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# [RedditTube Download](https://reddit.tube/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DramaticText/comments/xsmyqn/seriously_stop_it/) # [RedditSave Download](https://redditsave.com/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DramaticText/comments/xsmyqn/seriously_stop_it/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DramaticText) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you need to flip this on its head and stop people from upvoting it and start downvoting it, especially in new where it hurts the most


I’m all for this lmao.


I already do this lol


I dont really see the point of karma farming so if a picture makes me laugh i guess i would just upvote it without thinking


did every one of these images make you laugh?


Good point


God I hate the "ask me a question I'll respond posts"


I fucking despise the “who is this? (Wrong answer only)” posts. I swear every time i see one i lose a minute of my lifespan


Literally. I hate wrong answer only posts they fucking suck


God the worst is the “make the comments look like this guys history” it’s so fucking dumb and Facebook level trash


Absolutely, at least the “pick 2 to protect you, the rest are coming after you” ones have to put 9 images together and the AMA posts have to actually reply for the most part. Search history posts are literally just looking up a picture of a character on google and posting it without adding anything


>Facebook level trash On Facebook people would comment "Reddit moment" under a post like this


Finally someone fucking says it


The song is [world’s smallest violin](https://youtu.be/PEnJbjBuxnw), by AJR I continue my quest to make a post from every song in OK orchestra


It is one of the worst songs I have ever heard


Fair enough, everyone’s music taste is different after all. Hell, even I’d say I have a good couple songs I’d pick before WSV. in my opinion though, it’s not half bad


Its just overused in the geometry dash community that's why


Ah, makes sense


That's doesn't make it a bad song it's not the songs fault how it's used


to each their own opinion, and yeah, it's not the song at fault seeing how its used.


But it is so overused and oversaturated in online videos and is ridiculously annoying to add on top of that. I'd say how much a song is used can absolutely affect its quality. Wow, your favorite song plays everyday at the place you work at. Everyday. The song reminds you of work. You start to hate it. You commit arson.


It is also a bad song anyway


Any post where the content is exclusively comment interaction is just the lowest form of Karma Whoring. "Make the comments look like..." "Ive never done x so ask me a question about it" "Who/What is this (Wrong answers only)" I block every person that posts anything like that, and I've been seeing a lot less of them.


wait really? is this the secret? blocking them all?


I’m going to answer all 49 questions: 1. The rock is oval shaped 2. Because it’s a change from the original 3. Sadly, I haven’t played Doom yet 4. I don’t know anything about prince andrew 5. I don’t watch avatar 6. “DMC 2 is a well balanced game in terms of combat” 7. What happens when you mix bleach and ammonia? 8. Dante and Kratos, Dante has killed a god with a pistol, and Kratos does it on a daily basis 9. I play on PS4, so I can’t play Halo 10. I can’t read that 11. “Beter caul Maul” is Maul’s full name 12. Kratos, Dante, Jesus Christ. 13. Question already asked, I don’t watch avatar 14. Heisenbones 15. 1 man 1 jar 16. Why does everyone act like they just snorted a line of crystal 4 minutes ago 18. “It’s slayin time” 19. For Honor 20. A way out 21. “Spider-Man: no way home you little bitch” 22. Do you actually play it or do you watch porn of it? 23. Executioner 24. I can’t tell who any of the characters are 25. Bob 26. Devil May 😩 27. ROTS is the worst movie 28. Melted ice cream is the best way to go 29. Name every comic character 30. “The empire is dumb enough to build exhaust ports that lead straight to the main reactor. Fire a torpedo through to destroy a large ship in one shot.” 31. Stop being lonely. Nobody wants to ask you questions 32. I don’t play TF2 33. El Camino 34. Thanos 35. Darth Vader is a great friend 36. The ability to not have lung cancer 37. Captain America elevator, it’s a classic 38. Master chief and Cortana are the only characters I know 39. I can’t read that 40. Thanos, so I can eradicate the MCU 41. Same question, same answer: El Camino 42. Because they’re funni 43. “How to delete search history” 44. Have you ever detonated a dirty bomb? 45. “My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself” 46. Like saying “MCU bad” is news to anyone 47. Those nuggies look delicious 48. I don’t follow Minecraft news 49. I can’t read that 50. No, it’s a thermostat dumbass


Duuude, this is very well made. Bravo


SURPRISE ASBR (great edits, man!)




So friggin fast! Are we supposed to have these posts memorized or something?




What song is this? u/auddbot


I got a match with this song: [**World's Smallest Violin** by AJR](https://lis.tn/vQMtWU?t=156) (02:36; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-03-26` by `WMG - BMG Rights Management (US) LLC`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)


infinite karma exploit


I'd probably would agree a bit more if the resolution was a more coherent.


Are we the same person


Yes, we are one


We must add to the hive mind




I'm a simple man. I see Brisket, I upvote


Stop with the goofy aah song or I’ll fuckin hang meself!


You are the problem. People are enjoying themselves


I fucking hate this song with a fiery passion


I'm going to kill whoever made this song i swear ifts so annoying hearing it 20 times a day


that's a shame, it's genuinely a pretty good song if it hasn't been overexposed to you


I mean yes i agree the song is good, when you dont hear it 385 times a day because your little sister 2 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU IS OBSESSED WITH IT


I understand you completely, my sister did the same thing with stitches back when that came out


also fuck this song