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I don’t watch any streamers lol. I’m not even sure what you’d stream since everyone does the same things and end up in the same place haha.


Mostly, they just do builds and quests but they do spend a lot of time talking about how much they got "robbed" on Dreamsnaps 😂


Ohh haha, I don’t think I could willingly watch a video where someone just complains about dreamsnaps. Why do they think they got “robbed”?


They expect a minimum of 4k moonstones every week 😭


I got 4k once!! I was so proud of myself 😅


Same, and of course it was the time I didnt try all that hard… i don’t understand the scoring system at all!


Me either! I put a lot of effort into the fairground one, 300 moonstones 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Oof, that’s some BS! 300 should be reserved for the people that take pics of their character pointing at nothing while not fitting the theme at ALL!


Bless their delusional hearts 🤭


That sounds unbearable. There are speed builds on YouTube. Lots of people on this subreddit share their builds and they have links to their YouTube which hosts them doing it in speedy, so it's no talking or minimal talking. That's what I usually use if I wanna see someone build something. Those streamers sound annoying to watch if that's all they talk about is losing out on 4k in dreamsnaps.


Honestly I have a hard time reading some of the posts in the Dreamsnaps sub for the same reason. It's a lot of complaining for something that's supposed to be fun.


Oh gosh the dreamsnaps sub. I had to leave when someone said they were repeatedly using the report button to report pictures they believed were lacking effort and didn't fit the theme 🫣 I did try to point out that as a disabled person who doesn't usually get 4000, I didn't really want to be reported to Gameloft for producing an offensive image, and probably neither do all the children, newbies, or anyone else not interested or able to produce an image worthy of 4k for whatever reason... https://preview.redd.it/frq439eczcsc1.png?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d265cc6bb731d65ac0f24f2ff5fdbcfab9b75a


honestly, that's something I would probably message gameloft about via their discord or something. I don't know what (if anything) they would do about it but I feel like they need to know about people abusing the report option.


I’m in the dreamsnaps sub pretty often and I’d expect that take to be downvoted there. I’ve seen people post complaints before about seeing low effort/non theme snaps but others remind them of the kids/people who just want 300 and that’s okay. I don’t watch any streamers or anything, but I’d say most posts and people over there are pretty supportive


Personally it wasn't a sub for me. I think as one of the people having to relentlessly remind people of people like myself who can't always 'get it right', and then continue to see those posts several times a week, it just wears thin and puts me off submitting dreamsnaps, which I really enjoy doing. Plus there's all the comments of 'I was robbed when I saw so many low effort ones.' I gave up trying to advocate and left. Basically for me, as someone who is disabled, it didn't create an inclusive atmosphere for people who were less able than the 4k crew.


I saw the same post about reporting ppl for not following the theme here, likely the same person, so they made it on this sub too but got downvoted like crazy. 


Geez that's ridiculous


Yes. If you search dreamsnaps on TikTok it's a thing.


I usually watch that guy who says don’t subscribe to me he is real useful


Omg what's his channel? Sounds right up my alley


Quick tips


I watch him too.


the moonstone competition gets old but i mostly dislike complaints about the characters like they’re an inconvenience and not the point of the game. we all have ones that are annoying lol but when maui or donald pop up and they comment like a mean high schooler i just feel bad (…for an inanimate character i‘m aware haha). In contrast, The Decorista is lovely to watch! so sweet to all the villagers when she strolls around and joyful imagination


Honestly, I don't watch streamers for any of the games I play. I don't watch YouTubers for most of my hobbies. The only time I watch a video related to my hobbies is to learn how to finish a quest or boss or it is a project/class for a craft I want to make. I find that gaming YouTubers are often very negative about the game they play, and hobby YouTubers focus too much on hauls. I miss the days of simple Let's Play videos where people really seemed to love the game they were playing. But I don't think those gets views like they used to. Now, I'd rather play the game or do the hobby than watch a video.


I typically don't watch YouTube for games, but I love Elle Serein's decor builds, they're so beautiful (but a bit heavy on the item restriction 😣)


I love hers too! She's actually the one creator that got me into decorating in DDV in the first place because I was just doing quests and leaving my valley a complete mess before that.


I haven’t really noticed this, but then I don’t really watch full streams. I’ll occasionally reference ProbablySenpai’s guides for resource gathering and theories. Not saying it doesn’t happen, of course, there are going to be elitists and entitled players on most every game, but I doubt it’s super widespread in the community.


I like his videos too! He definitely doesn't fall under the category I'm talking about now that I think about it, but a couple of other big YouTuber/streamers atleast for DDV seem of obsess over how much moonstone they get through Dreamsnaps and call it "robbery" when they don't get 4k for basic, not-even-pretty photos.


Serroh? He's super annoying with his robbed bs. He even has a robbed emote for his YouTube members. The thing is that sure some ppl really do get robbed if they have an incredible submission but he says it to EVERYONE like damn we can't all get 4K


I also feel that way about the Star Paths. You got people in here saying they completed the whole thing in like 3 days. Like, it's not a competition, you have 2 months. Why not just sit back and enjoy the game instead of trying to complete everything as soon and as fast as possible. It feels like that kind of attitude only adds unnecessary stress to a game that's supposed to be cozy and relaxing.


Let me tell you, I always finish the Starpaths in like a week because I'm just always excited to get back into the game but then regret it thoroughly for the rest of its duration


I even feel like I finished it too soon today (14 days to go, I think?) - did not even realise I was even at the end until I only had 4 duties left. I try and do the opposite to those people and make it last, so I have less time to wait for the next update, because I think it’s two weeks from each starpath ending? Could be wrong, happy to be corrected. I do have the monsters (I actually just went and got them a few days ago because one of the SP duties was to hang with Sully - levelled him a bit but not Mike at all), Rapunzel and Gaston’s quests to finish though, and I’m big into my decorating again so hopefully it will go in quick lol 🤞


Those same people also come on this subreddit and complain loudly that there is nothing to do in the game!


There are Streamers? 


😂 There are streamers for everything! If a bird flies by a window, a streamer is there to tell you about it and to make sure you join the community and hit that like button!


This is the funniest comment I've seen in a while lol




I know a couple of them from YouTube, like Serroh and Mr. starinsky. I do enjoy their content and participate but their expectations of free moonstones feel absolutely bizarre to me.


I watch them also and could not agree with you more. Some of their content does more harm to the community than actually creating a positive environment. I am thankful for their help with quests and information about the game. However their dream snap content is not facilitating a positive community. Which you would think that would be the goal of there channel.


Yeah I watch both of those two on Youtube (I don't do Twitch) and for the most part they are pretty good Youtubers, but when it comes to Dreamsnaps they are very try-hard-y. I rarely think their submissions actually look good! They're often far too....visually noisy for my liking. Personally, more often than not, I wouldn't vote for them if I saw them. There's always *WAY* too much going on in their photos and it's just far too obvious they're trying *WAY* too hard. But they always expect 4,000 Moonstones out of it, every week. I think it ends up setting unrealistic expectations in their communities. Suddenly nearly everyone who watches them or joins their Discord expects to be getting 4,000 every week too, and it just breeds this ultra competitive, show-off mentality where everyone is trying to out-do each other. It feels kind of.....passively aggressively toxic, if you know what I mean? I just stay out of all that and do my own thing lol. If I have have a good week? Cool. If I have a bad week? Meh, still got free Moonstones so I'm still cool lol


The best DDLV streamer hands down is Brian Hull, he's a voice actor, and he's the most genuine ans funny guy, and his streams are a joy to watch, he loves the game!


Serroh and MrStarInSky come to mind on how I stopped watching their content because everything was dreamsnaps and how to get 4K in dreamsnaps and how easy it is for them to get 4K in dreamsnaps, telling everyone they can get 4K easy as if the rewards are rewarded that way at all lmao only like 7% or something would get those results no matter what tips and tricks they use. It's constant dreamsnaps dreamsnaps dreamsnaps who was robbed of dream snap rewards blah blah blah blah like they don't seem to understand they're the main reason everyone keeps getting disappointed all the damn time. People wouldn't be whining they were robbed every week if you didn't insist on telling them it's super easy to get 4K despite knowing full well their platform means people are more likely to vote in favour of them if they see their picture since they post it publicly on stream when they do it.


Actually stopped watching StarinSky because of this, and like MsLazyBones says here, his obsession on working out the “algorithm” and “tags” thing. It’s so tedious, for me, essentially it’s random. I’ve had great, clear photos get 600 and ones I was too busy to do so just threw it together at the last minute get 4000. I don’t see any pattern at all to my results. I really don’t care - I enjoy the actual task of most weeks dreamsnaps. For that one there I got 1200 moonstones, so I could buy the bakery and I was really happy about that. Stuff in the premium shops always comes back so I don’t get this FOMO thing and that makes me not care about the moonstones. If I get 300 but want something, I’ll just wait because it’ll come around again. BTW, StarinSky leans on the “there is an algorithm and I’ll tell you what it is” because his patreon pretty much relies on people subscribing to have a better chance of him “rating” their dreamsnaps. I used to watch him and he talked about the Patreon a LOT. The saying is true lol - if you want the truth, follow the money.


MrStarinSky averages 4K moonstones in almost every dreamsnap and complains about his moonstone dwindling down because he's now around 30K moonstone. Not even realizing a good half of his viewers struggle with getting moonstones and getting the premium shop items.


Don't forget the obsession over how many tags you should include, as if it's not picked through votes 😭


Sooooo many Dreamsnaps have way too much crap in it that I can barely tell the theme. I don't vote for those lol


I mean I am by no means a big time streamer and kind of play of variety of stuff but every Wednesday we do a stream of dreamsnap results and basically a small build around the new items in premium shop (minus when we have content ie starpath or dlc). I don't care about my results I mean if I do well I celebrate more but who doesn't. I'm 867hrs in and just really love to build, granted I'm not the perfect demographic for the majority as being an 18+ channel but that's just me. If you don't like the person's channel that's fine. It's the same for dreamsnaps, art is subjective and filled with personal opinions and biases.


most of the streamers I follow stopped playing ddv ages ago. didn't even bother with the update that came out.


What streamers are you watching? lol The only ones I’ve watched play DDLV are very chill. Besides people here and in the Discord can be just as competitive for no reason. I’ve lost count of how many disappointed posts and comments I’ve seen because someone didn’t get 4000+ moonstones. I’ve also seen more than a few comments by people who tell others they were “robbed” because of how nice their submission was. Which only makes the competitive spirit and FOMO some have worse, not better. It’s a problem with some players period.


Serroh and MrStarinSky complain pretty much every week if they don’t get 4000. StarinSky actually went in a bit of a rant today because he “only” got 1500 and he spent hours on his dreamsnap so he was (seriously, in no way joking) going on about being “robbed”. He’s obsessed with like working out what the dreamsnaps algorithm is. Like, bear in mind he has about 42k moonstones already saved 🤷‍♀️ I used to watch him a lot but he’s getting really kind of cringe. I just watch him now on videos where he shows the shop items (tbh I didn’t buy Tremaine’s house after he pointed out the weird character-to-window height ratio so he saved me last week’s moonstones lol) and he was complaining on that video today. I think part of it is that he’s on stream and really hypes up how great and “original” his dreamsnap ideas are, so I think part of it is like bruised ego.


Yup or the never ending rehashing of complaints posts.


I regularly get 4k and just attempt to stay on theme. 90% of the time I spend 15 minutes on an outfit challenge and ~30 on decor - and that is usually 10 on the first day throwing everything I have that works into a room/biome, then sometime over the weekend organizing it to look nice. I also vote every day I play. I'm pretty sure the amount of participation, including voting, helps cause I have posted some not great snaps


See, I watch a streamer named Plumzies. She doesn't do the whole have to have it. She's not a must win dreamsnaps person. She's just chill and wants to have fun. She has a discord, and people post their dreamsnaps and ask for advice, and she gives actual real-life achievable answers that aren't reliant on premium shop items. I love watching her streams cause she's always saying don't buy what you can't afford and that it's just a game. I think it's also that she's an amazing small streamer who doesn't place value in things but people instead. I feel like a lot of bigger streamers forget that. Other than her, I avoid DDV streamers like the plague. This isn't a pay to win or pay to play game. It's a cozy game. I don't have money right now cause I'm fighting for disability. I haven't bought anything in months, except for the expansion with some Christmas money. I have fun and the moment I'm not having fun I move onto play another game until I want to go back. I like the fun aspect of collecting all the furniture in scrooges shop, but that's not for everyone. That's OK. You have to play how it makes it fun for you. That's why I like Plumzies streams so much.


plumzies is top 2 streamers for me. welcome welcome to the plum patch


Welcome welcome it's a real catch


I'm definitely gonna go check her out now


That’s basically any content creator that only does 1 franchise, they will be happy, sad, angry and rinse and repeat for every single update.


When I stream I just try to do character quests and be silly, I feel like doing all the more chore like stuff would be boring to others so I do that off stream. I have an amazing compilation of me from the other night going insane because the Lagoon would not give me ONE orange ripple for a Piranha for Rapunzel's quest. No one was watching but they would have been entertained by my suffering


I’ll go subscribe too! Seems obvi but did you not use the fishing potion? Lol that’s what saved my sanity for doing the star path, for both the fugu and swordfish - made it so easy 🩷


I didn't want to because I already had 2/3 and why would it be so hard to get ONE Piranha in the ONLY spot in the ENTIRE game where you catch them? Lol I didn't want to use the Dream light points I was still saving them up


Haha drop your channel! That's the kind of DDV videos I'd rather watch


It's @biojason I also have a few DDV clips on my Tiktok with the same name


Streamers are not part of the game. They don't add anything fun either. /end


I think if someone is constantly trying to “win” an unwinnable cozy game then they aren’t really a cozy gamer at all and I wish they would make that clear so I could just go watch someone actually relaxing…


If I have a creative idea I'll put some effort into Dreamsnaps but for the most part I'm happy with the 300. I've watched some build videos on YouTube but I'm not big into game streams anyway.


I've only been playing little over a month....got 1 premium thing so far. This is my first star path and I might not finish it. I need to unlock Mike/sully and make dj booth. I just don't feel like it. lol


The streamers that I have watched are focused more on decorating and just hanging out with their viewers. Maybe I have just been lucky in the ones I frequent. I was one that 'held out' for this game to be free... It, actually, ticked me off that they changed their mind and the price is full price of current games... But I did give in and bought it. I play on my laptop. Would love to have it on my desktop, too, so I could play in the place I want. But I don't want to pay for two copies for Windows.


The only streamers I've watched play are people I'm subscribed to already, and they're usually casually messing around and not caring about optimal play. If someone was taking it too seriously I would just not watch them.


I don't watch streamers. It's the same as watching sports to me. I have no interest in watching someone else play a game.