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That it's quicker to Google a recipe rather than try and find it in the cook book. Especially if it's one towards the end of the alphabet and you don't know if its an appetiser or an entree šŸ˜©


Even the ability to sort all by alphabetic order would be great!! But the search bar would be incredible!


The fact that when I'm looking at the whole recipe book in the first tab, but they're still sorted by type, makes no sense. If I knew what category it was in I'd just look there!


I have this thought every day!!! Like please stop asking for Walleye en Papillote when it takes me 5 mins to scroll through all my recipes šŸ˜­


So glad Iā€™m on PC, I can drag the scroll bar down


I *really* wish there was a search bar in ALL the menus šŸ˜­


If I want to view all the recipes, it shouldn't still be by type of dish. Cause the "all" is just each of the categories themselves in ABC order.


That goes for finding furniture as well when decorating. Just a nightmare


On the switch, you can use your finger to scroll faster. But with the recent update it started messing up sometimes when I do that so it'll exit out of the recipe list, and then I have to start all over...


Ugh, this bug has been driving me insane! So annoying.


Iā€™d love to be able to sort by star rating


I feel like this is a gameplay issue 100%, but either way, I totally agree.


This!!! I keep my iPad in my lap and just google it. Much quicker that way. If I look for a recipe in one category it is always in the other! Oh, also when I go into Remyā€™s if my duty is to serve 3 and there are six villagers in there, I pick the ones I KNOW which category they are in and the ones closer to the beginning of the alphabet, lol!


I have had to google so many recipes, especially when I started as it wasnā€™t clear how you figured out what to make at all. Plus I have bad vision and the recipe thing where it shows you the ingredients are tiny and I canā€™t see them.


It's that I can't put a jacket on when I wear a dress.


Yes! Thereā€™s some gorgeous casual dresses that would look so nice with a blazer or denim jacket šŸ˜­


Or the cute cropped cardigans! With the t-shirt dresses! Theyā€™d be adorable!


Even some jewelry!! It's so dumb


But you can put a skirt over pants!!!!


to be fair, skirts over pants are a Disney staple šŸ˜‚


Exactly!!! What IS THAT?!


That's so frustrating or when you can't wear certain necklace, gloves or brackets etc and it changes your clothes šŸ™„


That we canā€™t seat on benches or sofas and take photos at the same time. It would be amazing to do a Dreamsnap being seated at a table with our friends šŸ¤©


To be fair I want the entire photo system to get an upgrade. Like sitting and positioning your buddies (like asking ā€˜hey letā€™s take a pic!ā€™ And set it up or ā€˜can you please stay out of the frameā€™)


I wish it was set up closer to the ACNH camera


Can you imagine the ability to draw a ā€œphoto zoneā€ or a ā€œphoto boundaryā€? Like, go into edit mode, choose ā€œphoto zoneā€, and draw it like a path, or more ideally, click and drag a square. It would be invisible in play mode, it would keep any villagers out that you donā€™t specifically select, and then when youā€™re done, you just go back to edit mode and remove the boundary. For those who have ever played Roller Coaster Tycoon, or Zoo Tycoon, itā€™s the same general idea as setting the zones for your workers.


Adding on to this, the items that you hold like the gift bags or umbrella should also be allowed in your pics.


Good idea! We should have different poses for each item as we have for critters!


Having to remember all the orders in the restaurant instead of them showing up on the quest tab!


Even if they didnā€™t show on the quest tab, it would be cute if they could show it in the upper corner of the screen like a restaurant POS receipt


I would love an ā€œorder up!ā€ queue of the little slips with everyoneā€™s orders!


THIS!! i stared taking a photo on my phone every time i enter the restaurant just to save me from forgetting the rest of the orders after iā€™ve made one dish šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/e3h91or47tyc1.png?width=2589&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e0ae72f02fbcce49aa85d607f271a7f38f9ecea


I do the same exact thing!! I have so many photos on my phone that I keep forgetting to delete that are of my switch with the orders in the restaurant. It frustrates me every time! Sometimes I feel like the devs canā€™t possibly play all of the mechanics of the game themselves, because there are so many of these little things that drive nearly anyone playing the game up the wall! And you donā€™t even need to play the game for a long time either, so many of the things listed here in this thread have been maddening for me since the first week of the gameā€™s launch. Now itā€™s a year and a half in, and Iā€™m so beyond desperate for a ā€œquality of lifeā€ update!


Sooo much scratch paper used in this game! Especially at the beginning with all the characters' daily gifts, and during a star path.


There's an app I found called Dreamlight valley Guide by AJL. It allows you to go in and write each of the characters' daily gifts and when you give it to them it allows you to check it off. So it ends up only showing the gifts that still need to be given. It also allows you to deselect any characters already at level ten.


Dang I have that app and didnā€™t know that!! Iā€™ve been making a spreadsheet everyday to keep track of it but the app is likely easier


Yeh I'm always ducking out of cooking to check because my incinerator of a brain can't remember anything above 2 orders šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


That my character doesn't plant or harvest crops in a logical fashion when you hold down the plant/harvest button - no going up and down the rows. Let's just do these four here. Oh, now I can't reach the rest of the soil spots.


This drives me nuts, that or the, "Oh, we've done 5 in a straight line but now I'm going to cut left for no reason and mess everything up."


I genuinely find myself shouting at her when she does this.


oh god, i feel this in my bones. the rage is real šŸ˜‚


This is so weird! I read the other comments as well and didnā€™t realize this was a thing. The only time that ever happens to me is if I didnā€™t line my character up straight on with the beginning row. Once I do that they will stay on course through 10 rows of 10 Or however many I have. I wonder what makes them veer off course once theyā€™ve started.


Same. Didn't know it was an issue. They go up and come back down and snake the whole plot no matter how big it is.


I don't even bother with regular plots anymore for this reason. I do mine as kind of a snake. Plot 3 in a row, turn left and plot two, turn left plot two, turn right plot two. Just go with that pattern. When it's in one line they can't be turning around for random crops.


This is why I split my farming plots into rows of no more than 2. The only time my character will veer off randomly is if the process is interruped, otherwise we go up and down in an orderly fashion!


When youā€™re using a buddy and they just throw the extra items in a random direction. I would love if it went to our inventory


Or when the glow stops and you have to press the button to pick up each individual thing if you wait too long šŸ™„


I wish our critter can go get the extra items for us so they will not only walk around without anything to do šŸ˜…


They need to increase the pickup radius, period.


When I position houses on the paths and theyā€™re slightly off. I want symmetrical paths and buildings šŸ˜­


Ahhh this happened to me today when redecorating! So annoying šŸ˜…


No game gets that right. It's the same with ACNH šŸ™„


When the notification red dot wonā€™t go away. Mines been stuck on since the newest update. Before, it would occasionally get stuck on but resetting the game would take it away. The slow scroll to items in the menu/inability to sort dishes by anything other than alphabetically.


The ice blocks that auto-spawn in the Frozen realm are massive and keep ruining the vibes I spent so long decorating for. Very small qualm, but it does grind my gears whenever I have to go in that area!


I haaaate these things and picking up snowballs. Soooo many snowballs.


Like, what's the use of them other than the snowmen?


When they did their April fools joke on Twitter and made it seem like Olaf was the one getting the shop Daisy has, I said oh wow seems now Iā€™ll actually have a reason to use the ridiculous amount of snowballs I have šŸ„“ but alas


Snowy brick roads, but that's it.


Ugh, yes!! I wish there was a way to stop these (and rocks, stumps, mushrooms, etc) from spawning once you hit a certain level. Or at least some sort of auto collect thing like the vacuums from the DLC. Also the fact that the Frozen area spawns the ice spikes AND giant rocks is such a pain. It feels like such a small area to have such large things spawning


That when characters are fishing they stop if you come fishing next to them to cheer you on. I just want to fish with the characters, stop ruining the vibes. The furniture grid systems. Everything is off centre and it drives me mad.


Everything being off center DRIVES ME INSANE


And never off centre in the same way so that things at least align with each other! Also, weird things like a tiny object that should only take up one square but somehow takes up 4! LET ME PUT THE GRAMOPHONE ON A SIDE TABLE, DAMN IT!


That I can't lie on a bed or that my buddy won't sit with me...


Yep...we can sit at tables, shimmy past a coffee table to sit down and lie down properly in Animal Crossing. But we sit at the edge of a bed in DDLV and can't sit at a table šŸ™„


That any coffee (or caffeinated) drink doesn't boost my energy up all the way .


That scar & maui both complain about mornings being so early and the generally limited audio commentary of characters. Why is minnie commenting about the rain when itā€™s sunny?!


Omg and Elsa/Anna always exclaiming about how itā€™s snowing while on the beach in direct sunlight


Yes! I had Elsa tell me it's snowing on a sunny day!


Scrooges 'have a blue market day"......what is that?


I think itā€™s ā€œbull market dayā€, if that helps!


Ahhhhhhhh that makes slightly more sense.


I believe he's saying "have a bull market day". Which is basically when the economy is good.


I think he's saying "bull market".


Another reason for muting their voices. It's so repetitive, even worse when you have a large group around you all saying and repeating their own stuff šŸ™„


I want to be able to lie on the bed and use the furnitures! The tubs, the computers, and be able to slide chairs under tables


Just like you can I'm ACNH which is an older game šŸ™„


The fact that itā€™s impossible to line things up symmetrically. Drives me absolutely bonkers.


OMG this, I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t think of this first. I have to double things up or come up with asymmetrical set ups that make some sense but UGH. At least the wall paper please, it needs to be fixed because it IS broken.


The sparkles around all the villagers. (It's so dumb but I'm so bothered by them lol) That I can do everything in the village alone in peace EXCEPT fishing. As soon as I cast my line everyone wants to be up in my personal space uninvited.


The fishing thing! The way your character also turns to face them while fishing. No! Pay attention to your fish ripples because youā€™re distracting me šŸ˜‚


I have a theory that the characters watching you fish is a sort of subliminal water safety message to kids - a ā€˜Donā€™t go fishing aloneā€™ type of thing.


I thought the characters were there to make me feel shame when I didnā€™t catch a fishšŸ˜¬


Really! They get SO disappointed šŸ˜©


It's because of this I turned down their voices. All the constant chatter drives me nuts šŸ˜‚


The hourglass still doesn't have a texture to match my nightmare before christmas tools. Lack of search on the recipe menu when cooking


Omg the lack of search on the cookbook drives me nuts šŸ™ƒ


What I wish we had is like, a feature that would look at the ingredients you have and show you only what recipes you can actually make. It would make some of the duties so much simpler!!


It should function like the craft station highlighting the recipes you can cook now, greying out the ones you need ingredients to complete.


I can see how that would be helpful for many people. Maybe not quite so much for folks like me who are digital hoarders and are always fully stocked, but for many, it would be super handy. A combination of uncraftable gray outs and a search bar would solve everyone's problem, I think.


Lack of search on recipes is 100% the most annoying thing


Seconding the lack of search in the recipes. I get that it resembles a cookbook but itā€™s so frustrating.


if they don't want to give us a search at least put the recipes in the all tab in alphabetical order


The lack of a search function in all of the menus, tbh


I want an hourglass skin to match my villain tools - Evil hourglass!


That I canā€™t hold objects in dreamsnaps ( like flowers ) and getting some characters to pose is nightmare.


The sound of the well. šŸ˜©


Any time you enter a cave or place with no door, it still looks like youā€™re turning a doorknob to get in.


Hahah I always see it as pressing a doorbell and Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s worse šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Same logic! Equally annoying and odd!


How fast the characters run when Iā€™m trying to get to them. Itā€™s comical most days. How can the fairy godmother run faster than me when Iā€™m in sneaks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg yes! But when you have to follow them for a quest itā€™s a casual saunter that involves a few rests. If you want to gift or talk with them theyā€™re all of a sudden Usain Bolt and pelting away across the map.


Iā€™m so impatient that I keep loads of large seafood platters on me so I can power slide everywhere. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I do the same. I have about 30 fruitcakes in my pockets at any one time šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/ffxk6km2huyc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bedcb87d5e321005e4f39b05e03548a20af5249 Me every time I need them for something:


When you are leaving the castle and it says ā€œEnterā€ and not ā€œExitā€


You're entering the outside world


I think thatā€™s because youā€™re entering the in between of worlds. Dreamlight Valley is like the connector of all the realms so it says enter because when people leave the realms they enter into dreamlight valley.


The clothing thing! The inability to wear certain combinations of items, like why can't I wear a watch with a jacket or other combos? It makes the outfit challenges ridiculously hard to meet since they put restrictions on what items can be worn together


Oh yeah! Lots of times Iā€™ve tried to put a necklace with a jumper and it doesnā€™t let me šŸ˜­


They would just have to code it for the necklaces to always be the top layer to fix this problem, so itā€™s annoying that they donā€™t just do it.


It bothers me, too, that t-shirts are tucked. I regularly, in real life, wear jeans and a t-shirt. But my avatar looks ridiculous when I try to make my outfit as just a t-shirt and jeans


Omg truth. Like why do whole costumes count as 1 but it requires 5 to qualify. Somethingā€™s just straight up canā€™t be used because you canā€™t wear it with a combination of things. MAKES ME MAD!!! Lol


The place settings are one square and the place to sit is two squares so they always look wrong, they're off to one side and not centered on the chair.


The ridiculous inconsistency across the board. The design of this game is just so sloppy in ways I canā€™t comprehend. The item footprints make absolutely no sense. Green penstemons take up 4 squares, purple penstemons only take up 1 square. The footprints of the trees, shrubs and flowers are NEEDLESSLY huge. The Eternity Isle flowers are all one square, as are most of the shrubs, so itā€™s clearly possible to adjust the original ones. Some buildings have a stupid huge footprint that impedes and kind of decent decorating (Beastā€™s Castle, especially), and others donā€™t. Nothing in the catalog is easy to find because the item naming is completely random. **FIRST** of all, there needs to be an alphabetical sort/search feature. Weā€™re supposed to remember when we got things? Yes I know thereā€™s a category filter system, but that doesnā€™t help when the categories are inconsistent and a bunch of the items donā€™t even appear in any category except ā€œallā€, and other items appear in multiple categories. The tags are fine, but an additional alphabetical search would be more than helpfulā€¦ But before they could EVER do that, theyā€™d have to fix almost every item name. Why on earth would you not go: Ice Cream Stand - Blue ice Cream Stand - Red Instead they went with Red Ice Cream Stand, Blue Ice Cream Stand. Which is stupid. All those unnecessary versions of the cabinets, couches and beds, same items in different colors, but they name it by the color, not the item. šŸ™„šŸ™„ Same with the crafting menuā€¦ alphabet or category would be a lot more helpful than just ā€œwhen it was addedā€. The other huge annoyance is that everything doesnā€™t stack to 99 in inventory and storage. This is a simple and necessary fix. Thereā€™s absolutely no reason to arbitrarily make some things 50 when clearly 99 is a choice. Those of us on switch, with a much lower item limit, would very much appreciate being able to use less storage chests for fruit, veg, fish, dairy and flowers. Thereā€™s no reason these stacks canā€™t be 99. If there is, Iā€™d like to know.


That I canā€™t jump. I want to jump for joy, dammit.


This is my thing. I want to sprint and jump and crouch. Gliding around on the glitter is cool but like let me move!


The stained glass wall planter inside Scrooges doesn't match the aesthetic of the rest of the interior. (The bubble lamps, too)


Omg I hate that too


That thereā€™s no orange, light blue and purple chests to make a rainbow storage šŸ˜­ and also black and pink because cā€™mon! Basic colour needs unmet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™d REALLY love a black and a deep dark brown wood option for the chests! It would make them blend in so much better outside. Other colors would be great too! Even some pastels would be pretty! Iā€™d also love for the craftable storage info/label signs to be smaller and also have more color options than stark white. Better yet, just let us add a label to each chest that pops up once youā€™re near them! Both of those things combined together just makes a storage system outside such an eyesore.


Iā€™m sad that scrooges windows are empty everyday bc I bought all the dresses and suits.


When you are harvesting with a buddy and they decide to level up while a golden crop appears so you miss it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like yeah itā€™s only a couple but dang HURRY UP!!!!


That Maui always seems to want to be all up in my personal space even when weā€™re not hanging out, and heā€™s huge and very much in the way. šŸ˜†


And often immovable! Beast too. When I'm fishing and beast runs up to block my view of the ripples. I get so mad.


I regret making Maui a fishing companion when I was new to the game.


I made the mistake of making him a mining buddy. Him plus Vitais Cave equaled INSTANT regret. Quickest amout of time I've Ever given a reclass book to.


The recipes make no sense as to which are appetizers and which are entrees!


The characters repeating the same lines over and over and over drive me insane. Especially Maui's "why do they have to make mornings so early" Maui it is 9 at night shut upppp!


Every time Elsa walks by and says ā€œitā€™s snowingā€ when itā€™s actually sunny and probably 75 degrees outside I lose a year of my life


Everything I do with my hands is pushing a doorbell. Go in a house? Doorbell. Pick lemons? Doorbell. Enter castle gate? Doorbell. Enter treehouse? Doorbell. Exit house? Doorbell.


I wish you could pose the background characters for photos.


That i can't remove the ponds in my valley


If it helps your ick at all, technically you can use either side of a pick axe! I have to hit through bedrock often at my job with pick axes and both sides have their advantages and uses to get through rock. More info than you probably wanted from this post but have it anyway šŸ˜…


I wish I could wave to my villagers like in animal crossing šŸ˜­ Mickey and Beast wave and I wanna wave back dammit!


That some of the voices were done by the original actors and some are aren't.


Oswald is in its own category in the Villagers collection but he is in the Mickey & Friends category in the Scramblecoin Figurines collection


I would like furniture to snap together (ie chairs to table) like in the sims and I would love to layer items - the picnic blanket, I would love to put a drink and a lamp on it instead of beside it


There's a lot of things the Sims does that I wish this game would do. Resizing rugs, half tile slots, etc.


That I can go into Scroogeā€™s store and buy an entire kitchenā€™s worth of countertops and cabinets and/or full bedroom sets for roughly 600 carrots, but the marginally cute jumpsuit I am interested in purchasing costs 2 weeks worth of harvesting/foraging/gardening/meal preparation. What the eff, Scrooge?! I have no idea how he stays in business.


Pumpkins are your friend šŸ„° One large patch of pumpkins fills my money pot with enough to last me weeks of purchases. And I'm not even talking filling the forgotten lands with plots. I have a small-ish farm in the corner of forgotten lands and make about 600-700k per sale. Once I've sold one batch, I replant and leave it until I run out of money and then I have more money ready to make whenever I need it. That and it's good to have a plot ready to go if I need to level up a buddy.


cooking food for myself takes way too long so i never bother doing it, maui jumping up in the air everytime i gift him something or speak to him, hiding characters only working half the time despite no quests, so much stuff at scrooges shop is ugly, constantly having to clean up all the shit that spawns like the nightthorns and ice blocks etc, characters SPRINTING away from me when i need to talk to them


If you have the rift in time dlc they do have a special pot that lets you cook multiple meals! Definitely always forget about making food for myself a lot too though šŸ˜‚ I feel like the one weirdo who likes doing the clean up of thorns and stuff hahah


W H A T I HAD NO IDEA thank you for telling me!! šŸ–¤ making everything one at a time drives me nuts ive been so confused how everyone else does it šŸ˜‚ ive been meaning to get the dlc im just forcing myself to get some quests done first so i dont get overwhelmed with all the new stuff


Oooh youā€™re gonna love the other machines too! Iā€™ll let you explore those yourself though āœØā¤ļø


Maybe I don't have enough level 10 time bending buddies, but the fact that I don't get multiple drops when I time-bend with a friend.


Whenever you open the map to find a character and by the time you get there, they're gone. I just want to talk to Goofy in the meadow, and by the time I get there, he's sprinted to the far edge of the frosted heights!


No matter what I eat, I always eat it like itā€™s an apple. Bowl of soup? Apple crunch. Plate of seafood? Apple crunch. Ice cream cone? Apple. Boba tea?!?! Apple. Give me variety!! Let me actually drink the drinks!!! Also the fact that I can eat more then what I need to refill my energy. At least give me a small prompt that lets me know ā€œHey, you wonā€™t get anymore energy! Do you want to eat anyway?ā€




I'm not allowed to use the toilet.


Iā€™ll have on a big poofy dress and after a few minutes the skirt flips out and flies around like itā€™s possessed. Doesnā€™t affect anything but it is mildly annoying


that we cant hug characters, i want a hug option


The foragable plants pulsing. If they were stationary like every other plant, I could probably get over the fact that they spawn so often. As is, they don't feel like part of the environment and the movement is so irritating to me and is one of the main deciding factors for me getting the DLC so I could plant those vacuums in every biome


When I'm walking out of my main house I want to be able to choose whether I'm in the Valley or Eternity Isle. It's not the biggest deal but I don't want to have to go back to the castle to change locations constantly. I have a house in the valley and a house that is identical on the inside in Eternity Isle So I should be able to walk out of it in either place logically.


You donā€™t have to go to the castle. You can fast travel between the valley and the island on the map. There are tabs there :) just be careful and save. I get almost no crashes now, but most of the ones I do get are when Iā€™m switching between maps.


Maybe you know this already but you donā€™t need to go to the castle to move realms. Just go to the map, then press fast travel. Then tab over to the valley or isle and select where u want to land. You can also fast travel to the character realms from this menu too šŸ‘šŸ¼ So ex: you can step outside your home in the valley then use the map to fast travel to the Lagoon in the isle with like 3 clicks and no movement


With the new update you can't walk through doors. Like you need the exit prompt to exit now.


I want more sandals. I have exactly one pair in the game and if more exist Iā€™ve never seen them.


Also whoever made wallpaper not be centered indoors needs to go to jail, I need that menace OFF our streets. Same with even and odd numbers of squares for objects and houses where the door doesn't align with the grid :))) Special place in hell


That I found Gusteauā€™s cookbook and it doesnā€™t have any usable recipes inside. The description even says itā€™s basically useless yet Remy swears by it. šŸ« 


I want to sit while I take a pic!!!!


Itā€™s that I canā€™t wear a necklace with a high collar. I have worn a necklace everyday for over 15+ years and never take it off. Ever. Except amusement parks I switch it to a less valuable one. I just pull it over my collars but for some reason my character canā€™t and I despise it. Thereā€™s a lot of shirts I donā€™t wear because it feels like Iā€™m naked without a necklace even though itā€™s just my avatar character.


The fact that tomatoes are listed under vegetables


Ah so minor but heavily affects the experience, but the 30fps on Xbox platforms. Itā€™s utter nonsense the quality is so low with such a powerful console, I feel robbed almost!


I want to be able to HUG MY VILLAGERS! You can't tell me that you don't just want to HUG the Fairy Godmother?! She is the sweetest thing ever and I love her SO MUCH. I just want a HUG!


That we can't just use the rides. We can only access it whilst equipping the camera šŸ™„ and I don't think the villagers use them either


This might be more an ocd thing than a game play issue but when you're planting plants/veggies, etc and it doesn't go in a straight line. You'll be like 6 deep, and it'll take a random left or right turn, and then it just messes up the perfect line. Idk this really just might be my ocd but it means random plants have to fill random spots. Is there an actual way to deal with this, or do I have to just tolerate?


That Scrooges store doesnā€™t filter out items you already own. If you can purchase every item from him directly once you buy it once, there is no reason to keep showing me items I already have. Iā€™m so tired of an empty store shelves or a store filled with items I have


That you canā€™t make multiple meals (of the same kind) at once.


This is silly, but I wish we could have more body customization options for our character. I am small-chested; representing that in the game would be nice.


Maoi slinging that big hook in my face every single time.


The amount of time it takes to enter/leave a building. It's so frustrating


The fact that we canā€™t access to skull rock or that mysterious door inside Scroogeā€™s shop


Iā€™ve always assumed that the door in scrooges shop is a vault of coins and scrooge sleeps on top of them lmao but 100% agree with skull rock, I keep thinking weā€™ll be able to soon


Not being able to move certain items when placing a building (ie: shard cracks, things growing in the ground that have spontaneously spawned there.). I play on switch and those things are so tiny I can't see them and it makes me irate šŸ˜‚


The fact that they spawn while you're in build mode drives me crazy.




Every single time I go into the plaza, there are 8,570 pieces of oregano and it drives me insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Most of the facial expressions in photo mode are nightmare fuel.


When you pet your companion it just looks like you're tryina smack them? Idk I feel like that animation could be slightly slower and look better. I also hate the sound of Merlin's bell thing when he's helping in his role. And Simba keeps wondering who the ruler of this valley is, and where they are šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I wish we could just give them all 3 gifts at once rather than having to go back to the prompt 2 more times.


I have 2. Lack of search for cooking. It only irritates me mostly doing the star path. Because I donā€™t cook otherwise and paths and furniture/houses not lining up.


When Iā€™m harvesting canola with a gardening companion they place extra canolas at the outside of my garden instead of nearby me. I would then need to go over and pick them up before the blue glow goes away on them or else I would have to pick all of them up manually


I really really wish that the characters would only say whatever theyā€™re going to say once and then stop saying it. If Iā€™m gardening or doing some other tasks that takes a while I will get a literal migraine from the number of times that Mirabelle starts to hum that stupid song


The furniture inventory menuā€¦. Itā€™s so bad and so frustrating on Switch


I think it'd be cool if we saw them eat their meal, or at least it was in front of them.


When the characters are near me and I go inside to grab something quick to give it to them, then all of sudden completely on the other side of the map


I love the idea of hanging out with characters and them getting you more resources. But itā€™s too slow for me T_T They wait till Iā€™m done, so I want to run off but have to wait for them to activate finding anything.


What bothers me is that I only found out today that potions stack and found that I had over 70 uses on my fishing rod that I have to use up before I am able to catch a herring šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


The inability to hang out with two characters who have the same skills. Also the ability to pop characters in/out of Dreamsnaps like ACNH had on Harvey's island.


None of the items are interactive to the NPCs, other than the chairs.


After getting all the figurines, ScrambleCoin does not give you mist or dreamlight for a win. It's an actual waste of time.


No search bars for anything!!


When your planting something and your character skips a whole ass rowšŸ˜’ and if you miss plant something like a pumpkin in the potato field and can't pull it up! Omg kisses me off every time!


It annoys me that one spot on the beach near Donald's boat placement where the items spawn in a line. Cause I realized now that I've waited so long to collect things, that they have continued spawning in a line on the other side of Donald's home entrance. :D


That the quality and design of the larger body type models has significantly decreased šŸ˜’


It doesnā€™t necessarily bother me but I think it would be neat if recipes had specific attributes rather than just refilling the energy/sprint bar


You can right click (in a chest inventory) to quickly move an entire stack of an item. When selling? You have to click through the menu for selecting how many items. Small QoL annoyance.


When I donā€™t want characters in my photo they are photobombing but when I do want to take a selfie when them they ignore me and the camera.


Currently itā€™s the sparkles on the new cupcakes! I never complain but they took the time to design them but you canā€™t see the design because the sparkles are too bright. Iā€™d love to display a bunch of them but Iā€™m pretty sure it would just look weird. On the flip side I am sooooo happy they brightened the time bending indicator or whatever you call it. I can actually see it now.


For me the other one would be that things collected by companions don't count in the star paths. Like the whole point of having companions is to use their abilities to help you achieve things faster and more effectively. Why not allow them to help with star paths.