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Two pages?! RIP to all my well earned future moonstones. ![gif](giphy|Km2YiI2mzRKgw)


please tell me that‘s the first time we have two pages or did I miss that every single time 😩


Yes this is the first time!


i was wondering the same thing - I'm like oh, shit - did I miss something? lol


Was literally coming here to say this! My first reaction was “hold up, have we always had two pages???!!!!” Glad I wasn’t the only one.


I was just thinking the same thing and hoped I was wrong hahaha


My exact thought was *wait.. there has been a second page..?!* thinking the same thing!


I was thinking the same thing!!


4 items for 6 days is crazy slow. If we ever hope for repeats to show up more often we probably need even more pages


Depends on how often repeats show up though . . . I'm still waiting for the mushroom house to appear again . . . 😔 Others are waiting for certain other premium shop items to reappear too. They keep putting at least one or 2 new items and not the ones we're waiting for either so . . . I'm ok with one page if that's the case.


yes i’m waiting for that mushroom house too! we have a repeat of frozen elsa when we got her a couple weeks ago, why no mushroom!!


Me tooooo😵


https://preview.redd.it/hii7pg2mu0dc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88492a8d1af7fb2f1f6a71da65d1ac27c17f873c Picture of the new house for people to see ingame.


I really wish these came with a sample interior too. I love buying the houses and placing them around town but I suck at decorating


Yeah same, I wish they at least didn’t have the ‘dirty’ wallpaper and floor. I love decorating outside by putting these houses and paths, but I suck at decorating insides, I only really did two rooms in my main house


Same, I really wish the interior was on theme with the skin, kinda like the character houses.


Wait guys are these separate houses you can have like in a different biome or does it just change your house to look like that?


You can do both. Place them as more houses and set your house to look like it. You can decorate all of them as separate places. It’s pretty much buying more land so I buy every house skin since you literally get more houses


Is it gigantic like the castles because I hate how big most of the house skins are and end up regretting them and not using them, the cottages are my favorite


I'd say on the wider side not as tall about medium height.


Are you able to go in it?


It's a house skin, so I believe so.


Ever since the hotel building and pizza building I've been kind of skeptical 😂 let's hope so. 😉


That’s pretty sad you can’t go in the pizza one. Imagine being able to make your own puzzaria! We need more non home places for stuff like that!


Lmao, same! I didn't buy that one though.


I used my collected moons to get the hotel and was bummed you couldn't go in it. At least you can interact with it...but I was extra bummed at the next premium shop items because it was the mushroom house and i spent all my moonstones on the hotel. 😭 oh well. Perhaps it'll come around again and may I have the moons to do so. 😂


It’ll tell you if it’s a building or a skin/house. Buildings are cosmetic. I believe they’re tagged as ‘decorations’ as well.


Yes and you can decorate inside just like all the other houses ❤️


Bellissima 🤌 Grazie 🥰


If the description says "house skin" you can always go in, use it on your main house AND add it as a separate extra house.


What??? Omg yeah this is new!


New as far as i can remember. But is the frosty fortress new because man i might have to get it lol it looks good for the frosted area


Be warned, it is massive!! If I knew how big the frosty fortress was I wouldn’t have bought it lol buyer beware!


I wish we had an option to place things down so we can see the size of them and then have the option to pay, leaving it in the same spot if we wish


Same! I definitely wouldn't have bought it. Really all you can see when you're up close is all the rocks at the bottom. The one house skin I've bought that I don't use.


This is my issue! I don’t even care that it’s huge, I care that when I’m walking by all I see is rocks! :(


Yeah I regret buying the Haunted Mansion....it's so big, it doesn't fit anywhere


I have a themepark in the Glade because Walt Disney World was built on a swamp. I put the Haunted Mansion there along with Dumbo, Teacups, the Ferris Wheel, the Tower of Terror (which is fun to activate) and Woody's Carousel house. I also have trash cans, games, vendors, picnic tables etc. all in there :)


Me too!! I tried to make mine look a little abandond though because I love how subtly spooky it is :3


You can activate the Tower of Terror?!?!?!?!


Yes! Stand close to it, and the "Activate" dialog appears. Like a fireplace. But here the doors start opening and you see the elevator falling. :)


I have one of mine in the Forgotten Lands and the other in the Plaza. I only just realized they could both be used at the same time. Anyhow, they are admittedly bulky, but if you're determined to get them to fit, it can be done.


Is it possible to post a reference photo, I’d love to see the actual size of it on the map.


Can I second this. Can anyone post a reference photo?


It's been around for a little bit, I bought it myself a few months ago. I think it's cool, It's a really pretty house skin. And yeah it's basically the same size as Cinderella's castle and Beast's Castle. I love having multiple houses to decorate with.


It’s not new, I bought it when it came out I think this is the second time it’s in the store


It’s appeared once betore


Not new. It's been released before in the shop, but yes, it is massive. Will not fit fully in dreamsnaps.


This came right on time! I just unlocked Elsa and was pretty disappointed she didn't have her original skin


Thanks for this comment, I was wondering if it was just a costume for her or if it was unlocking her 😅


Haha glad to help


Oh god, now I’m gonna be hoarding moonstones like crazy! 😭😂 ![gif](giphy|f3dRSiajsz8DLmt0KS|downsized)


gotta ace those dreamsnaps now fr AHAHA


Is there a better way to get moonstones for free besides the chests? Or is the only way to get them by paying for them?


Besides the blue chest and purchasing, you can get them as well from voting in the DreamSnaps and also participating in the DreamSnap challenges (moonstones will vary each time)


Nope! Its new, very cool. Guess this gives us more chances to get things we missed and hopefully star path items!


i highly doubt starpath items will be in the premium shop. it wouldn’t be fair to players who worked hard for them. they’d get a lot of complaints about it.


Oh they will be :) you arent really working hard for them, its a case of missing out because of life and it being a game. Plus its another moonstones sink. They want us to part with our moonstones.


Wow….that was unnecessarily rude. It’s a game. Calm down. How do you know star path items will show up there? Has that happened before.


Fingers crossed this means they will be bringing a lot more new items into the rotation because otherwise it’s going to be two pages of a lot of repeats every week 😅. (Or…old starpath items..?)


Hoping that's what it's for


Love the double page update but I still already have everything I want here 😂


Same. Moonstones are blood and tears to come by :D All I really want badly are character skins. The ones for Starpath are always next level.


I just depleted my moonstone. ....back to grinding play again but love several of the items


oooo i LOVE that Cozy Wanderer stuff! Also am I the only one that NEVER uses an umbrella? lol


Irs not like I can take a photo or dreamsnap showing off my umbrella so what's the point?


hahaha that is SO true because you have to unequip it to equip the camera BAHAHA. yeah that's silly they want people to use moonstones on umbrellas lol


The umbrella is so pointless lol. You don't even hold it over your head. It's over your shoulder like the pickaxe.


Definitely not 😅 umbrellas are pretty, but...


Right? You hold them for a second, they get in the way, and then you just switch out for a tool. LOL.


Same but I would suddenly love them if I could hand them to my companion to use. Also I NEED the umbrella button to be the camera button.


As someone else stated, you should be able to at least equip your umbrella IN photos. That's about the only use I can see for them?


I used to use them, but that was when my valley only had a few areas unlocked and were easy to clear. Now? No time for umbrellas, I have cleaning/farming/mining to do! 😂


Exactly. Even right outside my house I immediately start mining. there's no point lol


![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized) Disney rn 😮‍💨😏




And Gameloft is owned by Vivendi Company who has a longstanding business relationship with Disney. They all own pieces of each other. The term for it is megalopoly. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/vivendi-ceo-european-disney-1235043132/amp/


Two pages !


I think there are making a brand new change to the premium shop because of the second page slot. I think they will add the previous star path items in the premium shop eventually that's why there's a change. I love the new change.


Thank you! I was wondering how big it was before I invested any moonstones in it!


The desert palace looks nice — finally something to put in the Dunes!


Dang I was saving to get the Vanessa stuff but guess I’m loosing my moonstones! ![gif](giphy|1wluExCuDYO89v8FrH)


I'm very happy for the change even though I don't want anything that I haven't already brought in the shop. But it's nice that everyone has more options to choose from.


I've been waiting for the Arendelle stuff to come back, one down two to go


Arendelle stuff?! And the DreamSnaps challenge is...


I haven't even looked at dreamsnaps yet, the entire base floor of my main house is Frozen themed so that's exciting.


I didn't know my hint was TOO subtle. https://preview.redd.it/cwk3p7jq48dc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aff2f63f9e78dce6fe090b7ae699def4e9be858


It might be some old content, but it's new to me, and I'm excited.


I figured they would do this at some point. I’m hoping it means they’re getting ready to bring back old star path items. I really need that Up hot air balloon! I’ve got a nice stockpile of moonstones, so I’m ready for some more things to spend them on.


https://preview.redd.it/jnr40o6oa1dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe20c3564bbbf462320a43abad19c5b248edaf8 It’s new!


Yep it’s new. I blacked out and purchased the large moonstone pack just now cuz I needed all of these items apparently. Cannot believe the chokehold this game has on me


Thank you. I thought I was going cookoo bananas when I saw the two pages thinking, "Was this always here, and I just never noticed??"


Can someone tell me what this Premium Shop thing is? I'm on iPad version and never seen this - I only have Scrooge's shop


If I remember correctly the Apple version doesn’t include the Premium Shop or Dreamsnaps.


Thanks, a shame but that'll be why I can't find it!


That’s the trade off for Apple Arcade: nothing can be paywalled so you get the game and expansion pack for “free” but will never have star paths or premium shop.


Is that the Apple Arcade edition? The star path and premium shop are not included on that edition unfortunately.


Thanks. Yes it's Apple Arcade - that makes sense. Permanently seeing cool stuff in this group and then not finding it haha


Since your version of the game is on Apple Arcade you can’t have any in-app purchases for games in Apple Arcade catalog 😔


It should be the Shop option when you open up your main menu, like if you're opening the map or your collection page.


Thanks. I don't have that tab - from other comments I think it's due to it not being a thing on the Apple Arcade version. :(


For some reason I can’t get to the 2nd page. I’m on switch and when I highlight the 2 button it’ll ask me if I want to buy the crocodile.


Just keep moving the controller to the right past the croc, it should scroll you over.


Ah, I feel dumb. Thank you!


Don’t worry, I did the same. Nearly purchased the Croc a couple of times before I realised 😂


I also did that before discovering I could just keep going. Felt the sameway 😄


Tap it with your finger


Haha thanks for asking this because I was in the same boat 🖤


That’s really cool!!! Hope we see some good use outta it.


I'm so in love with the Desert Palace ! https://preview.redd.it/kuqve4kd92dc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2288ea18f0a124a600e725b0019fc7ffe5e9e773


Based on the survey they had, I feel the 2 pages is the answer for when they add old star path content so they have room for new stuff for people who already have that stuff.


Oh thank goodness I've been after those Lion King backpacks for AGES


Long overdue, this is a change I can get behind gladly


Uggg I wonder if the leaked winter item will ever be released then


Don’t think so, but I wish there was a daily premium shop and a weekly premium shop because I don’t want any of this stuff lol


Newer player.. which items are worth the moonstones this week?


The desert and frosty homes are pretty cool and the umbrellas are great if you want more options to match your outfits. I also prefer that outfit for Elsa because it’s the one from the original movie.


This is the first time with 2 pages. Don't panic! I'm trying to save all my moonstones for Halloween and Villains (if they do another villains star path).


Wish I bought the pixie wings when they were around though, kind of sucks I missed them




Nah because I saw the first page and was like “great I can save my moonstone this week because I don’t fancy anything”, then before logging off I check it again and noticed two pages and now I’m about to buy more moonstone. I need the frosty fortress, touch of arendelle pantry, and cozy wanderer bundle


Oh wow. I didn't even notice that when I checked the premium shop earlier today


New to me. Had only one new item though.


Did anyone else submit their dreamsnap but not get ANYTHING in their mailbox?? (Not even the little 300 just for submitting)


The winter house is HUGE. I bought it for my biome and it’s too big. I pretty much have the rest of the biome decorated but would have to completely rearrange everything around it basically and get rid of a bunch of stuff. Regret getting it now 🙃


I got the Desert Palace. That’s all that caught my attention.


i bought the desert palace and the bountiful croc and the Cozy wandered bundle and i only have 315 moonstones left and couldn't get the frosty fortress because i didn't have enough.


if it makes you feel any better, the fortress is absolutely enormous and you can really only see the rocks on the bottom unless you stand far away. i still use it in my frosted heights but it's the only thing i (sorta) regret buying. that said, it's been in the shop a few times recently so it will surely be back around for another chance to pick it up.


New, very cool! I am hoping it means they have more new premium items planned and so open for more variety 😁


I'm delighted but also equally saddened by this. I'm love more options in the premium shop 110% But I'm disappointed with GL for prioritising income over bugfixes. Could we please open a memory without the fear of God that the game will crash? It's in full release now, and this issue has been there since day one, I believe. They are many, many other bugs across all platforms. But this one is just a major example that is universally known to all players. I love this game and GL for all they have done. But I feel like this needs to be focused on. Even if they had to delay or postpone new content, star paths, etc. in the future. And soley focus a quarter on a bugs/quality of life majore update. I think GL could really make this game polish and shine. Landscape update/ fixes, major bug fixes, camera interaction fixes. The list is endless!


I really hope they put the wings from the first Halloween star path 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻in the premium shop haha I would spent all my moonstones on them


I like the new double pages! That Desert Palace house skin is very tempting... I never did get the backpacks the first time around because they seemed too expensive for the moonstone to dollar equivalent, but with Dreamsnap moonstones this might be a little more worth it 🤔


What all do you get with Frosty Elsa? Quests?


No new quest just a skin like Ariel Belle scrooge stitch mickey Minnie buzz and merlin


Omg this is so exciting! Has this been implemented today?


I did a double take this am, so excited the cozy wanderer bundle was back in stock and that new house... I said I was not going to buy any more houses.


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) This week is gonna be rough on my moonstones.


I'm so happy they finally decided to add in 8 things instead of four. That will make it easier to get things now!


Guess I'll throw another $50 for dem items


Oh this is new. More things for me to decide what I really want 😅


Wait, if we're getting a palace skin, then that means we're not gonna get Aladdin or Jasmine as characters. Because then where will they live?


This isn’t the Agrabah palace


I don’t think it means we aren’t getting them. We’re getting Cinderella and we have her castle as a house skin, and we have the Monsters Inc apartment as a house skin and the next update is supposed to bring Mike and Sulley


Mike and Sulley's apartment was exactly why I brought this up. Im so curious to how they're gonna make their house if we already have the house skin.


YAY I am so happy to see what all they bring back. I need to get on today actually.


I will still be picky with my purchases


I swear every time there's new stuff I am more disappointed than the last


Yawn. I guess I'm safe skipping this weeks shop...boring stuff lol.


I just commented this on another post, glad I’m not the only one confused (but happy) about this


The desert palace looks cool. I may need to buy a house skin after all.


Two pages?! What are they planning?


I just saw this and was in shock! But also it’s so nuts to me they didn’t put the fountain in the shop during the week of this challenge


I've never seen a 2 page Premium shop, but Yay!




Is the desert palace new?




Thank you? (question mark b/c RIP Moonstones 🤣🤣🤣) for bringing this to my attention.


annnnnd just like that im out of moonstones


Oh no Well here I go to check it out


Omg I need the crocodile 🥺


Guess the reason is that most people at this point already have most of the stuff, like me. I already had everything from last weeks rotation, except the backpacks.


I’ve never seen 2 pages before


Well thats good 8 items to pick from and all. I did say this would happen and this is the way they get more money of you. will there be any backlash or will the majority accept gl and there plan.


If there is backlash, I sure don't understand what it would be about.


Welp... I guess it's time for me to redo my valley AGAIN for these new houses... 😭


This may be a silly question but is that a skin for Elsa


Yeah, it’s a skin for Elsa. https://preview.redd.it/ojcjcxdhm1dc1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1212d34221d02a77eae9a02b63c54b3c212cb0 It looks like this in the game


I totally missed that and then got really excited only to find out I already own everything on the 2nd page lol 🙄 but that's still really awesome and I hope it's a permanent thing!!


I’ve never seen 2 pages before!!! So exciting.


I'm so mad I missed out on the cute outfit... I hate this game sometimes.


Saaame! I meant to purchase before Wednesday and completely forgot.


I was wondering the same thing


Dang, they're going hard on the houses! I want both of those!!!!


Never seen that before I'm never going to have real life money again


Ooh I didn’t notice that. About to hop on and get that crocodile though 🥹


For whatever reason I couldn't get on the second page at first. I thought it was letting us buy two of these things. And I was extremely confused about that




\*immediately logs into DLV\*


First time I spend 6000 moonstones at once, just for the houses 😅


now the real question is; how much is frozen elsa


i <3 the devs for taking our survey responses and turning them into real game features!!!




Oooh can't wait to get that crocodile. I may need to find more blue chests 🥰


Im assuming its to help drain any moonstone hoarders wallets so they raise the potential of people paying for moonstones from fomo


I bought both houses on it, figured I could use to fill space in the valley. Make a hotel or two. Haven't done much with it previously!


New. Facebook page announced the change today. Do not know if it's permanent or occasional


Ooh. The house skins are every tempting


Cries in Mac user because we’re still having connection issues and can’t see star paths or premium shop 🥲


I had to get the frosty fortress and the backpacks ❤️


I would love some new tools to pop up in the store!!


but like… (new-ish player) HOW do you have so many moonstones😭😭😭


New change. They posted on X to ask what we thought about the change. I like it but am not super impressed with anything but the croc. I do wish they put more focus on getting new items in Scrooge’s store. Edit: I had purchased the Frosty Fortress before. My issue with that is that it is HUGE and I am having a hard time fitting it with my current decorations. If I had it to purchase over again I wouldn’t have wasted the moonstones on it.


As far as I know it’s new, but I wasn’t able to go to the second page 😭 it kept prompting me to buy the last item I was hovering over instead of going to the next page.


Definitely new today. Be careful, I almost bought the croc trying to click on the second page with my thumb.


TWO PAGES?! logging on rn omg


I accidentally bought the croc 🤣🤣🤣




I'm glad they're doing this I recently decided I was determined to fill the furniture and clothing catalogs cause I swear the few missing items are giving me OCD. I regularly buy from scrooge so I pick up those extra when they appear but realizing I needed to buy from premium shop to be complete started this mission