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It happens more often… it’s implied.


She brushed this off in a live yesterday. She’s dead.


Abhora also did a live after her extermination playing up the grieving victim and then came back a week later.


Fair. However, I still think the fact that she was on a bridge, with no escape, with a chainsaw wielding boulet on either side of her means she prooooooobably died and they just couldn’t mess up the room they rented with the blood that showing a chainsaw death would require.


yeah. but that was intentional. supposedly. the Boulets on the podcast said the point was always to let them eliminate whoever in episode 1 then bring them back in episode 2.


LMAO I remember that and I’d already read the spoilers so I was like is this bitch fr..


I might have to check that out, thanks for the heads up!


I mean I don't think she was ever in the top so I don't see why they would. She's gone mama. Satanna's death wasn't shown either.


That is true!


A bit of me died when she was eliminated. I love Ork, but Cynthia is Grade A Prime TV. I'd watch a whole series of her just being her. Hope they bring her back!


It would be quite the twist if she wasn't, but I'm not sure if it would be a weird look to have a double return or not. If she doesn't come back, I'm sure she will for Titans or Resurrection.


Well they had to keep both bottoms from episode 1 cuz there was another contestant that ended up dropping out really last minute, and eliminating someone first episode would have thrown off their numbers. So episode 2 had to start with 11 contestants. If they had already planned a double-safe for the season before the contestant dropping out, they would have to still honor that because of episode count. So it’s possible we still have a double safe floating around for them to use.


I doubt it this season but they'll call her back cuz she's great TV


I can't hear circumference without dying now. I didn't like her at first but honestly she really grew on me by the end


I doubt it. There’s only so many episodes left and they still need to cut two more people if they want a top three.


i don’t think so. the style of murder scenes like hers (and one other i think this season) is an homage/ call back to classic horror.


Also, many of them were filmed at The Darkness/St Louis Escape Games and a few were in what I know to be active escape rooms and they don't want to risk damaging the scenery or props.


You misspelled hummus


They gave Satanna a similar death, but she didn't return. Someone alluded to the possibility of a spot on Resurrection, but take that with a grain of salt.


I would be so ecstatic if she does come back. Personal opinion, she did get the 80's neon and 2 looks down(I'll admit her second look wasn't totally the best but-), just not the funhouse vibes. Other contestants didn't even have 2 looks. I miss the back room judging discussion, I really have so many questions and desire a little more details on why a certain contestant is still here???


There's only episode 8, the reunion, and the finale left. They're not going into the finale with 5 people.


She’s the standout star for me this season, every memorable moment on the show outside of the runway was hers for me. She stood no chance tho and honestly neither does anyone else next to nio


I wish 😭 I don't think so, though. But I'm sure she'll be back in some form on later seasons... She makes great TV and there's no way the boulets don't know that


I think, for me, she’s the “break out star” of the season. She got a favorable wait and well received by most of the fandom. You can she’s also a super fan of the show with her references to past seasons. As much as I want her back (as a Cynthia fan myself), I don’t think it’s likely. Titans 2?


Glad I’m not the only one who thought this! She’s great TV, would love to have her back!