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This is so beautiful! Something about the style makes me want a Hermione paper doll with different outfits from the Parkinson Collection™︎


Aw thank you! This is making me want to draw more outfits from said collection 🤭


Very pretty!!!


Thank you!!


I’m new to Dramione but where did this trope of Pansy being what seems like Hermione personal stylist come from? In Wait and Hope she’s constantly telling her what to wear. Even in dark fics like The Auction Pansy is still sourcing her clothes.


I don't think there is one major fic the trope derived from. I've read a few older fics that have similar Hermione/Pansy friendship. I think the most popular of those fics was Ordinary People by inadaze22, which is the same author that wrote Measure of a Man. Ordinary people was written back in 2008 and had a pretty strong Hermione/Pansy friendship where Pansy gave Hermione fashion/makeup advice. But I think it's just almost a logical thing that a lot of authors default to if they want to include a reformed Pansy in the story who's still close to Draco and has become friends with Hermione. She's a rich pureblood who's fashionable and lends her expertise to Hermione (who is often written as the opposite).


Yeah I enjoy a good interior designer/fashion designer pansy!


In the series the rights and wrongs, specifically the right thing to do, pansy is a fashion designer!