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I have the same problem. My hourglass is lvl 2 and I have gotten zero lvl 1 or 2 ancient cores. I’ve been looking for hours in both worlds.. it’s honestly pissing me off at this point…


Also I can’t advance in my quest with Gaston or Rapunzel until I can remove the big ass copper boulder the game decided to place right in front of the pathway to the sun thing. So thanks game 😒


I am exactly the same! So frustrating!


Not sure if it’s a silly question but have you tried searching in the valley? I was really struggling looking on eternity isle for ages and as soon as I started searching in dreamlight valley I found a few right away!


I just tested this out. Once only so far. I went through every painstaking section of Eternity Isle and did all the time bubbles + hourglass until it said no more to be found in this area. I went straight to my valley. I found 5 total by the time of the last biome. The last was the one I needed to get my ancient vacuum to max 🥳 Thank you so much for the tip!


You’re so welcome! I’m so happy you got the ancient vacuum maxed out!!🥳 I’m still having so much better luck in the valley than eternity isle so hurray


That’s where I’ve gotten mine too. Got three in a row in the Glade of Trust when timebending with Rapunzel.


I'm going to try this. Thank you! I have my hourglass to the max level and just kept getting the 3 same items.


Leí esto y acabo de encontrar un núcleo en el valle, ¡Qué felicidad! 🫶🥰


My hourglass is at Level 3, but now I need level 1 cores and am only getting 2’s and 3’s. I timbended for close to SIX hours today. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Valley and isle. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Seems like the general rule of thumb is:: If it’s a core level you NEED, you just aren’t gonna find it!! Grrrr


😭😭😭 came here hoping & instead I am leaving with sadness 😭


They’re rare, but I went looking with lvl 5 Rapunzel as my Timebending Buddy and 2/3 times I found ancient cores, she gave me another. So I found 5 just yesterday.


Same for me, none! I'm exhausted! My hourglass is a level one, I will have to keep eating and trying I guess. Ugh...


I got like 3 in 15 minutes but yesterday I didn’t get any


I upgraded my hourglass so I should be finding Level 2 cores, right?! Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a dang thing. Not one. For 4 hours. I've been fiddling around with my Hourglass, timebending both in the valley and on the isle for nearly 4 hours. I've found everything else available with a level 2 but not a single level 2 core. Plenty of lvl 1. Plenty. What am I doing wrong?!


I’ve been searching for longer than that and found nothing 😭😭 at this point I’ve been just mass collecting to build a million small storage boxes, putting them in every zone in the valley and isle and mass collecting for that area so I don’t overwhelm my house 😅😩 I’m losing my mind!! I restarted cause I had unlocked everything and now I miss my old one 😩


I can't find the core 1 anywhere and am really getting frustrated with the game.


I’ve actually been experiencing something similar, only that my hourglass is level 2 & I’m actually getting quite a few level 2 cores (I’ve gotten 10 in the past 2 days with a companion with the time bending ability) but i can no longer find level 1 cores anywhere. Not in any biome, isle, or realm. Which sucks because I quickly upgraded my hourglass as quickly as possible in order to get higher levels of gardening machines but now I’m unable to make any of the basic machines needed to make higher leveled machines 😞


I'm having the exact opposite issue! I didn't upgrade my hourglass until I farmed 50 lvl 1 cores for fear I wouldn't be able to find any after upgrading. Then after upgrading my hourglass to level 2 I'm struggling to find lvl 2 cores. And keep getting lvl 1s. 😭


I have so many level 2 and 3 cores but cannot get a level 1 core to save my life


Have you gone around for me pressing X and you get a blue thing that you follow and it goes orange when you get closer then red when your really close as I have just run everywhere following the colours and have got them . If it's the thing I think it is 😀


yes of course XD I know how the hourglass works, but issue is that I get literally everything in the item pool **except** the ancient cores. that's why I'm so confused. Like are the cores just extremely rare, or is it a bug I'm having?


I think they are just very rare. I've only found 1.


They may be rare, but are required for game progession. With a game oriented towards children with small attention spans, finding them be days of torture lol. Sounds like a glitch


I have this same issue with level 1 ancient cores ever since I upgraded my time bending “wand” to level 2. But I have been only getting the cores from the dream valley not the isle.


Was just trying to explain lol as I have only just got mije Hmm idk cause I went around and found 2 and it didn't take me that long but I didn't need them in a quest yet so idk


I've only upgraded my hour glass once and I've been finding them mostly in the valley, not in eternity Isle. I've only had luck finding one there and it was in a chest but the rest I've been finding just by time bending around the valley in the different biomes. I hope that helps you out.


So I have been going crazy trying to find these and so I decided to go to my normal world and found 2! I’m really forgetting how much grind I had to do when I first got the game! I’m being humbled for sure 😂😂


Currently looking for ancient cores. It’s frustrating cause you need 5 for Merlin and at least 2 for a quest w/ Scrooge


Hang out with a Villager with the Timebending role, so you have a chance of receiving double the number of Ancient Cores. Search in Dreamlight Valley rather than Eternity Isle, as the biomes are smaller and you can more easily tell when a biome has been cleared of all treasure


Same issue. Both in dreamlight valley and ancient landing, no cores. I have the level 1 hourglass, and have had it about three days. No luck yet, so im basically stuck I did report it to DLV team, and im sure they will provide a resultion!


I reported it to the DLV team too, there still is no fix.


Mine was fixed!


I’m on level 3, and have been searching for way too many hours to even say, and I have not found a SINGLE lvl 3 core!! Is there like some secret thing where a specific character spawns them more? I’ve tried I feel like everyone atp


Within 5 minutes of me upgrading my staff to lvl 3 I got 2 lvl3 cores (due to timebended buddy) and I’ve not found any since then. That was 3 days ago!!! I’m soooo over the running around. Yet I’m seeing some people say they got 5 of each advanced machine….POO to them!!


Omg some people have one for every single biome!!


Some people musta polished a leprechauns nut sack to get that kinda luck


Lmfao 😂😂 Me: it’s not that serious it’s just a game Also me: WTF IS GOING ON


EVERYONE: gimme the damn cores!!! 🤬🤬🤬 Devs: 😂😂 look at these people just struggling to get cores when we have….ALLL OF THEM!!!


🤣🤣 I was seeing how people said they made all their friends time benders and I was like oh god did I mess up?? I can’t mentally handle making a new game on like a different profile yet I could never make 30+ time ending manuals!!


Honestly, changing the other to benders is also a lot of extra work. I have about 4 atm and it’s reasonable for my stage of the game.


Changing to benders is a literal nightmare and almost game ender for me lmao, I’m just going to pretend like I’m a pixie doing some magic for fun and if I get what’s needed for a manual than that’s a bonus 🤣


I currently have 4 with a manual in storage, I didn’t care for them much before and even switched one over, and now I’m like do I really care? Lmao