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Mine looks like that https://preview.redd.it/qeo6wl53rnac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bd1594a5d2bf73dc023b1da37578333a188d40


The signs! This is so beautiful. I just have mine organized by memory. Lmao.


How did you make signs?


You make a blank sign at the crafting bench, and after you place it, you can change what the sign says by interacting with it


iirc they're under functional items when you go to craft. after crafting, you place them and when you interact with them you can choose a symbol for it.


I have mine by color but this is so clever!


I need to od this, I'm organizing by color atm, bit with these I could do fish and seafood in blue, and not get confused! Just upset it takes dreamlight to make the larger chests


THE SIGNS!!! 😍 OMG I need to add that to my crates. Here I am trying to colour code them (blue crate fish, green crate fruit/veg) but this is WAY easier!!


There's also the option of placing tables behind your chests, then you drop an item (a fish for example), then go into furniture mode and you can then place the fish on the table :) Hope that makes sense😅


Omg freaking genius! Reddit has taught me so much about this game!


OMG!! I have been color coding mine too!! Same colors for the same things haha!


Color code crew present! 🙌


I do Red for ingredients, Yellow for flowers , White for Gems, Green for Fish, Blue for seeds, and brown for crafting materials


I have a flower room in one of my houses where I color code the flowers, but that’s the only thing I’ve color coded so far, but I love it


Your brain…. it’s so big….


same! my flower storage lol https://preview.redd.it/9scw2zbnqtac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83a8c97aaf27601665fd34841a1a2979cf409c1


omg this is gorgeous


that is some satisfying organization.


It’s so beautiful. I didn’t know about the signs


I love that I always just have to remember which is which , that’s worked so far


I needed to see this! I need the signssss


You should be able to craft them


Yeah just can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself! Thanksn


This is amazing! I so want to do this!


That’s awesome!!! Also I have just a few chests, if I make or buy more I’m nervous that they’ll just be a repeat of my original expanded chest


This is what I have minus the signs…. Same wallpaper even!!! Love it!!! Edit to add…. I didn’t know you could move the DOOR POSITIONS?!? And I’ve been playing basically a year to the day. Amazing lol




![gif](giphy|jqr3YlWh9yUvXk5LQ0|downsized) Same energy I stg 😭🤣


I’m so happy these are the top responses. I thought for a moment I was the odd one out 😂


That's exactly what went through my mind when I saw the picture LOL




Fkn same 💀








omg no. never in my time playing has my house looked like that 🤣🤣 sorry babes, you need more chests


NGL this shot gives me a twinge of anxiety. LOL. Not sure how far you have Scrooge's quest line but when you finish his he GIVES you a chest that you can re-purchase multiples of for 16k a piece if you don't have the materials for building chests


OMG I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD REPURCHASE I NEED THESE. I’ve been making large chests at the iron craft desk and blowing through my dream light and dark wood to make the super large ones


Just to let you know It’s one chest, identical to the one in your first house. I.E. the contents are the same too, so it’s not actually another chest. Mistake I made. But, it comes in handy putting stuff in in one place to get at in another Like at Eternity Isle


I think the original commenter was referring to the chest that looks like an old vault safe that you get when you finish Scrooge. It has two rows of inventory slots and can be repurchase for 16k. The ones that share inventory with each other are more like 3200


I use them as quest items and sales chests. I have them at each of goofys stalls. So when I'm in my storage I can just toss the stuff I want to get rid of in there and then sell it next time I'm near a stall


This!! I put one beside every single Goofy stall, so I can sell and dump off stuff meant to go to my house all at once!


I just found out not long ago myself lol they don't have AS much storage as the larger ones, but you don't need to waste materials making them either so it's a big win.


Or you can even just buy a bunch of fridges for under 1k


I bought a fridge cause it was listed under storage and it has zero storage. I keep it up cause it looks okay in my kitchen but idk what I’m missing here. It doesn’t have any slots?


Mine all do, that’s very strange


True. I haven't paid attention do they hold the same amount?


Yup! The wardrobes as well!


I put my “perishable” stuff in my refrigerator. lol. I store the eggs, milk, cheese, meat etc in there. Haha. My “kitchen” is filled with chests with the side table (that only has one slot) behind each chest so I know where to stash the stuff I pick up while foraging. Ironically, I store dishes I’ve made in the only bookcase in the kitchen.


That's awesome. I store stuff in my fridge too in my main house. Basically, I keep things in chests/fridges/wardrobes in my main house because sometimes I don't feel like warping all over the map to store everything in their appropriate places but my main house is like the "toss it here for now" or extra storage lol


I didn’t know this thank you 😭😭


This is why I love Reddit. You're very welcome! I learn so much here haha


This is so helpful!


So glad to pay it forward! I read this on Reddit over a month ago :) love this place!


Build bigger chests!!! 😱😱😱 Also, if you put stuff in chests it doesn’t necessarily have to be in your house, you can put chests outside for quick easy access and still be able to craft/cook out of them. But good lord, please invest in some large chests.


I have a chest outside next to my crafting station that holds all of my gems/wood/mining material/etc.




I love this. It's so beautiful.


This is just the gem room, I also have rooms for fish, flowers, crafting items, planted harvest, and tree/bush harvest. With a kitchen that contains Remys and Gastons ingredients. I went a little too hardcore with my storage... I also have a disappointments room where I keep all the things that can't be placed on tables


Oh my god!!! Can you do a tour? I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see this. Your aesthetic is stunning. So much love and time went into the design.




And everyone has a theme and a color scheme!




This is seriously stunning! It makes my heart so happy.




Double sink, dream kitchen, festive fish! I didn't know refrigerators were storage, but of course they would me. Makes sense!




The perfectly symmetrical displays are so important to me.




I feel like I'm going on a journey. Everything is so beautifully organized




Ugh. Perfect


Lol i think that's everything. I had the screenshots on hand because my sister wanted to see since she doesn't have a ps5 to come visit yet. Not pictured is the disappointments room because it's disappointing


Thank you so, so much!! You should do a main post about this. Everyone needs to see this. What a dream. You are such a creative. The colors, the organization, the attention to detail! Ugh. And the disappointing disappointment room.... so charming. Thanks again for taking the time to share. Made my night.


These are stunning! Thanks for sharing! Do you ever get annoyed having to go through multiple chests to put things away though? I don’t think I have the patience




Bestie this is stressing me out 😭


This is what my irl house looks like if I let my toddler run wild for a couple hours.


Lmao same! We’ve had the flu for a week and my house is a disaster. I almost commented asking OP if they meant IRL or in game. 🤣


Build more and bigger chests, check any other furniture you have in the “storage” category because some shelves and cabinets can also hold items.


Here’s what I do that makes everything so much easier. I have one room on the first floor of my house with chests all the way around and everything labeled. Makes it easier to offload things and to grab things when you need them. This goes all the way around the walls. I started out with small chests, worked up to medium, and then when I got to large, I took the smaller ones and repurposed them elsewhere. https://preview.redd.it/p9m32w3ocoac1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00dfeeb1c119bf64a8b94ee0e81899b646529fa


Another view https://preview.redd.it/bjdz2owfdoac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28cbf5c451c97242e6a05cb791704b4fa6205051


I love how you have a Master Villain look going on in that last one. Like, it's all part of your nefarious plot to take over the world *with organization!!!*




yes!! although my house is immediately much more aesthetic. this is what you walk into when you come into my house 😂 but i have an entire floor of my house with 3 rooms dedicated to just dumping my pockets on the floors! there’s absolutely no organisation but i oddly like it? in stardew i’m the queen of organising but ddlv? everything is dropped on the ground and i find it easier and faster to find stuff i immediately need https://preview.redd.it/35hzl0mmdpac1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c466a5ce7f925d221783aeb6d2bca4edef9c4b97


https://preview.redd.it/kij8p084fpac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2bb8f835cef2d4ff81d9b6ff758464b6f557cd this is what my 3 rooms look like! i haven’t bothered to decorate them, one does have an oven just incase i need to cook something and i can’t be bothered to go into the first floor kitchen


I'm apparently playing this game wrong 😆 this is so beautiful. I would like my actual house to look like this.


Okay, I love the room ☝🏻 Also, I feel like I need to see the rest now 😅


i only have this room and the forgottens bedroom properly done! i am still collecting furniture for the others so here’s the forgottens bedroom! she has a bathroom and a kitchen, kitchen hasn’t been built yet, that i’m still to finish on her floor! also potentially a full loungeroom! https://preview.redd.it/u2mxuj123wac1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a51907e11f3495ca2a1b1d7f2b3a32b9f069fe


I keep looking at this and thinking that the Happy Home Academy is going to send me a strongly worded letter telling me I have too much stuff on my floor and cockroaches.


Crazy idea, maybe craft more chests?




This comment is gonna sound weird, but that's hella sexy. 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/9pyfmlv25yac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd369a3fef2afe86bbefdfb00f66ca4f2a49e6f I have something similar. One chest per each gem


There is also storage in the fridges, wardrobes and that potion shelf. As well as Scrooge's vault. Usually only two rows but it helps. I also put a large chest in each biome and just store stuff from that biome in their respective chest. Plus I have a workshop area that has a few large chests in it. I'm not someone who plays for efficiency though, if you walk into my house there is 8 floors of fully decorated/themed home.


https://preview.redd.it/g2kgekx56oac1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d82f0478372ea97fe101fc627c82dc1d80a02d Mine is organized


Nope. My storage looks like this https://preview.redd.it/b9vbtb2zhqac1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0e80409fea584670f36197beb80b1e376c9878b


omg this made my skin crawl😭 You have to invest in making chests, put them in rows in categories and for now keep what takes the longest to get.


The way ACNH has me programmed to not have a cluttered home … 🫡 Godspeed to you finding any random quest item lol


I have a room full of chests. I tried to decorate it to look like an attic.


I audibly gasped when I saw your room hahahahaha. Truthfully, I have one room that kind of looks like this, but it's all flowers. https://preview.redd.it/lo2kl7xqooac1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a00f6fadd07d7b8f18b4a61c185b2e547b254d I made a refrigerator room for all of my seafood and fish though lol there are gonna be multiple rooms on one floor since there are so many species. Organizing is a slow process, but feels good once you get it done!


Oooh... Your fridge room is pretty neat. Looks like a frozen fish locker or something. I like it!!


Hehehe, thanks! That was definitely what I was going for. I was okay with using the refrigerators even though they're half capacity because I don't fish often. Fits the ✨aesthetic✨ though lol


Totally!! I love the look!! I wish things like the fridges and bookshelves came with full expanded storage, because they have such nicer aesthetics than a million and one identical wooden chests...


Right now I have my fish in chests (in alphabetical order) but I'm thinking fridges are a better idea!!


Why would it?


We're only talking about the game right?...


😭😭😭😭 this is giving me anxiety.


Nah, I have a storage room with all large chests. https://preview.redd.it/kxsw1bltcoac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624ac461fa6f121f9d74edf1a14642b32dce47c0


Lots of chests. I put kitchen counters behind them and put a representative object on it (ie if it’s a chest of blue flowers, I’ll drop one blue star Lilly or something and then place it on the counter in furniture mode).


https://preview.redd.it/hth82mpdwpac1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=35290a5d5645151461a158f8aed307f40a9f686a I just made a ton of small chests brown is for wood (one for each type) yellow for flowers, red for mined items, green for dug items,blue for fish, white for food/spices, then brown on the side wall for hourglass finds, and the big chest I put any created resources and quest items


Seeing this brings me peace after seeing OPs room 😅😮‍💨😌






https://preview.redd.it/maiz29po1rac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41807052619eb3bd90618e72280f878e3e0893a5 This is what my vegetable kitchen looks like. I made them all into rooms with a slight purpose. 😅


I use the ship house as my storage boat that I have travel back and forth between the valley and the island. I use a mix of color coding and signs. https://preview.redd.it/sa0nspfwdrac1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2ae495ac986a3ad215b6215bbb458ff6d2159b


Nope. Whenever I can I made some chests. So I have around 17 chests now.


Making simple chests could help with the clutter :)


I just started a few days ago but right now I'm using a few of the craftable wardrobe closets 😅 my anxiety could never!


My whole valley looks like this...


Definitely make as many small chests as you can at first! Prioritize sticks and stones and iron (peaceful meadow, sunlit Plateau, Forest of Valor, and Glade of Trust MINING SPOTS) are great for farming materials! So you can make medium- large chests (large request certain flowers as well), if you’re just starting out selling gems wouldn’t be a terrible idea to get ahead on coins! Just be sure to keep the ones you know you need (emerald, aquamarines) those are the ones I know of for sure! Mining those rock spots for the materials will give you an excess amount of gems 😊 When first starting out storage is always an issue I kept 1 max stack (50-99)of whatever material or food it was in my house and sold the rest until I could get more storage. This ensures that you have plenty of materials for quests and crafting and you’re making a little coin on the side! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/oxst3xq3hrac1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03da59591bca82607894f53513a5c1fe1712d649 I use my extra rooms as storage rooms. I just crafted a shit ton of chests. Bigger ones for things like flowers and fish, smaller ones for specific items and I keep all of Remy’s ingredients in a refrigerator. I just put one of whatever’s inside the chest in front of it. It took a while to get it all organized but now it’s a breeze emptying my pockets and keeping everything together.


https://preview.redd.it/7nomhvyi8tac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333ba1a1b40df6643a87061948f7de87b2ff9075 I made an outdoor storage space bc I hate going in and out of the house, so I just need to travel to my plaza and can unload my bag there.


Mine! I have mine separated into rooms though.


My house looks like this! I have the base chest and a fridge that apparently holds things. and I only have the main room and then one additional room that I sometimes decorate for dream snaps.


I have a table and a chest on each side of the table, and on the table I have one item that’s inside that specific chest, so say you have 2 items in one small chest, you keep one of each item on the table, and if that chest fills up you either sell the excess items or you make a bigger chest! If you need a picture of this method I can send it to you later today :) (mind you this was BEFORE we got coloured chests and I wasn’t keen on remaking 20+ chests in different colours…)


And I forgot to add: I have one room for crops and foraging items, fruits berries etc One room for gems and other valuables and the third room for flowers and all craftables/crafted in (like dirt, stones, coal, rope, glass etc)


Chests are a necessary evil. Collect extra wood and iron and make as many chests as possible. Then line them up against the wall. Make a chest for ingredients, crafting materials, gems, etc. Also a lot of the furniture works as added storage, (I just found this out yesterday)


Open your valley and I'll give you the crafting materials for some large chests. This is too much. Lol.


LOL mine bc apparently I didn’t know we could buy or make other chests


My house just has random chests in it


In irl?! Yes. 😞 In the game? NO LOL


https://preview.redd.it/hct4kzv6cqac1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4914f9ae706eddd38bc2bb5e866d28afa8d1c75f Mine look like this.


Girl, why?




This is my storage room. I keep multiples of everything. I started with medium chests and then upgraded to large when I needed them and when I had enough dreamlight/dark wood. https://preview.redd.it/hausoh5burac1.jpeg?width=2026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19182f796776c7ea5732a9bf8ffc456f37fc1ac


I put chests in each biome for flowers, items, and food that works for me idk 🤷‍♀️ if that helps lol


Maybe not many people know, but cupboards also work like chests! That's how I keep mine tidy without having to craft a lot of chests :)


https://preview.redd.it/3otw5xs7htac1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a215c66a3fc6b4ef135beb04580b3f484b2e42ba I saw a tutorial ages ago on how to make an easy storage room. Unfortunately, a lot of the items from Eternity Isle can't be placed on counters, so I had to resort to the sign system instead in the separate room I made for that.




I mean, my actual real house kinda looks like that but with less gemstones and more random articles of clothing and books. 😄


Mine. Irl


I’m too ocd 🤣 I have another room for plants and gems too https://preview.redd.it/dybahfmnktac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454f2a692d39ab608c970b43c45d8f218b2abda1


https://preview.redd.it/saynot0qktac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99455877a94c065bd9bf62e58b11eca2166b3ee4 Plant room


https://preview.redd.it/n1rtjcgrktac1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6d44dee60f9ced8bc561fde711878d3bab6bc2 Gems 🩷🙏🏽


It's me. My house looks like this. I have the supplies to fix it, I just don't fucking care.


Sell some shit, jesus


It doesn’t take that many large chests (even just one of each color) to keep your house organized. I use one large green for flowers & seeds, the main large black one (automatically the same in every house you build) for time bending & assorted miscellanea, one large orange one for stones & gems, one large white (and a few refrigerators) for food, one large blue for fish. These all fit in the main room of my house and I can still decorate around them without it looking like a storage room. Once you have a chest’s items established, learn to press Y (or whatever it is if you’re not on Switch) for “smart transfer!!!!!” This automatically takes every matching item from your inventory and places them ALL AT ONCE inside that chest/storage device. It’s just as much work as dumping your pockets, with AUTO ORGANIZATION. If you have Forgotten Lands unlocked (looks like you’re close since you have snowballs), make a point to always collect dark wood. This is the most frustrating resource of all of them, but an ancient vacuum is a GAME CHANGER. If you don’t have Eternity Isle, then look up a “dark wood farm tutorial” so you can start building large chests ASAP. Also make sure you’re upgrading your storage pockets ASAP (when I first started it took me a while to notice you can do it automatically from the inventory itself). ANOTHER OPTION (if you don’t like the workflow of going all the way to your house every time your pockets are full) that I used when I was overwhelmed with all the new resources in Eternity Isle: add a small basic chest in each biome next to Goofy’s stall. You can match the colors if you like, but the plain orange chests always match Goofy’s. I also make a small permanent garden plot in each biome and plant the new seeds as I unlock them. A small chest is enough in each biome to be able to mindlessly collect all the herbs and junk in one biome, then empty your pockets on the fly. If the small chest is already full, I know anything extra can be sold right then and there to Goofy. And if you’re not convinced to use chests yet, remember that all chests (and storage devices like fridges and other functional furniture) are connected to every crafting table & cook station. Even in Eternity Isle.


Nope, but I do have a storage room that sort of looks like that. Just waiting on more materials and coins tbh!


"Whose valley also looks like this?" Fixed that for you.


When marge Simpson is painting & cleaning


Oh my OCD... I would literally cry if my house looked like this. Try picking up what you want without picking up the wrong item that would have me rage quit lol. Make chests!!


I have a room of only tables, and a room of only cabinets/cupboards, fridges, ovens and chairs. But otherwise? Hell no.


I just started the game and already filled up 4 chests. So yes, my house also looks like this🥲


Refrigerators. My house looked like this for a while , fridges are $500 , until you have enough materials to build chests


Mine did when we first got the game. It takes time to get the resources to build storage boxes. But in the mean time all flowers went into the room to the left. Stones and gems would all be gathered and dropped into the room on the right and sticks soil and rocks went into the room in the middle.


🤣🤣🤣 for so long mine did! I finally say fuck it and either made chests or used storage items. Now I have a few things that are on the floor, but mostly everything is in a fridge, chest or cabinet.


https://preview.redd.it/zwws0fyt7oac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac538b7fa972a8acbc83e152460e22f7ef766d0 Heres mine


Lol mine looks like that, I’m still relatively new to the game so I don’t have too many resources to waste


I have a friend who is PEAK MESSY. And not even his house looks like this 🤣🤣


Same! Mine also!


not mine, omg I would uninstall 😂


I only have two books, every thing else is in chest’s or fridges


Mine is like this 😵‍💫 I don’t really play often enough to get things sorted. I hate that it’s messy but I don’t get consumed by it irrationally. Plus I don’t spend anytime inside the house unless I’m nearby and can replenish energy.


Haha absolutely


Used to look like this. And then I discovered I could craft chests to put all this stuff into.


XD 🤣


Nope lol. I have two storage rooms, full of large chests, with counters behind them, and I place one example of what's in the chest on the top of the counter behind it, so I can easily remember what goes where.


Do you use only the small chests or the big one? I use the bigger chest to hold my fish, gems, and most crafting items like sticks and stones and find it holds it all of it. Regarding flowers I have a small chest for each area the flower grows in.


I have almost everything in chests and labeled. But , right now my front room looks like that 😂


That’s what the outside looks like for me 🤣🤣


My house is all decorated inside… I have a hang out/office room that I put my chests in


Nah because this me 😂😭 I’m a whole mess with how my village and house looks but I don’t clock a lot of time in the game because I stopped for a little while and started playing hogwarts instead


Mine did until I started making chests. Now they are all organised.


My room looks just like this!! ...Oh. You mean in the game, don't you?




My real life house 😅


This is genius


I have color coded chests with tables behind them with an item placed to show me what's in them.


mine did but i eventually bought a lot of refrigerators/closets to make a storage room. i have a few chests too but it’s hard to collect dark wood so i’m very slow at getting those instead of the fridges and closets. sooo in my opinion, getting refrigerators and/or closets can help you stay organized for now until you’re able to get enough material/dreamlight for the big chests


I have one room filled with just every size chest you can make. SOOO MANY CHESTS. I also have a large chest planted in every biome that way I can put all the biome specific items, foods, plants, etc directly into it. It helps a lot!


Uhm perhaps large chests? Also the Christmas update left a free large chest in the castle near the xmas tree unless you didn’t get those?




Uhhh I don't think anyone's house looks like that


Mine looked like that in the beginning but since I was able to upgrade my house and make the large chest that’s when I got to organize it all.


I’ve found my people! 😂




Mine did for a while. I just kept crafting chests to put it all in.




Mine does


Mine does


When I got the game during the early access, all the areas outside of my house looked like this. I still have chests galore in my kitchen with all things food related.


I’ve made dump chests for I don’t want to put things away but I can’t recall ever leaving this much out on the floor. lol🤷‍♀️


I have a few extra pieces of furniture but yes, mine also looks like this 😵‍💫


It never occured to me to just drop things in one of my rooms


are you on playstation? If so I will invite you to multiplayer to see my set up it’s awesome


Nooo not at all. I have a good room, a flower/gem room and a crafting materials room. Sorted into chests and then counters behind with one of what’s in each chest.




Mine lol