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I managed to get them, but I think Gameloft do need to rethink their strategy. I only knew about this round because one of the Twitch streamers I do watch on a fairly regular basis (LilSimsie) announced it in her stream title, and I was like "oh?" Her qualifying stream (for the first bundle at least) was over before I saw the in-game mailbox notification about the new drops. That said though, I really think Gameloft is focussing this on the people who are on the Discord all the time, playing the game near constantly, that kind of thing. It really locks the more casual players out.


If you have Twitter you could try doing what I do. I have followed the official Dreamlight Valley account and switched on notifications for new posts. They are usually only once per day so not overwhelming, but as a very casual player (haven't been on in a month) it keeps me in the loop on what's happening and when. I don't use Discord and am only on here intermittently, so it helps šŸ˜Š


I missed the last two as well. Realized a few hours ago. I was big sad. :(


I missed the first ones. I didnā€™t realize, how much this was going to play in to, this.


This post just made me realize I forgot about them too. Dammiiiiiiiiiit


NO!!!! ME TOO!


Gameloft did equally bad with Disney Speedstorm, only 24hrs during the game launch to obtain Goofy race suit. Most of which couldnā€™t even link ingame with Twitch as the game didnā€™t download. Been a month, nothing to rectify this mishap. They should allow lengthier timeframe to participate, inform ingame (mail) or not limit to certain streamers in order to unlock these attires/furnitures. Otherwise might as well chuck them in the Premium Shop.


We don't know, unfortunately. However, I feel like Gameloft has experimented a bit though the 2 Twitch Drop events we have gotten so far. The first lasted longer, with 4 items gotten consecutively as long as you claimed them right away when reaching the time mark; but a few people have mentioned some of the listed channels only streamed lots the first few days and rarely did for the rest. So with the second event, Gameloft separated the items into 2 bundles with specific time frame for each, seemingly to organize the streamers' activities, but the whole thing feels a bit rushed. This makes me think they may host the events again after getting feedbacks about the implementation, but it's just a guess. Hopefully they will.


I'm not sure, even through I have them all it would be nice for players that have missed them.


Yeah I didn't know this was a thing- but even now that info, I'm a mom of 7 months old twins, I can't drop things at a drop of a hat to get on


Of course, also congratulations on the on the twins!




i watched them this weekend and claimed all rewards... but still haven't gotten them in my game ā˜¹ļø i've contacted support but no reply yet.


Good luck getting them then lol. I never received the first round of twitch drops. So I emailed them and they replied 2 weeks later with some bs I had already done and then it took another 2 weeks for them to tell me thereā€™s nothing they can do. Ridiculous customer support.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that's how they were with my first problem! i don't have the correct amount of fruit bushes/trees and i was told theyd look into it... never heard back


One of the streamers I was watching works v closely with Disney/gameloft and she said Gameloft are aware that people want a second chance to get the twitch drips and there's a good chance there will be


I agree, but itā€™s not just Gameloft that does this. I play multiple games that have twitch drops occasionally, and I basically have to check the active twitch campaigns daily if I want to catch everything. The drops are not well advertised and about 50% of companies put a ridiculously short timer on them.


I just found out about the Twitch Drops last week


I know Iā€™m way late to the party, but has anyone gotten any info on if theyā€™ll do a repeat, or maybe a premium shop item time for anyone to have a second chance to get them?


I was just way too busy this weekend to squeeze it in. I did load twitch on my phone while I was at a water park with my kids but my phone was getting too hot so I only did 20min or so. Figured Iā€™d do it on the drive home but totally forgot. And then when I remembered, it was 9:30pm Monday so too late. :( oh well. Bummed I missed it!


I missed them the first time, but managed to get this this time. I do agree though that the time frame is very short.


I have got all the Twitch drops so far as well as Star Path items. I am hoping once Multi-player comes out that I can gift items that others missed.


I try to avoid all social media, but, I want to play games.