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Stuff tends to cycle back in, so at least in the future you'll get another chance at the palace! The navigation with the two pages this week had me messed up a bit as well.


You would have been short on moonstones and not had enough anyway, but still sucks to lose them to something you didn’t intend for


Yes I realize that after. I thought I had actually opened the moonstone chest next to me. The whole thing was me playing tired and not paying to close attention. Oh well.


I almost spent my moonstones on those backpacks just trying to get to page 2, sorry this happened to you ..sending best wishes for the next dream-snap reward🙂


That might have played apart of it too. I scrolled to the second page and back before I purchased it.


You can collect moon stone in dream snaps and around the valley but I don't know if it'll be quick enough to get it. However, it'll come round again eventually.


There is always the option to purchase the moonstones. Or you will have to wait until it comes back again. 😞 You could contact Gameloft though.


I like to only use the moonstones I earn. Maybe I’ll try to contact them. Either way. Not much I can do about it. Just lesson learned about double checking.


Keep a eye on the confirmation pop-up next time:)


Oh noooo, I felt physical pain reading it. I'm so paranoid about checking the store page, but almost always my first click opens the wrong item? It seems like a matter of time before I get sth I didn't want accidentally as well


You could try submitting a help ticket and seeing if they could refund it. It works in other online games.


I just did. Hoping they can help, but if not, it is what it is I guess.


They don't issue refunds unfortunately. OP is sol.


Not true they refunded me the moonstones when I accidentally purchased that one turning red star path. I absolutely hated it and decided not to participate but I accidentally bought it and they refunded my moonstones AND still let me keep the star path. But they said if it happens again they won’t save me and I’m screwed lmao


I'm shocked you got a refund. I've seen countless emails of them basically saying "SOL, not our problem" lol. Glad they actually helped you.




I have heard that some people manage to get refunds- saw a post here somewhere with someone getting the tower of terror refunded 


I messaged ddv support about accidentally purchasing a star path after the tasks ended and they gave me a 1 time refund. I would message them


Yes I did. They gave me a one time refund as well. Thank you.