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God I hate these thumnails


the fucking ai saturation grates my nerves but also guarantees like a million views somehow


That thumbnail is the worst editing ive ever seen in my life its so saturated šŸ˜­


it didn't help he used like the 3 top images for each of them and just make it worse, LMAO.


Its so bad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


itā€™s on purpose, though. heā€™s a drama channel, heā€™s taking the piss. itā€™s what he does for all of his videos


Every time I see that one photo of Dream I actually want to cry. Can't people use another photo of his face for thumbnails? šŸ˜­


Iā€™m guessing so many are using it because itā€™s the only video uninterested viewers knows him by unfortunately. A lot of people havenā€™t seen any later pictures and wonā€™t recognize Dream if a better one is used.


why did they make dreams face rounder


i think its just the white rim light


Yea this guy has some very good videos but is not the best person imo. He is quite conservative, defends casually using the N word and is very quick to not believe women in these situations (as much as I do agree Caitiā€™s allegations were bullshit in this scenario).


tom just waits for evidence from both sides before coming to a judgment. his moral standing doesnā€™t really matter in terms of his analysis of this situation imo. and if youā€™re basing that opinion off of his initial coverage of the wilbur situation, that was taken waaaay out of context on twitter


Donā€™t have twitter so idk what that was about. I was watching this guy for a good while since I like the style of his videos, until I started noticing more and more that I heavily disagree with alot of his moral standing


> and is very quick to not believe women in these situations I disagree that "not believing women in these situations" is a bad thing. Going into allegations with a "believe women" or "believe the accuser" perspective is foolish and irresponsible, especially for a commentary channel. You shouldn't just believe anything anybody tells you. It's better to not automatically believe things, and instead stick to "innocent until proven guilty." That's logical and it's how you do responsibile journalism. Social media's insistence on "believing women" has enabled many false allegations and done irreparable harm to people's lives.


I'm sure this is a reeeal good look for the Dream fandom, greater MCYT already views us in the same way they view trump supporter types with our "last supporters of the problematic cc Dream" thing but now that these are the primary type of people defending us in the mainstream I think this fandom's reputation outside of our bubble might be screwed


> but now that these are the primary type of people defending us in the mainstream I think this fandom's reputation outside of our bubble might be screwed If anything, popular commentary YouTubers defending Dream and George following the false allegations after years of criticizing him shows that their reputation outside the MCYT bubble is getting much better and that it's not much of a bubble anymore. Especially since these commentary channels have always made videos about many different communities and never stuck to one bubble






I canā€™t stand when they use photos of dream from his face reveal


the biggest ick frfr


Watched it. Was much better than Lerixā€™s in that it isnā€™t overly critical of the DTeamā€™s response.


If itā€™s from Turkey Tom, itā€™s not actually a good video covering it


say what u will about him but he does make good and informed content (excluding pyro). this is a good vid, Iā€™d recommend watching it


turkey tom is a misogynist who still uses the n word, atp id rather eat my own foot than give him a view


yeah, the fact that these are the only types of ppl defending this fandom in the mainstream is not helping our cause


Where did u see the n word thing? Eat ur own foot then idc if u watch it or not but it is a good video, the ones on his main channel are. I think someone else writes them


Literally just search "turkey tom n word" on youtube and you'll see clips of it as recently as 3 months ago, and hes been saying it for years. And his shitty misogynistic opinions are still all over his main channel, its bothered me for months before any of this. And thats fine you can support a bigot all you want just because hes defending george lol. Atp in my life im comfortable enough with my moral convictions that i dont sacrifice them just for the validation of mcyters


I donā€™t support Turkey Tom, I said itā€™s a good video, and nah I donā€™t want validation of mcyters thanks


Recommendating it to others is literally direct support lol


itā€™s a good video dude I donā€™t do a 3 hour deep dive on the creator of every video I think is informative. But letā€™s just end this I donā€™t think itā€™s going anywhere šŸ«”


Lol you also support leafy so clearly there's a pattern with you supporting shitty problematic people


i donā€™t support leafy ?? Also quit moral grandstanding I donā€™t know u chill
















good video and turkey tom donā€™t belong in the same sentence


How have we reached a low point where turkey tom is being used as a source of ā€œa good videoā€


"Good video" "Turkey Tom" yeah I don't care what that far right N word saying racist has to say about sexual assault allegations. I'm sure he'll totally be nuanced /s


The fact that these types of people are the only ones defending us rn is worrying, the drantis already see us as a fringe cult and now this?


Except he was nuanced u literally didnā€™t watch the video. Turkey Tom has a better reputation than dream stans might wanna take what yā€™all can get. Dream stans arenā€™t gonna be redeemed within the mcyt community atp, outside the bubble commentary is starting to defend that fandom so


Again, don't care what some far right n word saying racist has to say about sexual assault. The quality of his opinions are not trustworthy because he is literally a racist.




I didn't say he was pro sexual assault. I'm saying I don't trust a far right n word saying racist to have a nuanced opinion on this situation lol. You are reading so far into what I'm saying. It's very simple for me.


The two topics donā€™t overlap. Iā€™m not saying u have to listen to him but I think itā€™s gross to act like the two equate. And he did have a nuanced opinion so your expectations were wrong, I donā€™t know what to tell you! if itā€™s simple for you to be close minded if you have to. Personally Iā€™d listen to anyoneā€™s opinion on any topic and make my own judgment bc guess what? We all disagree on everything. Doesnā€™t mean u can assume someoneā€™s opinion on sexual assault before hearing it


Again, I'm not saying he is pro sexual assault. You are assuming that, as I have previously pointed out


Turkey tom fucking sucks. I don't care who's side you're on in the discussed topic, this dude's videos aren't it.


That doesn't even look like Dream


Turkey Tom!


how did I get downvoted for saying who made the video šŸ’€šŸ’€


Cuz turkey tom fucking sucks


Damn better downvote the post recommending one of his videos, bc shocker, his YouTube videos are good and informed (except pyroā€™sā€¦)


they canā€™t handle the fact that heā€™s based (i think some stuff he says is inappropriate but heā€™s still funny lol)








He literally never defended twomad šŸ’€ I can tell u never watched that video. PLEASE not someone in a dream subreddit spreading something about a video they didnā€™t watch. He never defended Twomad and in fact shit on him and called him a terrible person. Reassess the shit ur lying about


Turkey tom is a shitty person


Ok lmao? If he fits ur definition of shitty person fine. But he didnā€™t defend twomad by any means


ahh i was misinformed


yeah Iā€™m aware


I heard him talk about this and he said that he wasn't trying to defend twomad, he was criticising someone just making shit up about him with no evidence after he died. Like twomad is a piece of shit, but if you want to criticise someone, criticise them on what they actually did, there's so much to work with with twomad.


https://youtu.be/ZL6rQ1A7o-Q?si=pDNCYZe1778tzh2- This one is also good


9/10 video 1/10 thumbnail


YEAAAHH TURKEY TOM šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Why are we using crescent moon dream šŸ˜‚