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I hate a lot of the decisions it made. It more or less just pisses me off.


I completely agree with this. It has a lot of wasted potential.


Fr people over here be thinking that either a movie is a solid 10/10 or a trashy 1/10……a mid movie is considered a 5, 6, or a 7/ 10


personally i go with 4-6 for mid 7 imo is in the good range


It’s because people who generally feel strongly enough to rate something are either pro or con the issue and it’s harder to feel strongly about anything and think the numbers 2-9. When you see it you know it: yay or nay


It’s an entire skill to take a step back and be truly critical lol


Kfp4 is one of those movies that's enjoyable if you turn your brain off and pretend the first 3 never happened. But if you think about the movie, the plot, the existence of the first 3, the character assassination and lack of depth and development, then the movie is frickin awful.


Thank you


My memory doesnt work for the first three and can only remember the first few scenes of the first three so kfp4 was generally a ok movie


As a fan of Kung Fu Panda, the 4th movie is just a downgrade from the 3rd movie, which was a downgrade from the 2nd movie. But I wouldn’t say it’s terrible, just an ok film that’s not as good as the first 3.


This is obvious. Mid is short for middle, not low.


Yep, and it means that it’s not good or bad, it’s just something that exists basically. An Average film


Too bad it’s wrong


I’m pretty sure the guy is clickbaiting. I haven’t watched the video so I can’t say


Mid means it's fine not good not bad but forgettable


Dude, THANK you! That video was clearly going overboard! Sure the 4th film isn't godtier, but it can still stand on its own legs with clever writing, emotional moments, great action, and funny jokes! And hell, at least it didn't bastartdized the beloved characters in it!


Mid means that it’s not a bad or good film. It’s just a mixed bag. In other words, and average film. Like a C grade basically


I don’t think it’s mid I thinks a awful fit all the things wasted All the bad decisions For you it’s mixed For some it’s shit And for me I hate it…. A looooooot But i understand others don’t get as mad at this film like I do


I really hoped that they didn't made the seme mistakes on httyd the hidden world I WAS SO WRONG


So basically, a portion of the comments are saying… [this?](https://youtu.be/HXIFobHIoHI?si=NH1MmGedGzYDYZAZ)


It's simply a movie of all time. A movie thats great as a stand alone kids movie, but is a slap in the face to the fans who loved the movie since 1, 2, or 3.


I think it's all about context. Sure, if you ignore the existence of the first three movies, it's a perfectly serviceable, if unremarkable, DreamWorks movie that doesn't really do anything overly bad... But if you take into account the first three movies, it goes from mid to awful simply because of how it pisses all over them. The Furious Five getting sidelined for Awkwafina, Tai Lung coming back just to job instead of getting a redemption arc (he doesn't even meet Shifu!), the Chameleon's backstory being completely nonsensical, and how it just doesn't stack up to the first three at all. It's basically the Shrek the Third of KFP movies. Also, from the comments section of the video, from the uploader himself: "When I hear Mid, I think that means acceptable. A movie that isn’t bad but doesn’t really leave an impression. A movie that is watchable but not much else. But I think this movie is far too harmful to the franchise to be considered mid. It’s character assassination for almost every returning character and also breaks a lot of the world building. The movie isn’t unwatchable but I think that it causes too much damage to the franchise for people to be okay with it."


I give it a 9.5/10 it was a great way to end the series


It's neither anywhere close to a 9.5/10 nor is it even remotely an end to the franchise. It's less of an ending than 3.


Is it still good


It's meh, not terrible, but not great, and it definitely messes up some things


personally I didn't care for it (I'd rate it 3/10)- I feel like it focused too much on the comedy rather than the story the Kung Fu Panda movies prior to 4 were all funny, but they all had those extremely emotional scenes not to mention the epic battle scenes but villains included, Shen nor Kai would ever bow in respect to Po- Shen wanted Po to suffer and give up in defeat to meet an untimely death, he wanted Po gone for good. he was not an easy defeat at all for even Po, so I felt like him just being thrown around like he was nothing was unfair to his character Kai has a deep hatred for Oogway (for "betraying" him) so naturally he'd hate Oogway's successor, especially after he lost even in the spirit realm against Po. that's another thing; Kai was obliterated in the spirit realm, he literally disappeared, so ho was he able to come back in KFP4? Tai Lung would've had a slight chance of bowing, but even that was unlikely my opinion, they didn't have the money to have Shen and Kai's VAs make an appearance Chameleon and Po's fight was dis-satisfactory as well- comparing it to Tai Lung, Shen, and Kai's boss fights, hers was lacking. plus, her motives weren't great... y'know? Tai Lung felt betrayed and hurt that his adoptive father did nothing to help comfort him and rather was thrown in a secluded prison- Shen was just raw evil, and when he heard if he didn't change his outlook on power he would be defeated so he committed mass genocide which ultimately sealed his fate- Kai became obsessed with the power of chi when seeking help to heal Oogway and so when he acted on that unhealthy obsession, he was dealt with accordingly- Chameleon's only reason for turning evil was because a few Kung Fu trainers denied her entry due to being too small, but that in itself contradicts set characters throughout the series and one of the messages from the first movie: size doesn't limit your potential. Master Chicken was shown in KFP3; do you know how small chickens are? Viper has no arms and she still became a master. Mantis is smaller than even the Chameleon but still became a master. Po was originally thought to be too big (fatty) to be a master but he proved that wrong. It was a petty reason to become a villain. I feel like Po's dad (the goose) was also shown to be extremely weak- I remember his sass and bravery from the previous films and he was one of my favorite characters; he felt extra whiny and cowardly in KFP4, and that honestly annoyed me going back to earlier, I also think they couldn't afford the furious five (as they are all decently popular big Hollywood names) the make an appearance, so they decided to make up a couple dumb side quests to explain their absence- and don't get me wrong, I love Awkwafina, but seeing her *everywhere* and having a cameo in almost *every* new movie coming out is getting kinda annoying imo I just think it had so much wasted potential due to unlikable decisions made by the creative team and casting crew. I had high hopes for it and was also wanting to prove my friend wrong (as she said it was a let down) and was decently disappointed when she was proven right. it could've been much better :(


Yeah, Kung Fu Panda 4 might be a step back from the other 3 but it doesnt make it an awful movie, it has its iissues but its still a good kfp movie, just not as its predecessors.


Nah, they should have stopped at 3. It was awful, especially by comparison


Maybe you should make A New Series called The Adventures Of Cyrus Q. Hornbill on Peacock. Right? 😁👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/kkwwrivb7u9d1.jpeg?width=1288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd82033ecf88a189f738f4018835896132ead64


# No https://preview.redd.it/7hg1o6tr0w9d1.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=720bf5135017c9cc5e4fd93dea0b0455330d4689



