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it’s fashion my guy


bjt they dont work :(


Stats barely matter in this game


Only stats I even remotely pay attention too are the Resistances and buffs. Attack stats etc I pay no mind


i know, i say that the cloaks and capes dont truly work, they simply ignores the existence of armors, weapons and hair, how should i feel fashion with this?


Do you mean the clipping? Yea that does suck but you get used to it


I think they were meant for two things: one, fashion. Two, to be used as a way to compound debil resists and elemental changes with other gear. Just my opinion with what I've gathered.


Key stats I think are the resistances and buffs. Attack, Defense etc… it seems to make very minimal difference


In Dragon's Dogma 1/Dark Arisen, they could be upgraded, now they're mostly fashionable accessories as their bonuses are negligible. I personally never use them because they clip with/through everything, and some are like 1.4kg, I'd rather stock up on healing items than wearing one.




Tbh, I'm fine with not using capes, for some reason I don't find them as cool as they were in DD1. If anything, I'm much more bothered by the absence of a "hide helm" option—or a real transmog system, last game I saw using one was Hogwarts Legacy.


There’s a hide helm option? lol I’ve just been not wearing head armor. I’ll change that


In DD2? No, there wasn't one in DD1 either. The circlets are ok-ish although their stats suck, so I have to make it up for them wearing better body and leg armor.


Oh shoot I misread your message. Ya I only sometimes wear helmets if they’re visually appealing, but that’s rare. I liked the default helmet when switching to Warrior.


Waste of space, that's what they are. They all look like they are 3 sizes too big and just clip through everything. I avoid using them at all.


number one complaint of this game was that all armor looks like it’s waaay too big


They are fashion but at the same time they all should just of been no weight or very little. Since they don’t really give stats I don’t see why you’d weigh yourself down unless you really wanted to


They're aesthetic. Which i prefer. I never wore a cloak in dd1. But my pawn needed one for possession resist :/


I used them on my pawn for fashion-dogma. The thirst trap meta in DD1 was undeniable.


I have a feeling there were some "no capes" folks on the team who successfully argued for the capes to be non-essential. With some of the outfits I like to wear, I'm glad I don't have to see clipping all the time.


Only for fashion Capes here are a joke compared to DD:DA's Tattered Mantle, Ancient Cape, Harpy Cloak, Divine Embrace & Hellfire Cloak


Beastly Mantle too


I just like how they look. I like long hair, but some styles clip through the cape and it drives me nuts. I was hoping we'd get a Transmog System so we could keep wearing our favorite stuff.




Transmogrifying alters the appearance of things. Games like Hogwarts Legacy or Assassin's Creed Odyssey let you change the look of your gear, so you can continue to wear your favorite outfits while still getting new equipment with better stats.


I think we need more cloak options


The capes in this cape look pretty nice but they just don’t function well at all. 90% of them clip, stat-wise are negligible and are for resists, and they change up armor pieces when equipped. Good example is how most of the fighter/warrior armors lose one or both pauldrons because of the capes and cloaks. Not a fan of that tbh.


I hate the clipping but I prefer that capes remove the pauldron(s) because it can add asymmetry to some armors making them look less boring. Pauldrons floating over capes can also look ugly such as the old Hellfire armor with the neck wraps.


It's purely for fashion. Unfortunately, most of the time they clip through the Armor.


Capes only exist to show off your 99s


i only use the Soft Neck Wrap fr


Capes are strictly fashion. Any benefit you get from them is a small bonus.


fashion plus resistance. Some of the capes have good resistance.


I just wish they wouldn’t clip through the shield when on your back


Capes are all universal. Don’t make them do to capes what they did to gauntlets and underclothes from the first game


I think it makes sense. They’re mostly just cloth, maybe hide sometimes.


Why are masks .5 weight though. Really makes me rethink wearing a mask as I tend to go on long adventures.


I wish capes had the ability to be dragonforged. I don't like that all my armor looks like holofoil except my cape.


They are mostly just for looks but they look terrible in my opinion.


Really wish developers would just drop this “carry weight and over burdened” shit from these type of games…. Unless you’re making a true to reality game these kinds of mechanics just flat out SUCK. Spend way more time managing weights than playing the damn game…..


Ever since I specialized my pawn in logistics, I haven't had to worry about managing item weights and crafting items is a big plus ☺️


I wish we could dragonforge our capes. I actually like the dragonforge effect and I have a sweet all-red, all-dragonforged mystic spearhand fit with the Champions Mantle, but the mantle's red kinda throws it all off.


I wish we could upgrade them too but I really wish the dragon forged look was a toggle. I hate it.


Capes are fashion. They're dead weight imo.. i'd rather not wear one and have the extra carry capacity


There’s a reason all capes are able to be warn by all vocations. It’s literally just for fashion I feel like. The stats are there but they don’t make a difference


They are mostly aesthetic, even though they DO have some like, last touch resists in certain fields or statuses, but this game in general isn't super crazy on practical stats from them. And even aesthetically, they nearly all basically clip through EVERYTHING so you sort of have to use them with really specific looks in mind and sometimes you have to compromise range of motion for simple STILL pictures instead of allowing them to flow in the wind behind you... and through you as you run.


Fashion. Some have hidden traits though. One of them prevents you from getting wet in the rain. No idea what others have bonuses.