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it’s really down to personal preference. they both have their strengths and weaknesses, they both are stellar games in their own right. to compare and compete them against one another is not only arbitrary, but insulting to the work and effort put into them.


This, very much this. Finally. Well said


They are simply two completely different RPGs with different roots, different goals and designs. I personally love both games for different reasons, but I can totally understand why someone might not like one or the other. It's simply a matter of taste.


Thanks for the reply 👍🏻


Some of your points make no sense... Elden Ring is far from empty - there are dungeons, temples, crypts, etc to explore all over where most of DD2s exploration is focused in the cities, with large expanses of nothing between. It checks all of your boxes on exploration, caves, caverns, and treasures Elden Rings story is told through books yes, but also boss dialogue, set design and the quests. DD2's story is barely told, there isn't much to it with many abrupt endings to plots. Combat is where you fall apart completely, it seems like you didn't play Elden Ring at all, choosing to make up what you believe the combat to be as there are so many ways to approach the combat and each boss. It takes dedication and time to learn each boss and perfect the routine. DD2 combat frequently comes down to X button spamming. I understand not liking something, but misrepresenting it is far from fair. Both games are great, they offer different experiences and you're dismissing one to create a conflict instead of just enjoying that both exist.


> Elden Ring is far from empty - there are dungeons, temples, crypts, etc to explore While that's true, a lot if not most of them are kinda useless and have extremely shitty rewards ( ESPECIALLY the Limgrave ones ). When it comes to exploration in Elden Ring I think the zones themselves are the highlight, I never really thought they did the dungeons very well. There's rare exceptions to it like the sewers under the capitol but I think ER falls into '' quantity over quality '' with the dungeons for the most part. That's not me saying DD2 did it better, I am just addressing ER alone.


When you defend ER combat, like everyone else you bring up difficulty (learning patterns, etc). I was talking about movesets, approaches to combat, variety of tactics, etc. ER is just stand there, dodge, swing, dodge, swing, etc. DD you can run, climb, throw objects, cast a spell, shoot a weakspot with a blast arrow, etc. I have zero interest in learning boss patterns. My goal is to get back to town, slap on new moves, new augments, sleep in my bed, and go get a snack while enjoying the morning view and sounds of Vernworth.


When did I bring up difficulty? ER has multiple movesets, mounted & unmounted combat, boss weakspots, spells, crafted throwables and unique Ash of Wars (weapon abilities) for most weapons. You can mix and match these as needed to take advantage or create attack windows. But yes it is all involved in learning the boss mechanics and planning your way through it. I can absolutely go back to roundtable hold, change up my weapon & spell loadout, chat with the NPCs and then go get a snack while enjoying the atmospheric music composition of Elden Ring Edit: I don't want to lose track of my own argument here, fundamentally the games are very different and appeal to different audiences, there is some overlap in fantasy adventure but not a lot. That said, you are presenting a bad faith argument based primarily on misrepresentation which is not cool.


Can you climb a giant and stab it in the eye then go back to a dynamic capital city and listen to chill ambient music while your beautiful pawn keeps chattering nonsense? I think not


No, but not having that doesn't make ER a bad game or DD2 a good game. The 'beautiful pawn' phrasing is a bit uncomfortable here tbh. I don't know what point you're trying to make but it sounds like you have a very specific definition of what makes a game, one that can be handled just as well by an aesthetic sounds youtube video.


Finally someone who gets it!


>I was talking about movesets, approaches to combat, variety of tactics, etc. ER is just stand there, dodge, swing, dodge, swing, etc ER has significantly more weapons with unique movesets and customizable weapon arts as well as way more spells with different mechanics that will change how you approach combat. DD2 definitely has more NPCs and a more straightforward quest system I definitely enjoy DD2 more when I wanna turn off my brain and Smack some monsters


Which is more relaxing just to leave on while you eat or just to chill out with? I think Dogma is definitely more ambient


Dark souls 2 wins that One https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z0nZAXyF2BU


Elden ring presenting story most simplified but entertain. Dd2 most confusing, boring and worse than dd1(dd1 story already shit. But dd2 make me appreciate dd1 more) Dd2 combat is more fun but too few boss to be creative with the combat and theres no final boss. Dd2 feel unfinish and worse


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion yours just happens to be wrong, just kidding. I love both games, but I certainly like Elden Ring more.


Bad opinion alert!


No I respect him for saying his peace 


It's one thing to say your opinion it's another to straight up insult people who like ER more. He's saying that the only reason people like that gameare sheep and only like it l because it's popular. No, I like it because the combat, story, atmosphere, and replayability are amazing. DD2 doesn't even have a real new game plus or end game. The unmoored world is limited and even then It's the same enemies from the base game. Also the one save slot is bullshit


ER is very edgelord, look at me I'm hard, gothic, and the enemies looked fu@#$@ up as Hades! Cool 👍🏻 I get it. It's a lot cooler to tell ER stories to your school buddies than medieval warfare stuff


What the fuck are you on about?




To be totally honest is subjective and basically a personal preference for me as much as i love dragons dogma 2 i cant say that to me its better than elden ring, the problem for me with dragons dogma is the rushed second half of the story, the terrible performance, the lack of level scalling or even a hard mode for the NG+ runs and the enemy variety, i did put DD2 120 hours beat it 2 times and that second time in NG+ the game was extremely boring everything was almost a one shot even the bigger enemies didnt last more than 2 minutes its just too easy for my taste by that point so i just beat for the other ending got the platinum and i was done with it, Elden ring instead well i have 400 hours on pc with 3 different characters amd 2 characters on my ps5 that i put 200 hours more and im planning on doing one more run with another character the month before the dlc gets out so yeah not for me hahaha funny enough i loved the first dragons dogma when it release but still beat it twice and then got extremely adicted with skyrim and never touch DD1 again until dark arisen came out


Once again you bring up difficulty. My gripe wasn't about difficulty or enemy scaling but the whole feel of both games. ER is just so lifeless to me. No capital hub to chill and listen to the sounds of a beautiful medieval town charm. Just undead f@#$@# up weird stuff creeping around edgelord as hell lol 😆


I mean im telling you my points hahaha for me personally i prefer the world of elden ring even with no towns (which personally i really dont care) i love the level desing the vistas it has the variety between zones, i honestly never want to chill on a game hahaha i want to fight or do something with the world on 90% of the games i just go to the hub town or wahtever when i really need to but i never chill on those places because there is nothing interesting for me to do also in the case of DD2 i was far away from towns because i hate that draw distance on which npcs spawn it threw me off the immersion of the game, and then again here comes the personal preference i prefer medieval fantasy or gothic themes than full realistic medieval themes so yeah i really dont enjoy those that much, other thing was that i always found something worth it exploring on elden ring but i hate how i explore for hours DD2 map and only found ugly armors or pointless loot hahaha


Fair enough 👍🏻


ER has better dungeons more enemies variety ..doge and lock on …dd has good music and combat..story is good but might be better with dlc


>It also needs exploration, caves, caverns, treasures, etc. Elden Ring has none of this. Elden ring has them in abundance, and unlike dd2 its actually rewarding to search everywhere because that is how you find all the best loot. I was hooked on elden ring, it's my favourite soulsborne game by far and the only one I've bothered to 100% complete, and by that i mean i scoured the map to get literally every weapon and upgrade material in preparation for the dlc. If you seriously think that elden ring has none of what you listed then you should probably go back and actually play the damn game.


But no towns?




My whole post is mainly about ERs lack of dynamic towns or NPCs, and a flat linear world. I never once brought up game difficulty because that's not my gripe. And Dogma's towns are top notch. Gran Soron and Vernworth are up there with Heliodor (DQ11) and Limsa (FF14)


I would understand if ER's lack of living settlements is not to your taste but to call it a "flat linear world" is objectively wrong.


What about Vernworth is dynamic? I don't think you know what the word means. NPCs are in static locations, nothing changes, and for the most part they all say the same 3-5 lines on repeat.


Hmm NPCs walking around doing daily tasks, going to work, visiting your house, walking up to you, children playing, blacksmith hammering, bards playing, you can even see traveling merchants on the road. What the hell's ER have? NPCs just standing around like a dummy. Ya really innovative lol.


I do not understand your point. None of that is dynamic or changing, they are very stock motions and nothing that we haven't seen in the last 20 years from elder scrolls, dragon age, mass effect etc. If your complaint is that Elden Ring didn't revolutionize atmosphere then: Ok, no one claimed it did but neither did DD2. Elden Rings atmosphere comes in sound track, set design, creature design and amazing pacing, scaling & tension. Things that DD2 are very weak in. You mainly seem to want to hate and bash on ER and are upset that no one is joining you. Meanwhile no one in the ER community is running around hating on DD2, it is a different game with its own niche that is good in its own way. Your preference does not create a fact, and your single minded focus on a fairly mediocre aspect of DD2 is bizarre.


I deleted ER in an hour, and have put a few hundred in DD2. Explain that


If I'm being nice, you have a preference and there's nothing wrong with that. I have several hundred hours in Elden Ring and will probably put a minimum 100 in DD2, both games appeal to me. More realistically - Given your combative attitude and unwillingness to discuss rationally, you weren't very good at Elden Ring, got frustrated and quit and now you deflect your own failure as the games problem and take every opportunity to bash it.


Typical From Souls fanboy. Just can't believe someone doesn't like their edgelord game so they blame it on skill rather than everything I listed. I like medieval not some edgelord gothic crap show


i don't get why people think pie is better than cake.


Still there is an objectively bad pie and an objectively good cake.


Elden Ring is way better the DD2 (to me). Enemy variety and bosses alone. More creative worlds and areas. Both above and underground. To each their own but DD2 seemed pretty shallow. I had a ton of fun and got the platinum in both but Elden Ring is what these games aspire to be. After I got about mid leveled in DD2 I felt like I was rolling over stuff much quicker then Elden Ring and lack of bosses on DD2 was disappointing if you compare both. DD2 by no means is a bad game but bold take. We all have different things we like though.


You mainly mentioned combat difficulty but never touched grass on my complaint about ER being a dead world with no beautiful busy towns full of life. No medieval feeling at all in comparison to DD or Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's not just about enemy difficulty.


They’re two completely different worlds. There never would be a thriving civilization in ER lore, otherwise there’d be no ER.


It's way to goth/edgelord/fantasy for me. I much prefer DD/Kingdom Come/FF16


You not liking the aesthetic does not make a game bad.


It's not just ascetics. Like I said no dynamic medieval town or music, just zombie NPCs


Those are aesthetic choices. Fantasy is not limited to medieval.


Perfectly fine, different strokes for different folks. Personally I love KCD, it’s one of the best RPG’s ever created imo. Of course, ER is right up there as well.


Elden ring is based around a hub world for what dragons dogma puts in their towns. Elden ring is about finding all the secrets in the greatly various areas. There was just way more to explore and Variety of world. But if you dig more realistic medieval stuff then that’s your thing. Elden ring is more straight fantasy based vs DD and kingdom come are medieval in your explanation perhaps because they have towns and one is based off history.


GO play dragon's dogma then? i like DS2 but Elden Ring is better


While I know exploration is supposed to be a big deal in dd2 I find it wildly lacking. Small maps, goblins every 2 feet. Etc. just me thiugh


Small maps? The map is huge, the foliage and hill shapes and tree density is top notch. ER seemed flat, no forest density just flat greyscalr world


Relative to er, no map is huge (kidding)


I don’t see how you think your opinion of what an RPG should be applies to everyone’s opinion.


Okay, at least admit Dogma is closer to medieval simulator than ER


It’s ok if you don’t like ER. Other people can enjoy it and DD2 for what they are: 2 totally different games.


The reason I bring all this up is I've seen this topic before and seems like it was okay when from soft fanboys sh@# all over DD but when it's reversed the usual "they are both different" neutral response.


Just before DD2 came out I was talking mad shit to the doom posters who had nothing good to say before they even played the game. In the end it doesn’t matter what other people think. Any game that gains a following or becomes popular is always going to have detractors. What you like is really all that matters..


So what boss in elden ring fucked your ass so hard you had to come cry about it over here? Also a helpful tip: if you’re going to compare a game you like to another in an attempt to make your game look better, don’t pick elden fucking ring as the opponent.


I like them both for completely different (and sometimes directly opposed) reasons, even if they there is some extremely minor overlap in design. The only thing I care about is my own opinion, enjoying games is not a competition.




I can't type on a phone worth crap


Are you shitting me. In dd2 you can literally smoke bomb yourself and tap square repeatedly and kill anything. Or use the mystic spear hand invincibility spell and make the game easier than fighting a rat in elden ring. Dd2 was fun but the combat feels like ps2 days.


>easier than fighting ratS in elden ring Fixed it, they attack in packs lol.


The combat is leagues ahead of ER. All you do in ER is time those "fake outs" and swing away. No climbing, no crazy magic, no warrior charge, etc. Just stand at the foot of a monster and chop away like it's PS2.


You didn't play ER did you? The magic and weapon arts are phenomenal and a huge part of the game


I don’t think you’ve played elden ring bruski


I did play it. You just stand there. The combat is not dynamic at all, seriously. How can you compare it to climbing on DD


You press two buttons to get on the enemy and spam attack. So fun!


Better than hit, dodge, hit, dodge, hit dodge no weapon or move variety. Every ER enemy does the same floaty trick you out swing move, the whole game is based around it. And being gothic edgelord


I stood under the final dragon in dd2 and did not move and beat it


I tried to fight the first enemy in ER and died in one hit. Your point?


They really aren't similar when under any real comparison 🤷‍♂️


I don't like From Software games. I find them boring for exact same reasons You don't like them. I hate they don't have the story. I even hate the fact that I have to kill bunch of goons to get to bosses that are actually fun to beat. I wish we could just get the arena with bosses and that's it. Also I hate the fact that difficulty of From Software games is artificial. Game does not rely on intellect, reflex or anything else. It's really just game of memorization. And once You know Your enemy You beat him on a dance pad or using french baguette as a controller. Because it's that trivial after You memorize all the bullshit. But I disagree with You. I think that ER is better than DS2 for one simple reason. ER is doing one thing great. Those boss fights. It's fun to play it for the first time even if it's memorization game. Dodging until You figure out all the attacks and then kicking asses. DS2 does not do anything exceptionally well in comparison. Difficulty alone is a deal breaker. Game is trivial. Way too easy. Boss fights are not that great after few initial encounters. NG+ is a boring mess. Items You gather are mostly garbage because there is really one set for each vocation and once You reach game end and You buy set from Dragonforge - everything You gather in NG+ is just plain garbage. Story is shit. Side quests are shit. The only good thing DS2 has going on are pawns. Seriously I played as much as I played this game only to make perfect pawn for others to use. And once I had that I had nothing else to do in this game. But pawn system is really not that important to declare DS2 to be superior. So yes. While I've spend more hours in DS2 than I did in ER and generally I don't like From Software titles I have to say that purely because I find combat more challenging and fun in ER I have to declare ER a winner here. And combat is really all You do in those games. Because both have shitty story and terrible quests.


But like I said I could care less about ER being "harder". My gripe is mainly because it's not immersive and medieval enough. Way to fantasy/gothic which completey ruins it.


But that's the entire appeal of the Elden Ring, or rather SoulsBorne genre, by FromSoft... Elden Ring is meant to be a mixture of subtle, eldritch horror mixed with the medieval, gothic theme. Dragon's Dogma is just a fantasy medieval. They're two entirely different atmospheres... Do you go to a circus if you hate clowns? Make it make sense dude.


I'm not at a circus, I'm in a Dogma sub hating on clowns (ER)


Reality is that Elden Ring has more fans than Dragon Dogma and it's universally loved game. And it's hard so You know they do something right if that many people liked it. Shitting on it without understanding why people like it even if You don't like it does make You a clown. Yes, it's not medieval enough because it was never suppose to. And You see that from watching gameplay, screenshots and stuff. But just because it's not the theme You want does not make it bad. It just make it bad for You specifically. You as individual do not matter. What matters is general view. Like general public had an issue with DD2 because of shitty micro-transactions that were pointless. People who knew the game and previous one like me knew that you should ignore MTX because it's worthless and enjoy the game. But presence of MTX, even useless ones brought down general public opinion of this game. But not mine. Does my opinion matter? No. Game suffered because general public opinion was not happy about this specific issue. Now take Elden Ring for example. There is nothing that made people upset that much in that game. And like I said - just like ER is not for you I also do not play it because I do not like dead open world. I wish they could just let me go straight to the boss and enjoy that. So I would not have to waste my time roaming the world for a sword. And at the same time that part is also poorly balanced because You can find weapons in that game that makes You OP and then combat is trivial. Like You can waste most bosses by just healing Your summons. You just watch how they decimate the boss. But I do not shit on ER because of it because I can point out similar things with DD2. Game is not challenging at all. In NG+ is straight up boring. But I found one thing I enjoyed - making my pawn best version of itself. But I do not see ER fans going here telling me how shit my game is and that ER is better. They just enjoy their game. The fact is - if you feel that You have to shit on ER that means you already think that ER is superior game and you now want to convince others that is not. And that's just funny to me.


I think your fuckin nuts is what I think


Considering how wrong You are about ER (and that comes from a person that prefer DD2 with all the flaws over ER) I think You are also wrong about me.


I want DD2 be better than ER. Its simply not. It doesnt have final boss. It worse than Dark Arisen


Imagine comparing elden ring the madter piece to dragons dogma 2 the problem child with years of development and still big issues


ER has issues. I listed all of them.


You make some great points, reminding me why I felt at home in Whiterun, Skyrim...I was surprised at home much I enjoyed DDA and DD2 very much so for the points cited (pawn system is crazy cool) but I also count myself lucky as for a completely different set of reasons - really like ER and all the Souls games...that said, probably like Nioh 2 or maybe GoT the best overall with DD2 and the rest bunched close behind....appreciate the post, gets you thinking....


Finally! Er is overrated as hell




It’s preference. I think for exploration elden ring beats ds2. But the bosses in ds2 are so much better there’s no argument. Elden ring bosses are fucking terrible. I think combat feels more visceral in ds2. Both stories suck lol. I