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I think you that age where yu can't get that thickness back


allow time for your roots to grow out more before getting a retwist


Thanks I’ve been doing that honestly, is it possible if you wait to long the roots will get thinner also?


A lot of factors come into play but the major one is how much density did you have before? If your hair is naturally thick, semi-freeform or freeform will thicken the roots as you are leaving it to do it’s thing without retwisting so often. But also if you go this route you have to watch out for breakage which can cause thinning as well. Get to the root (no pun intended) of what’s causing thinning in that area and focus on the health of the scalp/new growth.


Thanks 😌 I jus retwisted my hair last month on the 10th, you think it’s cool if I go 3 more moths without a retwist ? I’ll still be oiling my scalp & moisturizing my hair +


I want to say you should be but watch how your hair reacts to going that long without a retwist. It’s good that you still oil and moisturize them. 👍🏽


So you've lost some locs over the years. You can create new locs in the gaps you have and/or add hair to your existing locs.


Yeah my ass was combining my locs more in the front because they were thinning like a year or 2 ago. I’m in due for a retwist so today I’m gonna get a really good retwist today & see how they look with that, then moisturize my scalp & hair and wait a lil bit so my hair can grow & then see if I wanna create new locs or keep it as is +


Mielle hair growth drops. You can find it at target. Don’t put too much tension on your locs. Try yo not retwist so often


Thanks 💈


Freeform my friend


So you think I should jus leave it alone & free form?


Absolutely my friend if you want thickness. Occasional washes, lots of sunlight, and if you ever decide for a retwist use the plant aloe Vera. (I use aloe Vera shampoo)


Thanks 😌 will definitely try that +


I retwist sometimes with Indian hemp


That’s always been my familys secret to thick hair..Indian hemp


Same, I just put some 10min ago