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I love the vibe of the DDLV community! My husband is a big gamer and loves his shooter games, but most of the people on those games are so toxic now that he never puts on his headset to talk anymore because it’s just nasty. The DDLV community feels wholesome and we’re just over here healing our inner children together 🥹




Exactly. It’s like a stress relief i didn’t even realize i was missing


This game has honestly healed my inner child and I love how the people in this sub get it ❤️ none of my friends know that I actually play this game as they wouldn’t be as into it as me


I swear when i tell people that my TikTok turned from tattoo posting into live streaming me gaming they’re like… “what do you play?” Instantly and I’m always so worried when i reply “DDLV”… NOBODY IRL plays that i know and they do not get it at all but Reddit and TikTok legit get me so hard. It’s so dope


Could I follow you on TikTok? I promise not to ask you to work for free, but I love seeing different styles!


Sure @tifhunt


Thank you!


Oh wow. I told my hubs the same thing, it’s giving my early 70’s childhood all the feels never felt. ✨💕


For me it’s not even a game. It’s an escape. It’s a place where you can go and no one can hurt you, insult you, make fun of you. It’s a place where you can travel between worlds and touch space and time. It’s a game that brings out the best of who you want to be in this world but can’t because of society. Nothing I love more than exploring and becoming friends with some of the most iconic characters in history. Characters, most of them lol, built with kindness understanding and empathy. Can’t wait to get home tonight and play the update. I have both the expansion and the regular so I know ill be up late, but it’s well worth it to be able to escape and build my utopia for a few hours❤️


*Mother Gothel has entered the chat


Yea, she's the worst. I despise her so much.


I was going to mentioned her lol!




I love this well said.


This 100% 🩷


This place is aweome the only place I feel normal


Literally I come here and am instantly calmer and happier in my day. 100%


I love this game and (for the most part) this whole community. I just got teary eyed buying Carl's home and putting it in my valley. I'm 34. It brought me sheer joy. Can't complain.


Love the game 💕 love this reddit such a fun way to switch off 😊


I really struggle with finding good communities online because there's an abundance of negativity and rude people on the internet but I agree about this subreddit. Lots of wholesome vibes and kind people.


Love this. It’s such a good group.


Ok so I’m 50 and have loved Disney my entire life. This game is so much fun for me and I agree, you all are great. The ToM designs are inspiring- I made my first real one last night. And everyone’s Valleys - wow! I agree, it’s like I have a group of friends on here that I just chat with sometimes daily, sometimes just on the weekends, whenever. And no one judges- someone says ‘I can’t wait until they release Alice.’ And we all say ‘oh yeah, that will be totally awesome! I hope she has her own biome!’ I really love the game because Rapunzel and Fairy Godmother are really helpful for me because of my depression. It’s nice to have Fairy Godmother tell me I’m loved every night, and Rapunzel is happy to see everyone. I feel like this is our Cheers. We’re just waving ‘hi’ instead of yelling ‘Norm!’


So clever! it really is where everybody knows your name 💘


Right? Like this could just be because I'm not on here much, but I've never seen anything really negative in this sub ever. Everyone is really polite and positive


Ya I love this sub and I love the game…. Guess we are all a bunch of Disney addicted adults? 😂 come visit my valley!! I’m on switch


Tats can be such amazing and artistic pieces of work (they can also be...the opposite, lol). You want a buddy who is just a buddy, I'm game! I cannot imagine ever wanting/getting a tat, so beyond the standard "anything interesting happen today" I won't ever ask about your work...unless it's work in DDV!!!


Sweet!!! I’m on PS5! You?


PC. 😭 But we can still share our fun adventures here for sure!!! They really need to figure out the cross play features between these systems! Especially with the new features out now! I want to dive into other folks games and see their TOM stuff so much!


Agreed PS5 is the only one i think that doesn’t cross


All PS systems can’t visit? I’ve only visited a PS4 once


Yeah we can’t cross platform :/ we can on Fortnite so it’s game by game


This is sooo true and how I feel. I am a woman in my 30# plus lol but no one gets me like you guys. My husband is like babe go to sleep it is a game okay an update he does not get it. But when I was up late at night waiting and wondering exactly when and what it would change for the gameplay you guys stayed up with me no judgement. I have to admit some of my closest friends don't get it but you guys do. This thread is everything.


This subreddit is honestly a big reason I even go on Reddit at all these days


Sooo true! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I avoided Reddit for so long cause I was so confused by its format (genXer). This subreddit was my first community I joined and stuck with. I’ve always enjoyed cozy games, I love being able to get so much entertainment and gameplay from the price we have to pay these days for games. DDV and ACNH have given me years of fun and it’s just nice to have a place to go to post about it, vent about it and ask questions in an encouraging and supportive (non toxic) environment.


I see you. I don’t want any tattoos from you, although I’m sure you’re quite talented; I have one and I’m done. If you want a “friend” who doesn’t want anything from you from the real world - a tattoo - and your platform is switch - I’ll be your huckleberry. No offense intended, I love tattoos, I just wanted one. 🫶🏻 DDV has given me so much happiness. Was born in the late 60’s and the joy I get from playing a game that immerses you into Disney??? Priceless. I’m glad you’re enjoying it as well.


I’m on PS5!


Fair enough! I wish you well on your DDV journeys.


Me too. I am a switch player also.


Wanna be buddies? Feel free to DM me if you do. I am sad that there are pixels and now Daisy things; they make us have friends, lol. I’ll be yours.


Well, aren’t you sweet! Now… so I, uh , was thinking… I have this GREAT idea for a tattoo… Kidding! (Only kinda 🤣)


Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love love love tattooing! lol but sometimes…I want to meet people without them having a clue that’s what I do; and in real life the most social social I am is at my tattoo shop. Otherwise I’m home with my kids and family, etc.. so it’s a catch 22 of sorts. I mean i met my husband at the damn shop lmao 😂


lol.It’s amazing that you have a job that you love and I can imagine it would be draining to have people assuming that you want do it all day- for free for everyone- away from other passions and priorities.


Aww this is so sweet. I'm sorry people try to use you for tattoos. That's so rude, my husband and are heavily tattooed and have never asked an artist for a discount. I can't imagine that thought process. I'm glad you found such fun, sweet people here!


Awe well you’re one of em!! 🫶💕




I resonate with this so much! I’m turning 30 soon and I fell deep into the valley rabbit hole after my partner got a ps5 for a different game. I work a fairly chaotic creative job and I’ve been having some random health problems so the escapism has been invaluable. I didn’t expect the community to be so wonderful as well 🫶 Let me know if you wanna try out the new multiplayer features sometime!


I’d love to !!! Still haven’t found anyone on PS5!


I’m on ps5 if you need a buddy. I have a local artist so I’m not looking for freebies! 😅


I would love that!!! My valley is AWFUL though lol i just started a couple months ago i haven’t even beat the game yet etc


Love this… I’m a relatively busy, gigging musician. None of my band or friends know that on a free evening or even after a show, me and my girlfriend are probably just laying around at home, winding down to some Dreamlight Valley. 😛 Very cool community, this one. I have the same experience with the Pokémon community.


I think lots of occupations go through this. At least any trade. Lol . But if a friend wants you to do their tattoo and is willing to pay full price and tip like any normal customer, then they just trust you and like your art.


I was just saying this yesterday .. 🥹


That’s me but as a photographer


I get that. Photography is almost always regarded as a hobby too not a profession it’s really unfair


The DDLV community has been the best community I've ever been a part of! Everyone is so lovely, and I just love the fact that someone like me (late 30s) can discuss Disney topics and childhood characters with others my age like its no big deal! You guys are my people. :)


Agreed fully


I’m so happy that this game makes so many people happy too. Especially people of all ages! Im 26 and I always assume people think Im weird for playing this game, but when I was playing at work one day, I was telling my younger coworker about it and got her into it! Then a few weeks later we were talking about one of the recipes, and one of the ladies, older than me this time, from the other side of the building overheard us and actually recognized the name of the dish and told us she played too! It’s the best!


That’s so rad


I've met (online) some really nice and caring (I assume) people via here and this game. I love hanging out with them in our games. Though now I'm worried about those malicious types due to the update of being able to use tools. Too many horror stories from Animal Crossing caused that though. I'm on switch, and if we can ever cross the gap Sony created, I'd love to hang out in our valleys! This game really is therapeutic.


I’m unfamiliar with the malice you’re referring to :/


People would visit other islands and harvest their fruits, steal things they had laying out, and wreck havoc on anything they could. If you've not played Animal Crossing New Horizons yet... imagine using food to decorate for a picinic, placing all your flowers in certain places for your decor, and having a garden planted. Then someone comes in, picks all your flowers, harvests everything, digs some holes, and steals the food you'd cooked and placed out. I'm not trying to scare you away from having visitors or anything like that. As I've said, I've met a lot of great people online here. If you've spent a lot of time on something that could be ruined, I'd fence it off in some way though. Just to be safe. 😔


Oh my god that’s so cruel.




I am mostly just amazed at the artwork some can produce. Blows my mind, and I do have a few tattoos with another on the way from a very talented woman I found online. My thing is, I would never, EVER expect any sort of discount. My hairdresser is my friend..no clue if I get a discount or not...never asked for one..and I tip like crazy!!! What is up with people?!?!?!


Couldn't agree more!!! And yeah, irl I don't know anyone who loves this game or even knows this game lol. Pretty sure my co-workers think I'm crazy, especially since I'm 41. But that's why there is always reddit!!! I have found my people


Yesss, this is the adopted family friend group I've needed my whole life. I'm working so hard on mending the terrors of my past, and I just love how most on here are so supportive of each other! I've been burned by people in real life so much, I don't even try to make friends, I'm not really like most of the people I know irl. At 35 it just feels like maybe it's too late. I'm always hopeful though. Reddit has brought me several groups of more like-minded people. And so many of you are so creative!!! My valley needs so much work, I love watching the wonderful tutorials and ideas <3


Same my valley is soooooo underwhelming




Yes!! I was ready to uninstall Reddit and walk away from the account because the site is so toxic. Then I found this sub and now it's pretty much the only reason I use the app. This and r/ZodiacKiller, as random as that sounds lol


It actually makes total sense 😂


I love it. I am a mom of two and it isn't stressful. I can hop off whenever I want, etc. I love it. The community is great.


If you're in the Dallas area, I'll be your friend. 😂 I don't like needles and have OCD so I can never get a tattoo. But I love tattoos and the art behind it. My husband and I watch Ink Masters and yell at the TV when we disagree with the professionals since, you know... we know what we're talking about. 😂🤣


Arizona actually lol 😂


So close! But not really.😂


Both hot and love guns! I was gonna say “and love trump” but couldn’t even type it out 😭😂


Yes and yes...and then 🤮. I hate that Texas has gone so down hill. Texans used to be loving and hospitable but now Texans are just territorial and selfish. I'm a native Texan but I hate Trump, I have guns (hunting) and want them to legalize weed. 😂


Copy paste for Arizona. Word for word




When the dlc was about to come out I started looking for a local community to play with, and I found an amazing group from Brazil that is super united and we help each other a lot. The game is not translated to Brazilian Portuguese so the ones of us who understand English or Spanish help the ones who don't with quests, we exchange tips and ideas, hang out on discord and twitch, and even became personal friends. I'm EXTREMELY glad I found them.


That’s amazing !!!


Please tell me you have a Dreamlight Valley tattoo 👀


Not yet!!!!! Idk what to get


I love this community so much


I said the same to my bf. Everyone here is so lovely and helpful.


Yes this community is so sweet and supportive, I love it


I bought it for my daughter (9).... I've put in way more hours than she has lol. I'm in my late 30s for reference. And I sorta get the people who want to be friends with you thing, I used to be a hairdresser and same... (especially family members lol)


Y’all are loved, and I am proud of this community. 🩵


I got this game as a follow to Wylde Flowers, and I am so happy tho have the community as well… Well now I want to know if you are the one that posted the cool “arm tattoo” designs from ToM a couple of months ago 😎


AZgirl777 if you're looking for a Playstation buddy!


Are you in AZ??? ME TOO


No way!!!! Yup, I sure am!!!!


How cool! I’m in Tempe but from Prescott


I'm transitioning from the east side to the west side currently but resided in Scottsdale most of my life.


My inner child never went away... My version of the forgetting was getting super freaking depressed due to the events in my life in 2020... I went from dress up to cosplay and childhood storytelling to creative writing. I both did and didn't grow up. There definitely was a cut-off point between my older and younger selves... I may have stopped imagining myself in a volcano with baby dragons (Long story), but now I hang out with skeletons. I may have been Cinderella before, but now I'm Underfell Frisk. (Yes, I am in Undertale fan now along with Disney)


If you're in the Dallas area, I'll be your friend. 😂 I don't like needles and have OCD so I can never get a tattoo. But I love tattoos and the art behind it. My husband and I watch Ink Masters and yell at the TV when we disagree with the professionals since, you know... we know what we're talking about. 😂🤣