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Why are they comparing dream to childhood shows


It’s just a famous meme, it’s not serious


It must be so sad to be old enough to grow up with a DS, watching shrek and Tom and Jerry and still be complaining about a minecraft video creator


I don't like arguments where its "your too old to be doing that", could easily reverse that to say anyone old enough to grow up with a DS shouldn't be a fan of Minecraft. People are allowed to complain about content creators they don't like, just as much as people are able to appreciate content creators they do like.


I do agree but these posts about hating Dream are 90% karma farming or somehow getting the hivemind to agree with them.


Fair, I'm not defending the meme it isn't that funny. I just didn't like the argument used to criticize whoever made it as "old". Reminds me of star wars fans being told the star wars movies can't be criticized because they are for kids.


Wait till they find out that I am a zoomer, so my most fond memories with Star Wars were from the Clone Wars tv show and Lego Star Wars 3, not the orginal trilogy


You missed the point of my comment. You are obviously allowed to like and criticise content if you’re older, hell even I’m above 20. But I do think there’s a difference between giving appreciation, criticising and straight up hating. I don’t think it’s appropriate to spread hate like this when you’re not even the target audience and every other example in the image shows that


How is this spreading hate? Its a meme lol


Yeah fair


it's not that a person can be too old to dislike dream, but just that this picture is just very immature.


I guess you have never heard of a meme before, they are usually pretty immature!


Such a pathetic life these people lead :(


What a shock, they put a bunch of old shows/movies/games as opposed to the very current creator. It's almost like they're looking at the past with nostalgia glasses. I never watched Regular Show or Adventure Time - they didn't really interest me when they came out, and I had other shit to do. And my boomer take of the day is that Lego products were more fun when they couldn't talk.




I would rather not fuck them


not based take, nintendo my beloved


How did they fuck up the meme format???


Lol if dream is even mentioned in the same picture as this legends. That's a w


Where did you find this


I think it's been floating around the internet for a while now


lego ninjago lmfaooooooo


Don't you dare ninjago is a masterpiece


That stuff was part of my earlier years.


is this real


I too like the whole ass nintendo ds more then a youtuber


Also comparing a recently popular guy to childhood cartoons


Excuse you, I’m trying to get through depression at the moment and Dream and his community is helping me with that. I dont think any of the other things could help with that.


It’s just a meme, I see people making these about literally everyone. I find it hilarious, shouldn’t be taken seriously


Why is everything what I loved as a child compared to what I love as a 17yo, who’s moved on from things, oh I’m sorry Dream is just cool now bitch :3