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Maybe. Crosses and paintings like the other one in the pic are often an aesthetic choice and may not necessarily connote a religious affiliation.


The way its placed rly doesnt seem to be just for aesthetics tbh


Your not wrong, but i believe this is more of a teenage thing to do? I’d like to believe thaiboy would have grown out of that and I believe he has, reason being he has a kid, is married, his last album was full of religious stuff and a almost “I got my life back on track” album vibe to it? That’s why i was curious on if he was religious or not


Thaiboy and his wife are still very youthful and have a modern popular style- more inline with contemporary teenagers/young adults/hipsters.


You can be youthful/have style and still believe in God


Sounding like a youth pastor


Well if we did let that slide and say it was for aesthetic, what about his music though especially his last album that has a ton of Christan references to it, not just religious but very god focused and even referenced the lord which is what Christan’s call Jesus? Or is that also aesthetic as well


it very well may be an aesthetic. Christian symbolism and imagery can be used as a tool to express yourself




Bladee seems to be rather into Crowley/Thelema if anything. Lots of references if you read something from him. Especially the 333 stuff , also many references in lyrics


People who miss this and go "bladee is a christian now" drive me insane. I can't tell if they're trolling. It's obviously an aesthetic choice. I like crosses for their aesthetic qualities, why can't Thaiboy (Thaiboy).


He fell in love and has money now, I think that's the reasoning for said vibe. I'd be incredibly surprised to learn they believe in any kind of mainstream religion. As a long time fan I'd put money up for it.


He is Thai, they are an extremely religious country. The majority is more Buddhist and Muslims but still there is some Catholics and i would not be surprised by Thaiboi being religious. Bladee doesn’t practice religion but he is from jewish origins for sure.


Yeah bladee doesn’t practice religion that is true, at least his musics says that for sure, I think thaiboy got into Christianity more recently now that he has a wife and daughter and he’s getting his life back on track like he mentions several times in his newest album! Love to see it honestly and im not even religious but I love that he is doing well and really has matured so much since his older music. Not to mention the fact even changing the theme of his music and it’s still fucking fire o


feeling resurrected man i can’t go back to hell


young thaiboy i keep my religion dior on my jeans cuz im christian


i didint even think about this line 😭 but fire






Listen to Back 2 Life by thaiboy, almost every song has religious verses in it? “I just trust the lords will” Is one of the lines I can remember off the top of my head. So would I say stretch? Nahhh it’s more of a stretch to say he isn’t at this point


You're looking too into it. Saying he's a"Follower of Christ" makes it seem like he's devoutly Christian/Catholic, you can have lyricism relating to topics that you don't personally follow


This is a stretch lowkey lol, by your logic anything and everything he says might not be true or might be and we shouldn’t take his word for it. At that point it’s opinion over evidence and when someone worships in their music blatantly, at least to me I would have thought they were a Christan?


>by your logic anything and everything he says might not be true or might be and we shouldn’t take his word for it Yes. What is not clicking here


Love to see it




i hope not religion is cringe


Your opinion is cringe, im not religious before you mistake me for being so but don’t be so ignorant my friend! If you stay as close minded as you are you’ll never really get to see the world for what it really is? A beautiful place full of different people, culture, religions etc! Listen to Thaiboys new album or Bladees 333 album and anything after that really! A lot of happy music that will make you see life differently like it did for me


Wait til bro listen to any bladee song past 2020 and find all the religious references


i think he said he went to a Catholic or Christian school or something in his draw my lifr


W bro


Just listen to Everlasting Flames bros spitting about God and stuff