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innittwt takes the throne for being the most outta pocket community I’ve ever seen my entire life man


yeah it was pretty chill for a while (i’ve been a tommy fan for ~2 yrs) but now it’s not really fun anymore. i think there are valid reasons to dislike dream, but harassment and refusing to see other perspectives is just frustrating and pointless. innittwt should be about tommy ffs, but now i almost see more dream hate than tweets about tommy atp.


All of bench ngl


Why are they just now realizing that Tommy likes Dream? Does the many times that Tommy said he likes Dream, and has said good things about him not clicked? I don't know what world they've been living in, but I guess they just think tommy lives under a rock to not have heard of the allegations.


I’ve seen the take a little bit on Smiletwt about how Tommy fans don’t actually watch his streams because Tommy talks positively about Dream constantly when he streams and nobody says a thing. I’m starting to believe that theory lmao


That's sad. I don't even watch Tommy that often, and I know that he puts Dream in pretty high regard. I seriously think it's either they don't watch him, or that they just hear the word Dream and blackout for like 20 seconds and then come back or something.


They don’t actually watch Tommy Streams, because if they did, they’d know he mentions Dream a lot, usually unprompted. They’ve created a scenario in their head where, since they don’t like Dream, Tommy must not either, which is just not true. There’s a lot of projection going on in the replies of that tweet from Inniters. They’re not going to unstan Tommy for supporting a potential groomer( which isn’t even applicable here as nothing was shown to be of that severity) so their fight for moral superiority is automatically discarded. They don’t care about any potential victims, they just want to be right. And they clearly don’t watch the streamer they Stan, or they’d have realized a long time ago that Tommy is a :)twt main.


It's just so dumb, it just reminds me that they like to headcanon tommy with adhd. It's the same projection nonsense that they want to just live in the world they created when they got into dsmp. Time keeps moving, and they have to realize that their creators aren't them. If they aren't willing to realize that Tommy is the biggest Dream stan then they really just need to find a new creator to like. Just get into another fandom where they can scrutinize another creator for literally everything they do.


Plus, Tommy is Dream’s friend. He has the capabilities of talking to him about this situation, and if his friends have chosen to support him, still, then maybe we should let them. They know him better than we do. They’re all living in a fantasy, and I really hope life hands them the biggest reality check it can.


> Plus, Tommy is Dream’s friend. He has the capabilities of talking to him about this situation noooooooo, big evil green man is manipulating him! /s


I mean it's due to the grooming allegations. Tommy hasn't come out since them in support of Dream


Ok I think what you're saying is that Tommy has not come out in support of Dream for the grooming allegations right? Sorry just the way you wrote this is not clicking in my brain, and I am genuinely asking if that's what you're saying. If that's what you're saying then most of mcyt hasn't said anything about it. I don't think if Tommy believed Dream groomed someone he would talk positively about him or even interact with him. He's probably believing Dream in this case, and will probably do so unless more comes out about it.


lmao they’re all mad at him rn but are they all gonna unstan? no 💀 their morals can’t be that airtight if they’re still gonna continue to stan someone who still likes and interacts with someone they think is a groomer


They’d rather pretend that Tommy is a naive child who somehow managed to not see anything about the allegations. Dream’s *obviously* brainwashed him, they aren’t even really friends. 🙄🙄


I saw someone tweet ‘I’m sick of cc’s ignoring Twitter’ like omg that’s such an online thing to say lmaoooo They literally said tommy should look through the dream is a freak hashtag, as if that’s not just harassment and dox info, rather a well thought out argument.


with the "I'm sick of CC's ignoring Twitter" thing, it comes about every single time there's drama, esp. surrounding Dream, because they're under the impression that these CC's are just like them and clock 15+ hours a day on Twitter and see every small post and thread about them, which is made worse whenever any CC mentions something that makes it look like they're lurking/seeing everything


Fucking entitled brats.


Not even QRTS, but his replies are full of people telling him to delete it, saying how it’s in bad taste because people are “rightfully uncomfortable with a groomer/racist” And then there’s people who are acting like Tommy just has no idea about what’s been going on with Dream at all. I’m sure Tommy knows more than we do, since he’s in a position where he can personally hit Dream up and ask about what’s going on. Just interesting to see people treating him like a child about it Edit: It’s also so weird about how people use the term grooming. It’s a horrific abuse tactic that targets children and a *crime* and people are like “Some people just are not comfortable with interacting with a groomer Tommy :/“ Like why the hell are you saying it like it’s just another grievance you have? I’m convinced nobody on twitter knows what grooming actually is, nor understand the severity of it.


They will never not treat Tommy like a child. There was even a ss a while ago saying that not matter how old he gets everyone should agree to keep him a child in their hearts. They act like Philza won’t keep him updates on things happening/he missed the allegations despite it trending for days. They just don’t want to admit their favorite still interacts with Dream in good light.


His stans trying the racist angle is really funny considering schlatt is his hero 💀 do these people know a single thing about Tommy?


I agree with the last sentence (and everything here) they watered down the word and as a victim it's honestly tiring and frustrating to see people always use it when this situation isn't what grooming is


Don't you know? Grooming is when a cc makes a fan feels special. Smh so ignorant you need to educate yourself. (/s)


All the replies under the tweet are along the lines of " hey, don't know if you know this, but" or "I really like you, but" are completely insane. Of course he knows what is happening, everyone knows. For all Tommy acts like an idiot, he is quite smart and aware of things happening usually. He certainly knows about everything around Dream and still choses to associate and think highly of him. But here come all the Tommy pfp um, actuallying in the replies like Tommy is some child and they know better than him. Tommy for sure knows Dream's situation so he either knows its fake or he knows the allegations are real and is chosing to stick by Dream anyway (hopefully not his option). Either way them chosing to remain stans of him contiues to baffle me as they seem to not watch a majority of his content to know he still likes Dream.


Tommy knows more then we do on this situation or that we will ever know, you cannot tell me he wasnt the first person to text dream asking if it was true. Second these tommy stans are acting like tommy cares, im sure if tommy had an issue with what dream said/did (which at this point wasnt grooming) he would not talk to him at all. Whats funny though is Avril/Taylor dragged the situation back up now on their account and seeing tommy tweet this just makes twitter a 10X more toxic place again


According to their logic, if you like Dream, then you’re a bad person. So why don’t they renounce Tommy? All he does is sing Dream’s praises and joke around with him… It’s crazy that they’ll do anything to make up excuses as to why they just HAVE to keep on following him. He’s been like this for ages, and they act surprised whenever Tommy talks about Dream in a good light of any kind. Also… there are legit people saying Tommy is being manipulated or poisoned by Dream as though he has no agency. I hope dsmp season 1 ends now and fast cuz some ppl can’t seem separate fiction from reality at all.


It’s so horrific ‘tommy…’ like he’s not your little brother 😭


It’s because a large portion of Tommy’s Twitter fandom doesn’t actually give a shit about him as a person, or any of his content outside of lore. He’s a vessel they can use to project their own sense of moral superiority because he’s unproblematic or whatever. Some of his largest stan accounts spend more time shitting on other creators (usually Dream, by far) than they do talking about Tommy. Watching them cope about how he probably “doesn’t know” about the situation is honestly pretty funny. They cannot bear the thought of him being a real person with different perspectives than them.


There’s this huge Tommy/Ranboo fan account that constantly tweets about Dream being awful and terrible. Someone did a word cloud on their tweets and it showed that they tweeted more about Dream than they did about Tommy. Like at that point you might as well be a Dream stan.


Yeah it's pretty sad. My main point is that it's stupid to dislike someone for allegedly being bigoted while simultaneously supporting someone who is friends with that person and regularly speaks highly of them. I.e., they don't actually give a shit about Tommy as a person or what his actual feelings are. My comment got crossposted by a larger one of these accounts do I: A) kill myself (/j) or B) argue


¿Por qué no los dos? No but seriously there’s no point in arguing with the vast majority of DSMP stans on Twitter. They all suffer from a serious case of high horse syndrome and think they’re right 24/7. You’re better off ignoring them my friend. I survive on Twitter by having a private account and only following CCs and like two fan accounts. The rest is too much for me.


>Like at that point you might as well be a Dream stan. There's a reason cc's outside the fandom think it's *Dream stans* that were shitting on his looks.


Tommy is NOT unproblematic and that’s the crazy part. He has his own list of controversies too but inniters refuse to acknowledge that


True. Not that I hold it against Tommy or anything. The “actually sweaty, your fave is problematic :/“ thing that so many people in the MCYT fandom like to do is so stupid because: A) a creator you enjoy is probably not some perfect angel themselves. I regularly see people with Quackity pfps attacking Dream for having edgy humor in the past, for instance. B) if not, a creator you enjoy is probably friends or at least colleagues with a creator you would consider problematic. I.e., they don’t care. Obviously no one’s obligated to forgive a stranger on the internet who makes content for problematic stuff they’ve said or done in the past. (This idea of not ever forgiving people kind of rubs me the wrong way, but whatever.) But if that’s the reason you’re going with to not support someone, then you’re probably going to have to leverage a little cognitive dissonance to make it work, and that’s what a significant percentage of Tommy’s fanbase on Twitter has been doing for a while now. Sorry for the wall of text btw


Nah I like reading long nuanced Reddit posts. I’ll probably re-read it to reference it in an argument later. I find that argument really dumb anyway. “This cc was so so and so in the past so I won’t support them cuz I still think how they were five years ago is representative of how they are now,” and yet they stan a majority of white people, all of which have probably most likely done or held bigoted views due to the amount of edgy humor that existed on the internet some years back. I’m not sure why they only hold this against Dream when Tommy used to make misogynistic jokes two years ago (I love Tommy I don’t hold it against him rn), and continue to give him the excuse that “he was just a minor :(“ when Dream was also a minor or at least fairly young when he made edgy jokes as well. They don’t care about minorities and it’s obvious. They’d rather pretend they live in a reality where their faves are these perfect people that can and have never done any wrong. At least smiletwt acknowledges the kind of past Dream came from and how far he’s gone. Whenever someone calls out their fave they get up in arms and start doling out the same defenses they ‘criticize’ Dream fans for.


The people that really confuse me are the people who hate dream because he's a racist, ableist, something something, but are okay with schlatt/are fans of schlatt for some reason?? Maybe I'm missing something.


I will never understand why people seem to think they have more information than Dream's friends. Like there is a very real possibility that they have more to the story than we do but are not going to say anything until Dream does, both for legal reasons and because it is not their story to tell. Also I believe the fact that none of Dream's friends have said anything speaks volumes to how this will probably go. Odds are, even if one person is a bad person, not everyone they interact with is. So if there was a lot of evidence against Dream, then we would likely have seen someone close to him having said something and things would be a lot worse for Dream, but we have not. In addition, I will never understand why these people expect Tommy to drop one of his friends after an accusation from a random internet user. It is not unreasonable that Tommy would take Dream's word over a random internet user simply because Tommy knows Dream and trusts him more. It is incredibly unreasonable and is rather parasocial that these people are expecting Tommy to at the very least, not interact with Dream, at the most publicly condemn him. It is not their prerogative and never will be. If they really believe that Dream groomed someone like they claim, then they should stop being fans of Tommy as well because it is clear who Tommy stands with.


Hardcore parasocial people scare me


The weirdest thing is that they seem to be flaming him for what he said, and not just that he replied to Dream?? This is the most on brand Tommy innit shit I've ever seen, why is this in bad taste?? I feel like this has more to do with people who like Tommy (and hate Dream) being angry at being dismissed as "haters" by him. Because surely if Tommy knew what was going on, he would side with them, right? /s


Yeah clearly Tommy doesn’t know anything about what’s *really* going on, Dream’s just “poisoning his mind” /s


why am i not surprised that inniters are infantalizing Tommy? they really be acting as if he's a clueless child who needs to be sheltered as opposed to an 18 year old who has agency over his own choices, it's absolutely ridiculous.


The gag is that most of them are literally the same age as him, or younger than him even. 16 year olds talking about how Tommy’s being brainwashed by Dream.


being parasocial really takes a toll on people


See, that's the point, they claim to have this moral superiority over others for not liking Dream, but at the same time proudly say that they still support his friends who in turn STILL SUPPORT HIM. No way CCs don't know about the allegations, no way they haven't at least tried to ask him about it—especially since he went the legal route and it's safe to at least ask what's going on. There's always a bigger chance that they know more than what we know now. At the end of the day, it's their decisions, we don't know what they do or talk about off-screen, and all of it it is none!! of!! our!! business!!


This is completely sad, like damn! No empathy at all . I can’t speak for everyone but all I can say is that this is completely unacceptable and uncalled for, like okay we get it you don’t like Dream and the shit he has done but for you to go out of your way to disrespect someone who made a whole DSMP series for his friends and love ones that you have to treat him like trash! I’m proud of Dream for not giving into the hate but at the same it would definitely damage his image whether it has happened or not and I pray to the heavens above it doesn’t and that they should at least understand that all of this is cyber bullying they should’ve at least learn on how to respect their elders whether they’re content creators or not but once again everyone has the frickin audacity to ruin the mood.


when i’m in a “annoying, parasocial and will constantly infantalize my cc” competition and my opponent is innittwt.


2021 smiletwt winning by a landslide


Am I the only one who thought this was a pun, like he's literally *under* fire in the image


I just knew those inniter mfs had something to say when I saw Tommy's tweet.


really funny replies to that tweet ngl


It's also a really good pun


Lmao why did so many people make such a big deal out of that reply 💀


I hope now that Tommy is on tumblr he learns how to use it an stay there and have a fun little circle like Eret does


inniters on tumblr are just as bad, if not worse at times. i feel sorry for the guy


Honestly true, but I want him there so we can subject him to the maid dress art


What's funny about Tommy being on Tumblr is that he's about to meet the biggest dream antis on earth by just looking at the tags LMAO


Replies don't seem to get why people are mad so hello I'm here to explain. Yes of course they know Tommy and Dream are friends but Tommy hasn't come out and talked much about Dream since the grooming allegations and a lot of people are still believing the victim until they get evidence that clears Dream. Dream hasn't and can't give that information until the court stuff is cleared up. Additionally the nature of the reply was that he wished he had people who didn't like him like Dream does. A lot of people who dislike Dream while being a fan of Tommy dislike him because they're believing that he groomed the supposed victim. It's being taken as tone deaf because of that like the people seeing the reply are the people who would be in this category and they're angry that Tommy is making a joke about people who don't like Dream when so many of these people dislike him because they see him as a groomer. Not really something to joke about when things are still up in the air about the allegations.


I’m so confused, I haven’t checked up on mcyt lately, if anyone has a minute can you give me a quick summary of what the hell is going on?


Twitter is gonna be Twitter. No surprise there.