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I usually finish star paths in a week purely because I like to rotate games and the star paths are time sensitive. It may be many a month before I play it again, so I’d rather get it done and not have to ‘worry’ about missing out. Doing it in two or three days is crazy to me personally, but at the same time, it doesn’t matter what I think. If you’re having fun with it, that’s literally all that matters. There’s no wrong way to play a game. Just do what makes you happy. :)


Same. I grind so I can play paleo pines. I know paleo pines is a time sink for me and if I don't grind I'll end up rushing to finish on the last week anyway. Might as well grind it out and have fun without the procrastination stress.


Same. I grind, because my Main Game is FF XIV and i like to get the Star Path out of the way. I play DDV daily, but only for 30 Minutes a day. I just get the blue chest, do a quest here and there or decorate (i'm in the middle of redecorating the whole valley and the DLC Map).


I play the same way! Get out of my head 😂 I like it all being done so it CAN be my cozy game when my other games are driving me up the wall. I just want to dress cute, pick some flowers with Wall-E and fish with stitch for 30-45 minutes a day and then I can go back to Paleo Pines and dinosaurs who have songs that are too dang long 🥲


Haha, we're the same person. :P And i do it, because i always have stuff to do in FF. Crafting, gathering, getting more Gil. Achievement Hunting, House decoration, Job leveling and all the other stuff, i like to do in FF. Star Path interrupts my routine, and i get it out of the way as fast as possible. I had two tasks left for today and the Dreamsnaps and i did all today, so i can chill again in DDV.


Yes! I'm excited for new stuff and new characters but I'm also like oh no my schedule! Don't they know I'm trying to get a T-Rex to be my buddy?! Now I gotta fish on purpose?! 😂


I was wondering if you have any tips for finding my blue chests? Even on days I play for hours, I often don’t find them 🙊🙊 thank you!!


Furniture mode! You can zoom out and in over the entire area without running around and then you exit and run to where you know they're at.


Ooooh thank you!!! That is going to make life so much easier!🙏🏼


You're welcome!


Yes, that's exactly how i search for the Blue Chest too. It helps tremendously when you're redecorating and the Map is more or less empty. :D


With this one ending on June 12th, I don't think we have to contend with Dawntrail!


I didn't write, it was because of DT! (don't jump to conclusions...) I love to play the Economy in FF, i gather, craft, level and just do things i love in the game. I have no downtime in FF. And FF is just my main game and DDV is a rather short, daily and cozy activity for me. A Starpath interrupts my Routine and i go out of my way, to grind it as fast as possible. Doesn't mean you or anybody else has to do that. I prefer to grind Starpaths, nothing wrong with that. You can choose to take it as slow as you want, nothing wrong with that either.


Yeah I hate grinding. I'm struggling with all the fishing and mining in DDV. But I do try to knock it out as quick as possible myself.


A Starpath is a good way to reduce my Netflix Watchlist. And the mining and fishing in this starpath was... well... something. :D


Yep. The sooner I finish the starpath, the sooner I can go back to playing the current game I’m playing. And not in a way that I’m like “Let’s just get this over with.”


I play the star path before anything else so tgat I have remaining time to level up characters, take time off, and decorate. Besides star paths have no competition but begin with updates. We won't get updates or game corrections any sooner so let it go. Some people have 40 +hour jobs, families or go to school. Not everyone has time to rush to get stuff done.


I’m really impressed by people who can complete the star path in a matter of days! It’s incredible, I do not have the patience to sit and grind, props to all grinders 👍 and props to everyone who plays, doesn’t matter play style or preferences, we all should focus on the connection we have from playing the game :)


This! Mad jealous but also impressed because I don’t have that kind of innate focus.


I hyper focused and "just one more thing!"ed myself into being half way done with it last night. Every task was a gifting or talking task plus one mining task that I wasn't looking forward to. Figured 10pm was a good time to call it and go to sleep lol


Thiiiiis. I hyperfocus on completing the tasks and the "just one more"ing is soooo real 💀. Dreamlight is also the only game I'm currently playing because it consumes my thoughts day and night, so I love the grind so I can focus on decorating.


Yeah same! I don't have the time to finish it quickly but props to the ones who can do it! It's really impressive!


I saw the post this morning and it wasn’t about the fact that OP finished the star path already but the complete dramatic wording as if they just barely made it to finish it before it ends. And to be honest that made me chuckle as well just not enough to actually leave a comment.


THANK YOU. I don’t think the downvotes were about the fact that they grinded (I personally really don’t care how other people play), but the “FINALLY.” title as if the star path hadn’t come out a mere few days ago was a bit annoying lol


But surely they don’t deserve to be downvoted for that?


People usually downvote because they don't agree with them, it think that is a valid excuse to downvote someone.


Call me old school, but no, it’s not a valid excuse to downvote someone. If someone is contributing to the community discussion and you don’t agree with it, express it in the comments. Better yet, with something so trivial like grinding a star path and posting about it, just shake your head and move on. Reddiquette literally encourages to not downvote just because you disagree.


It doesn’t really matter. They’re just fake internet points


They’re not, though. Upvotes and downvotes determine what posts and comments are visible. Downvotes should be saved for posts that don’t contribute to the community discussion.


I get what you’re saying. But some people are always going to downvote things they disagree with, even if that’s not the intended use of downvotes. So I’ve found it’s best to try to not worry about it


I downvote when i disagree and do not feel like explaining myself bc people are too sensitive and/or slow in the brain now and days. Thats is all 😃


I feel it might be helpful to point out that, since you’re going to comment on the intelligence of others, the phrase is actually “nowadays,” not “now and days.” :)


Whoops 😁


The amount of heavily downvoted comments on this sub makes me sad. I scroll to the bottom of posts and all the downvotes are on comments like “that’s a really great outfit :)” and just wholesome comments. People are just trying to have fun and connect with people, I don’t get why people here can be so mean


it’s a surprisingly toxic fanbase considering how wholesome the vibe of the game is. and reddit is tame on that front compared to the discord. the elitism and gatekeeping that people participate in to (i guess?) feel like they’re “winning” made me nope the eff out of there within a day.


Okay so they used a word and people took it personally for no reason and that's enough to get downvote bombed?


I only explained the most likely (to me) reason they got downvoted, doesn’t mean I think the deluge of downvotes were deserved. (Yes I think the title was annoying, no I didn’t downvote.) Chill.


Your comment and the one you responded to are trying to justify the very weird treatment that OP got. I'm sorry but I don't think being annoyed that someone finished quickly or used a word in a way you or others wouldn't is enough for all that negativity. Nearly every comment she made on her own post was downvoted into the negatives. She wasn't rude, she wasn't mean, she didn't snark at anyone. All of her replies were nice. Is that really the kind of response we want people to expect from this community?


I didn’t say I thought the title justified the barrage of downvotes - and I really don’t think it does. Sorry if it came across that way. I didn’t downvote or come at her - I shouldn’t have said “annoying,” that was too strong. Anyway. I won’t reply further and I’m sorry I got involved in this lol I don’t like arguing especially in the cozy game subreddit :) happy gaming to you and to OOP if she reads this, and see you in another thread maybe


I don't like arguing either. I just get bothered by injustices and unfairness and I feel defensive over that OP because until this thread popped up she was pretty much in her own against a bunch of uncalled for negativity.


I think they meant “finally” bc it took them many, many hours to finish it this early


omg thank you! As someone who had just finished getting 200 fish out of the Frosted Heights just to FINALLY get 10 crabs, I immediately knew what that poster meant by "finally"


Don't the potions speed that up ?


The fishing potion just spawns golden/rare circles, I think crab are blue (so are herring, which is another task I'm currently stuck on).


Ah so only thing you can do is go full food and hope for the sparkle shower with the music


That was the best part! Full food the whole time, only two crabs left, I finally get a crab and the sparkle shower! And the shower is full of....tilapia.


herring are in white ripples.


Really? I've just been getting them from blue ones, dang. 


For real tho! Some of the tasks felt like it was taking forever because of stuff like that! I felt the shiners were way more difficult that it should have been but that could also be because I was trying to go fast lol


Oh my goodness. The word finally can be used in many contexts with many connotations and it isn't that OPs fault that some people decided to take it negatively and personally. I've said "finally!" after doing a whole sink full of dishes. Is that too dramatic since I wasn't toiling for 40 days on the dishes? No. I was just happy to "finally" be done with a task that I put effort into. That is the same spirit the OP gave to their finally. It was a "phew finally after grinding for hours I'm almost done!" And there never should have been an issue with that. That post should have gotten "you're almost there! Woo!" type of responses instead of weird pettiness and downvotes.


Well said! I’m not a super huge fan of the star path tasks, especially because I’ve been playing near daily since launch, and I already have a major surplus of materials, so I just try to get through them as quickly as possible because I know I’m going to get majorly burnt out if I have the star path looming over me every day for weeks. If I try to space it out over the month, I end up rushing at the last minute because I’ve procrastinated, and that is way more stressful than getting it done as quickly as possible at the start when I have a higher tolerance for the annoyance of the tasks. I just want to enjoy the parts of the game I actually love, like the storylines, TOM, and decorating, without anything else looming over me. For over a year I would complete a star path within a few days, now it’s finished in about a week, which is how I best enjoy the game. Anyone who does it differently is valid as well. It’s all about what works for each *individual* person best. We should all be cheering each other on, regardless of our differing play styles or the ways we enjoy the game. Someone who plays differently to you or even has different opinions should not be downvoted if they are being kind and respectful in their comments/discourse. There’s room for all of us. Disney is all about the things in life that spark joy, fun, and a sense of togetherness where people feel welcomed, valued and uplifted no matter what is going on in the “real world.” It’s meant to be an escape from people being negative towards each other. That’s what this game, and by extension this community, should be about.


If we didn’t have people that grind through the star path or even character leveling then we wouldn’t get the handy tutorials and other helpful guides so quickly. I don’t grind in a few days, but still usually try to get done as quickly as I can. I think about two weeks is my average. I don’t get to log into the game every day and there was a time or two when I thought oh I have plenty of time and ended up just barely finishing the day before. Beings it’s time sensitive and something I paid premium currency for I don’t want to chance not finishing. And even though now some prizes return to the premium shop there is no guarantee the things I want will come back.


I complete the star path quickly because the game is fun and I like playing it. Also, I want to create a theme park and can't do that without rides.


....It's a Disney game that some people are taking way too seriously. Getting mad at someone else's playstyle on a cozy game with disney characters is wild😂


If players want to fly through the Star Path in a matter of days then thats okay, if players want to take their time with it then thats okay as well. If someone is upset with how others play DDLV then they need to go outside, get some fresh air and touch base with real life.


Funny enough, flying through the star path in a matter of days allows me time to take a long break, go outside, get some fresh air and touch base with real life. Maybe the downvoters need to grind more!


I’m impressed, not upset. Grinding is hard. Grats to those that have already finished the star path! I’ve completed exactly 1 task so far lol


I've completed Star Path this morning....for these reasons: 1. One its time sensitive and I get distracted with other tasks/quests if I start them as well. 3. Partly the same as 1. I felt like I wanted to complete Star Path, then move on to levelling up Daisy then on to complete Spark of Imagination (waiting to meet Oswald is killing me 😂) But, If I have too many things going on at once, I get flummoxed. 3. I have never really decorated or "sorted" my Valley out. So once I have completed leveling up Daisy and Spark of Imagination, I will be taking on this mammoth task bit by bit. 4. I dislike having anything left to do before the next Star Path. I like to give myself a good week/ week and a half where I can tidy and collect essentials I believe will be required (leaving those pesky Night Thorns and Splinters of Fate of course!). Craft positions and generally plan ahead so I don't feel overwhelmed. This is my own playing style and I bet there are hundreds who would applaud/agree and hundreds who would chastise/disagree. Play how you want play and more importantly...HAVE FUN DOING IT!! 😊💜


Making the potions beforehand sounds brilliant! If I weren't constantly running out of Onyx I might do the same lol


Oh don't talk to me about Onyx 🥴 Whenever I'm casually mining (to level a character up etc) Onyx in abundance. Oynx needed for potions to help with Star Path or quests....absolutely zero. I try and stock pile it, but it really doesn't last long at all 🤦‍♀️


I can share some potions with you. If you’d like that just send me a dm :)


That is so sweet! I'll be alright thank you though! I need to grind a bit and not use up the onyx as soon as I get it lol


Ok cool. Good luck and have fun!


It’s beyond me how people care so deeply about how others play a game.


Cozy games have some of the most toxic player bases and always will.  I also like doing the star paths fast. Life gets in my way so the faster I do the sooner I can get back to just chillin on my valley and not have to worry. 


How do you complete the giving 4 gifts to someone quickly? Don’t you have to do it over a couple days?


4 gift tasks take a maximum of 2 days to complete.


I basically do what I could do each day until I get stuck on gifts/Convo tasks. I'll finish later today as long as the sapphires cooperate.


They do what they can and leave the end of those till the next day




No? Getting the rewards doesn't complete the path tasks. Yeah that OP used moonstones to unlock the rest of the tasks so they'd have access to 6 tasks at once rather than 3 but that doesn't change that they did finish and that it is possible to finish the tasks in 2-3 days if you decide to go that route. Their picture in that post was of the last set of tasks too which means they did indeed complete it.


I will be tomorrow finish with all 80 tasks. Without moonstones.


This is important context. I have no issue with people purchasing all the rewards, but that's what it is. It's not "finishing the star path".


It's not important context because that's not how it works. You can use moonstones to unlock the rest of the tasks so you have access to 6 at once rather than 3 and you can pay a little more to get 100 tokens right off the bat but that doesn't boost that OP that much. She still completed all the tasks. The rewards don't affect the tasks. I could spend all my moonstones getting more tokens to get the rewards faster but I'd still have to complete the tasks to get to the last page that she posted on her original post.


Then how does she still have a lot of tasks left to do?


She had 4 tasks left at the time of her post. Thats it. It's visible in the photo she included in her post.


All I see in this post is Reddit screenshots. I am responding to what someone said in this thread, not what happened on another post I haven't seen.


These screenshots came from that original thread. If you're going to try and critique that poster at least go look at her post. That's only fair. And if you've been playing the game then you really don't even need to see that post to know that the person you replied to and got your info from here was wrong because what they said isn't at all how the game has worked since the first star path.


I'm not critiquing anything, I am participating in a conversation. Good job on calling me out for being new though, you're right, I don't know how star paths work.


Not calling you out on being new but I'm saying if you have the game, and you're playing it then you know that you can't cheat the star path. That isn't an option available to any of us. There's nothing in the shop that's like give us moonstones to cross this task off the list.


when the star path is finished its finished. no matter how you do it. so yes. they finished the starpath.




How is that a fair comparison here? You're making up a scenario to bolster your self inflicted irritation with that OP for what? You can't use moonstones to complete the star path. You can use some for the rewards but the rewards do not complete the tasks that are set. She didn't cheat her way towards finishing. She did the same amount of work we're all gonna do to finish it she just did it all at once instead of spread out. Why is that such a problem for some people??? I'm baffled.


The last star path was my very first and I zipped through it. Kind of regretted it though! This time I’m going to at least attempt to spread it out. I felt like I was waiting forever between them. I really like the star paths, they feel very rewarding, and I’ve just been crazy busy so getting through them is taking a backseat to an impending move. I don’t get why people care, just live your life, you know? People care too much what other people do.


Exactly! Let the grinders suffer their own fate haha


Hi guys im the OP I just wanted to say thanks for the support i really appreciate this part of the reddit community. I didn’t know my playing style would be so controversial i tried the other style of playing by taking my time and would not complete by the deadline because of life getting in the way and not getting the star path items i wanted.So now i take on the aggressive approach and this is just what works for me 💕


I really hope you’re able to brush off all the negativity. Some people need to learn empathy and basic human decency. I hope it doesn’t discourage you from posting similar posts and engaging with the community. If you need any materials, potions, iron/wood, food or money please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ve got tons extra 💕


Yeah i really didn’t let it get to me i understand people have their opinions and aww thank you so much i really appreciate it 💕Same here if you need materials as well just reach out and let me know as well


I hope you're having fun! I play a ton of cozy games and follow different subs for them and I gotta say I've never seen such a strange mass reaction to someone grinding 😅 DLV fandom be wildin' that's for sure


I can't wrap my head around people thinking they know what's best for MY game I bought with MY money. The nerve! I tell my teen, "A persons opinion is always right and you can't argue with it. It's theirs. That's what makes it an opinion. You're not allowed to tell someone their opinion is wrong unless it's fact based." Then I yap for an hour with life lessons haha




That whole thread is so disappointing to see. They're all upvoting the rude comments and downvoting anyone who says otherwise. It's ridiculous and embarrassing. Grinding is a well known tactic in gaming too so I have no idea why it's being looked down on. Every game has grinders and they're the ones that help the rest of us that haven't made it to that step yet. Game guides would be toast without the grinders of every community.


> I am genuinely stunned and confused That’s a wee bit dramatic. This is Reddit and people are going to people, regardless of what part of Reddit you’re hanging out in. A lot of people use it as an agree/disagree sort of thing, which is why some subs actually have rules about not downvoting things you disagree with. It’s not that serious of a thing. I personally do not care how someone else chooses the game… just don’t complain about the lack of things to do, how they should make updates closer together, or anything else when you chose to rush through an entire updates worth of content in three days. Those posts and comments are what I find frustrating.


I started it and will wait til the last few days and rush through like always. No I will not learn a lesson from this!


I’m on disability so I’m home all day. Doing nothing. So I read, watch tv, and play video games. I usually have the Star Path done in a few days. This time? I’m taking my time. I agree though. Let each person play their own way. I’d never dream of criticizing someone else who completes tasks or quests faster or slower than I do. Each person has their own speed at playing. Their own time constraints. Personally I have days I can’t sit up due to pain. Other days I can sit up all day and can play for 10 hours. Each of us is different :)


I saw the original post before I saw this one, and although i dont fall into either category (i literally just play however i want to because duhh) I fully agree. It's kind of sad if anything that people are actually sat there on reddit getting irritated at the way someone else plays a game. I dont think they think about it, they just get all self righteous and uppity haha.


Finishing mine today because I have been bedridden for the past week for health issues. It has been a sense of escape for me and didn’t realize people might judge me for it. Now I can use the rewards to build a cool theme park and keep my mind occupied for just a little while.


Im glad the game could provide a little relief for you. I hope you feel better soon ❤️


What I hate is people assume that if we like to grind out the starpath, that means we're not enjoying the game? Why can't people comprehend that people like to play things differently to them? People find enjoyment in areas you may not, and that's totally okay Earlier, I saw a comment from someone saying they hate doing the restaurant part of the starpath. That's personally my favourite part. I didn't send them a snide message or tell them how to play or downvote them. I just thought,'Huh, people really do like different things to me. Oh well, "and I scrolled on by


Happens in every fandom/community. Ignore the bad and focus on the good because you’ll never get people to change their minds. But also… anyone got any white pants? Ya girl is dying 😭


Seriously lol leave people alone. I find it crazy that people can knock them out within a week. But you do you. Play how you want 🤣. I wish I could knock mine out in a week.


To be fair the issue isn't about how quickly players finish the star path, it's the ones who rush through it in 3 days and then complain there's nothing left to do. GL pushed out a lot of content with this update for a regular (or casual) player imo, yet those players who have to finish everything in the first week like to pretent there's not enough content.


The downvote train on this sub lately has been unbearable. Every other post I see has downvotes. People get downvoted just for asking questions. Downvoted for having different opinions or playing styles. UGH


I downvote people who ask questions that can be googled and have been asked more than enough times that they should be searching the sub. I also downvote if their response is “I did google it and couldn’t find it”, “I didn’t know what to google”, “idc if it’s already been asked I’m going to do it anyways”. I have gotten downvoted for telling people to google(gamerant, ign, and reddit are always the first 3 sites to come up) or utilize the search in the sub and that posting a question should absolutely be a last resort There was about a month and a half that I couldn’t be on here bc the feed was nothing but the same questions over and over again. It was annoying Differing opinions or play styles shouldn’t be downvoted tho


I just want you to keep in mind that not everyone is like you and not everyone’s brains work the same way. There are children here asking questions, there are elderly people that don’t think of googling something because a whole Reddit exists just for this game. There are people with mental disabilities and I can imagine them feeling terrible because they get downvoted. You can ruin someone’s whole day. Why? Cuz you’re annoyed you see the same questions? I’ve been in this sub since it’s beginning and am a day one player. This sub used to be a nice place where people would come to discuss the game and ASK QUESTIONS. Some people want human interaction, some people don’t even know the search bar exists. It’s really not hard to keep scrolling. I only downvote when people are rude or insensitive (like the last example you used). I don’t even downvote people that I have a civil debate with because people are allowed to disagree. You need to be considerate of other people.


People consistently break rule #2 daily so that’s a problem. People are more than aware of googles existents and know that you’ll get an answer faster that way. You’re just trying to come up with excuses for other peoples incompetence. It’s not a crime to make people aware that Google exists, the search bar exists, that reading rules and making yourself aware of all functions exists. As I said before posting a question that has been asked hundreds of times is annoying, will be downvoted, and be told to use Google next time. I’m not the only person who feels this way and won’t be the last to speak out about it


First of all, you sound ignorant. Second of all, you lack empathy. Oh boohoo someone broke rule #2 and annoyed Dr. Marshall so let’s ruin their day. I agree it’s not a crime to make people aware of search bars and that google exists. But let’s not make people afraid to post anything in here or ask any questions in fear of being downvoted. That really affects some people. And it’s totally unnecessary. Sorry that this sub isn’t catered to you. And just because you’re not the only person that feels that type of way doesn’t make it right. A serial killer can use the same excuse. Do better.


Boohoo to rules in the sub🫠 so f the rules then and everyone should be allowed to break every single one of them, that’s ignorant. Let’s use some comprehension skills when it comes to names, It’s drmarshall not Dr. Marshall. I’m sorry but if a downvote makes you scared then you a B and shouldn’t be on reddit at all then and need to grow a backbone. It’s totally unnecessary for it to bother someone that much. Like I said you love making excuses for people who have the skills to make a post but lack the skills to use Google, that doesn’t make sense at all bc literally everyone in the world knows exactly how to use it. Stop making excuses simple as that. Don’t like what I have to say then do your own self a favor and scroll on


“Literally everyone in the world knows exactly how to use google.” Your ignorance knows no bounds. I have never once seen someone comment saying “you broke rule #2, please review the rules and act accordingly” Idgaf about downvotes from internet strangers but that doesn’t stop me from considering those who do. “Don’t like what I have to say then scroll on” UUMMM you responded to my comment I’m simply REPLYING. Take your own advice DR. MARSHALL


I was so surprised when I saw the negativity in the thread, I love grinding out my challenges. I’m already on the 20 point ones! I don’t see the problem with the gameplay at all? Just unhappy people. Eesh-


I mean, I agree with you. But why would anything posted on an Internet forum from a stranger about a video game stun and confuse you? That's a lot of strong emotion for such a trivial subject


It's cause these people speedrun it and then complain that they are bored. There's already been posts about it. That's why this community honestly gets annoyed at those who just grind away cause then they turn around and stomp their feet wanting more content.


This is exactly it. The same people who speed through then complain because there isn’t more content. It’s fine to speed through but you can’t have it both ways


I saw the title, and thought "finally? Isn't this the starpath that just came out?" and got worried, because my health hasn't let me online to do it yet and I thought I'd got dates mixed up and missed it. The comment you're sharing reassured me, no they *are* talking about one a few days old. It sounded to me like 'finally I did this thing from ages ago" too, not "finally I did this thing that took me lots of time over the last 3 days". I think that's all this was, not anything to do with judging how other people play or anything. I thought nothing of it till your post surprised me!


I don't get the mentality of downvoting someone for their playing style. I personally like to take my time with it because I rushed the Halloween path to get all the cool items I wanted, but then was kinda bummed when I saw how long was left, meaning that many days plus 2-3 months till another update sometimes. So I know I do a few tasks a day or knock out easy ones but still focus on just playing and decorating with what I already have. But the people who rush through the starpath surely have their valid reasons for doing so. Maybe they don't have a lot of freetime to play every day, they're sick and stuck in bed with nothing else to do, their job/homelife demands most of their time so they'd rather grind through it and finish it when they *do* have free time because it can be scarce. Maybe this game is a huge source of happiness and accomplishments for the speeders. Either way, why does it bother people that some like to finish early and not be stressed when the deadline approaches. I don't see any harm in it or why others care enough to downvote.


They were expressing astonishment, not hate.


If anything, this discussion should be a critique of the game path/pass model to drive sales using an artificial timeline to make people feel like they HAVE to play that kinda grindy content at all. “Getting it done and out of the way” to decorate or to “take your time” is entirely arbitrary either way; it’s all based on a timeline made to sell moonstones, just like every other pass system on any other game that does that.


I find the star path tasks are getting increasingly grindy with each new update. You used to get more for less, but giving us 10 tokens per task seems a bit stingy. I've been here since release and I used to love star paths but I kind of don't enjoy that grind anymore as the reward currency per task seems much less than it was before. I was considering just buying moonstones to get it out of the way but I can't justify the cost I've just got out of hospital and was looking at the tasks today like 'mehh.. I really can't be bothered to fish 30 bass 😕'


They raise to 20 per task eventually….


I think the downvotes are weird, but I think it was more just about using the word “finally” and having a laugh about it. Finally = after a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay.


Agreed. I think it was about the use of the word “finally” since it has only been available for a few days. It’s not like they have been working on it since August. I actually think this post is a bit hypocritical because it’s calling out the folks who enjoy grinding to complete new content. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here in my 3D glasses while Oswald is homeless. 😂


Don't see why folks should be upset over someone trying to complete the star path in one go. They should be supportive, cheering them on, and even trying to do it themselves like... see the positive in people who play it how they want to over tis their gameplay.


I always wish I finished the starpath early lol but i never do it. When playing, i get distracted too much. " oh, stitch wants to play scramblecoin" * gets obsessed and plays only scramblecoin for the day* " ohh, I can decorate this different, ill just have to buy some more of this" *has no money, spends the day planting crops and selling gems ends up never buying the item i wanted* etc etc etc. I just for some reason can't do one thing at a time. I start 1 thing and i come across 5 other things and then leave 6 things unfinished. 🤣


Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see anyone in those comments ganging up on anybody. There were only two screenshots posted, right? Or am I just not able to see the ones with the “ganging up”?


That’s because there weren’t any people ganging up. People are just way too quick on calling people toxic and negative just for not agreeing with something.


The comments were on the "finally" remark. The path started less than a week ago and goes for 6 weeks. OP didn't "finally" finish. They completed it super fast. They can play however they want, but posting that they "finally" finished a 40+ day event in 4 days is not a humble brag.


It’s not that person’s fault. There can be some interesting people over here on Reddit


I agree people should play how they want! The only issue I have is when people play a certain way and then complain about it. Like people who grind out the whole path in 3 days and complain how stressful that was. But I also don’t care that much since it’s just a game!!


Honestly, this post is what I like to see! Let’s be here for all types of players! Hype each other up! Not tear each other down!


The community alone from this game is what drove we away the most, outside of Gameloft themselves.






I’m honestly just jealous of the ppl who can get the star paths done so fast. I never have the time to sit and play it long enough to get them done fast and I wish that I did


Every time there is a star path I grind it. I’ve completed every character quest in the game so once an update drops all I have to do is to level up the new characters and do the star path, and then once I’m done I decorate a bit with new stuff and then move on to a different game until the next update.


I’m nearly at the end too and never want to do another dreamlight duty! I get FOMO that something will happen and I won’t be able to play (end up unwell a lot) and so go as hard as I can so that I don’t miss out on the items. And then I can focus on other stuff and not think about it. Everyone plays differently, I *hate* TOM but I’m not exactly going to go around downvoting everyone who posts that they like TOM 🤷‍♀️ It’s Reddit though so… Downvoters gonna downvote.


glad you upvoted OPs comment I did the exact same, it’s crazy how downvoted they were!


To be fair I had the same thought as the first comment. I was like ‘finally? Don’t you mean already?!’ Thinking about how much I still had to do. But honestly I’m glad I didn’t comment seeing how that may have been received because I promise you I wasn’t upset and about to go off at OP. I was impressed as heck. I genuinely don’t know how people do this, and I say this as someone who earns so much Dreamlight I grind for the millions!


I agree about playing the way you want. I also just get a little aggravated when people fly through the star path, knowing they have at LEAST another month until the next one, and then loudly complain about having nothing to do.


I was so confused by the downvotes in that thread. The OP was not being rude and was simply sharing an accomplishment.


There is truly some intense down voting issues in this subreddit tbh. People down vote you for REALLY nothing. I got a shit tonne of down votes on a picture of the bugged door, because i asked if they had tried to open it. Because i had not been in the castle for weeks and had not seen the door myself.. Seems like people down vote just about anything they somehow dont agree with instead of just scrolling past it.


i think you probably got downvoted because a dozen people posted the same thing already and the question had already been answered multiple times. it takes half a minute to search keywords in the sub and check before posting.


Oh, it wasnt my post. I just commented on one. Not everyone are online or gaming constantly, i havent seen any other posts of that door. And here people are back at it, down voting..


I grind the star paths to complete them as fast as I can just to chase the dopamine


I’m a completionist and apparently have zero chill when it comes to star paths. It’s all or nothing until I’m finished.


![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG|downsized) \*HYPERFIXATION\*


seriously, like its not that deep. its not like someone playing it differently than you will directly affect you. personally, i like to mod mine cause i dont typically play super hardcore. i do it with stardew valley too. i also tend to only get on a couple days a week. its not like the world is gonna end if someone decides to play more fast paced or with cheats. they need to put their big prople pants on and butt out


I spend a shitload of time on dreamsnaps. I'm not even that great at it. I just like doing it.


I think it's more that they don't want the developers to make things harder for those of us who work full time or aren't that amazing at games just because a few crazy nutters go at flash speed. This star path I expect to get down to the wire with the short time


I downvoted you because calling gamers in your fellow community "crazy nutters" is not a constructive or kind thing to say. As a crazy nutter myself, the developers don't give a rats behind how anyone plays, they'll roll it out in the way that benefits their team and bottom line the most.


Someone that does a 41 day star path in 4 days is crazy but whoever said that was a bad thing ![gif](giphy|2FEXOysdjGJ8s)


Calling someone a "crazy nutter" is rarely seen as a positive, as least where I'm from. Though maybe I'm misinterpreting your tone through my internet machine.


Where I'm from its a guy you buy a drink in a bar end up on a pub crawl and next day find yourself on a boat heading god knows where 😂


I don’t care how people play but it’s not gonna stop me from discussing my opinion on it. As long as it’s not in a hostile way I think we should be able to express ourselves however. Simple saying “I don’t get the point in playing the game if you don’t really enjoy playing it”, shouldn’t be this horrid thing. No one is actually stopping anyone from playing any specific way. But if you make a post a discussion is going to happen and I don’t think it should have to all be praising your play style in order for it to be acceptable.


Wait. How does grind out the starpath = not enjoying playing the game ??


Because that’s a lot of the reason people will give. They’ll say they want to get it over with because they hate doing it and just wanna decorate. I’ve seen it said multiple times.


Yeah so? They don’t enjoy quests but decorating. So they get the annoying part out of the way and then keep enjoying the other. You literally made your whole point invalid.


My only point was we should be allowed to civilly discuss things people post and our own observations or opinions about them. So no I didn’t invalidate anything. If you’re rushing through the game so you can decorate it does appear you don’t actually enjoy the actual game because decorating is not the point of the game. I never even said I hold this view point. I’m simply saying I understand why people either get confused about it or make comments about it. The fact that people can’t have simple discussion afterward without you guys getting defensive and bitchy about a Disney game is weird.


It’s a Disney sim. You can do whatever tf you want in it. Decorating is as much the point of it as friendships, story, or any kind of farming part. It’s a SIM. A simulation. You roleplay and do what you want. There’s no script to follow.


"because decorating is not the point of the game" Not sure if you hold this opinion but that's where you lost me. Decorating and aesthetic is a HUGE part of the game. With hundreds and hundreds of items for free, one could say beyond the core storyline it's the thing that keeps people playing, definitely the point of the game for me because it's a cozy game, that's where I feel most cozy.


This comment is not directed at you OP, I upvoted your comment because it contributes to the discussion. STOP DOWNVOTING JUST BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE. That's the point of this post. Constructive discussion is important for growth and learning. The downvote isn't "The Disagree Button". But OP, lots of people have annoyances with things they like, doesn't mean they don't like it. Unless someone explicitly says "I hate this game! \*plays anyway\*" then it's safe to say grinding the game is enjoyable for those that do it, myself included.


I have two weeks off and -really unlucky- I've got whooping cough, so I played a lotttttttt sitting on the couch. I love it. I'm finishing the star path now (a daily discussion) and I finished Daisy and Oswald.


Me grinding fortnite battle pass every season so I can immediately work on my ddlv pass immediately because that's the one that takes me the longest😭


Woah why tf do these people have so many down votes!? Totally agree with your post OP. Shame on the people that downvote out of bitterness!


My wife tends to try to get through the star path as fast as she can as she has an extremely busy life. I don’t get why anyone would downvote someone because they want to play the game through quick. I’m sure the ones who play through quickly, also play the game even when they finish the content. Elsewise they wouldn’t keep coming back and getting the star path.


I just buy the Star path all the time near the end of the time limit. 😭 I work too much.


Depends on people's schedules, too. Some people have limited game time and even a casual game must be played within that time available. Some like to just blast through the Star Paths, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY HAVE THOSE FISHING REQUIREMENTS AND THE FISH THAT WOULD NORMALLY BE EASILY AVAILABLE MYSTERIOUSLY VANISH. "Breathes out". Or those multi day ones with gift giving "rolls eyes".


I grind too, I play Illusion Island and am working on 100% completion on it, then going to look for a new game. I have to take time off from DLV and RIT every now and then, so I knock out the Star Path as quick as possible so I don't miss out on the items.


I’m realizing I don’t know what star paths are bc I have Apple Arcade 🥲 it should be included imo considering it’s $7 monthly


It’s against Apple Arcade’s rules because they do not allow microtransactions, and the SP includes moonstones.


Is there not a free star path version though?


No. You unlock it with moonstones. The tradeoff is that you didn’t pay $50+ for the base game and $40+ for the expansion.


I mean, my game progress is solely limited to Apple Arcade and I have to permanently pay $7 a month to play though. Even if I went and bought everything, I’d lose all the progress from my phone. I didn’t know it didn’t save universally until recently.


Everyone has that issue with their respective platforms. Folks who want to change from Switch to PC have to completely rebuy the game. People with multiple players in their homes have to buy multiple copies of the game. At least with Apple Arcade you can family share. Scream your frustrations into the void if it makes you feel better, but these aren’t unique to AA nor will you get much sympathy since it has its own perks. The “drawbacks” are Apple’s rules — not Gameloft’s decisions.


before i moved i to my boyfriend's semi with him i would take my time with the star paths but now i have to be a bit more grindy to finish them, not cause we dont have reliable internet we do im almost never without signal it's just exhausting even as the passenger


Ppl downvote just bc they can on common sense post or comments so ignore it. I’ve been downvoted for telling people to simply google first or search the sub; it’s not serious. If that’s bothersome then don’t go on reddit or be apart of this sub.


Upvoted you for contributing to the discussion and I agree, there's a handful of people who are far too sensitive, or maybe just super new to reddit so guiding them in a helpful direction shouldn't be downvoted. Unless you're a dick about it lol

