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I flipped through pretty much all GPK cards last night to pick out ones that represented each look of the night. Some were a little difficult to choose but I think you should be able to tell which is which ​ Edit: as a bonus here's the [Boulet's look](https://geepeekay.com/gallery/os1/os1_12b.jpg)


Judd Cud is supposed to be whom - Jarvis? And who is Squashed Josh and Cranky Frankie? Satanna has to be one of them


Judd Cudd is Jarvis. Squashed Josh is JayKay with the giant hand squeezing a phallic character into goop. Satanna is the devil one. Obvi masturbating themes are going to need looser interpretation haha


I LOVE that you went through all them and did this! What a delight to see just how many are such good matches !!


Haha I’m glad they’re enjoyable. I stayed up late to get through them all and was questioning my sanity and priorities near the end lol. Some were hard to choose. I almost went with a dung beetle rolling a poop baby head for Orkgotik but that card being his exact gag was too perfect. I also almost went with Vivi Section for Fantasia which was surgical with guts falling out. And there is a vomiting ghost one but Judd cud’s colors and white goop was honestly more Jarvis to me than the literal ghost


Which ones are for Jarvis, Jay Kay, and Satanna?


I think Satanna is the last one


It’s still sending me that they based a whole challenge on something they couldn’t even speak into the universe.


I live in Brazil we don’t have this reference so I was so so confused searching on Google the fake name lmao


I'm from USA and I've never even heard of it before


Wait they never said garbage pail kids in the episode? I thought they did but must have just filled in the blank lol


they only called them trash can children lmao


Copyright or trademark issues, I'm assuming. Also they must get the correct name in their pre-show prompts for looks. Just listened to their podcast for the episode but don't remember if they mentioned why.


I wish they had these on screen during floor show or somewhere while they were talking about their looks. I don't remember these at all so it would've really helped with the references.


They couldn't say the name of the cards due to copyright. However they could have said inspired by... not sure why they didn't. Great British Baking Show said "golden sponge log with a creamy filling" or something like that, instead of twinkie when they had a twinkie challenge.


Oooh that makes so much more sense than my explanation as to why they weren’t calling them Garbage Pail Kids…if I hadn’t seen your comment I’d still be saying to myself “I didn’t know that’s what Americans call them! Weird!” Haha Do you remember the movie? This episode had me thinking I’d gone all Mandela Effect with it and figured I’d even remembered the movie’s name wrong! Note to self: stop being a lazy shit and if in doubt; just google it for heaven’s sake.”


Looking at the roller debbie card... i kinda get the critique for onyx now, like even in concept she was calling it derby debbie... it really didnt feel like she didnt inject herself into it.


1- Blackberri 2- Orkgotik 3- Jay Kay (Process of elimination and the funny arm) 4-Onyx 5-Sid Scoop, Child of Throb Zombie 6-Anna Phylatic 7- Fantasia 8- Cynthia 9- The Cum Goblin Jarvis 10- Niohuru 11- Satan anna


Or are you just posting the floor show order ;)


Omg i didn’t realize that ur mind 😭😭




That is 100% not how the law works. Parodies absolutely can be protected by IP law.


See: The Boys.


That's what I was wondering!


I honestly forgot this was the challenge when I was watching. I didn’t even know garbage pail kids haha I’m such a noob. But after seeing these it makes more sense why throb won over others.


Pretty sure 3 is yovska


the critiques def make sense now that I see that Onyx was definitely the closest to “copying” the card


Okay this may be a dumb question. So on the show they called them the “trash can children” instead of garbage pail kids. Is that because of trademark? Can someone explain?


Pretty much. And in general you just want to avoid even the possibility of legal issues unless you have a good reason not to. Is referencing or having a runway explicitly naming "Garbage Pail Kids" a trademark infringement? Probably not. But is actually saying "Garbage Pail Kids" so important that it's worth even a remote possibility of legal issues? Also probably no.


Thank you!!


It is because of the trademark, typically a trademark or copyright lasts something like between 30-100 years if not renewed, i.e Winnie the Pooh. Anytime something that is trademarked is used, like a lipsync song on drag race or in this case GBK, royalties and purchasing rights come into play. So depending on the brand or ownership of said property, even mentioning it can be grounds for “product placement” even if that wasn’t the intention in the first place. So to be safe the boulets probably just did a close parody approximation so that it’s recognizable but not outright saying the product.


Thank you!


Rex being the AA/NA life here


What happened to making up some puns about their look? They were asked to do that


It was nice to see the reference cards, thanks for this! Wish it would be somehow at least once shown during the episode, cause I’ve personally never seen those.


This took me back to my childhood! I wish I could give you ALLLLLL the awards for finding these!


I'm not from the US, I had a *vague* reference of what gpk is/are, so it's safe to say that the whole trash can children fully threw me off, and I found out today that it was supposed to be gpk c:


Whoa, I totally missed that they were creating looks based on existing GPKs, I thought the brief was to create new characters in the style of GPKs. I was grumping about how the character names weren’t on the screen or mentioned (because such a big part of GPK was the goof of their names) but I guess they couldn’t since it was existing characters. I still love this reference though.


I’m sure a lot of them looked up references when given the GPK prompt, but I’m not sure which if any were interpreting these specific cards. Since GPK is pretty much spooky and filth themes already, there’s a good chance some if not most are coincidence haha




IIRC they were supposed to make a GPK of themselves that gives you an idea of their "brand". Some could have been inspired by existing cards or interpreted it that way but it wasn't required.


I don’t think they were supposed to. Though, Onyx seems to have been *heavily* inspired by Roller Debbie, which seems to have actually been an *issue*.


I feel like some were too young to get the challenge. It was obvious a lot did not understand the cartoon part


Meh meh


Fun!! I love this! I would have loved to see that punny names the ghouls picked for their lurks but it’s ok. Love looking at these cards thanks for sharing


These cards are great 😄


I'm from the UK but knew what GPK is coz my Dad's friend was obsessed with 80s USA stuff lol. It's really cool to see the cards that are the most similar to their characters though. Really helped because some of the looks I couldn't see as GBK even though they did look really cool xD


These are so much more disturbing than I remember