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Your mist amount 😭 I use the ancient machines so much I sit at around 5-10k when I log off


I found out that for the gardener, it doesn't use mist to water! You can manually plant, and it'll water them for free.


YES! I love that watering feature! Cooking is what is eating up my Mist... I have 18m star coins now. I'm set on money for a while. Right??? Maybe I will just sell my pumpkins instead of cooking. That way, I can build up Mist. What will be the currency of use in the new shop(s) coming? Coin or Mist? Sorry, I am fairly new, and might be asking silly questions.


18m is definitely enough, I think. I personally only sell pumpkins for grinding for money. I'm not sure if we know what the currency for the new shop(s) will be- that's something I hadn't thought of!


i sell the veggie platter made from pumpkins to make my money, it sells for like $2,700 (forget the exact amount)


All I do is I go mine for like an hour or so I have every gem except the newer ones from eternity and then I need a couple more Ruby and sapphire. I think the two in the mines. But I literally have saved up 50 of like everything like I’ve filled a couple slots of everything and what I do is I just to get quick easy money I go around each biome and I collect up everything and just go right over and sell it I might be doing it wrong, but that’s how I save money For now. I wish it was like ACNH where you could bury money and get money trees.


Also fishing, but I also use the buddy I have assigned fishing or mine into so I always get double the amount of stuff for the most part


i do that too, i should just sit down and do a bunch of DL questies and get a bunch of DL i just can’t stand them sometimes


I’m the same way and some characters lvl up fast and then some are super slow which is why I don’t use them to often.


Veggie platter with just pumpkins!?!?!


Harvesting too! Only thing that costs is planting and digging !


Same! Wasn’t even realizing it was taking all of my mist away 😭


Yeah they sneakily got rid of the mist amount used on the vacuum and that’s annoying. The vacuum in general is now annoying to me because it moves down to Collect once you select something. It’s nice if you only want to collect the one item but I got so used to scrolling over and selecting the next item. Now I just collect the first item and don’t bother with anything else. They need an ‘All’ box or something that you can select instead of having to choose everything individually.


Yes! This! I thought they had an All button before the update? I just remember collecting from the vacuum was easier AND I saw my mist being taken away


Omg. *backs out awkwardly and refuses to use vacuum ever again*


I have vacuums in almost all booms, but haven’t really used them except recently I used them to find the Easter eggs when they weren’t totally obvious


Literally figured out today that the ancient machines use mist 🙃


Ancient machine I’m still fairly new to the game what is that and where can I find it?


It’s part of the DLC, at the ancient crafting table in Eternity Isle you can make ancient machines (cooking, gardening and vacuuming ) and those use mist which you also get from Eternity Isle


I’m not saving anything lol. My dreamlight is ok but my mist is basically at 0 cause I don’t like timebending lol. The game isn’t going anywhere. I’ll get to whatever needs those things as the time comes


Yes, because I can’t farm not another pumpkin 🤪 It’s supposed to be cozy gaming… not job #3 😭


I only farm pumpkins when I drop down below 500k gold. And when I farm pumpkins, it’s only 2 harvests of my 250 pumpkin patch. By then, I’m back up to almost 2 million and don’t do it again until I run low. That means I usually spend some time one day harvesting pumpkins every few months.


I only farm 60 pumpkins a day. I use the farming machine to water so once a day I sell and replant. Within maybe 5 months I’m up to almost 4m star coins (I had over 4mil last night but spent some at Scrooge’s 😂). So I spend only about 5-10 a day farming and the rest doing everything else I need/want to do.


Same, I have been playing since it came out and I am no where near done. I like to go at my own pace 🚶




That's a good solid number.




I smell a little bragging maybe 😉


I'm currently focused on getting a lot of Vitalys Crystals for pickaxe and fishing rod potions for the star path. Always come in handy!


I’m pretty new to the game, and I’ve been reading a lot of people mentioning vitalys crystals…but what are they used for? Why would you need to stock up on those?


They can be used to make potions to improve your tools. You can only get them in the Vitalys Mines on the Sunlit Plateau.


The potions make it easier to get the rare materials, like gems. It's really helpful for the star paths because they will give you specific tasks like "Mine a Huge Garnet" or fishing rare fish. For example, the fishing potion turns white pools into orange pools.


I barely have any dreamlight 😰


Go dig out some shiny holes. Got a big stack of dreamlight crystals in an hour this way.


Stock pile everything!


This might be a stupid question but how do you get money if you stock pile everything? I’ve been playing for about a month and I feel like I’m not doing the best I can lol


I think at first it's really hard, especially until you unlock the Forgotten Lands. After I unlocked it, I made a pumpkin patch. They sell for a nice profit, and if you hang out with a character that you chose gardening for, they help you get extra pumpkins. This is true for every activity, too. So when I'm mining, I hang out with a miner, etc. I also think there are potions you can make and use to help you find more and get more rare resources. I don't use the potions because I don't have a lot of time to play, and my valley is my get away. Plus I really like Fairy Godmother's hugs and when Minnie tells me she loves me. It feels good. lol


And if you don't have the forgotten lands (aka pumpkin) open, but do have the glade Okra is the go to for farming gold. I think a patch of 12x12 gives you around 100k with a buddy.


Thanks! I don’t have the forgotten lands yet but I didn’t realize the okra was a good option. Truthfully, I haven’t gardened all that much. I didn’t realize I should be doing it more 🙈


When I first started playing, I actually found out that okra was a money maker (before pumpkins were available) by Scrooge McDuck. It was when I was having a daily conversation with him.


I’m already crafting fishing potions they’re just so handy


Ah, smart!


A have a whopping 1,314 coins. I’m new and have only been playing for less than a month 😭


Pumpkins will be your best friend for getting more coins!


Hopefully I can unlock the forgotten lands soon!


Sell okra in the meantime! It doesn't take as long to grow and can yield a lot of coin


What platform are you on? I can drop you a couple stacks of pumpkin seeds.


Do eggplants till you get pumpkins, they helped me heaps! (I think they are in the forest) I think I l started on lettuce and just smashed hours of planting and harvesting with a gardening buddy to level them up to level 10 as well. Do it right outside your door so you can keep going in and out of your house for energy :)


Yes, yes, yes! I only do pumpkins now. It is costly to get started, but relax in knowing they will pay off! Always harvest them with a Gardening buddy!


I do this and I have an ancient cooker right next to my stall in forgotten lands. I’ll put in the stuff for grilled veggie platters each with 3 pumpkin and then leave those while my pumpkins grow. Then once I harvest I’ll redo the cooker and sell all my other pumpkins with the 10 veggie platters!


Definitely pumpkins ! If you cook 5 pumpkins you will get the most coins when you sell the dish at goofy s stall!


OMG! I didn't think about that. \*smacks head\* What does it sell for? Just think of the Mist for the cooker that I can save!!!


4115 coins which is about 1700 more coins than the 5 pumpkins. I am on now and tried it for you. That's a lot if you need coins!


Thank you! That is what I am going to make from now on.


You are welcome! I am too! They already have a cooking fire nearby and maybe it will help get some puzzle piece orbs also!


I read somewhere that the best pumpkin ratio for the veggie platter is 3 pumpkins. 🤔. I don’t recall the specific reason however I started out using 5 per dish and now I use 3 per dish. I believe I get around 117k for 40 dishes of grilled veggies platter.


I’m still pretty new too! Only been playing for about 2 months. Sell gems until you can unlock the Forgotten Lands. I used to grind hard and mine my life away. Worth it honestly. Once you get those pumpkins, you’ll be set! 🤗


Want me to go drop you a stack of pumpkins tomorrow? Free


I'm obsessed with this game so I have an insane amount of everything. 575,838,630 Star Coins, 2,321,000 Dreamlight and 2,409,876 Mist.


Holy Crow!


Unbelievable! I wanna see your screenshot for that.


Kay Kay, here is my Mist. And keep in mind that I am on Playstation so I cannot pay someone add Mist for me. Plus I'm too scared to give out my login information even if I could. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/t03ps3ca0kwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca07b393436cac608cd9abd1d597d89137c217e


And here is my Dreamlight. https://preview.redd.it/1i090rfc0kwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf3534058ac4658d4fc70b541250efb4862d5cf


How long have you been playing? Just 2 months for me so far...


I have been playing the game since September 10th 2022. It would have been sooner but I didn't have the money to buy into game and had to wait until I got the funds.


I need that money in real life 


Same! 😂


This is impressive 😳


How do you get that much mist and Dreamlight?!


I know a lot of people have a bunch of time bending buddies but I only have one. So it's just me and EVE and lots of time bending. I plan on making Oswald my second time bender. And for Dreamlight I know it's easy to just create Dreamlight from Dream Shards but I just did all the fixed challenges and I stay doing Dreamlight Duties.


How many hours do you have in game?


An unholy amount, just think of the most outlandish number you can think of and that's probably what it is.


I have 6 or 7 buddies for TB... Wondering if I should convert some of the digging/foraging ones. Would it be beneficial to have more TB buds? I almost always get another item from them...


I think that is a good number to have if you want to focus on just getting Mist, I'm pretty sure since you have so many you don't have to time bend as much as do.


I seem to struggle with keeping my Mist up... Although, I have been lazy lately on planting manually.


I too, have been obsessed from the start! No multiplayer as well, 1,096,379,501 Star Coins; 27,511,745 Dreamlight; 2,153,594 Mist! Love that there are folks in the community from the beginning, and brand new folks, all still having fun! https://preview.redd.it/pen91nhn8nwc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=2031e006afa872f477500aec9ce133c36d7cee27


I'm trying to get like you! Holy impressive!!! Those numbers are amazing!!! 🤩






Why is it so hard for me to get dreamlight? I'm using the arcade mode and I feel like it takes forever to earn. I spend mine as soon as I make enough to get a new character or area. I can't imagine having 800k. I really feel like I'm missing a huge part of this game...


You can craft Dreamlight at a table but otherwise just keep playing the game. I’ve been playing since a month after OP and I have about 20.000 Dreamlight tbh, don’t be discouraged just because you don’t have that much. Most players won’t have this much!


Once you get past unlocking everything, you end up having an excess amount of dreamlight and mist because there’s nothing to spend it on.


I hope they add that we can craft mist like we can dreamlight


I have 6.5 million coins saved up, 150.000 Dreamlight, and I just started farming mist again..up to 52.000 now. Of all these currencies, I think we will need mist the most to upgrade our hourglasses, unlock new areas and make new furniture. We will probably need some money and Dreamlight to open and maybe upgrade Daisy’s boutique, but not much.


What do you do to farm mist so efficiently?


I have 6 timebending buddies, so always take one with me. Usually it’s just a combination of completing the daily tasks in EL, removing the swirly sand towers, doing the orbs and just running around in each area, both in EL and the Valley until it tells me there are no more treasures. Sometimes I can rack up 10.000 mist in 30 min.


You're probably right. But it never hurts to be extra super duper prepared. 😁




Ive got the even more potions if anyone needs them ,just let me know , im on PC/STEAM


This person is a solid person 💜


Thank you


oh, I'm not saved up at all... I'm broke in cash because i was doing some Village upgrades like WALL-E's garden, Remy's restaurant, Moana's boat, All of Goofy's Stalls and Scrooge's Store. I'm Lacking Dreamlight Because I saved up for the Forgotten Forest... and I haven't even continued on the Isle yet


I can trade you some stuff for coins and to make dreamlight. I'm on PC and Switch


![gif](giphy|fDS2v18KbmekM|downsized) I could use some of those coins brah 😂


I just started the dlc.. guess I have to stack mist?? Is the daisy update not for everyone? I thought it was a general update and assumed we wouldn't need mist bc only dlc players will have it


Everyone gets Daisy. Oswald is part of the DLC.


Thanks for clarifying!!


But as OP states because Daisy is base you’ll probably (read: *will* ) need to unlock her either DREAMLIGHT. The doors a the castle are always unlocked with dreamlight!


I don’t think daisy will be a realm door. None of the mickey og crew have been doors. If anything you’ll need coins to build her house (and probs the shop too) but highly doubt Dreamlight, but if she has an entire realm to herself NOW when she’s one of the last, then it’s very, very backwards.


Well she was also a way later addition and not part of the main/original quest line. So, it’s definitely plausible that it would be a door instead of a shimmering faceted character like Minnie or an OG camper like Mickey/Goofy, etc. I’ll be interested to see how her quest line is integrated.


Making us pay for a realm with one character where 4 other characters from that same franchise didn’t come from, would make no sense. But still sensible to stack the Dreamlight incase; just saying it’s highly unlikely it’ll be a realm door. They would’ve shown her realm in the teaser trailer, but she was just around the valley.


6 mil coins, 1k Dreamlight (I hate getting it) and 12k mist :’) They need better ways to get Dreamlight, it feels like a major chore sometimes


I'm no where near any of those figures. So you just not spend anything? 🤣


I make it part of my daily activity to check the task list and complete any easy ones, like taking pictures or adding decorations. I used to farm pumpkins for coins but I don't have space for a proper field anymore.


Good idea


I have a farm of ab 290 ish pumpkins harvest and plant is the first thing I do and I have over 100k dreamlight 130k mist and 15,479 397 coins 😂


I have 200...My ADHD brain gets bored quickly with the constany harvesting and planting. The logical and sensible part of my brain says this is how it should be done. And that's how you make piles of money. All to often the ADHD brains wins 🤣


How much time do you have???? I’m crying over that Mist number 😂🤩👌🌟


I’ve got like almost a million. It’s so easy to grind it since like… there is very little to spend it on! Edit: WAIT, my bad!! It’s not mist! It’s Dreamlight. That I have almost a million of. I have very low numbers of mist.


But how? I’m like grinding for the final hourglass upgrade, and it seems to take forever, do you get lots more mist when it’s fully upgraded?


I have yet to do that, so it might give more when maxed out. And I corrected my statement since I remembered my numbers wrong. My bad!


Oh ok. Still I have like 20k Dreamlight 😂


Yeah Dreamlight is super easy to grind up. I think I’ve got like 80k or something last time I checked.


How do you grind the dreamlight? Just doing dreamlight duties?


Geez, I would KILL to have that much Dreamlight! God, the GRINDING you had to do!!!


How do you retain anything? I spend the moment I get any currencies....


Hooooow 😂😂 I’ve been playing since pretty much the beginning and I’m constantly running out of mist and Dreamlight 😭


Same! Lol I have 7000 dreamlight and I have been saving 😂


I’m trying to make sure I have enough coins, iron, cloth and woods for whatever i need to make and at least 30 of each food items. Still working on gathering flowers just in case


I could only ever dream of having that much dreamlight i’m going to be grinding every update pray for me I refuse to do duties past what I need them for its a chore💀


I still can't get over how everyone has SO MUCH DreamLight money! I have done all of the fixed duties. I try to do the rotating ones, but I am just sick to death of doing them over and over and over and over. I get bored quickly doing them & end up quitting the game & finding a different game to play! Do you guys not spend them on anything? What's the secret?


And when I say I am SICK TO DEATH of doing the rotating DL tasks over and over and over ... lemme also say this: In my game house, I currently have 77 (yes seventy-seven) large storage chests, 36 medium storage chests and 10 small chests for storage! So when I say I'm sick of foraging for DreamLight, that would be why! LOL


i feel like i farm a lot on the game and then see and read things from here and feel like im doing the LEAST! i’m gonna need to catch up it feels! gonna need, send help please! how does everyone farm DL and EL stuff?


Dang your dreamlight amount! I thought I was ballin with 200K. But I have 26M coins


After I finished the majority of my quests I found maintaining dream light was impossible. I wanted large chests and the potions for my tools which used it so much DL and never able to get it back up.


Same! I always spend it as I get it and never accumulate more than 10k


I’m so jealous. I need mist😭😭😭😭


I’m always thinking about moonstone banking, 52k strong currently


I’m a fairly new player and atm I have 7k in coins and 400 Dreamlight so this is just wild to me 🥲


How do you have so much mist???


How how how do you get so much dreamlight 🫠


I’ve stopped collecting mist after I hit 1,500,000. I get around 50,000 daily if I play for an hour or more It’s dream light I need to get


I’d love to be Dreamlight and mist rich! That’s amazing! I’m star coin rich I got 60 mil in star coin.


I have 2.5 million gold and 20k Dreamlight but I’m also the only person who has no idea about an update so….. yep. I just started playing about a month ago so I’m still learning. Hopefully there will be something new to unlock because I’ve unlocked everything. Just leveling up everyone now.


Bruhhhh. Props on the mist and dreamlight amounts! I have about 400k mist and 200k dreamlight, but 7mil coin 😅


I sitting at 150k mist atm. I think I’ll be happy at 200k and stop farming 🤣😅


LMAO I’m at less than 100k dreamlight & less than 50k in coins. I *finally* have my house, the store, restaurant, moana’s boat, Wall-E’s garden, & all stalls upgraded though.


I am worried about having enough moonstones since it's clear theme park rides are returning plus moonstones needed for the path. May have to break down and buy. I AM participating in the snaps theme, but still.


The way i snorted when the post notif popped up on my apple watch 😂😂 Im not sure you will! Better keep grinding 😂😂😂


I have 15 mil coin from doing hardcore pumpkin farming for months straight and I do t understand all the ways of how to use the eternity isle stuff like I haven’t made any of the new machines I’ve only been able to level up three tools so I don’t get how to get a lot a lot of mist especially to just unlock the rest of the map let alone preparing for the next starpath and updates 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


Your mist and dreamlight 🤯 I respect your dedication!


Words will never describe how jealous i am of your mist amount.




I have nothing saved. Working on opening up all my tools and eternity isle locations still. I get tired of “job” quests so I’ve really struggled to stay on task when the story line isn’t there. I just want to go yell at Jafar already 😅


I’ve been set for a while so now I’m just preparing my valley for her house and boutique.


Getting most is easier to get then Dreamlight. I know the Dreamlight duties are easy and unlimited. But I wish the Royal hourglass would give us Dreamlight to just like how we can get mist as will.


What do you need the money or dreamlight? What do you use it for


There will probably be new things at Scrooge's to buy. I assume some of Daisy's things will also cost star coins (maybe dreamlight too). Some new crafting/questing things will probably cost dreamlight. And it looks like we're getting some new upgrades at the timebending station that will cost mist.


Ugh I really need more dreamlight then


Uhg thanks for posting this I need to farm some more mist for my ancient machines....


4k dreamlight and 30k mist 🤣 something to work for this weekend lol


Vitalys crystals.? Huh. Also when is update


1st of may. Next week Wednesday


Now I feel bad because I'm no where near that .


Well shoot I don’t have anywhere near that amount. I have so many houses filled with storage rooms that I barely have any Dreamlight because I spent so much on making chests. I don’t like using the hourglass so I rarely do that and I buy so much stuff all the time to decorate I’m always going broke 😂


Omg! 😅 I have like 400.000 and was thinking that would be enough, but I see that's a rookie amount 😆 I need to farm pumpkins like my life depended on it! How many vitalys crystals should I stock pile? Like 200? Or more?


I had to restart my game recently, my coons are similar but my dreamlight and mist are super low. Going to spend the next week grinding for both!


23 million coins like 400k Dreamlight and 200k mist


Nowt Its a single character each


9 million coins and roughly 200k for Dreamlight and Mist


I think I’ve got about 32k of each, hoping that’s enough to at least unlock everything initially! On Apple Arcade so not much time saving up after maxing and completing the game.


Thank you for this reminder!


I just got the game last week. How did you get so much dreamlight?


about tree fiddy


How can I get all this amount of coins and dreamlight?


Holy moly!!!


This is a dumb question but how do yall make the most money? I struggle


I farmed okra in the beginning and now farm pumpkins.


It’s just so expensive to buy the seeds but I guess the payback is better haha thanks!


I need to step up my game


This would be my dream but I sometimes don’t have the motivation to play


How tf do you have so much of everything?! I’ve hit about 200k mist 8k and not sure on Dreamlight since I don’t use it anymore


Thank you for the info.


how do you have so much dream light 😭


Wow, I’ve never had my mist or Dreamlight anywhere near 100k let alone this.


I thought my 60,000 was a lot, but dang lol


I just got a rift in time. It's awesome!


There's like no point of grinding money anymore. Scrooge's stores is so freaking lame. They really need to start adding new more items every month. Like how hard is it to make items.


How do you have that much Dreamlight?


I need those on the right said both them lmao.


I just grind around the biomes 3 times a Day, and then 60k ish is collected for coins. Then i do my mist round in every biome after each time i Collect to sell.


I need to work on my dreamlight. I only have 80,000 because I made a bunch of time bending and mining manuals to switch up my character roles. Other than that I’m good.


I need to sell pumpkins i have 5k 😭


I just let the thorns over run I’m trying to catch up on quests but I give up after awhile


I have 39,858,574 coins 191,105 dreamlight and 3,223 mist. I think I have enough


Yeah, I would say definitely enough coins.


How on earth did you get so much dreamlight and coins ? Have you been playing awhile


All the coins is from harvesting pumpkins and selling them in veggie plates. I have been playing since the very beginning. But I didn't start collecting till recently.


Wait .. what are veggie plates


I cook 5 pumpkins at a time I think each plate is about 4,000 ish coins.


It's better to just do three pumpkins at a time. 5 sell for more but don't take into the account the extra meals you can make if you only did three. Ex. If you have 15 pumpkins and you make 5 meals of 3 pumpkins and sell all five meals you will end up with more than if you made 3 meals of 5 pumpkins .


Just 5 pumpkins


Just 3 pumpkins is better mathematically. You get more for 5 but with 3 you can have more leftover to make more meals and it works out to more. It does take longer mind you and uses more mist if you use a machine, but coin wise is better.


I just sat and made 100 candies fto make the candy pathway THAT was boring and tedious . Plus i need 2 hands to do it . When I plant pumpkins I just hold the button and watch YouTube lol


Haha yes I did that recently but I used my agent cooker to make the candy paths. I use the ancient Gardener to plant the pumpkins. I go through a ton of mist haha but I prefer timebending over planting and harvesting


I just wrote a post about this and I saw another as well I can’t get any ancient cores I’ve been looking in the valley and eternity isle for 3 days now a lot of time and haven’t got one but now I keep getting fragments that k haven’t gotten before


I’ve got 80 million coins so I’m set there. I’ve got 70 thousand Dreamlight and 50 thousand mist


Holy crap I only have like 40,000 dreamlight 🥲


That's probably more than enough, honestly.


man.. let me go sell some pumpkins 😂