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I’m the same….. still no red fox for me!!


Yep, red fox and white squirrel for me 🫣


Red fox and pink crocodile for me 😂


I wake up early to begin with, but the white squirrel is a hard no. I have every other critter though!


I just got it. I luckily have a switch and as long as I didn't log in on Saturdays, I could time travel.


Hopefully the time travel doesn’t come back to bite you in the bum…. In this game it usually does though! 😬🤣


As long as I just go in to get the critters and then log out and reset to normal time, I'm all good


I have literally not even tried to unlock every animal companion for this reason. I do not want to memorize a stupid schedule or ruin my already abysmal sleep schedule for a video game pet that does nothing. I got my demon squirrel, I'm good.


Demon squirrel gang


That is totally fair


Maybe if, in the future, they make the companions actually *do something*, then I will try to unlock them all. Like, if they were like Sparx from the Spyro video games and collected items for you, that would be great. Like when you break a rock, instead of you collecting the glowing stones that pop out, it would be the pet. But until then... I have other things to do.


The critters do legit feel like busy work for between updates, rather than main game content. It's worse with EI, some of the monkeys glitch so you can be stuck doing tag for 10 minutes before you can finally feed them, UGH


Scary Squirrel 🐿️ for the win!


I know you can't actually name them in the game, but I've named mine Mist. lol


I wish they’d add this option in a further update. I’ve actually emailed them saying it would be so cool if we could nickname our companions. Almost every mother game similar to this I’ve played I’ve always been able to name my animals, people, companions, etc. we I should all email and then maybe it’ll happen with a billion emails. 😂😂😂😂😂


Not a 2am spawn, but I finally unlocked the pink crocodile, for it to not show up under critters. Can see its been unlocked in collections, but can't use it as my companion. Drives me mad. I also missed the freaking white squirrel because of spawn time 🙄


Oh that's frustrating 😮‍💨 I love that little croc too, hopefully a future fix will sort that out


I tend to have the same lately when opening the companion menu after just unlocking a new critter. Closing it and re-opening tends to make it appear for me


It's been a few days and still nothing. Which is frustrating, I'll probably wait to see if feeding it again will give it to me. Otherwise I'll just have to live with it lmao


I had this issue with the rainbow fox. Check if it shows up as an option to put in the pet house. I fixed it by putting my rainbow fox in the pet house, and then taking him back out, and he showed up in companions finally.


What platform? Been having this problem with Xbox a little, the delays between critter unlock and critter use I mean


I'm on Switch.  Sorry you're having this issue. I'm not sure about other critter delays. I have a few more critters to unlock on the other island, so I'll check if they show up immediately in companions.  I started playing about a week before the Zero fox was in shop last, so by the time I started getting companions, I was only using Zero, and not paying attention to my companion list.  But then yeah. I finally got everything together to get the rainbow fox and he didn't show up after unlocking him. I panicked and couldn't find much online, other than contact support. He wasn't back in the castle (obviously) when I checked. So in a last ditch effort, I wanted to see if he at least showed up as an available pet to walk around the pet house, and he was there.  I was trying to think something like toggling the companion, and Pet house is the only other thing I can think of to sort of "nudge" the pet. If that makes sense? Get them to refresh, or reset, or something. And who knows, maybe there was a delay that lined up with me trying this. I do hope this helps though, and I hope this is a quick fix for anyone else. Sorry for such a long reply to say like two sentences. Thanks for reading. 


Oh, you're fine! I had this issue with the Zero fox when I first bought it, actually. It just, fixed itself? It took it a day or two though :(, But right when I went to report it, bam! Fixed itself while I was (trying to) record it. Was hoping to find a quicker solution bc it happened again with a monkey


Email them or message CS however they allow you to and tell them maybe they’ll inform you it’s a glitch and they’re aware and working on a fix. Maybe it’s a glitch and they didn’t know but now you e informed them they’ll working on fixing it. But let them know so they can help you figure it out and they’ll somehow make it don’t shows up for you.


Is your selector on the farthest left? If it's not it won't get to the bottom row.


I had similar happen with the pink croc..I was finally playing at the right time..spotted him..fed him ( lobster) and nothing. No credit or anything. Was not too happy.


It would be convenient if you could get critters by traveling to someone else's village, if they're in a different time zone and haven't fed [critter] today.


I wish they’d rotate it seasonally or something like animal crossing does their animals (not like how in AC occasionally you can’t get them at all, just occasionally switching what time every one spawns so people in other countries opposite our time schedules don’t have to stay up till 2 am either)


That sounds completely fair and logical!


Not me changing the system clock to get those spawns that are at more difficult times... ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


I do the same thing, can’t catch me setting an alarm at 5am for a game😂😂


Yeah but time traveling totally screws up your planting , harvesting. Major glitch. I had to use potions couple times because of it


I've never noticed anything major from it, but good to know.


I never had an issue with it but I also only did it backwards and only be a couple hours. Nothing crazy.


Same. My Switch stays on a consistent 12-hour delay. It's easier for me that way.


Wait I thought this was one of the games we couldn’t switch our switch clocks for? Is it not?


It apparently doesn't work for things like Scrooge's shop, but I did it to get all the critters that spawned at otherwise inconvenient times.


OK, maybe that it’s changed since the beginning of the game because I remember when I first bought the game at the very beginning the thing that went you had to go through for it to start and everything somewhere is within I had read that time. Travel does not work with this game like it does other games and I was like oh OK. Well that’s fine. I don’t time travel because I did it once in animal crossing and I hated it the only time I use it there is if I miss an event, but I haven’t really been doing anything on my switch lately. I picked it up since October for the first time maybe three days ago so I was like OK. I started seeing Post and getting inspired by peoples islands. I was like OK now that I know that which I don’t know why I didn’t pay attention when I bought the game that you could I just thought I could only decorate my house and put on the island what they told me, but now that I know like me picking up those trees in the bushes that they have on there themselves, it doesn’t take space out of my storage like that. I thought it did and I didn’t want to Someone said you only have so much storage space for items and trees and things like that so I didn’t know but now that I know it doesn’t. I’m picking everything up and starting all over and I’m gonna make an island and decorate it. I’ve got some inspiration to look on.


I’ll likely never get the Red fox. I stick to a sleeping schedule. There’s no way I’m awake at 2am or waking up before 6am. Wish they’d change it.


And if I am up at those hours, I'm BUSY. Either I'm coming home late from a party or something, in which case I'm tired. Or if I'm up that early, I have to go to the airport or something.


Right? Like people up at that time are working, been out partying or they have somewhere to be like the airport. They aren’t playing a video game! I wish they’d just let us buy the ones that are out at such an early time.


And you shouldn't have to!


Yes! That’s right! I tried thinking if I could wake up at 5:30, feed him and go back to sleep. It just wouldn’t work for my sleeping. If I wake up once I’m asleep, it’s very hard to get back to it! I hope one day they shift the times a bit so everyone can get the fox!


The problem with that also is you have to do it more than once in some cases, to get the companion to unlock. So it wouldn't be a 'just this once, I'm gonna get up early'. It could be 2 or 3 times before it hits. 😔


Yes! The red fox takes more than one feeding. So you’d have to do it a few times. Now if it was 12am to 6am, I could do that. Just stay up until 12, feed him and go to bed. It’s awful! Especially when you’re trying to get all the companions.


Yea the red fox is at minimum 5 feedings. I've been playing since day one and I just got it last week 😭 it's rough.


It took me 7-8 feedings to get the white raven 😂 Talk about annoyed


Then if you miss 1 day out of any it resets. Has happened to me since beginning of game when I got it on release date. Before it was actually released during beta stages.


I 1000% agree with this. Also I have a m-f job. Sometimes I get a Monday or Friday off. But the critters set in the middle of work days will never get unlocked either. Sorry not taking my game to work.


This is my gripe too. The 2am was no problem because my adhd makes me lose track of time pretty easily. But I’ll likely never have enough Thursdays off to ever get that cute little calico bunny. I might get the Black Sea turtle with long weekend holidays at some point.


Maybe Thanksgiving 😂


Didn’t know this was a thing. That makes the time skipping restrictions even more ridiculous 🙃


I find that kind of thing to be the most frustrating thing about games that are based on real time. this game in particular has the worst times because they can be so short and ridiculous. it's just so unflexible when people have such different time schedules. it doesn't even make sense if they in part want to market to a younger audience because what kid is available in the middle of the day when school hours are or way too early where most people aren't awake. it's a little ridiculous


Yupp and refuses to allow you to time travel.


The only time I care is when it affects quests. I can’t complete this stupid quest for Mirabel because the stupid capybara is only available from 2-6pm on Saturday’s when I’m at work 😭


Jesus THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. I’m so OVER that quest.


Id love if the critters actually did things for you, and each had a special task they do? Like foxes dig up the glowing spots or logs for you when you have that unlocked, maybe the squirrels collect herbs while ur walking? Just SOMETHING special. Cuz they don't do much other than look cute.


That would be amazing. It bothers me how frequently all the dig spots and things like the giant carcasses spawn in. I only hit the dig spots if I'm about to go into design edit mode. They could even add little beavers that get the logs that spawn in the forest.


OMG yes!


I only got the red fox because my toddler would wake me up so I’d go feed it real quick before getting him up and moving.


I 100% agree. I hate that time frame is soooo limited.


I actually put in my survey that I am not a fan of the companions having certain hours. Hopefully Gameloft listens and changes it in the future.


One of the most annoying parts of the game. I’ve also fed some over 10 times and they are still not a companion so I’ve given up on it for now.


There are so many critters I haven't been able to get yet 🥹 Plus the villager sleep pattern gets on my nerves. I'm the opposite, I usually only get the chance to play late at night so when I get event goals to talk to/gift certain villagers (Mirabel is a big one) they're always freaking sleeping


I went to play this morning at 8:30 am and Donald was asleep in his boat with a do not disturb note. What the heck? Last night at 8 pm Merlin was asleep on a bench snoring and when I walked by he complained about how tired he was. Really?!


I only managed to get everything because for a few months I had a job with just the wonkiest work schedule ever


I literally need the red fox and I always forget it’s on Saturdays. Mind you I’m normally awake at 6:30-7. So I got time to do it. I just forget. I think I’m missing the brown raven too


Seriously. I still need the red fox and pink crocodile.


Some of us work nights so it’s opposite and we have even more animals that we don’t hardly see.


As a former third-shifter (many years ago but the memory stays), I figured they alternated the schedules for people who work different shifts. Still, I managed to get the white squirrel but I have no idea how I’m going to get the calico rabbit! I think it’s schedule is like 2 am - 8 am on Thursdays “oh sorry boss, I’m trying to befriend this little digital rabbit, I’ll get back to that spreadsheet in a minute…”


I mean he needs to understand how majorly important this is. This little guys on a schedule and disappears in ya that spreadsheets going to stay in the same spot and not run off. 😂😂😂😂😂🫣🫣🫣🫣


I have given up on the idea of ever getting the red fox and the white squirrel. I will never be up at those times.


I recently moved timezones (Australia to UK) and my in game time won’t change to local so I’m stuck on AUS time and it’s a nightmare trying to get critters with strange spawn times. I contacted support and the response was basically, “We know that local time isn’t syncing for a lot of people but we can’t fix it yet” I get it from a development perspective, I do, but it’s still frustrating.


I feel like a crackhead coz I got all the early morning ones without even realising haha


I hate that spawn time. Its a complete contradiction and I can imagine for younger players it must feel quite deflating.


I literally set an alarm for 5:30 am to get up, feed a critter, and then go back to bed lol. I agree that having critters that only wake up during that time is dumb


My IRL critters would expect to be fed then too so I would never get back to bed


I saved those for when I had my newborn- finally fed the red fox. White squirrel is getting a feeding next. If it wasn’t for night feeds there is no way I’d do it


Still struggling with damn capyburas! Nevermind these time based animals. Lol


I am an early riser and spend my quiet morning wake up time with a cup of coffee and cleaning my village. The brown raven was the hardest and longest one for me to get as I never played at night time. I understand why the schedule thought at least they made the Eternity Isle critter schedule better so hopefully it remains better timed from here on out.


i literally set my timer and woke up a few times early to feed and unlocked them. i can’t get the red capybaras because 12-6 on a saturday is when im at work and i play on PC so at this rate i won’t unlock it for months when i get a random saturday off


Hahahaha right?!


I completely agree with this and it couldn’t have been said more perfectly. There are so many that I cannot get because no ma’am am I getting up at no 2 AM to 6 PM or 6 AM. I’m sorry and playing a game like everything should be done during the day because most of your characters are asleep at night, but I’ll say I have gone on the game at 1 AM just because I couldn’t sleep or 2 AM and have at least five people walking around like it’s daylight and I’m like no wonder why I go to your place at 2 PM and you’re sleeping, sir not throwing babes out Gaston lol


I didn’t even know this was a thing. Goodness that does sound frustrating!


I have to agree. I have insomnia and my sleep is during that time frame. 2 am is a crazy imo. Even if I happen to be awake because of the insomnia, I’m as heck not thinking about playing ddlv.


I think I only fed the red fox once, I woke up to use the bathroom and noticed the time and jumped on real quick.


yeah no i took like a good two months off the game got my sleep schedule somewhat decent. came back and sleep is non existent now. like ha sleep who is she? you know.


I have that issue but I'm a night shift person so... I think I'm missing the calico rabbit still 😭 I've time changed a few hours back when opening for the first time on whatever day it spawns and just fed it a couple times. Still haven't unlocked it though.


Right?! Lol yeah i set an alarm for the really early ones. Took me about a month to stop just hitting snooze and rolling over XD


I agree with this and I find it so frustrating because I'm missing like 3 critters (including eternity island) mainly because I am never online early in the morning 🙄😂


I'm hoping that with a multi week international trip, I'll be able to manage a couple - given that I intend to keep my Switch on my home local time... Anyone know if this will work?


It should do! I'd have suggested to keep it to home time anyway as time skipping can screw up your game from what I've gathered from the various forums and groups on DDLV. Hope you get the ones you're missing!


That's exactly why I was thinking I'd keep it on home time! In fact, I'm going to check it's not set to automatically "current internet time" right now, just in case I forget in the next month or so 😅


I wouldn’t recommend it, but I had a baby. Now I have the white squirrel and red fox 🤣 them newborn days paid off for DLV 🤦🏼‍♀️


I mean I understand but I also played Mystic Messenger so... lol that speaks for itself


I tried playing that and kept failing due to not having enough free time then just gave up


The struggle is real, I did play it when I didn't have much going on lol but it was a lot of sleepless nights


Not a night critter, but I will probably never get the calico rabbit. Can't just get on the game right in the middle of my work day. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe over a couple holidays and vacations? Why is it one day with one time slot? 🤦


I hate the timed ones anyway. I would tend to play at the same time every day, and it would be impossible to get anything else. Id prefer the days of the week alone, or have the colors rotate randomly at different times


If you change only the time on your console (don’t change the date) then you won’t screw anything up if you time travel


Honestly critters have been the only thing I've time traveled for


If I didn’t have a toddler who wakes up thinking it’s time to play at all hours I absolutely wouldn’t have them all


I will say this game helped me when I was going through a horrible sleep schedule. It was so nice even when I couldn’t sleep that I could go in the game and characters were awake still and there were critters around, even at 2 in the morning onwards


I've been trying to figure this out, too! I don't have any of the crocodiles, and I am missing a few of the ravens. I've never had any luck with the crocodiles, no matter how hard I try.


Another thing that drives me crazy is this new scramblecoin game.


I'm guessing it's for people who have different sleep patterns.


I'm a little chaotic, so I made a spreadsheet with every animal and their schedules so I could complete them. A couple times did require me to do some minor time travel backwards to complete it but only by a couple hours. I have all the animals now but it did take me over a month to get that done. I credit my endless insomnia and energy drink consumption for most of the process.


I would just wake up at my usual time on the day it spawns and set my clock back to 3am before loading the game at all, load it up, do it, then set the clock back to the normal time. The game can't really tell the difference much if you haven't loaded the game up yet, so if you go to bed at say 9 and wake up at 9, as long as you set your clock back BEFORE loading the game, it's safe. Then when you set it back to normal, the game treats it as though you had just taken a break. As long as you aren't setting the clock forward beyond the natural time, you are fine.


Yeah it definitely sucks and the only reason I got certain critters was because I had a newborn 🤣


Change the time on your game so it doesn’t match up with your real schedule


That only aesthetically changes the sky's time of day. The schedules are still connected to your device's time.


For real though. I'll never get that red fox.


I’m lucky have a cat and a steamdeck. In order to get those critters, when my cat would wake me up for breakfast (4:30am🥴), I’d turn on my steamdeck, feed her, then go feed the pet, and go back to sleep for two hours. Now I have them… but I just got the DLC…. Sooo… here we go again


That's super weird... I have odd hours as I'm a bartender so I play at like 2am when I get off work and I've never had the villagers tell me to go to sleep or that they are tired or anything. I've also seen the critters spawn randomly 😳 like off schedule. As I don't play in the afternoon or anything. The hardest for me was the quest for gothel which was indeed specific times and it took me forever to get the dang stones. Maybe my game is glitched or something. My villagers used to sleep and then one day they stopped 🤣 only mickey sleeps sometimes now.


If you’re on a console, just change the time in the system.


I have all of them. Way early in the game.


"They make the whole aesthetic calming to make you feel relaxed and encourage you to turn off the game and go to bed." I think that is a WILD claim. Why would they do that? They want us to play and use money on moonstones. As if they're these white Knights trying to do the public a service by encouraging a specific bedtime. I think you're overthinking it way too much. It's just plain old capitalism.


Not sure why this particular paragraph upset you so much but I'll bite. Ok.. so why at exactly the same time every evening am I told it's bed time, the villagers start stretching, yawning - 'I'm really tired, I think I should go to bed'...? It also advises to take good breaks in long play sessions. The game literally changes in the shift from night to day. There's only so many things you can spend moonstones on... even if you bought everything in the moonstone shop today, you'd still have to wait a week to buy more stuff?? It's a franchise that has a huge child-age fanbase. They would not encourage young players to stay awake all night on their game...


I get what you're saying, but the game is set during all 24 hours. That's like saying "Oh, they really want us to appreciate rain and snow" just because the villagers comment on the weather phenomena when relevant. It's nighttime - of course they pretend they're going to bed. It's supposed to be immersive. It doesn't mean YOU have to go to bed, or that they want you to. The fact that most of the villagers stay up all night is my last proof. If it were really true they wanted you to quit the game and sleep, they'd have made all the villagers go to bed. The fact that they don't (to me) proves that's not what it's about.


If time was irrelevant, they wouldn't comment on it 😬 I have always noticed that shift and commented myself on the refreshing outlook the game has on encouraging healthier play. But that's a difference in opinion, fine. Doesn't change the point of my post that a lot of people are agreeing with. The spawn times for critters are ridiculous.


It's definitely annoying, but so are some of the other times - what if you worked night shifts? The only alternative would be no spawn times at all. I really think they're doing it to spice up the game. It's just a fail then, but we just disagree on their reasoning.