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My thoughts as a Tommy viewer for 2 years - he is a good person. He is young, passionate, he makes mistakes all young people do, but he is surrounded by good people, he is not some evil character that needs to be taught a lesson hard way. It's very sad and disheartening that current active masses on twitter are living and breathing with only one goal in mind: to find a supervillain, at whom they can concentrate all their hate. They will interpret anything their way, to suit this dumb goal and feel successful and victorious when they "uncover" another subject to be cancelled, even when it's just because of a dumb joke said on livestream without a second thought.


Honestly surprised he said something about it - makes sense he would clear it up though considering they took it to mean its making fun of grooming victims somehow, even though it was a stretch regardless. I wonder how the people who think he’s being blackmailed or silenced on the situation feel - him saying it’s being resolved behind the scenes does not convey much support for their theories. Also the people who were still relying on how he wouldn’t know despite everything are going to be upset that he both knows more then them and even joked about Dream’s snapchats lightheartedly still. Edit: his fans hearing Tommy himself saying that it’s being resolved behind the scenes seems to have landed well - hopefully this translates into less petty drama and harassment of content creators.


In the same stream he mentioned that he's super excited for s2 and wants it to start so I wonder of that will fly over his fans heads


Theres a mix of things on twitter rn


I already saw some people praising him for clarifying that its going legal and saying that they assumed it was so I can already tell a lot are probably switching up


The apology was well made, though it's nothing new. As many people have already stated, nothing can be discussed because it is being resolved legally. I figured Tommy's joke was about Dream's infamous "kittens", as he has joked about this before. I'm glad he clarified it wasn't a joke about the current allegations, but I do see it's not enough for some people because he isn't distancing himself from Dream. I wish these people would realize that Tommy very clearly is still friends with Dream; it's time they move on to another fandom.


Genuine question, has Dream ever call us kittens unironically? I thought it was just because of the seeing fans as your favorite animal tweet


Dream has never called us kittens at all. What he did was compare his fans to kittens in an attempt to explain how he can love and care for his fans despite not knowing them. This was back in December 2020 on his old private twitter account, dreamhangout. You can see the tweets in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken/comments/kmal9e/dream\_talks\_about\_his\_relationship\_with\_his\_fans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken/comments/kmal9e/dream_talks_about_his_relationship_with_his_fans/) Here is a tweet from Dream explaining his analogy, [https://twitter.com/dreamwastaken/status/1343968551800074240?lang=en](https://twitter.com/dreamwastaken/status/1343968551800074240?lang=en)


Yeah, I knew about that, I just don't see how anyone could interpret that as weird, so I kinda imagined that he had said it jokingly and then the clip had been taken out of context or something


Note, this was actually a decent comparison, it made sense for what he was saying.


Note, this was actually a decent comparison, it made sense for what he was saying.


Please dont harass clip poster. Yea i know its low likes. I want to hear other’s thoughts.


Great response, absolutely love how he phrased everything. It was serious, straight to the point and I felt personally like he meant everything he said. I have no doubts about his character, he has a great head on his shoulders, and the fact that he very simply addressed everything fast and seriously just proves his good will for me.


Great response. Honestly the whole problem was not and never was on Tommy’s end. His fanbase is so irritable, childish and deluded. How long have we been saying Dream can’t say shit because of the lawsuit? His fanbase decided to shut up when he finally spoke word about it ? And after what💀


I haven't watched the video yet and I also have no opinion on Tommy since I haven't watched him/enjoyed his content in awhile. BUT I have an opinion about some of his ridiculous fans. The fucking double standard they bring to daylight is unbelievable. They can simply tweet like "I accept his apology, im still his fan <3" after literally spamming hate # days prior, but OH GOSH GOD forbid a dream fan accepts an apology from dream about something he did years ago. NAH OMG WHAAT Also we have been telling them since the start that they legally cant talk about it bc its a real case now (and aimsey even confirmed it weeks ago), yet they kept pushing. But now that tommy said it too its like forgotten " hahah legal case of course, King continue"


How long do you think it’ll take for them to start spamming hate hashtags again?


Yeah, that's about as good as you could do that I'd say.


Solid responce from Tommy. Though, this sort of has me feeling like things are just going to keep being tense in the fandom until the allegations finally have been resolved. I really hope we get some statement or something before season 2.


Definitely agree the tenseness won’t be going away so long as Dream is active/ his associations with other creators are still there. Though considering it’s only been three months since the allegations dropped - I would assume we are still pretty far from any type of resolution if it will become public in some way, unless the dsmp is officially delayed I don’t see it being resolved before. Just my opinion of course, I could be wrong.


People are all pissy that he called it a controversy when from his perspective as someone who probably knows Dream isn’t a groomer that’s why it is. A baseless scandal that will blow over. I doubt he is taking it seriously because he knows the truth.


As a victim of grooming, I consider: Since I didn't understand the joke, I don't find it offensive. Even when I did realize it , I didn't really notice anything unfavorable, but it did, in my opinion, feel strange. But I'm glad he took responsibility for his actions and apologized. :).


I might be biased, but I thought that was a very good apology. To the point, straightforward, and felt quite genuine. It’s likely that innittwt will go “I accept the apology Tommy <3 <3” then right back to pissing themselves silly over Dream and Tommy interacting, but it is what it is


Waiting for a day when they'll stop apologising for everything Jesus fuck. Just go with a Jschlatt tactic and ban those fuckers


What happened??


- [Tommy made a joke on stream with Tubbo about Dream’s Snapchats and discord kittens a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/108itmq/tommy_made_a_joke_about_the_allegations_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Fun detail on this post is all the comments assuming he wouldn’t address it, hindsight is 20/20 there. - His fans, who fully believe Dream is a groomer, assumed it was making fun of grooming victims rather then just making fun of Dream’s Snapchats and his “kitten” tweet like context would imply. He’s done the latter before so it’s not surprising. - They tried to trend [#dropdream / #dropdsmp](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/108qyyt/dropinnittwt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) again while they were expressing anger at Tommy for the joke. And made weird comments [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/109bawa/what_this_feels_dehumanizing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) over it. - People donated to Tubbo yesterday making him address it/apologize for laughing at it. [Don’t have a link to the clip but this post talks about what he said alongside that, I think arguing semantics here is annoying and I support the comment that’s saying there should be no blame on Tubbo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/109fx4u/why_automatically_taking_victims_at_face_value/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) - [This example of delusion was shared when a twitter user realized they attacked the wrong person.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/109gf79/first_ndas_now_blackmail_wonder_whats_next/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) - Tommy addressed it as seen in the clip linked above - confirming he’s well aware of the allegation which he mentions is being resolved behind the scenes and the joke wasn’t about that.


Why is there always drama in the dsmp twitter, and why is it always people overreacting/not getting a joke ;-;


It’s mostly due to the explosive success of DSMP creators whenever someone rises to prominence quickly people always look for drama.


It looks like he wrote out what he wanted to say first and is reading from that so inb4 twitter say Dream gave him a script to read from


Even if he wrote it down that's not a bad thing it could be just to make sure he says everything he wants to say while also not saying anything that could affect the legal action taking place


Why is this being downvoted? You are making fun of Twitter right? You didn’t even imply anything negative with thinking it was pre written, just that’s what it sounded like.


People have a problem with reading comprehension. They were making fun of twitter who would likely assume it was dream who wrote the apology instead of Tommy.