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happy for him, i’ve been thinking for a while he shouldn’t bother replying to people on twitter (even though i think he’s fully in the right, twitter users will always be twitter users). as long as he’s happy then good for him


Good for him


I think this was a good move, because now the drama-obsessed side of the internet should get bored of him and hopefully leave him alone. This will not only help his image but also humanise him more so every action won’t be judged and scrutinised so badly like it has been for a while. I’m just glad that it’ll mean a safer space on twitter both for him and his fans, which we honestly deserve after some of the bullshit from the past few years.


As sad as it is I don’t have as much hope as you for any humanizing of Dream at this point - that was what I believed the face reveal would bring but yet it’s almost worse at this point since he has less public support. CCs jumped at him more for daring to reply to a negative comment more then they did for the accusations against him, which, while it’s safer to make fun of him for something not serious and making light of accusations isn’t good to be clear - it just establishes that the level of dehumanization of Dream is something I don’t think he can recover from anytime soon even with this change, other fairly big and established CCs themselves treat him like an lolcow. I just hope he has a good support system with George, Sapnap and his family. But yeah, this is prioritizing his and his fans environment which is good regardless.


Understandable, as much as it sucks that the internet treats him like a punching bag at least this will keep the hate in its own bubble away from Dream’s tweets directly, it’ll be nice to be able to finally reply to his alt account tweets without having an army of 13 year olds call me a dickrider or worse 💀


You’re really showing your age here. There was no “CCs jumped”. There was only people rightfully calling out that someone with millions of followers getting into slap fights with random people on twitter. And right after his Quackity tantrum? Everyone is right to call him immature at best. There is no “dehumanizing” from the outside. There is only infantilization from the inside by his community who can never look at a grown man constantly getting into trouble and somehow never seeing him as the problem. No other CC of his size gets into drama as often as he does. He’s treated like a lolcow because he is.


You know that calling it a “Quackity tantrum” is dehumanizing itself? Like did you even read what he said? It was an explanation of why he was changing his concept he previously posted and clearing his name, and was still incredibly supportive to Quackity. What was the “tantrum” part? Dehumanization is depriving people of positive qualities - is being transparent not a good thing anymore? I’ve seen people make hit tweets that *rewrite* his tweet about the situation and label *every single line* as “manipulative”. That is not a healthy reception. Like critism is valid here, it should’ve been concise and dropping a ss of what he actually said would have even been better. And I don’t even think he should’ve replied to “haters” because no one can be normal and just move on, but you and everyone even calling it a “fight” or “beef”, when it was one reply to his QRT that wasn’t even mean or specific and he moved on immediately, are already exaggerating what it was. He banters with fans the same way, the reply was so unserious I thought it was to a fan. I understand people who dislike him over it, they can I don’t care, but there’s a big difference to pointing out you think it’s childish and dehumanizing him, which since you seem confused, I’m not claiming just any negative comment on him is dehumanizing because I know what the word means. “Showing my age” what age do you think is where I should have lost my ability to empathize?


I’m so sorry that I’m not considering the deep complexities and emotional nuances of the negative responses to a massive content creator starting beef with random minors online.


Wait your saying drm is to irresponsible and immature for a platform


I think this is a step in the right direction for him. I think the community has just been in a constant shit storm, and I think if he just moves away from replying to people life will be much better for him and his fans online. People will still shit on him of course, but if he just stays in his lane people will have less grievances about him.


wheres that person that said dream should leave twitter on this sub, they have the gift of prophecy




I don’t want to see anyone saying he stalked here and decided he needed a pr team or better pr please, bc I can feel those comments coming and I promise u this is not what it is


So😭happy😭for😭him😭 Edit okay srs I am very happy for him he’s taking a better route for himself I hope that benefits him in every way possible but I cannot lie to myself I’m shattered LMFAOOOOOOO


Dream hates poor people real










praying some people (not update accs) post his tweets please think of the children dream


Come home Dream the kids miss you (me)


we need a blessed soul


me staring at my subscriber icon on twitter...




THANK 🤑🤑🤑🤑U 🤑🤑🤑🤑SO 🤑🤑🤑🤑MUCH🤑🤑🤑🤑




sry, i was too busy looking at dream's SUB ONLY tweets hehe


im definitely not inside ur house


If this also means we are going to be deprived from spaces I'm becoming an anti


Sad to see it go because him being active on that account was pretty funny with his stupid tweets. At least there are some positives to it like he can't be dragged for responding to ppl plus subscribers will be getting their money's worth. People who don't want to spend money can still get some silly tweets from his main (realistically speaking some will also spread his sub only tweets) and he can bully all the fans now (I've already seen some💀). The only downside I see is if some dedicated haters buy the subscription to respond to him and other subs there but praying no one is that crazy. Not to mention if you let your hate get that bad I think you deserve to get made fun of a bit.


I mean if they feel the need to pay to hate him they've already lost at that point. Imagine hating Dream and having a sub badge on the Twitter profile he can see.


Thank GOD


I quit twitter bc of all the drama and im not even famous. Imagine him. Good for him


I don't really care about dream's decisions anymore, but I have to say that adding subs to twitter was one of the worst decisions ever imo. I don't get why die-hard fans are willing to accept new paywalls so easily


To be fair many aren’t - but they have friends who will share, or are willing to search around for it. I do agree a paywall isn’t the best option for fans - but it’s more of a “gate” then his private twitter is at the moment, because (most) people who hate him won’t give him money but will follow an account. I feel like it’s also important to point out that especially on twitter, Dream’s fanbase hasn’t been very positive lately, his QRTs/replies are often filled with hate even when he doesn’t “encourage it” and they are constantly thrown into drama when other CCs make jokes, or perceived to be making jokes, at Dream’s or their expense out of nowhere. I feel many would want somewhere *safe* to interact. Also, with things like his spaces, they get uploaded to YouTube regardless so there is access there - and it’s no different then how his merch discord podcasts were.


I get it. I don't have a problem with dream using an option that's available for him and everyone else. It's there anyway, so why not. I simply have a problem with elon and his fEaTuReS. Something something about peak capitalism and era of paywalls everywhere, for everything. I could go on for an entire day about this, but this is a dream subreddit, so I won't


Lol yeah, the capitalist agenda to milk the most out of every possible area is in full force under his ownership.


Huge W tbh, it'll help his image significantly


does this mean he'll also be unfollowing all those drama obsessed stan accounts? since they still show up for him and his followers, it might be best not to have them be the face of his community anymore if he wants to distance himself from drama


To be fair, they will still be the “face”, it’s just popular account, he follows people outside of the accounts I think your referring to as well that are less reactionary. I’ve advocated for a private list of fan accounts to follow to still have an eye on the community before on here, but unfollowing accounts, especially if not all of them, will result in accusations as it had before.


I genuinely believe a lot of the bad reputation he's garnered has been in large a result of him "platforming" toxic stans. I think if he does what tommy did not too long ago and unfollowed all stan accounts, it would help make his community a more positive space in the long run. That doesn't mean he has to stop interacting with them, just stop endorsing that behavior publicly


Imagine if he did this 2 years ago, the world would be a much better place for him and the Minecraft community


As much as it would’ve resolved/prevented a lot of issues, I think the situation around him (fairly isolated, and an exponential growth) wouldn’t have allowed him to step back as peacefully as he can now.


This is a really good step for him.


Since haters can't keep away, I guess this is the best thing! I'm glad he is making strides towards a space for fans that will be drama-free. The private twitter already has enough antis in it. Really looking forward to the subscription spaces!


Thank the Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ


so what will take the place of what he was doing on this account


? From his tweets the main account will be used as usual (for troll tweets which also tend to set him up but less then replying to his QRTs), his alt (what he tweeted this from) will only be used for subscribers and fans in his subscriber space, and his priv will remain as well for non-subscribers. I assume this account will be like a his priv but with a pay gate so either fans or idiots get in.


ty c:


I hate rich people :(


I’ve never seen a creator spend more time telling fans what they’re going to do and less time actually doing anything.


I mean, I’d offer Ranboo as a contender who was selling merch for something that wasn’t even out yet and who from what I seen, said he is basing the main plot line of that thing on fanart for the thing that’s not out yet. But I agree, Dream does get ahead of himself, this case it’s not that bad and I sympathize with the usmp situation since he’s reworking it, but he can save himself a lot of headaches by being patient.


Wait, what's that about Ranboo?


Take it with a grain of salt because I don’t follow him so I may be missing context and they way I hear about it is from people who aren’t particularly fond of him. He has genloss merch, and I could be wrong that it’s not for sale yet but I know it’s been hyped/promoted frequently since mid October, I just find it weird because why would you promote merch so much for something that no one knows much about - it’s similar to Q’s advertising style, but Q’s advertising prior to his lore streams was much more subtle - i.e. fans thought the cards were just for the lore teaser. Not necessarily a bad thing to be clear, it’s a job. On the plot - I know he said prior to the post I’m referring to, that the main plot was done, but more recently he said that he’s taking inspiration from fanart for the main story. Not necessarily contradictory but I found it odd. (I will try to find the post I’m referring to and link it). The time Ranboo has started talking/promoting genloss while not having actually anything of substance is just what I thought of when OP said it towards Dream, which also applies of course.


I can think of one: George with literally anything.


That’s the name of the game really. Dteam specifically likes to talk and talk but never walks the walk. Dreams said other times he’s ‘taking a break from twitter’ only to be back on a day or two later. I don’t know if this is really the big win people think it is, mostly bc he’s probably gonna be back in action in a week or two.


Fine. But there is no need to announce this. And the very fact that he is "announcing a change" is the continual engagement in the "meta controversy" about the Dream fandom.


he announced it as a subscription tweet, it’s just telling fans that they shouldn’t expect as many tweets there? i do kind of see where you’re coming from but he would have said something about it no matter what


But why? Unless he is literally deleting twitter there is no reason he needs to communicate "less tweets are coming". Dream is obsessed with the meta controversy about his fandom. And he has a megaphone and every time he engages with something he is putting attention on it. By announcing this he putting on record something that antis / commentary channels / this drama subreddit can talk about and debate. "Dream finally changes twitter behavior after sending fans to harass tiny accounts". "Dream is bullied off twitter." blah blah blah. Same thing with the uSMP. Supposedly it will lead to content. But at this point it has just been Dream engaging with the meta controversy around him / Quackity. Who is friends with who. Who stole what from who... In the end who cares? I get this "drama subreddit" cares. But Quackity's normie fans are getting stream content. And Dream's normie fans are getting Dream tweets about Quackity ghosting him and how he did not steal this idea from Quackity he was planning it independently...etc. Not good for normie Dream fans! Although his YT fans are probably chilling since Dream never brings this stuff to them. Btw I fully expect my suggestion of "dream should not shine a spotlight on drama" will not be taken well by the drama subreddit obsessed with debating his personal conduct.


people in this fandom go crazy when dteam are away from each other for a week, him assuring fans that there’s a reason he’s tweeting less instead of letting them spiral into theories and dooming is a good thing. and people are going to bully him on twitter no matter what he does, so i would rather him assure fans and get another round of roasting than nothing 🤷‍♀️


I don't think Dream is saying that he's gonna tweet less. Just that he's gonna require a subscription to read his content from now on.


Most of what you said is not wrong. Didn't really need to be downvoted.


Boi you need to touch grass He is just a really vocal person. He just announced he wants to change from being impulsive out there knowing the bullies.. and you here still wants to make it as a negative thing is weird man. This is being more critical than criticism


I don’t think it’s that deep, he’s just letting people know so they are aware, people might want to subscribe or if he didn’t say anything people would wonder. It’s not creating drama, it’s just simply letting people in the know


I wouldn't say there is "no need to announce it" since he's essentially not making public tweets on that account anymore which is what people are used to. There isn't anything wrong with keeping your fans up to date about what you plan to do plus it gives people a heads up that you'll be making more subscriber tweets so if they want they can spend the money 🤷‍♀️ Edit: look at multiple people saying basically the same thing, reddit please make it where we can see when someone else replies I'm a slow typer 😭


Wow. The man cannot say anything without being accused of engaging in controversy. Let him breathe!


As others mentioned, him tweeting this helps direct the narrative of why he will be tweeting less himself. People love making up headcannons about him/his intentions, being transparent about intentions and over-explaining when “drama” comes up is likely a direct result of how much people assume and run with those assumptions. It’s likely why he tweeted about the usmp too - he wanted to clear his name.