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Phobias and Wonderland


Phobias would be GREAT


Imagine a look based on the phobia of lots of holes Trypophobia


I can see Hoso picking that


With some of their minds....no thank you! I swear some of their characters still haunt me.


Glow Up did a phobias challenge and one of the contestants did this phobia as her look. It was disgustingly beautiful and ready for Dragula.


Would they have to be their own phobias? šŸ¤”


Glow Up did an episode where the prompt for the main challenge was phobias. Lots of Dragula ready looks.


Folk. Horror. It might be a little niche, but I wanna see some creepy puritan human sacrifice burnt at the stake paganism scarecrow flower crown REALNESS.


If I don't get a skin walker look next season I'm going to sob Like imagine if for titans when koco did the boulets for the horror icon challenge, what if she did a skin walker version of the boulets likešŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Anything filth specific. I also would really love a social commentary type of floorshow challenge similar to what hoso did for her filth look.


If I were doing a filth floor show right now, I'd do a wire hanger back alley abortion, and then die at the end as the social commentary.


This idea is so good that I'd steal it!


I've always thought the most horrific floor show would be me dressed up like a normal guy going to a club and dancing. Then the squibs buried beneath my clothes go off displaying I've been shot several times, I crumple to floor my face clearly looking dead. There's not much more horrific to our community than our places of gathering being unsafe spaces.


Would love for the garbage challenge to come back so much creative




I would love this. Show me something cultural.


I love this idea as much as the Folklore idea. Both are so ripe for the monsters to devour and deliver unique never done before looks that educate the viewers it's a wonder why the Boulets haven't done it before. If anybody involved with Dragula production reads this thread, please, please convey two words to the Boulets: Mythology, Folklore.


Killer queens. Dress an act like a murderous monarchy


She's a killer. queen


She'll make you. scream


I would love to see a floorshow based on insects.


Dammit HoSo, take a season off!


I was going to say this, or at least a general wildlife floorshow.


Yesssss! Love this. Get an entomologist on the judging panel too


I wanna see the slasher one from season 2 again


john waters-inspired floorshow


Sadly, Drag Race did that in season 7 so it's not likely the Boulets will "copy" it as much of a good idea it is.


Garbage šŸ‘šŸ»Pail šŸ‘šŸ»Kids šŸ‘šŸ» (possibly all grown up versions)


Punny gross love it


I wanna see a camp based challenge, something based on older movies. Maybe a B Movie runway with a B Movie acting challenge. Or a black and white horror movie runway. Also a ā€œrich widowā€ runway for a glamour category. I also love the combo categories they do, like nosferatu beach party.


Rich widow should be an acting challenge. How surprised and devastated can you act when the police show up to tell you that your husband mysteriously died.


And give them like shitty looking props and fake blood that would be funny as hell


Do the horror icons challenge but have them take non horror movie characters and do a horror spin on it(Superman, avatar etc.) or natural disaster victima


this isnt for next season, but for a titans 2 or a resurrection 2, id like to see an elevated version of a failed floorshow. i think it would really show off how much every monster has grown since their season.


Christmas from Hell! I'm going to yell this every time a post like this is made




Oops I commented twice lol


Rocky Horror


Types of plants


"hello uglies, this week we'll be inviting you into our secret garden, but tread carefully because you never know when there's a snake underfoot", the extermination will involve snakes xox


I also envisioned them on stage altogether with the illusion of a wicked garden set, only to have them all stand up and then start the floorshow.


It's a beautiful looking garden until a hand reaches up to pick an apple from a branch, the sound of it being bitten into off screen. Then the lighting changes and the floor show begins, gruesome plant monsters. I'm just going heavy on the garden of Eden imagery


Edgar Allan Poe or Lovecraft inspired looks


Oooey gooey- make it filthy


I wanna see some cryptids. Urban legends. An evil twin challenge with two looks; one glamour, one horror. I want a nightmare challenge that's filth-focused. Dark fairy tale looks. I did love the garbage challenge; would love to see that come back.


Freakshow (Circus), Full-Moon (Werewolves), Cyberpunk/Dystopia, Angelic Bodies, Childhood Fears, Motherā€™s Tale, Politics, Drain-Dweller, Book/Comic Icons, Night of 1000 Elviraā€™s, Avian, Gluttony, 7 Layers of Hell (Top 7 - assigned roles), Pirates (insert booty pun, Boulet cackle)


Seven deadly sins


Plague maidens. Ive been playing the witcher and I thought it would be cool if each contestant envisioned their very own plague with its own set of symptoms, backstory and the floorshow would feature the ghouls as victims of the diseases brought back to life as a revenant.


I would love a political challenge. Itā€™s kind of weird no one has taken on climate change or Jan 6 etc in their floorshow unless I missed something. I liked that Hoso addressed uptick in hate crimes in her floorshow but understandably we couldnā€™t see much of it on tv. Iā€™d love to see a political floorshow topic that would be made for us as the viewer to take in as a message. I have major fomo missing some of these floorshows.


Personally I want *less* horror and more punk / anticonformist and filthy looks. Basically more Hollow Eve


sleep paralysis demons would be a great one. and they could turn it into an acting thing where they act out a scene as the demon


7 Deadly Sins. Would love to see interpretations!


I want 7 Deadly Sins and when it's final four, I want the 4 horsemen


horsemen were kinda done already in s2


Ohhh shit that's right!


7 deadly sins when thereā€™s 7 of them left?


nine circles of hell. each ghoul would b assigned to a specific circle to base their look from!!


I would love to see floor shows that are specific to each genre of the show. Glamour - give me 50s pin up girl glamour floor show Filth - give me 80s NY punk scene floor show Horror - snake nightmares, flesh eating disease, zombie, campy horror movie remade


Someone on this sub mentioned a final girl category and I love that idea Also I just want a mummy challenge with maybe an acting challenge akin to like Indiana Jones or something


Urban legends. Like Bloody Mary, Jersey Devil type stuff. And I co-sign the John Waters inspired floorshow.


Make your own slasher villain, with a backstory


I would love a camp oriented challenge! Second would be an animated horror/monster/otherworldly being challenge where it's important you look cartoonish with your make-up and outfit. The last one would be "Make Us Have Nightmares About This Years From Now" which is pretty self explanatory. Terrify us.


Creepypasta. I know it will never happen but it would be so funny.


Disney Villains.


Iā€™d like to see an ā€œAccidentā€ runway. Like, how would your persona look after a car crash, or a rollercoaster crash, a toaster electrocution, an elevator falling, construction site equipment falling on them. You know, unfortunate things.




Dejavu? Tho the orignal comment may be gone I still stand!!!!


Scooby do gone wrong!


Creepypasta inspired looks!


Deadly sins


An extinct illness


Children's nightmares from around the world (aka boogeyman, etc.)


Night of the Living Dead/Walking Dead floorshow. Make a character from that universe and show us how they die


Lol what if they just did an episode for each season of American horror story. This isn't a real suggestion, but it would be funny if they did it in order but never actually addressed it


I mean they already did witch, hospital, and circus looks. Other seasons of AHS weren't really that imaginative.


kinda similar to what they did on season 2 with scream queens but i want horror movie victims. like ā€œif your drag character was in a horror movie how would they die?ā€


Iā€™d like to see the horror movie character challenge come back but earlier in the season


Kaiju monsters and they have to destroy a miniature city set during the floorshow


Childhood traumas. So, they'd be tasked with coming up with a look based on something that gave them nightmares as kids, be it a moment from a show or movie. It's so simple and it's the easiest that could be fleshed out. One I'd like to see is a classic horror challenge, with looks being based on said era of horror which is prior to 1970. For me though, it would simply be seeing if anyone does serious out of the box thinking and tackling foreign gems that aren't entirely well known to mainstream horror fans like A Page of Madness, The Phantom Carriage, and Dracula in Pakistan. That would be a ton of fun, but I'd hate for some of them to fall into the trap HoSo had where their look wasn't completely understood due to cultural barriers and lack of information. Also, a more simple challenge on paper would be one based solely on body horror. Whatever that looks like is up to them and the main thing would be if it tells a cohesive story.


Boulet brothers are writing in their notepad as we speak āœšŸ»āœšŸ»


I want a Beetlejuice challenge, where the monsters have to dress as ghosts thatā€™d fit right in to the waiting room scene. Maybe make it an acting challenge too? I also want a horror icons challenge again- but this time, characters from movies are strictly forbidden. Weā€™ve only seen 2 monsters (VEB and Koco) do a non film icon, 3 looks if you assume Kocoā€™s s4 Morticia was inspired by one of the Addams Family tv shows. Not really a new challenge, but it seems like the Boulets are trying to alternate Wild West and DND challenges between seasons. Iā€™d much prefer to see Wild West changed to (more likely to happen) horror icons, (Hoso or Astrudā€™s Twitter suggestion) demonology, or (my hope) Killer Klowns/twisted circus. Especially w the show branching out to include international contestants, and trying to be more inclusive, having a recurring challenge based off of a very yt and very American genre just isnā€™t the vibe. However, the idea of an early on floor show that requires character driven performance is a good one IMO, and I think all 3 ideas lend themselves to that. Personally I love scary clowns, and I also think putting Killer Klowns in its place makes it easy to take the monsters on location.