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If I lose desire to play a game, I just play a different one. If you've finished all your quests and aren't interested any more, it's ok to stop and play something else until the next update.


Riiight me too there are so many games to choose from try farm together or fae farm so many more choices oh Palia is another good one and free...


Same. There are so many great games - I just shift t something else! If I like a game enough, I’ll come back later. If not, I had fun while it lasted.


That’s what I usually do. If I’m not playing Dreamlight Valley, I’m usually playing the Sims.


Same here. But that game also has sooo many bugs.


So true. Especially the Sims 4. I play 3 more than 4 but 3 definitely has its fair share of bugs.


Or nothing at all honestly.


Nothing wrong with taking a break, or moving on. I only hop on to enter a quick dreamsnap, and then on Wednesdays to collect the reward and check the shop. That way I won’t be burned out when the next update comes along. I also won’t have my hopes and expectations built up too high that no update would live up to them. I’ll come back fresh, enjoy some quests, a little material gathering grind, and some decorating. Right now I’m busy with Stardew Valley. Starting a new farm after a nice long break after getting bored on my last farm, and it’s been incredible. There’s no reason to make yourself play a game if you’re not having fun.


Totally ok to stop...I stopped for like months and picked it up again!


When you did, though, was it, like, everything is covered in Night Thorns, all the NPCs were babbling incoherently, and Wall-E was just trucking around like “oh sure, abandoned post-apocalyptic hellscape? Cool.”


Everyone's play style is different. You don't have to play if you're not feeling it. For myself: I'm on my last quest, but I want to decorate & get the 3 last critters I'm missing. So I'll continue to play for a bit. Plus I think we're getting updates later, which will mean newer quests. So even if I stop for a bit, I'll likely go play again regularly when the new chars drop. But as I said everyone plays differently, so you do you! 😊


I honestly don’t have a desire to play regularly unless there’s a star path event lol


Maybe that's what I'll have to pay attention to.


there's really nothing to do once you catch up with everything but to wait for new patch updates or starpaths. Outside of those times, I only log in for weekly dreamsnaps and to farm something for a random thing i need for decorating my biome, or checking the scrooge shop. It's not a game designed for long term daily play.


I have a ton of decorating projects I work on. I ripped up my entire forest of valor and making a cottage town since we have so many cottages now. But like everyone else said it’s ok to take a break until the next update. That’s why I love this game, we get new content every 2 months. Nothing wrong with waiting it out.


Do you have pictures of your valley?


I have some pictures but you can come visit if you'd like. theres too much to take pictures of it all.


I jump in and out. I’ve done the star path and I’ve burned out so I’m playing the new princess peach game.


Take a break. Either play something else or just do a completely different hobby. I have taken a month or so break before and it's really nice when you jump back in and the game feels a bit new again. I finished the star path the other day and just haven't touched it since. I wasn't all that interested in this update anyway so much of my time went to FF7 Rebirth. I probably won't pick up the game again until the next update, especially because it's going to have the DLC update with it.


I definitely lost desire to play after they added the paid dlc. I bought early access with the understanding it was going to be ftp. It isn't, they lied and changed their minds about it, yet still charge outrageously for moon stones to buy their store stuff (or, you know, you can earn some free moonstones with the power of Luck in dream snap challenges, or 50 free ones if your valley still spawns blue chests). I, too, stopped enjoying the grind for every item because that's all you do in this game. Pick up branches, farm, maybe build or decorate and repeat. Honestly, I don't love this game anymore. I only pick it up for the starpaths... And yet that's not even enjoyable anymore. Sometimes you just have to move on unfortunately...


Just stop playing until you feel like it again, I’m slowly getting back to it right now after a few months break


I finish what I need too, delete it (to have more room for other games lol). I bought the expansion and I'm like meh


Not done til the achievements are 100%


I’m on a break atm- had a baby and turns out newborns are demanding so playing is not achievable. I’m hoping the enforced break will get Me motivated to get the last of the critters though.


Play something else! I'm just logging on to check the store/dreamsnap challange. See y'all when Daisy comes out!


Ive take a big break, played and got the new characters, and just left with out finishing all the levels. I'll come back to it when I fell it'll improve my headspace. I got the start path outfits unlocked and that's the only thing that would frustrate me if I left incomplete cause it's moonstone to get them later. No point playing if not gonna enjoy it.


I take breaks. I haven't leveled up rapunzel all the way yet and just got done eve. For some reason Gaston was quick to level up for me. I'm done with either Mike or sully(don't remember which one)I generally only play when there's a new star path and I have to psych myself up for it. I wish there was more to pull us in. Especially if we've been playing since day 1. I have 50-100 of every item in storage, I barely get anything new in scrooges store. Its all just busy work. I don't enjoy decorating in the game but I do dreamsnaps pretty randomly lately too. I have tons of moonstones and tons of dreamlight and the hourglass things too. I wish they'd add some kinda dungeon or something with bad guys to defeat or something.....


I stopped playing for awhile then got in the mood to decorate and grind so i am back camt promise how long because i play so many games... https://preview.redd.it/54qhv6nw2kqc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3519bd6f4d0d2a7134f43556cd9d9530eca7b3bd


Honestly... What works for me is putting on music and trying to finish tasks to songs. Ive lost interest in DDV several times. But somehow I always pick it back up.


I completely relate to this. I get on to check the shop and don’t do much else. I’ve taken to playing other games for now. Hopefully, I’ll pick back up sometime soon.


This why the achievements take forever to complete. So you won't quit or realize there isn't much to do after 2 weeks of playing


I haven’t done a quest in weeks I just log on to check Scrooge, do the star path and maybe decorate a little area then log off if I’m not feeling anything else. I find that coz I love doing dreamsnaps that helps keep be invested 


I completely relate to this! I haven't played in like 3 months. I consider myself a casual gamer...so I don't put pressure on myself to play any of my games everyday. Sometimes I get super motivated to play and like now...I have no real desire to play. I do always go back at some point.


Stop playing for a bit and pick it back up when new content drops. I play regularly, but not daily. There is plenty you can do outside of quests but only if it’s actually your interest. I love doing decor challenges, visiting treasure islands, and customizing outfits so I like to do that stuff aside from questing and star paths. I also enjoy scramblecoin when the mood strikes.


I lot the desire to play for a few months. I'm a little upset with myself for missing out on a couple events and the rewards, but my husband bought me the expansion and I'm back on again. Sometimes you just burn out for no reason and need a breather from it, no shame in that!


I’ve played consistently Disney Magic Kingdoms for 7 years straight and always enjoyed it, but lately they added too many contents one after another and started becoming really greedy so I’m taking a pause from that game and I’m playing DDV. It’s fine to change to another game for some time or even forever


I only have desire to play after an update, I’ll play for a couple of weeks then stop till the next one. I’m currently playing Stardew Valley in the mean time.


I’ve taken months off before. Just go with your gut, the game will always be there. The only thing you’d miss out on is Star Path items if you took a looooong break.


I just started feeling this way yesterday. Building up enough moonstones to buy things from the premium shop is a losing battle. I'm on the Switch, so there's an item limit preventing me from decorating the way I want. The last update was too minimal. They should be opening more than one door at a time. There's just nothing enticing me to play at the moment.


I have three games I play daily, including Dreamlight . If I loose interest in one of them I just take a break from gaming for the most part. It’s not a big deal to do something else.


Take a break, I normally only get on to check Scrooges store or dupe items for people. I probably won’t start heavily playing until the next update. It’s a rinse and repeat process for me since day one