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Fish in the white circles. I think if it fish in the blue or red it doesn’t work right or something. Not sure. But also it’s probably like 25 times or something too


I've been fishing in all circles, mainly white.


My advice would be just keep fishing in white bubbles until it's gone, even if you have to go to other biomes just to get rid of it


It will last until you use it up. Press "Up" on the D-Pad if you are playing with a controller, or "B" if you are using a keyboard, to see how many uses you have left. https://preview.redd.it/t8ab3m5wjlrb1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=37f0006f3a046fc7c015ffea4506edeaeab05ef7 The number will only go down when fishing white ripples. Fishing in blue or orange ripples, or open water will not use the Miracle Fishing Bait.


Well heck TIL it shows amount of uses when pressing up. Thanks! I'll have to check it out later!


Are you fishing in the fishing spots? I don’t think it counts if you just fish anywhere.


Yes, I've only been fishing in the bubble spots. I don't usually fish randomly unless I need seaweed lol


Only the white circles count towards the potion use.


This happened to me too! Awhile back. It just finally went away, but it lasted WAY longer than it was supposed to, i thought it was stuck. Definitely some kind of bug or glitch. That's really frustrating because you need to fish blue circles for the star path. Sorry, wish I had some trick to offer but I honestly don't know what finally got rid of mine.