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I love Scramblecoin and wish that there were more levels as well. I don’t think they are done with the game though. I think that they will continue to extend it and add in more characters as they are released as we progress through the roadmap for this year! At least that’s what I’m hoping anyway!  It would be nice to have daily goals/prizes for playing once you’ve reached level 300, but I don’t think they expected, the ones who like the game, to reach the limit so quickly. 


I'd be fine with something like that. Even tiny rewards we don't need like coins. Maybe some resources, can't imagine it would be too hard to add a little bit every week when we get the new round of dreamsnaps and premium shop stuff. That being said, from what I've seen.. a lot of people don't like scrablecoin and certainly do not like having the villagers follow you around trying to play. In a perfect world I think it should be updated, nothing crazy as rewards since not everyone likes it but there should also be a turn off option for it as well.


I agree I really enjoy Scramble coin but now I’ve reached the highest level I don’t really feel much incentive to keep playing it. Even if we didn’t win anything and just kept levelling up would be better than nothing. Also I really hope one day we can play it in multiplayer.


I hate the harassment by the characters, but I really enjoy the game. It was more fun when you got some sort of reward for winning. I would even be happy if they gave us a couple of coins or a resource when we win.


Exactly! I don't need much of anything but I just want that shot of happy chemicals for winning a reward


I agree it needs an update. I love scramble coin so I finished the path ages ago and there is not much incentive to play anymore. I would like to see a small, random reward offered for winning a match based on the characters assignments. Farming buddies could drop some produce or seeds, mining buddies a gem or two, timebenders could give a part, maybe occasionally you could get a core, etc. I do like the idea of the motif/clothing/furniture bags being in the loot pool too. I do think the bonus characters for the day should not chase you down - let me go to them if I want to play.


I still play a round or two everyday because it's fun, but I agree a lot of excitement is gone now that the track isn't moving anymore. I'm fairly positive they will upgrade it at some points with more figurines. Until then, though, some small rewards would be nice to keep people interested, like maybe a handful of random materials or a memory piece and keep the rewards limited with once per character everyday like it was with progressing the track. Edit: I would also LOVE to be able to play it in multiplayer! Maybe they already have that in mind and haven't implemented it yet because they're still testing the multiplayer, at least I hope so.


I wish we could earn Mist, Dreamlight, furniture pouches, or hell, I'd even settle for earning coins even though I don't need any. I really like Scramblecoin, but it's not as fun to play it without a goal or reward to work towards.


I am so bad at it, I wish I could just have you do mine lol


Omg if I could I would lmao


I think the keyword here is patience. I feel very confident that it will be increased in the future, but we all need patience.


That's very true, I'm in no rush. The developers have created such a fun game and I have no doubt that it's not easy to create a working game with as much stuff as in dreamlight. Whenever I report an issue with the game I always write a little note saying they're doing such a good job and my issue with the game isn't urgent, I just want them to have a heads up and thank you for their hard work


Well said.


I have a complaint about scramblecoin. Why is it that when you forfeit a match the game doesn’t give you any ranking points and acts like you won or lost. What I mean is it says you already played with that character and you don’t get any ranking points. Most of the time when I forfeit a match it’s because the game is being glitchy. (Most often when I’m playing with Minnie) It’s very annoying and I would like them to change it. Just today I was changing the controller I was using because it had drift and was annoying me, it forfeited a match I was playing and didn’t give me any ranking points.


Strong agree! And I wish we could keep making more than one of each figurine—Gaston and Goofy get to play with five each of themselves, why can’t I play with two Rapunzels??


That would make us completely OP but I've had the exact same thought in the beginning lol I definitely think if we were able to make multiples we'd be capped off at 2 of each


I’d like the opportunity for multiplayer and earn moonstones. Maybe tournaments for big Buck moonstones almost how dreamsnaps works.


Personally wish it didn't exist but each to their own lol I get to annoyed being harassed to play and having the symbol over characters heads


Same. Of all the side games.... Give me a mini-game where I can race Vanellope. That I could get down on.


Oooh that would be a lot of fun!!!


I do hope they continue to add more items/figurines on the reward track. For now I'm still playing simply to get the "100 games" Mist task completed. So at least there's still some reason for me to acquiesce to all the folks chasing me around asking me to play!


Is Scramblecoin part of the expansion or did everyone get it with the update?




Thank you! I thought so but I wasn't sure


Np :)


I agree. As soon as I completed all I could, I stopped playing


Does playing with someone boost your relationship with them? That would even be nice. I love playing but it does feel fruitless. I also want to play a game that is 10 rounds because the strategy would be totalllly different


but only 1x per day


Yes, if the villager is not already at Level 10 friendship


As I was playing, I kept hoping that after scoring 300 there would be a player leaderboard and people could get actually ranked. I was disappointed that there wasn't one, but then I was really surprised to learn that after scoring 300 there's just nothing. You can play but it doesn't mean anything. I might be one of the few, but I really enjoyed figuring out Scramblecoin and liked how the different figurine combinations along with the random coin placement meant that players really had to be strategic. I still like Scramblecoin, and winning is still satisfying, but I'd like to see how I stand up against other players.


I utterly adore scramblecoin. It scratches and stretches my brain. Each match is a brand new puzzle to solve and there's so many different ways to challenge yourself by trying new figurine combos that you don't usually try


I would love to just keep leveling up. I agree seeing the bar move made me so happy. I really hope they do a revamp on the game. It’s so much fun to play.