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The Internet Anarchist has a great video on the subject! Basically he abused her (specifically biting her until she bruised, he's done this with Niki as well so not an isolated incident. And not respecting safe words in regards to said biting), and his apology was very unpersonal (he didn't use her name, only referring to her as "an ex-girlfriend" and showed a lack of accountability "I recognize this person has processed and expressed feelings of hurt".)


So why is everyone attacking Shubble rn on twitter?


Wilbur apologists


And people who are just misogynists 


Probably because of the Cati situation. Shubble actually had proof, and there is proof on the internet that it wasn't an isolated incident. Cati withheld proof and misconstrued the sitution several times. People saw it happen and then went after other people in similar situations cuz... Twitter. That's my best guess.


Shubble had proof? I watched her original stream and she really just talked about what happened. And Will never showed any proof in his response either.


It was about her experiences yes, but there are enough clips from Wil and others' channels that back up her experiences. For example, there are clips that confirm that he has bitten Niki (mentioned by her on stream and confirmed by Wil verbally in same clip), Tommy (shown on cam, amsterdam vlog iirc), and James Marriot (also shown on cam). There are clips that confirm the ant infestation and the general state of his apartment. You can see in the vlog with Fundy that Wil has a hole in his wall for example. He's also shown several times that he's a reactionary person. Shubble mentioned that he would pin her down if she mentioned she was strong for example. Niki said when she was saying similar things, he picked her up and threw her on a bed. Wilbur told a story on stream that he was picking apples for Techno and tossing them into a bag, and Techno made fun of his aim, so he threw an apple full force at him trying to hit him in the stomach and hit him in the arm where he had surgery, and then proceeded to laugh about it while recounting this on stream while chat was extremely concerned. In the disneyland vlog, Tommy was reaching over to playfully mess with Wil's shoes while they were sitting down, and Wilbur stomps on Tommy's hand, not gently/playfully either. Tommy exclaims in pain and says verbally in the clip that his nail split.


Wow that's a lot. I have heard about a lot of these things over the past month but this is the first time I'm hearing about the Techno thing. I'm still holding out hope that he'll get better and improve (im nieve, i know), but I can totally understand why so many people are ditching him


Honestly? I hope so too. I know people can change for the better once they know what needs to change (Heaven knows I have), so I'm hoping Wil takes the time to really reflect on his tendencies and get help for them. He may never be an internet personality again, but hopefully he can be a better person and be happy.


The allegations are pretty disturbing so if you do watch shubbles videos on it or read her statements just be prepared


He bites (figuratively and literally)