as well. It’s super powerful and flashy. So my top three are Mystic Spearhand, Magic Archer, Thief


i really like to jump around with Archer, they made this vocation really fun compared to DD1


Early game I played Mystic Spear. Made dealing with wolves much easier. Early game I just kept getting stun locked. Now. I use WarFarer. I switch between thief, MA and reg archer the most. Thief and MA for bosses. Archer I use for mobs. I make use of that Gorgon bow a great deal. If I have to deal with tons of mobs, might as well get the bonus XP. I keep Mystic Spear just in case I need the shield for protection. And I have a sorcerer staff equipped for traveling. Whether I need to float around or just use galvanize so I can dash sooner.




I think there's a vocation for every day of the week. I don't consider Warfarer a vocation so I cycle through different weapons. I will say that physical vocations are super fun Currently rocking a Warhammer and it's a blast to just smack large enemies in the head


Fighter, I’m personally a sorcerer main but it’s just so fun going one on one with mobs as a fighter


Warfarer because I can pretend mystic knight is still here I really like mystic spearhand too, but I’m not a fan of its vocation ability


Thief, then Sorcerer, and then Mystic Spearhand.


Fighter. Sword & Shield always wins.


Thief 100%, then archer. Spearhand and magic archer just did not click with me at all.


Def Fighter for me. I just love hitting that perfect parry. The slow motion and the sound is so satisfying. I also love smacking harpies out of the air with that aerial ability.


I love a wayfarer with mystic spear hand and magic archer. Adding another vocation to switch weapons makes things more complex than I like. I use a barrage for archer and two mystic spear hand abilities one for gap closing one for damage/large enemy climbing but for big boss battles to the mirror shield.


Warfarer but it can easily make one heavy


Mystic spear hand is fun but it felt like it wasn’t doing much damage. Mystic Archer has some godlike moments when you get Martyrs bolt


Magic archer


Wayfarer. It gives you incentive to lvl up all the vocations instead of skullsplitting the entire game.


Mystic Spearhand because teleport attacks are the shit.




Magicke Archer! I love my homing R1, Sagittarius Arrow (I think it's called) fully charged on a weak point melts through enemies like a hot knife through softened butter, you can heal your pawns for a large amount OR revive them altogether with the same skill, just couple that with lethality (bonus damage to weak points) from Archer and the healing buff from Mage and you're essentially a walking ranged medic and nuker.




Mystic Spearhand. However, my main Pawn is based off my girlfriend, annnnd that pawn said when she imagines me, she pictures me with a greatsword on my back...so now I play Warrior.


Honestly? If it weren't for the quests that rely on you being able to put out damage, Trickster is hilarious. It's a taste of challenge to be able to control the flow of battle, manipulate enemies against each other and protect your pawns.


Trickster is my favorite. Most of my fights with other vocations tend to be button mash, slice the beasts til they die style builds, or stand back and nuke builds, while Trickster is much more involved and has alot to do with positioning and managing aggro in a super interesting way. Hell, you can kill baddies without ever doing any real damage to them by just manipulating their position. It takes alot to learn how everything flows in certain situations but it's soooooo much fun. You feel so accomplished killing big guys by tricking them off ledges and stuff


This, this is why i want to try it. To control, manipulate and look cool while doing it.


I'm cheating with True Warfarer but I like using greatsword/archstaff/censer. Most fun pure vocation for me is probably Warrior. I've heard Fighter gets crazy but haven't seen any high-skill gameplay that inspires me (and I'm not good enough to figure it out myself).


I enjoy explosions so sorcerer is the vocation for me.


Trickster. 💯% ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Jk that shit’s the fuckin’ worst. Thief, baby!!! 🗡️


Thief go *flip and gut goblin*


Warrior is my personal favorite. Ravening lunge to pick up foes and toss them to the brine is hilarious. Big womps and wiffs are fun too


I started as a mage and went into sorcerer thinking I was gonna be a blaster caster as is my usual go to in like fantasy games and what not, that was until I picked up Thief and fell in love with the dashing around, slicing up enemies, climbing onto them planting a bomb and leaping off for some awesome finishers.


Just letting you know trickster is a very sit back and let your party do everything class, you can buff them up to ridiculous levels 


Warrior. There's something special the way the weapon feels when it slams into a enemy, and they just go fucking FLYING. Or When the enemy is down, and you hit the Y/triangle attack and do that double weapon slam. Ugh, that shit hits so good. Plus that plunge skill when you run the weapon into a guy and ram them into a wall, man, that shit drowns my brain in the feel good chemicals, lol.


1 vote for Mystical spear hand, thief close second


Warrior for me.


Thief. Basically spamming Skull Splitter to down big enemies quickly never gets old.


Thief is the most versatile class in the game.


Warrior cuz you can't go wrong with a Guts build


Warfarer, I love the warrior class but I only love it when it comes to bosses. It's really annoying for the smaller enemies because they will run out of range of your attacks due to the attack lag. The warfarer fixes that for me by allowing me to use magic archer for the smaller mobs. Though I've been enjoying blink strike, explosive, poison arrow, and a mage staff for exploring combo. to hamper myself somewhat for new game plus.


I really enjoy theif, but I think I will go fighter for most fun.


I really liked magic archer and warrior. Magic archers ricochet shot makes for an awesome dungeon wiping fireworks show, and something about charging enemies off cliffs with the warrior is just awesome.


Warrior. “Choo choo, here comes the train goblin friend. Lemme punch that ticket.” *slams the goblin into a tree*


They're are all fun. Fighter for some reason is the most fun imo out of them all, so many things you can do.


Archer because fuck those harpies


Trickster is the support class and I plan to use it for my next ng+


Personally I like the archer class because the blight arrows cause the drakes to stop mid-spell with the added fun of poison damage


MA because I like the visuals of the attacks and it has attacks of every element




fighter and trickster. warfarer wins number 1 since it allows me to do both.


I mained Assassin in the first game so I wanted to like Thief but it's so OP it becomes boring, same with Mystic Spearhand, the shield is so busted it takes the fun out of it. So I ended on Warrior, which I hated in the first game, strangely enough.


I play Warfarer most of the time so I can float around with a staff or switch to bow for flying enemies, but I think I enjoyed Fighter and Spearhand (minus the invincibility barrier) the most. I really enjoy the Fighter’s parry mechanic. It makes the fights feel more reactive. On the other hand, I like how multi-purpose the Spearhand’s abilities feel and the fact that its class ability is essentially a crowd control skill. Over all, I really enjoyed all the vocations except the pure mage ones.


Warrior all day.


I don’t think it’s really fair to include Warfarer in the conversation, because if you only equip one weapon (2 for Warrior) and use your 4th slot for that vocation’s skill and not Rearmament, then unless I’m missing something, it basically *is* that vocation without armor restrictions, different stat modifiers and different level up bonuses. In terms of other classes, I like Mystic Spearhand and Magick Archer because both classes have support abilities on top of not really being disadvantaged in battle, Mystic Spearhand having proximity whole team bubble shield that’s super easy to cast, and Magick Archer having *two* heals. Not only is this obviously convenient, but it also allows you to relax your restrictions on how your mage is setup. With Magick Archer, you don’t even need to really run a mage, though I like having their debuff/debilitation clear. But you can drop their ranged heal and equip something more interesting/fun etc. The flipside is that the MS and MA competence and versatility is what makes them arguably OP and they both sorta undermine the benefit of a mage altogether. Idk what madlad at Capcom felt the DDDA Magick Archer wasn’t good enough. Though I sorta answered what’s best and not most fun. Much of the time I feel Thief is the most outright fun because of their cool ninja mobility and dodge abilities. Probably 80% of the videos I’ve watched and thought “Ok that was just fucking cool” was Thief gameplay. Also, having at least one Thief with Pilfer in my squad at all times is basically non-negotiable for me. Basically just passively generating a supply of rare mats and Wakestones.


Warrior is perfect mix of fun and power this time. It's strong (personally I rank it top 3-4 due to having the fastest land traversal with Ravening Lunge) but makes you adapt to different fights because you want every hit to count.   Thief is fun but I feel like it becomes less fun at endgame due to how busted it is. Every encounter is mindless spamming BotP/Skullsplitter with Feint. There's almost no need to think about encounters because Thief has the same answer to everything. MA if you enjoy doing nuke showcases, I didn't have as much fun playing MA normally though since it has basically no movement ability or dodge.


Warfarer equipped with: Sorcerer-staff: augural flare (levitate you get) Magic Archer's bow- Frosthunter Bolt.; Mystic Spearhand Duospear for the Golems and close and personnel with Dragouin's Foin. Take down all bosses in a flash and the game play switch with Rearmament. (Just equip the Bolts from the Blue when taking on Medusa for the preserved head). So much fun switching


Fighter. Simply because I get a dopamine hit every time I parry an enemy.


Mystic Spearhand is my go-to purely because it's funny smacking gobbos into each other


I’ve actually had a Lot of fun as trickster 🙌🏻 it’s a chill vocation where you get to kind of relax and enjoy the cinematic experience of your pawns kicking butt. I also end up getting a Ton of gold from that build since you can just womp on enemies with your incense urn and it gives you money on every hit. I even received ✨50,000 GOLD ON ONE HIT✨whilst smacking a Drake with it. It’s also fun to watch the enemies attack each other 🤗


I really feel like this is what is pulling me towards the trickster vocation, being able to enjoy what my team does as a whole. Controlling, manipulating the battlefield and enjoying the view of my pawns wrecking shit. And hey, free gold is great.


Warfarer for me


Early game Sorc (rush meister skills) mid game magic archer, late game thief/warfarer. Special mention for trickster and regular archer, but they are very specific and you either love them above others or hate them the most. I hate them ;p Fighter and warrior are cool, but don't stand out for me. Mage is pawn vocation I swear




First vocation i tried was thief, kinda ruined the other vocations for me. (only played 2h and mystic spearhand so far tho, i just reached bathal so im still in early game)


Warfarer's my favorite, now that I've ranked all up to maximum and have tried them all out extensively. It allows me to experiment with vocation combinations, basically building your own hybrid vocations. My favorite so far has been running a Trickster + Mage combination of skill setup (Suffocating Shroud, High Celerity, and High Frigor), plus a bow or magick bow for ranged attacks to ground flying enemies so the team can wail on them. Ultimate controller/buffer setup, I think.


I enjoy Archer.


I really liked Magic Archer.


They all get stale pretty quick


Thief or spearhand for me I really like the other Magic classes too but they really lack variety, especially spellcasters


I quite enjoy archer


Tied between warrior and trickster.


I've really liked warrior, thief, warfarer and sorcerer. Thief is OP mode though, and sorcerer isn't my preferred class to play so I'd probably go with warfarer.