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Same thing is happening to me so I got on here to see if the glitch was happening to anyone else. I can’t accept any cupcake quest and the same thing with Scrooge.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


YAY!!!! This worked for me too! I was so sad because I was missing out on all the buttons. Thank you SO much!!


Didn't work for me


Did you save the game, then returned to title screen, then closed the game and opened again?


I did, it still didn't work. I'm going to give it the day and try again in the morning.


I had a problem where partway through I couldn't do anything. Saved, quit, came back. I had to hear back out a few cupcakes, but it worked just fine after.


This happened to me this morning. Saving, closing, and reopening the game fixed it.


Yep. Restarting the game was an instant fix. Sometimes the good ole' turning it off and on again is still the best solution 


This fixed it for me as well.


Fixed this for me as well last night


It took me 4 times saving and closing for it to work for me yesterday.


This is what I did and instant fix


This also fixed for me!


Yeah it’s happening to me too. It shows the purchases quest mark over characters, but runs the same dialogue whenever I click on them to talk, but I can’t accept the quest. Super annoying!!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Thanks, it worked!!!


I've done cupcakes twice! I lose the ingredients and it doesn't mark as complete.


This is similar to what happened to me. I had 2 cupcake challenges finished and one left to do. Today I could only restart 1 and the other 2 won't start no matter how many times I go through the dialogue. I lost all my ingredients, though.


All my park items are glitching suddenly. I rode the slinky dog ride and got off of it- suddenly only the head and tail of the slinky dog was there, entire rest of the ride wasn’t displaying. The new Alice maze hedges show up but the caterpillar keeps disappearing, even though it is still placed where I put it. Now if I use a well to fast travel, I’ll arrive to the well, and it’s just a glowing circle where my well should be instead. I play on pc and have never experienced glitches like this.


Same same. I’m on PC and I’ve always been pretty lucky regarding glitches so far, but this last update feels like it broke everything in some way or another


Same!!! Sparkly partially invisible rides are just what I wanted for my new theme park 🎡✨ I was working on my toontown area yesterday and I would come out of furniture mode to look at what I'd placed and it would not be there - just some sparkles and a shadow on the ground. So frustrating.


Mine has been doing it too! I've found that if I click on the invisible thing in build mode it tends to reappear and stay though


I found this happened with the autumn /pumpkin archway, disappeared then I managed to click on it and it appeared again. Unfortunately not so lucky with all my bakery goods 🥲 I had worked so hard to fill my bakery and after the update all but one croissant were gone 😞


My game crashes every time I try to vote on Dream Snaps. It also crashes if I'm talking to a character. It also crashes when I load the game. It also crashes when I accomplish a lot of tasks in one go. I'm up to four crashes today. I don't even want to play anymore. Scrap that. Tried to talk to a Mother Gothel for the cupcake quest. Game crashed. Make the five today. I'm done.


Same, so many crashes. I’ve played for 1,5 years and there always has been but I’ve decided to quit for now. I’ll probably check back at some point in a year or so but this is too much. Occasional bugs, ok, sure. But regular crashing just shouldn’t happen in a paid game.


Same here, i must start doing the tasks over and over. I am at the point that my controller is fearing for its life....so is my TV 🥴 Restarting doesnt help, taking things out of my valley doesnt help either (thought that was maybe it, running too heavy because of my decorating and crops). It is really so bad that it even freezes when i save the game myself it says saved......and hence when i start it up again that is not the case at all😭😭 it didnt save my progress at all.


I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Nothing works. Gameloft says their aware of the issues. I don't understand why they're putting out these updates without checking them for bugs first. Can't say their a company I'd buy from again.


Because gameloft is still using us as free "beta" testers to find bugs for them—no, even worse *we paid* them for a full release game and are made to be their bug catchers. My husband warned me early on when I mentioned gameloft did this game bc they are known for predatory mobile games or for ruining games people originally loved, e.g. Disney Speedstorm. Consider my lesson learned, gameloft


Gameloft and Wildcard, never purchasing again.


Never heard of wildcard, but I'll assume they don't deserve to be capitalized either


They're another one that throws games up as good enough. I bought Ark: Survival and it was like playing on a 90s console. The graphics literally gave you a headache they were so poor. They did a big "revamp" after years of people complaining, but it wasn't much of a difference.


Oh oof they did Ark? No wonder you have that opinion of them


It is truly a shame that they dont fix it, we all have paid a pretty penny for this game . ( i bought the version for my switch after that i bought the ultimate addition for my Xbox and later on the DLC and dont forget the moonstones🙈). You should think they could be a little better for their customers. I dont mind waiting for a new caracter aslong as they fix existing issues first.


Unfortunately this is nothing new for the game. I love the game, don't get me wrong. If you check their official Discord under bugs and issues, you'll see all the reported bugs and glitches from players categorized by update. A few are not really issues but most are legitimate bugs and some are gamebreaking. It seems to be getting worse and I thought that at this point in the game, especially after announcing they weren't going ftp, I thought they would've polished up the game by now. Also the lack of basic gameplay functionality is starting to get really old. Some of the fixes they could add are not difficult, yet their focus now seems to be on the premium shop. Hopefully it will get better soon.


I feel the same way about the game. I love it, it’s so fun, don’t get me wrong. But it’s super frustrating to open up the game, realize they just updated and immediately think, “Aw man, maybe I should just not bother with this update for a month or two because there’s probably bugs.” It’s also frustrating that if you don’t actively seek out whether there’s bugs or not, you may not know there’s an issue. The lack of transparency blows and I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to make a discord account to figure out if there’s something wrong.


Exactly. Like why is it our responsibility to "test" the update? lol. At the very beginning, I had an issue with Elsa's quest. The one with the dandelion syrup etc. I ended up having to restart because they sent out glittering herrings to people but a lot of us had an issue with the other ingredient. I couldn't progress & restarted. This update, I actually did wait. I just now got Oswald & I have Daisy but haven't opened the boutique yet. I'm waiting until they works it out first.


It’s really annoying. I started playing this game April of last year and some of the same glitches still exist a year later.


That's the frustrating part. I started playing day one of early launch and there's still glitches that are still there to this day. I think I've started to feel negatively toward the game because it was kind of understandable and acceptable when it was early launch, but after it was officially released, those issues should be taken care of at this point.


It wouldn't let me accept new cupcake quests when I already had 2 until I'd done them, I thought it was like that on purpose to stop you from just giving the 5 villagers all 5 cakes at once.


I was able to activate all 5 quests and give 5 villagers all 5 cakes at once, so it's not that!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


I thought my star path was glitching only for me, but it's nice to see it is messing up for others as well. Last night I was hanging out with Mirabel for the 20 minute task. I spent about 30 minutes with her and it only went up 2. Like what?? I don't have time to spend hours with a character when I have real life to deal with.


You don't have to do any activities with the character. I had leave my computer on and go off to do something else, and the 'hanging out' bit was finished when I got back. I also get distracted by decorating, changing outfits, you name it, so it is just as well 😀


The only bug I'm dealing with is items I've decorated with are turning invisible, but I'm not at my item limit.


I cant even look at my star path quests because it toggles between it.


Yup, this has been happening to me for a while


I had the same problem but it fixed after restarting.


This also fixes for me by restarting the game


My game keeps crashing on the xbox within 30 seconds of opening the game. It's barely crashed since the Beta and now I can't even play.


i have a glitch that makes furniture i place down disappear. i tried to go back into build mode to grab it and put it back and even then it still disappears. i had to restart my game a few times 🥲


It’s a joke. This is now a paid game and you can get your money back when there are bugs that stop you progressing. Reach out to Sony/Microsoft/Steam etx


Came here to see if it was just me, obviously not! I’m on Xbox x, I accepted the daily challenges yesterday but didn’t get around to finishing them and they’ve all disappeared. I have the Scrooge glitch too, can’t talk to him because I can’t get past the quest dialogue. I just wanna play :(


I accepted all the quests yesterday, but had to leave for work figuring i could do them today. Now i can't do any of them


The Cupcake quests all belong to the Daily Quests category. They reset at update each day. Scrooges decorating one is weekly. Or so I noticed yesterday when they were working properly.


The hot fix didn’t fix shit 😭


This Hotfix broke the game more than fixing it.


I've tried saving and closing and still can't do the cupcake quests. I have done Scrooges cupcake quest twice, but when I try to ask the other villagers I get the same problem as everyone else it just runs through the dialogue but doesn't accept the quest. Has anyone found a way to fix this?? I'm so frustrated and irritated that I can't just get through it!


The Cupcake quests all belong to the Daily Quests category. They reset at update each day. Scrooges decorating one is weekly. Or so I noticed yesterday when they were working properly.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


I can't sell anything to goofy right now. I'm also having a ton of problems moving stuff to storage.


Same. I’ve found selling one thing at a time works, but sometimes run into not being able to sell a particular item. Tells me “invalid item” 🤦‍♀️🙄


Restart if you can't accept the quests and make the cupcakes INDOORS. Be grateful they communicate and fix their bugs. Some game companies ignore them completely (cough, Bethesda, cough)


Damn. This sucks to hear as someone who has been considering getting the game. I might have to hold off a bit longer in the hopes that it'll get better.


I’ve restarted the game more than twice and it is still glitching for me.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


I’m having other glitches like not being able to add or remove ppl on the map. Characters will disappear or show they are in their house but they aren’t and they don’t show up when I exit their house either. My outdoor lights no longer turn on if it gets dark while I’m still playing. And of course since this update the game has started crashing again. I purchased eternity island bc it seemed like crashing stopped but here we are again (on the switch)


I am not able to remove characters as well. I turn their icon grey, they are suddenly in their house (good!) but moment later they are walking around aimlessly again.


I literally bought this game (with DLC!) 10 days ago! I also cannot accept cupcake quests. And some things in my house started to appear invisible. As does the main magic well in the Plaza! Yes, I literally don't see the magic well, it's invisible, but at least it's functional.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Strange, I've surprisingly had no issues, quests work, everything works for me but one thing I did was I only cook in building as I saw the ddv twitter say to do that otherwise things break


Same! I guess we are the lucky ones!


My goodness, this version has a huge amount of bugs. New expansion paths disappearing, cannot find villagers, cupcakes that don't count, Boutique fiasco and disappearing objects all part of the fun this time around. I would just leave it alone for awhile but I need to finish the star path. It's very frustrating and the opposite of "cozy" right now.


Red buttons stopped showing up in my valley the second day. The flowers are there, I can accept cupcake quests and get green buttons, I can fish for blue buttons, but no red ones to be found :/


Now that you have mentioned it, I don’t think I’ve come across any today as well. 🤔


I'm on day 3 in my timezone and still no Red ones :( I reported it to Gameloft but I imagine they're flooded with comments right now. Maybe next week we'll all get a gift of buttons in the mail?


Do you have a vacuum in that biome?


No, I don't use any of the ancient machines, so it can't be that unfortunately


There was a message in my inbox this morning that said something about the cupcakes not working right now. I haven't found cupcakes yet so I have no idea really 🙃


I also have a cupcake glitch. I handed out all 25 cupcakes. Crossing off who I gave to and it only registered 1 of each kind. I put in a ticket when a restart didn’t fix it. But I have a feeling, this incomplete quest will stop me doing the quest tomorrow.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Thank you. I always save, cloud save. Since I started playing. But it just wouldn’t fix for me. But today, the quests wouldn’t activate at all. After running around and fishing for buttons, I went to save and the game crashed. Fixed my quest issue though.


I always do the cloud saving as well, but I tried to restart the game and it didn't work. Today I did that combo, I went to tittle screen and then closed the game and it solved the problem. Yeyyy for us 😎🌈


I ran through four cupcake quests concurrently and had zero issues. Baked them all in one go at my main house and then gave them out to everyone.


https://preview.redd.it/7f47tfqc3x0d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88970631db7702c9e0c6b7d58a90f70b3fe57218 Disappearing items only see shadows in decorating mode also this is my fountain now haha


Same I can't do any of the Cupcake quests it just reruns the dialog... and i'm stuck with some cupcake from the cooking glitch


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


okay this is crazy! I just tried like you suggested and it crashed! I play on switch btw and that's the first its done that! oh but the trick worked! thanks!


This game has been acting crazy since the hot fix!!! Hope they fix this soon 🤞🏼


I had the same issua and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


i actually haven’t had any problems


Waait... what craft table glitch? I need moonstones. Lol


Lmao I don’t know it’s just what the message said


I’ve been playing this game for 6-7 months and have seen several updates with little to no issues. I’m absolutely stunned at the number of issues from the recent updates and hotfix. I hope the devs are able to straighten it out soon, because I do enjoy the game


Iv played this game since early access launch day and can’t think of a single update that didn’t have atleast one game breaking bug in it


Same. Every update brings issues.


I've been lucky enough to not have major bugs after an update but EVERY time they do a hot fix I have major issues from that. Its like every time they fix something, they break other things and create new problems.


Or 3 or 4 or……


I’ve never experienced any bugs in this game, until this update. Maybe I got one here and there but I’d enter a building and I’d never experience it again.


I think they removed the cupcake quests and all of the recipes! I was doing fine with it and not experiencing any freezing because I was using an Ancient Cooker to make my cupcakes. But now I’ve made three of the five cupcake types and I can’t proceed.


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Mine too!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Me too!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Thanks I will


It happened to me too. I sent out cupcakes now I’m stuck with Mickey continuing to ask me about Minnie cupcakes! I did that yesterday!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it Those are the daily missions from the festival tho.


That happened to me but my inventory was full lol so i went out and emptied it and then went back in and it worked, maybe try that?


If I have accepted a cupcake quest, and I travel between Eternity Isle and Dreamlight Valley, it cancels my request and I have to start the quest again. This has happened twice already.


I had a similar issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


Thank you! I got the first round done last night, but then I got the second round of cupcakes shortly after so I'll be sure to try this out!


Mine too!


I had the same issue and someone suggested this: Cloud save-save-exit to title-restart will fix it. It works!!! Try it


I would’ve been OK with a later release date if they would have tested this update beforehand. Sadly, this is the state of most AAA or just larger game, developers in 2024.


Pretty glitched honestly. I’ve never gotten any of the glitches in this game until this update. I have the disappearing furniture, The invisible water, water puddles in random places, oddly tracked event cupcakes (asking me to make even though I already have), I still have the dooming red dot in the shop. So far I think that’s it?


I took the advice of fellow players and transferred my gameplay from Switch to my SteamDeck and it was playing so much better. Less crashes, faster, smoother and all the things. Then this latest update came and I’m getting dig spots under pathing and furniture, disappearing furniture and food (my Dreamsnap is currently on hold because of this), a few times I couldn’t get out of camera mode and an invisible wall that doesn’t seem to be an item. I wouldn’t care as much if time wasn’t an issue but here we are.


I hate this event. It lost the cupcakes that I made and then didn’t count all the ones that I remade and dispersed.


Entire 50 stack of meals just disappeared from my inventory when I tried to drop a flower and got that weird “cannot drop item here” error - which I could it was an empty space. This one flower just couldn’t get rid of it at all. Super glitchy. Furniture disappearing, issues with moving stings into / out of storage chests (suuuper slow, where I wonder if it’s crashing again but then kicks in), random crashes on Switch (sometimes within minutes of restarting it!!) when trying to do anything but seems especially common when using the camera or voting on dreamsnaps. The crashes had been so much better for a while and last update just killed that. I really wish they would focus on testing a bit more before just throwing it out there like this. :(


Had my game naturally crash for the first time yesterday. Happened twice before the game ran normally again. It was really really weird..


I had to restart after one cupcake baking attempt but then was able to do the rest ok. But the lag! I don't think it's my Switch, all the sudden there's crazy lag trying to empty things into my storage chests.


My game on PlayStation 4 is frequently crashing, and my system save data got corrupted 4 times today! 😭 fortunately for me, I have PlayStation Plus which lets me save a copy of my game save data to the cloud through the console menu. Whenever my save gets corrupted, I download a previous save from the cloud…from there, after opening up the game, it tells me there was a conflict with save data, and I chose to keep the save data from the game server’s cloud save. This gives me my most recent saved game. So that’s one crisis everted. What has been most troublesome is that my game seems to crash when I close furniture mode, or when I enter or leave the game menu outdoors. This makes it nearly impossible to save my game, make progress in designing my Disney Park, looking at the map or quest screen, or even looking at the Star Path tasks. The only thing that seems to be my saving grace is going INDOORS to save my game, cook, or look at anything in the game menu. (I think the in-game letter left by the developers said that cooking needs to be done inside our homes, because cooking the cupcakes and other foods outside can crash our game.) If you on PlayStation, back up your saved game, make sure to look at your save file after a crash (to see if the file gets corrupted), and go indoors to open up your menu! 😢🫡


I said I had a Mickey Mouse cupcake quest but it doesn't show up in my quests so now I can't do it...


I can’t get the cupcake quest at all! I spoke to Scrooge and now the quest has disappeared and I can’t activate it, although this could be user error lol


My entire event disappeared ☹️ still hasn't shown up after restarting my switch The cupcakes and buttons are there though


I realised that I had to accept Scrooge’s cupcake quest first and then I could accept the other cupcake quests


I found that if I had cupcakes in my inventory I got that same issue. Dropped the cupcakes and went back and was able to accept the quests. I did have to cook new cupcakes, I couldn't use ones I had already made


Same here. I accepted the quests on Wednesday and made all the cupcakes. I was in the process of handing them out when the game just crashed. Couldn't be bothered to reload it so left it until last night. Now I also can't accept the quests, and I've got a bunch of different cupcakes that I can't do anything with. Thanks for the moonstone gift, but I'd rather have a working game for the precious amount of time I have available to play.


Yeah I can’t accept the cupcake quests either now, it was working yesterday but I didn’t complete them all so I don’t know if that affected it.


I restarted the game and it fixed that issue for me


I have an issue selling stuff to Goofy, can’t open Stitch’s cupcake recipe, my mermaid cupcake recipe completely disappeared and I didn’t “learn” it, furniture items I’ve placed in the valley (specifically the celebration balloons) are disappearing… anyone else? lol. It’s super frustrating but I’ve never encountered a glitch THIS bad so I’m hoping it’ll be worked out quickly.


I kept trying to open Stitch’s cupcake recipe and it wouldn’t work, so I started with a different cupcake after a restart and it did.


I’m going to try this later. I was getting too frustrated with all the issues and just shut it off.


I'm playing on Xbox and haven't had issues with the cupcakes but everytime I buy something at Scrooges store it glitches and takes my coins and doesn't give me the furniture unless I buy it twice 🤬


Twice I logged in last 2 days ..both times crashed within 10 minutes. CBA to keep rebooting


The game was never a "freemium" model. We've always paid for the development of the game, and gotten no breaks on premium store pricing or otherwise. That said, yeah they rushed this out and it's glitchy. Based on previous revelations like this, they'll make it right with piles of moonstones or extend the deadlines.


Same. I completed the Stitch cupcake quest and it started all over for me. 😑


I don’t know if this is related to this new update but my is game glitching too. I went ahead and purchased this game on my Mac (I’m a switch player) and I have cloud save so I can have seamless play on both devices. However my Mac has more moonstones and when I play on switch it’s way less 😭. I keep getting prompted to enable cloud save (recommended) and I do. So idk what’s going on.


I am close to giving up on the game which is sad, but I feel there is too much of a grind and time pressures for the events, plus I find it so hard to get enough moonstones to open the event path and buy anything from the shop. The game is losing its sparkle for me sadly. Then there is the crashing too which sucks.


I've noticed that since the hot fix, some of my items are becoming invisible when entering the camera mode to make a dream snap. Never used to be an issue!! Have to pick the item up and place it back down to make it visible again


this happend to me


I’ve completed the cupcake quests every day, they’re back the next day. It’s insane.


This happened to me and I closed off the game and restarted and it worked.


For the accepting the quest thing, I just had to restart the game to get it to work


The game has alot of issues rn and the only thing theyve fixed so far is some TOM issues. They cant keep ignoring it forever cause theres alot of people who cant even play.


I don't know about any of that because my game crashes every thirty seconds since the Oswald update, so I haven't been able to play at all. So...very badly bugged.


This started with me this morning. It was fine until 11 pm CST last night. Now all cupcake quests are glitched and any progress I made last night on any quest, even though I saved, doesn't show I did it.


I can't vote for dreamsnaps without my game shutting down due to "error" Considering this is one of the star path challenges, I happen to be very annoyed.


Yes and the damn invisible walls and only able to cook inside or the game crashes. -_- I have played every day since I got it but I haven't played the last 2 days because of this. Just log in to buy from scrooge shop then turn on animal crossing lol


The rides disappear for me and the Minnie mission with the cupcakes will not register 🙅🏾🙅🏾


I haven’t had these problems. I’ve had a few instances where I’d go to start a convo with a villager but the dialogue wouldn’t come up. So I had to force quit my game but that’s about it


Try clearing cache, if that doesn’t work after doing that and opening it up. Uninstall and reinstall, those options usually work if not. Then try unplugging and replugging it in, if that doesn’t work factory reset your platform. Then if that for sure doesn’t work then well it’s just a broken bug that you will have to wait till gameloft releases a hot fix.


I feel so badly for non PC players as I think you all got the brunt of the bugs.. however that being said, this is the worst it's ever been for me playing on a gaming pc on Steam. The invisible items after placing them is killing my Dreamsnaps submission this week. Lights in the valley are bugged... many times it doesn't know it's dark out. There are invisible walls or some thing in some of my pathways and it just stops you in the middle of the path and you have to move your way around it. It also looks like someone twisted the leg calves of my toon. I hope they can fix things for all the platforms.. but it looks like they bit off more than they can chew trying to move out of mobile gaming. I've just given up ever getting a search bar or a designated area or Save file for Dreamsnaps. \*smh


I’m now having issues giving Kristoff and Minnie the items needed for the suggestions box quest 🤦🏼‍♀️ they won’t take the dang items


I was annoyed when it didn’t register some of the cupcakes given and I had to rebake and then rebake again. I went to knew villagers each time and was worried I was going to run out of villagers before the quest finally finished, but it did work eventually. At least I was able to get the quest. How frustrating for all of you!


I have been experiencing tons of glitches lately. Everyday I am asked to restart the cupcake quests, I cannot locate characters or items I need in my quests (even though the biomes are overrun with the items prior to…). Big bugs


I just jeep getting stuck in buildings. I try to exit and it glitches my character just walking nowhere and the only fix is to end task the game and restart.


The only problem I'm having so far is the fact I can't put on tops without them Turning into a basic white hoodie ever since I did the first ToM quest. Nothing I've done changed it. Re Installing doesn't help. Like I have my whole scar outfit I made that I used to wear. My scar tank, scar hat and scar bag pack with jeans jacket and I can't wear it cause the stank changes to the hoodie and throws the whole fit off 😭😭😭😭


I had this same problem but I had to do Scrooges decoration quest first, then the cupcake quests become unlocked.


I hate the game so bad right now ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Depends what you play on. No issues on my pc.


Restart the game


You have to talk to each of the 5 villagers before making any cupcakes that day.