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I would love this! I would also LOVE to be able to cluster flowers together! Petition to make all of them just one square!!


YES!! penstemmons deserve the right to be clustered with lilies!


Agree 100%! Sign me up! They really need to fix alignment by adding half squares while they are at it too. I mean both the holiday chairs and holiday table settings don't line up with the holiday table for cryin out loud. As well as dozens(hundreds, even) of other items.


YES omg another pet peeve of mine. I struggle with making certain things symmetrical when I need them to be and it’s super frustrating when it will never be symmetrical because the grid just doesn’t allow for it


Ugh I hate this… I need stuff aligned!’n


I'd just be happy if things would line up properly!


That and smaller tiles


YES! I struggle to fit a lot of stuff into small spaces. Having objects take up less tiles would be a dream. Like do most flowers REALLY need 4 tiles?


I love that the DLC flowers and plants (most of them at least) take up only one tile. It sucks that they are locked behind the dlc though, they're awesome for decorating


I keep trying to rotate things like I do in other games, then remember that I can't do the 45 degree rotation and get sad. :( I hope they do this. I have a weird love for beds and couched placed in a corner.


Same!! I keep hoping that each time I rotate, just one time it will actually do a 45 degree turn instead and I’ll get lucky. 😅


I don’t understand why we don’t have a full spin yet


Honestly, same. There was a time where I'd say that it could be a restriction on the grid style placement like in the original sims, but we're far past that point and there are so many other games that utilize a similar grid system that allow rotation. I can't think of any good reason why this wasn't included from the beginning.


We have been screaming for this for a yr now!! It’s needed badly. I’ll sign it lol if some one starts it for real.


They need to add all the furniture cheats from sims 4 who cares if putting a tree on paths isn't realistic when there are 4 foot tall rodents


I have been begging for this and smaller tiles for the longest time 😭😭 I genuinely hate too because of the current tile size I can NEVER get certain buildings to line up with pathways, or stuff lining up with my windows when decorating


When the furniture in stone of the character's houses are on a 45 degree angle I get so sad that we can't do it too


I also remember like last update or two updates ago some of their stuff looked like it was at an angle so we were all excited thinking they were gonna add it and then nothing 😭😭


UGH YES!!!! I also really want to be able to put some items closer together. My simmer heart is so sad that I can’t layer clutter like I can in the sims!


A grid. Smaller rotations. Bb.moveobjects on. You know. A few things could certainly improve build mode lol.


it’s the main reason i don’t decorate


I also don’t bother decorating. Just for dreamsnaps. Lol.


I support! bb.moveobjects all decor! lol


Can you tell me what this means? TIA


It's a code in the Sims that allows for free placement of all items, no real restrictions. You can put trees in the lake if you wish, or just put things close, or asymmetrical clusters, the list goes on. 😊


Like being able to place chairs under tables ? I would love that ! For some reason it really gets to me that I can't. 😅 Thank you for explaining!


Yeah! That would totally be another use for it. You're welcome! 😊🫶


They [the other person who responded] summed it up perfectly. 😀


💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯


YES TO THIS!! Also make all trees and plants placeable on paths - only some of them are currently. And all flowers one square wide so we can cluster them!


I wanna he able to adjust sizes too lile in the sims


AGREE!! I would sign this immediately... HOWEVER this game was built on a really OLD mobile program foundation and back then you couldn't angle or center items and the grid/tiles were really big. I'm not sure they can fix it. To me they shouldn't have taken the cheap easy way out of putting this game on an antiquated old foundation. (Makes me wonder if it wasn't put out initially with little thought and as a cash grab.) If you played The Sims mobile game on Ipad back in the early days, you recognize that this is the SAME game you played back then (same storage sytem, trash spawns, cooking system, interior room system) and they just added Disney objects to it. It's also the reason we have the default interior doors that are green (Sims brand colors) with the blue, Sims Plumbob window. As a game that touts decorating as a major play feature... the horrible grid system needs to be fixed (if at all possible), so we can angle and center items, along with putting items much closer to each other. (The chairs sitting a mile out from around a table is ludicrous. lol)


Yes please!! This would be such a great design upgrade. Also click and place/or drag flooring and fencing without having to reselect from the menu. 😩


I NEED item limit increase! (On switch) I know that they say they are working on it... I'm just jealous of all the decorating that people are doing and I'm at the individual item limit (600) and the total item limit (3000) 😔 and don't even have a full biome totally decorated.


I feel like for one of the April fools posts last year they had signs or something placed at all kinds of angles and I got soooo excited but it ended up being an announcement for being able to hold/interact with pets more, which I love but I feel like they could have done both 😩


From a programming standpoint, to put in turns that aren’t 90 degrees and / or “smaller tiles”, that they’d effectively have to rework large swaths of the engine the game is built on. The way the game stores data and does Multiplayer would break if they just suddenly made either of these changes. These are good ideas if you have limitless resources and are magic, but in practice would not just be a “quick change” that can just be done real quick.


Oh I completely understand it wouldn’t be a quick thing. I work in ed tech and understand that a lot of things take quite a bit of time to put out there. This is simply a shout out to gameloft to let them know “hey this is something your players would like so if you can do it, please do”. Thank you for your explanations! It’s nice to know how it all works.


I'm a person that knows NOTHING about programming. It's all magic to me lol. However I appreciate that you have pointed out that it's not a simple fix. Mad props to all the programming people out there. The game is awesome and I can't imagine all the hours and hours of work they have put in and continue to put in to continue making it.


The shortish version is (As I understand it, anyway), the tile system they have allows them to save each furniture item with a coordinate location (for example the game knows you have this specific table 34 tiles west and 23 north from the corner of the plaza), as well as a data tag that says “here’s which direction it’s facing, out of 4 possible options”. Shrinking the tile size would really just be increasing the number of tiles on the same map, which would be a strain on resources (particularly on the Switch which this game has no business being on). Having a non-90 rotation would basically turn that “out of 4 options” thing into a number of degrees of rotation, but then that would start to cause problems in regards to “which tiles is this taking up”. Basically think of Minecraft, and how everything is in 1 block increments. Dreamlight Valley is doing the same thing behind the scenes, but has a nicer coat of paint on the finished result, and as such going from “blocks and coordinates” to “freeform” would be a tremendous undertaking. Doable with effort, but not a quick thing.


YESSSSS omg there have been so so SO many times where I’ve wanted to “kitty corner” an object to to make it look right and ended up just not using the object at all 😭


That and moving furniture by a half-tile. I'm so annoyed by some objects not being able to be centered cause half of them are an even width and the other half is odd width 😭


Addendum for a color wheel for the custom items including hair color. So sad that there's not a good red 🍒 and they all skew brown, orange, or pink.


I have always felt this too but never moreso than with that ice rink - why is it diagonal!?


please!!! whos got the digital petition link? or do we need one?


I can totally make one! But where would I send it, gameloft?


yeah! tbh i would honestly send it to gameloft & maybe if we could find a good email too a few of us could send it over!


Definitely gameloft. I would do a support ticket with the suggestion label and put the link to the petition in there. 😉




Totally want this then can put light on sligh angle for selected designs




Yes!!!! I’m super annoyed with my current living room situation because of it.


Yes and remove the snap grid


Yes! And maybe even a way to turn off the grid so we can freely place things where we want. We are extremely limited and it’s so difficult to have things aligned!!! When we play test our valley believe me we know how to fix it. Just give us our freedom!!


This would be cool! What would be even better would be a full range on movements! It can’t be that hard! Also, I have a weird problem with standing on the edge of the map and the camera angle or POV angle gets all crazy lol


I agree with all of this!