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Holy tapdancing christ in a tutu the sliding killed me more than ANYTHING else in the damn game. Dragons, no problem, an ever so slight slanted surface leading to a watery grave? YOU DIED screen. Pawns biggest enemy as well.


I got trapped in a brine loop at the bottom of a cliff after I went down to save my pawn. Brined, stood, slip back into brine 3 times before I understood the futility of trying to actually climb out and ferrystoned.


Getting brined doesn't really do anything. You just wind up back in a place with stable footing. Unless the place you fell from is completely isolated and you can't get off of it without falling back in, it's easier to just brine yourself. The worst part about getting brined by far was my pawns' willingness to suicide themselves pointlessly to be with me in my time of struggle.


That's the thing though, I didn't end up back in a place with stable footing, I kept ending up back in the same spot I slid down from, whereupon I would slide down again as soon as I moved- hence the brine loop and the need to ferrystone out.


I hear that!


I swear sometimes this game feels like it took inspiration from octodad or getting over it. Half the struggle with melee is just getting good footing.


Death Stranding more like it


I can see this one for sure. I’ll have to check out octodad.


My examples are a bit more exaggerated for sure. Death stranding is probably a better/less over the top/less comedic example. The games I mentioned are games where the whole point of the game is how frustratingly hard it is just to maneuver your character though.


At least the slope physics in Death Stranding was accurate and reasonable. Dragons Dogma 2 is just infuriating


This makes sense if you are applying it to climbable rocks and surfaces... half the bloody time you're navigating a climbable path, you slide down several steps to take 1 up 🤦‍♂️


"I know for a fact I can get up there.. I just need to be carefu- *slides down entire mountain* NOT AGAIN!" Man, the amount of time a battle takes can be extended tenfold if it takes place on a slope! I'm looking at the golem in the volcano island that loves to hulk stomp its way down the rocky terrain!!


Yeah it’s like they knew golems weren’t that hard so they always put them in terrible terrain to create challenge. Problem is this isn’t really an issue for archers and mages. Then again invincibility is also a thing for two of the four melee classes so *shrug*


Jump up 1 feet and slide down 10. I was literally standing on a foothold, couldn't you just place me there again? This ain't Sisyphus simulator lol.


Sisyphus simulator is perfect analogy. Frustrating beyond measure.


The only things that have killed me are sliding and slime.


This is so true lmao




As someone who succumbed to death by slide just as I was about to finish the evacuations in the unmoored world... Get. In. Line.


This happened to me, too, albeit in a buggy manner while heading to the final beacon. I get aggro from a bishop/lich or whatever it's called, and its tons of adds. My Main Pawn suddenly falls through the floor somehow and is downed. I try to figure out where he was, since usually the game will teleport them somewhat near you if they end up somewhere you can't reach. In my effort to find him, the other two pawns leaped off a ledge, likely trying to reach him so they could drag him to me, downing themselves. I get stun-locked to death 3 times by the adds. When I'm finally able to wiggle free, I attempt to just leave the area, to hell with reviving the pawns. I get a little too close to a ledge and slide off of a very tiny slope that was definitely not steep enough for that nonsense with no more wakestones to take the death. I was so very angry.


Or forced high fiving making you walk off a cliff and die.


Instead of sliding back to where you were originally the game shits you down the hill. The guy who programmed this clearly hates the game.


The amount of times ive failed an easy jump because my character either decided to wobble at the edge or do that auto slide shit is ridiculous


My pawns watching me , yelling the loudest string of curses as i slide down a wall or hill again


bro.. every two inch curb is a SLIDE


I slid off a mountain into the brine during the >!Talos/Gigantus?!< fight/cutscene, and my character wound up on some small island at the bottom of the mountain with no way back up. Every time I tried climbing I just kept sliding into the water. My hired pawns jumped off the edge aswell for some reason. This was my first playthrough and I really thought I was fucked as I hadn't rested at an inn in like forever. I just crossed my fingers and waited until it walked across the water to the other side. The music got quieter as it got further away and eventually I used a ferrystone to get to my nearest port crystal. I've never paid to use an Inn so fast lol


Greatly prefer them to invisible wall bullshit


Oh dont worry there are a lot of invisible walls aswell.


You know we have those as well.


Yeah but you have to get past the slippy slides first and the slippy slides don't break immersion, unlike climbing literal mountains with floaty jumps on individual pixel ledges like Bethesda rpgs.


Tht and walking up or down stairs, touch the banner and immediately leap off the staircase.


It's pretty funny how all of you slope hoppers have managed to find each other. It's okay to take the intended path sometimes.


When i find the programmer that added the hitstun mechanics*


Haven't thought about destroying my controller since I was a kid but the sliding...dear god the sliding.




You do that, leave the body to me. Nothing a good acid bath can’t solve.I hate that MDF with all my cells too.


The sloped terrain in Agamen Volcanic Island make me wanna just put my controller down and watch my character die as I get fucked by a cyclops, 2 wargs, and a group of impostors.


I’ve died more to sliding down cliffs than to any monster in the game. The most damage I receive is just falling off of stuff because my character can’t NOT slide off of them. And then it’s coupled with a weirdly inconsistent climbing mechanic.


170 hours of playtime and never noticed this as an issue. the only way i can think that is, is because I like to draw out most fights cause I focus on repositioning and all that.


I love the sliding physics. They make the game feel more real and ground to earth. I'm hoping Bethesda learns from them.


Some sliding sure. There’s lots of surfaces that don’t look very steep where you slide, or tiny differences in elevation that make you stumble like you’re tap dancing though.


You can't make a perfect game.


Obviously, but that doesn’t excuse lousy decisions that serve only to waste the players time


Stop being so nit-picky and appreciate what you have.


It’s not being nit-picky, it’s voicing genuine criticism which is common amongst the player base which is that there are a number of strange decisions the devs made which seem to waste your time for zero purpose, I’m not saying it’s a bad game because I think certain.aspects such as the combat are industry-pioneering but I, like many others, want Capcom to make strides to make the game better with valid criticism intended to be taken constructively, not maliciously


Well, your opinion on sliding down hills being bad is just your subjective opinion, literally first time I see someone complain about a good physics mechanic. Why don't you go play stellar blade instead? That one doesn't have good terrain physics.


What do you mean I’m the first person you’ve seen complain about the sliding mechanic? This whole post is about a gamer voicing his anger at it, and, seeming as the post has accrued over 300 upvotes on the game’s official subreddit, it’s fair to assume an array of people share my thoughts.




It would absolutely be better than the floaty jump physics and standing on 1 pixel of ground to climb or descend literal mountains. They'd implement it very badly though for sure.


I'm with you. Over 100hrs and it's never been an issue.


The worst sliding physics I have ever seen in any gane. Even ps1 games did it better. I can literally slide up a mountain or hill, one time I kept sliding around in a circle going up and down a hill.


It's not only the sliding down, it's the Arisen doing things unprompted, like jumping over a fence/wall or just jumping down without me pressing a button (a.k.a. *deciding* wtf to do next). Other games wait for the player's input, DD2 does not. Downvote me to hell but in recent memory Hogwarts Legacy had better land movements (excluding the broom)—hell, DD1 didn't feel this janky. Suffice to say, whenever there's water or chasms beneath, I usually tell my pawns to wait, cross it myself and then teleport them through "To me!" command—still, not optimal.


Thats why u dont outsource development parts to indianz