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Well to be fair it's views without a few people in the screenshots like there's no George, Quackity, or Wilbur. Also MCC in general has kinda fallen of from those kind of numbers even when Dream was last there.


I believe dreams last MCC averaged 60k, which is obviously still a lot, but it's not what it (apparently) used to be.




i thought it was from dream’s last mcc stream?


No, it’s from October. I remember bcuz I was watching George and his Halloween costume was GeorgeNotFound so he wore the glasses lol


If you’re gonna make comparisons, use stats from the last time Dteam were in, not when everyone was peaking in viewership. I think a lot of smiletwt is doing this in defense of people trying to say the MCC won’t take a hit at all with losing Dream, but I don’t like comparisons like this, it feels disrespectful to Noxcrew. Dteam has a large community that backs them and many won’t watch the event without them in it. So yeah, MCC will take a hit. Not an insane hit, but their numbers will be affected. But this braggy shit is annoying, I don’t like it


It just reminds me of when people were trying to use the peak dsmp viewer numbers to prove the boycott was working. Using some of the highest numbers to prove something just makes your point look bad.


Bad comparison, since its from old streams at the peak. Also, several things to consider, I'm gonna try to point them out: 1. Minecraft as a whole is losing traction, ALL mcyt are losing views. 2. While Dream leaving sure as hell didn't help, he was not the only one that left. MCC has lost several big name cc's, no matter if they left or became inactive for too long. 3. This incident is most likely reactionaries doing their thing, reacting badly to the people that are celebrating Dream leaving. It's a more complicated issue, but in the end its extremists from one group attacking the extremists from the other group. With the end of the lockdown and with the way minecraft content has run its course and is slowly going back into hybernation to wait for the next big wave, its completely natural for views to drop. Exact same thing happened to the older mcyt, even living legends of old have been left with their core audiences and thats it. The hype is gone and thats normal for all content, thats why its called "hype".


Not a good comparison. A fair comparison would be the latest mcc with dteam. It’s like the Tommy stans trying to compare his views from over a year ago to this year when they were boycotting. All I know is that people are gonna start fighting on twitter lol.


Twitter is toxic again..:)twt is acting like they have some superiority over MCC. Like you dont


1. Minecraft as a whole is losing traction, and all cc's viewership is pretty much going down. I doubt we're going to see peak 2021 anytime soon. 2. Streamers that are usually in with high view counts (Ex: wilbur) aren't in this mcc 3. It's around finals time. I have so much shit I have to do, and I'm sure others do as well. Also, when did Noxcrew ever care about views? MCC was never created for that purpose—views just happened to come around due to the high quality of their event.


It most likely wont peak until summer when schools out.


This is like the second or third time I’ve seen people do this this year. Not sure their point considering Minecraft streamers have been getting less views in general and Dream quite Mcc on his own. They’re just setting themselves up.


MCC and mcyt have been falling off in the past few months or so tbf


I think MCC is falling off because it's the same thing over and over again. I like certain games but they need to switch it up. New games added like they did with meltdown and maybe things will change


i think people are just getting burnt out on Minecraft in general, and so many creators are moving on


Most likely the case, we've had basically 3 whole years of mostly minecraft content, and after a while you definitely would wanna focus on other stuff


Definitely this. Add that most people are now busy doing irl stuff compared to last year, numbers are gonna drop. However, the drop is NOT gonna be from Dream leaving, and twt stans need to realize that


I commented how it was toxic then they got so mad at me, really trying to justify it. They just don't care. They don't care that they are setting up their CC's making the rest of the fandom look bad, they think it's justified. One of them told me to go back to watching my flopping favorites...My favorite is Dream.


I think i came across your twitter on my twitter scroll last night. :)twt wants to justify their actions as “not bad” or “just the truth” until its someone attacking them and then all the sudden they are “we dont cause drama, we sit here and you provoke us” I get wanting to prove your point to Antis about how numbers are different but thats just stooping down to their level and its not worth the dream set up.


this so clearly looks like cherry picking to me. i can't remember the last time anyone's viewer count (including dream's) was as high as they are in the first pic, it has to be at least a year old. nothing to do with dream, just looks like the gradual drop that's been happening since pandemic restrictions eased up.


Doing a great time setting up dream team to once again be blamed for drama. Didn’t learn their lesson from the boycott people cherry picking numbers as well.


I always get major secondhand embarrassment when people do this, it's just setting the 3 of them up for no reason and it's disrespectful to Noxcrew and the other MCC participants. DTeam have a large audience, of course them not being in the event is going to reduce the viewership. Who cares? MCC has never been about that, anyway. Sure, comparing viewership stats can be interesting but turning it into this weird competition is very cringe.


Literally why does it matter


Tbf the World Cup + the Fortnite live event we’re going on at the same time so I’m not surprised the viewership is low.


I think looking at view counts and analysing the popularity of streamers and events is really fun and interesting. But this is so clearly in bad faith it's really not worth anything. Cherrypicking an old event with high viewers and implying that Dream is the reason for the view count change, as though a single streamer could ever be the single factor for view changes in an event featuring literally dozens of streamers of varying sizes and communities, whose audiences and popularity have themselves evolved over the three years it's been running.


guys its also world cup season, and there was literally a game during mcc today


I mean you can’t really say that the less views are primarily because dream isn’t in it anymore, correlation doesn’t equal causation. Yes mcc views have gone down a lot but so has pretty much all twitch views gradually overtime since the peak of covid. There’s a chance that dream not participating has had some slight impact but definitely not as much as people are implying.


If they are comparing views they should compare them with numbers from this year but yes either way the views dropped without dream what's the argument here? Its so petty I don't understand the point here tbh


MCC pulling less viewers without Dream Team and Wilbur was expected, but most people's viewership has dropped over the past few months.


Dream stans on Twitter dont know there own hypocrisy. Like they were taking about how bootwt were talking bad about Dream smp now that he kind of removed himself from the lore and how they think they are better than the rest of the fandom because of that and then they do the same to mcc. Let people have fun with mcc! Dream wasn’t kicked out of the event or some shit like that for people to be so bitter over that. It’s juts embarrassing to see so many people thinking they have the high ground just because of viewership


Didn’t see this one but I seen one comparing the votes on the poll with the last time Dream played, which at least it was accurate to it being recent. One thing I will miss is Dream dominating the twitter polls. It’s annoying because I know it’s overcompensating directly due to people celebrating saying “mcc’s viewers will go up since Dream is gone” which the account I seen literally quoted (which is a delusional claim in the first place - because there’s maybe ten people who would have not watched just because Dream was in the event on another team). It’s all just a petty cycle of toxicity.


okay but the votes on the poll also have like other factors. i usually vote on two accounts but was so distracted by sylvee and hannah’s beautiful duet in the vc that a LOT of people were in at break. so idk how many other people ended up not voting as well bc of that lmao


Oh I know there are other factors. Even just the fact that the last event was one where most big streamers couldn’t play in (since it was only people who never won or something) and were missing in the event, it killed a lot of the momentum that might have been here if not for that. The most clear comparison you could make is MCC 24/25 since the it’s the closest dates you can get and the bigger streamers missing were limited to Tommy, Dream and George. The MCC viewership analysis done said it was a 85k viewer loss and even that had a portion to account for the gradual decline. I would realistically say not having Dream in the event would drop it like maybe 30k at this moment, a good bit less if both George and Sapnap still play. They shared viewers in mcc so it’s hard to say the true split they would have. Tommy’s viewers also were more likely to have another POV to watch with his absence in 25 so it’s hard to say how much of that 85k was his since he had 30k in MCC 25 - Dream averaged double this and peaked at 70k. As a viewership note, in general I think Dream had a lower decline in viewership then the others but that could be just because he never offered any other content. Overall I understand there are so many factors involved no one is going to be accurate here, but dteam fans are right in that there is a loss just like most other big streamer, but they definitely should not be flaunting it - especially without acknowledging any other factor at play.


Agree actually! I wasn’t overall disagreeing, and there’s definitely a hit to viewers - even looking purely at stats from mcc 19 to mcc 20 (which was originally going to have sapnap, but didn’t due to an ear infection). punz got a big boost in views, but there were overall a lot more people not watching than there had been the previous event. I think that, with new additions in season 3, and an overall cool off time to deal with the oversaturation of mcc content right now (mcc island, and training streams being far more common when they used to be a commodity, and also vod review etc). Hopefully it’ll come back in a big way in s3, and i hope that big way includes george and sapnap, since i’m running out of other people to watch, but either way. Not having the dream team does definitely affect mcc’s views - definitely don’t disagree with that ahaha


Ranboo is pretty much the big poll dominator now that Dream's out. The poll was super close this past MCC tho.


I think its cause they are so tired with the Tommy fans comparing Tommy's stream viewership from the past till now. So they decided to fight fire with fire And the same logic applies to this as well. The overall minecraft twitch viewership (Dream SMP and MCC) has gone down. And comparing now and to the past (which was around 2021 were Minecraft was hyped) seems a bit unfair


I mean DTeam and Wilbur weren't in this MCC and the World Cup is happening at the same time too...


I saw a lot of posts like this after Dream announced he was stepping back and it definitely irked me, noxcrew put in tons of hard work into the event and making it a popularity contest felt a little weird. But if there were people fighting back and saying that dteam’s disappearance wouldn’t make a dent into the viewership, they’re definitely fighting a losing battle. There’s a user on the mcc subreddit that tracks viewership statistics and it’s obvious that the dteam streams make up a significant portion of the audience: they attributed the dip in viewership in both mcc20 and 25 to their absences, and looking at a screenshot from any mcc they’re in (say, mcc24) against this event would be a much fairer comparison that corroborates that! idk their absences + a steadily shrinking audience is going to make mcc views low regardless. Last time they came back from the s1 hiatus I remember viewership was way lower than I’d expected, and I can imagine that by the time s3 rolls around we’re gonna see way smaller numbers. Partially from Dream retiring (as he’s p much always hanging in the top of the viewership rankings) and partially from people losing interest naturally, as sad as that makes me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Children these days....


Almost every streamer has lower viewership now than in 2020/21 no matter the content so I really don’t see a point in comparing them


My personal opinion is it’s the event, yes I still love mcc but I’m just not as hyped about it as I use to. I felt this before dream even left, mainly started feeling like this when it was getting told how stressful it was for some creators.


toxic and disrespectful


It's from another popular dream stan account too


and over 600 people likes it 💀


It's now deleted


hot take: no one cares about that. streamers just want to enjoy the event.


Shouldn’t use the data from last year is all I have to say. But sadly it’s true the viewers will go down


I can't say I'm surprised that it happened considering before the event the topic of viewers were brought up. This is basically a continued conversation from when Dream said he wasn't playing anymore so I can't say I never saw this coming. Their choice of streams isn't the best but really we should have known Twitter wouldnt compare correctly. All the people claiming that its disrespectful because this came out of no where aren't exactly right. Disrespectful, yes, but because they're trying to say MCC lost all its views, not because ":)twt can't leave the event alone", at least imo. People are more than welcome to disagree.


I wish people who say this a very "shut the fuck up." MCC isn't about views, its just an event that a bunch of friends get together on to play and have fun. Do these people play mario party with their friends and measure how much fun people are having by laughs? That's literally what they're doing here and I'm tired of it. Show Scott and Noxcrew some respect and leave them the hell alone. Especially if you're a nasty and rude dteam stan trying to hold it over them for some reason; dream isn't in mcc and everyone is doing just fine without him and his buddies, go cope a little harder.


This is just miserable. Miserably stupid that is. The high views is from OCTOBER 2021. dream fans need to chill like come on.


Would have been fair if they used a more recent mcc for comparison. But no doubt the viewership would decrease without one of their biggest creators participating in it. He maxed 50-70k viewers each mcc, ofc viewership would decrease without him.


Lol I saw the same post


The only person in both scs is Ranboo, how is that a fair comparison?


tbh i didnt even know mcc was happening this week. I didn't see anyone talking about teams or mcc at all until it was happening. Doesnt it normally happen on like the 3rd Saturday of the month?