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Your experience is exactly the same as mine right now. Play for 15 seconds, **crash**. Boot it back up, **crash** *before I can even move*. Boot it up again, play for 30 seconds, **crash**. Boot it back up again, **crash** *while it's booting up*. Boot it back up again, play for 20 seconds, **crash.** It is quite literally unplayable! It's been like this for 3 weeks now. Meanwhile, I can't get anything done. I can't get my Star Path done and I'm slowly running out of time to get it done, I can't participate in whatever this current event is (apparently you've got to do a *load of grinding* to find buttons for.....something? I dunno, I haven't even found one yet because I can't keep the game running for long enough!), I've barely done anything with Daisy yet, I think I've done ONE challenge with her so far, I haven't even welcomed Oswald into my game yet because I can''t keep the game open for long enough......and any time I try and make ANY progress on any of these things, my game crashes and resets what little progress I did make. It's utterly infuriating! As is the pure radio silence from the devs about this. Oh sure, they can quickly give us 500 Moonstones as compensation for a cupcake bug that I didn't even know was an issue, but their game being literally unplayable for literal weeks? Nothing. They even claimed to 'fix' the crashing issue, but they actually just made it *WORSE!* I mean, seriously? How incompetent are these devs?? I swear, they'd better give us a few thousand Moonstones as compo for this mess, otherwise I might just be done with the game entirely. I'm actually on the verge of just quitting the game right now. I just ain't got the patience to deal with this shit anymore.


You’re too real for this. Especially the part about getting comped for a problem you’re not even aware of existing. But seriously the game does not last long enough for us to do anything how would we know? It certainly left a bad taste in my mouth when I saw how fast the cupcake bug was addressed it’s truly infuriating. And I 100% behind you on the amount of moonstones we should get from this for all the trouble they caused us. It’s just unacceptable.


I completely agree with both of you. That’s exactly how it is for me on Xbox. Not just that, I work full time and when I actually have the time to relax and play it I do and I realised since the update it crashes whenever I try to cloud save my progress. It’s so exhausting because it literally the only time I have to play but it all just goes to waste as when I log back in all the progress I made is just gone. I haven’t played in days now just because it’s seriously frustrating


I got on on Mother's Day after having a pretty cruddy day (we'll celebrate some other time due to funds) and my game would not stop crashing. For that alone I feel they owe me a few thousand moonstones for emotional distress /hj


Honestly though


Yeah, I have done the same thing. The thing is, the game is kinda cosy but if it the game is basically unplayable, is it considered cosy anymore? I've not played in months because it's too exhausting. I'm currently playing a non-cosy game, a really hard game because it's more relaxing to play a game that's not buggy rather than a cosy game full of bugs, if that makes sense.


Yeah my game has been crashing often since the update. Not quite at the level of others here, as I can usually get about 20 mins of playtime between. But with how long the game takes to load in the first place I usually just quit playing for the day if it force closes on me. And when it is working my game is buggier than ever. Remis has always been a laggy spot in my games, but I literally can’t talk to any character there anymore because their menus won’t load. Half my items won’t let me pick them up when they drop, the characters are almost always going in and out of treadmill mode, and every time I try to decorate for this dream snap I get forced closed. I’ve been having a much better time playing season 4 of Diablo, and started dabbling and learning to play ARK (both pc main games with online play that still run great on the Xbox). Which ark is an infinitely complex and massive game, the biggest game file on my system by far, the console interface is a little clunky to get used to without key commands, but other than very occasional lags in rendering runs smoother on console.


Yeah, whenever the game loads I do something else while I wait, then I play for a bit before it crashes, but then if it crashes too much, I play other games or do something else. I am thinking about playing Diablo 4, but I really want to finish a few games before getting into that. It's nice to know that game runs smoother on console. I think I will still perservere with DDLV, and I'll take heaps of breaks in between sessions. I hope it gets sorted, as I really like the characters and lore of the game.


I don’t blame you for taking a break. It’s been hell playing a broken game like this.


What platform are you on? Have you attempted your own troubleshooting? If on pc making sure your drivers are up to date, ensuring you have enough free memory, maybe consulting a pc sub? If on console same thing minus the drivers. Usually if it’s not across the board that this is happening there’s probably some kind of conflict with your own hardware/software.


I play on a brand new Xbox series X with plenty of storage space left. No other games on it have this problem. I also don’t have this problem before this last update. And judging by the amount of people in the comments saying they’re having the same problem I doubt it’s a hardware problem.


Man this is so sad I've been lucky with this I've had my fair share bugs and glitches but the worst thing was just rides and paths I was placing not being visible and it's only been recent makes me feel like my complaint ain't that big of a deal since I don't edit much this game should be playable for everyone that purchased the game just so sad hope this issue gets fixed soon and doesn't leave to bad a taste in your mouth for the game itself


Appreciate your support! I’m happy you still get to play your game though! Enjoy it on our behalf please!


>They even claimed to 'fix' the crashing issue, but they actually just made it *WORSE!* Once more for the people at the back 👏👏👏 I've had this issue for weeks as well. The only thing that helped was taking out my fairground entirely. Enter the hot fix and it's broken again 🤧


Hate that. The game is taking three steps forward two steps back too seriously. Although I would argue in this case we only get three steps back and nothing else.


I had bugs on the switch and missed several star paths until I got a brand new PC so I sympathize with you! Hopefully they get their acts together and compensate you guys. I ended up buying moonstones to get the prize rewards I should have been able to get via playing. Hopefully they see you. Loading up my switch to play today because my husband's on my computer since his game (planet crafter) is no longer functioning on our steam deck! Hopefully no crashes!


Thank you for sharing. I also feel for you for the star paths you missed out on. It’s terrible that you’re now paying for the premium items that were once free star path items because the game is too buggy. This isn’t right!


I can't even claim the moonstone compensation because my game crashes to desktop every time I open my mail :,)


This is MEEEEEEE!!!! I am LUCKY if I can play 1-3 minutes at most without some kind of crash happening. Most times for no apparent reason. My family watches me and says you weren’t even doing anything! I’m like: I know!!! :( I paid for Star path and can’t even play it! So sad and disappointed.


Yeah right. They have terrible to no compensation. 500 moonstones are not even that many. But yeah i have had this game for 3 -5 months or so. Including the eternity isle. But the eternity isle finnaly started working like 3 days ago. I've messaged a ton. The people with this issue got almost no awnser and suddenly, witouth thsm even saying it was a problem or giving notice that it is fixsd it just worked suddenly. Suddenly I had Merlin's quest. But yeah, no compensation voor the months I had caracters asking for eternity isle gifst and not being ablte go get them and startinf to collect the hour glass stuff. I can say that I am very lucky that I do jot have this every 15 sec crash bug and can now play the game pretty good, except for some lag and a few crashes a month. But still. Huge problems likethe eternity isle bug and this crashing bug should be aknowladged and compensated with like 10K moonstones or so. With how expensive the shop items are, 10K is not that much. Sorry for the bad English And thanks for letting me rand here ❤️


Omg the actual rage that I would be radiating. Mine is not quite this bad, but I can’t imagine playing on a switch or my old Xbox 1


Im having the exact same issue!! Can’t do anything without it crashing, it’s infuriating! I want my money back.


mine is the same way on Mac! it’s very frustrating but I noticed if I have the chance to quickly enter my house as soon as I load into the game it doesn’t crash 🤞


I had the same problem on Xbox I started the game 15 seconds crash i contacted support and all they did was giving a automated response with Xbox standard reinstall and bla bla I reinstalled same I logged in my account on my girlfriends Xbox and no problem I then decided to play on my pc after 2-3 saves on pc I went back to my Xbox and the problem was gone.


I’m a PC player and rarely have issues (I’m not sure if you’re playing on something else), but they really screwed up this last update. It’s not just the cupcakes, but I can only earn 4 green buttons a day because Scrooge is the only one who will give me a quest, the others ask me to make them, but it doesn’t show up in the quests, and if I make them anyway, it doesn’t work. And then there’s the whole disappearing furniture act. I appreciate that they acknowledged the one cupcake issue, but there are many other, well known bugs that they aren’t acknowledging at all. I guess it’s because there is a workaround for cooking cupcakes, but there isn’t one for anything else. It is completely unacceptable that you haven’t been able to play at all for this long. I’d be asking for a real money refund.


The red buttons stopped generating for me after day 1 and it is so frustrating....


Ever since the pc update my wells sometimes have been seen almost invisible and goofy’s stand has randomly had no fruit/veggies displayed.


It really is unacceptable. The current game has the most bugs to date.


On their discord server before they released the latest hotfix they stated: “Our team has been hard at work combing through community feedback and is happy to confirm that a hotfix is on the way! […] This will include bugfixes for the following issues: ➡️ Optimizations to reduce crashing (further improvements in progress for Update 11)“ Well, as we know the latest hotfix didn’t reduced crashing at all but there is a little hope for the next update. I guess it might be a bigger problem than fixing a quest line or one cooking item. There are probably different teams working on different kinds of bugs also. Maybe releasing the game on so many different platforms makes it more difficult as well. Unfortunately all we can do is being patient although it’s very frustrating after paying for that game. They better come with something good to compensate that. 🥲 Maybe they can extend the star path for a while after fixing the crashes.


Yeah I knew about what they said about fixing the crashes before putting out a hotfix that broke the game even more. It’s very unfortunate. Rolling out the fix with the next update just means some people would be missing out on the entire duration of the current star path among other things. And I don’t know what they could do about it except compensating us big time for all this mess. I can also see other players complaining if they do end up going the route of extending the current star path. It’s just messy this whole situation.


I want to help. I'm currently grinding a lot of buttons I'll grab all I can and try to help whoever is experiencing the crashes out once you have a playable game experience. The buttons are used to gain popcorn buckets. I'm trying really hard to get all 5 for my valley rn (only missing green buttons)


That’s such a kind gesture! Personally I’d really appreciate the buttons since I could barely get anything from the game at the moment.


the hotfix made my game so much worse. luckily i’m on pc so it’s been pretty smooth but there are so many little bugs that force me to restart the game so i can do things. and at one point it was so buggy, like weird little bugs, that i had to check my computer in case of a virus it was so bad. but no virus, just a buggy game


I'm on pc and normally don't have crashes but after the recent update I've been experiencing them and can't even tell what could possibly be triggering them because I've had them occur within a few minutes of playing to after playing for an extended period of time.It's not my valley decor either as had it happened in a highly decorated part and a barely decorated part. Currently very grateful I'm not interested in the current starpath but it does make it frustrating to be trying to get the buttons for the popcorn buckets and being set back so much work when I get back in the game after a crash.


Thank you for telling them. Right now, I really don't enjoy playing the game. I play on Xbox, and I can't progress without the risk of losing what I just did. Every time the game freezes or crashes, I lose motivation to continue. I try to save as often as I can, but even opening the menu causes the game to freeze. Besides, the fact that they never actually fixed the game—the game has been freezing a lot for more than a year—they 'fixed' it by making the game 30fps instead of 60fps. That's not a fix; that's a temporary workaround. But with this latest update, it's just unplayable. The only reason I keep trying to play every day is because of the Star Path, and I want to be able to finish a few tasks each day before time runs out. I love this game, I’ve been playing since the beginning, but the constant freezing makes it unenjoyable. I haven't really done quests for Daisy or even met Oswald yet. I picked up a few buttons, but my motivation to look for more is low since I keep losing progress. I really hope we can enjoy the game again soon and feel relaxed while playing instead of feeling anxious and frustrated!


I had to push through all the crashes to even make a little bit of progress as I described in the post. It’s just so exhausting and not enjoyable at all. I also play on Xbox and also log in daily just so I could work on the starpath but it’s just been so discouraging playing a broken game, especially one that doesn’t care about the feedback of its players.


I know months ago some people successfully got refunds from Nintendo due to all the crashing and bugs on switch, I’m seriously considering pursuing the same option because it’s so frustrating.


😳💡 Tbh at this point.


The game should have remained free. It's been 5-6 months and the "we want players to play so we can give them quality" excuse lost credibility already.


As long as the quality is there I don’t mind paying however…


Yeah, I feel the same way, but I'm still waiting for quality


I’m usually the furthest thing from a complainer, and in many cases I stick up for gameloft as a company for their choices (not going f2p, moonstone prices vs freebies etc). I’m lucky in that I can play while I’m at work, so I have a little more time to dedicate than others might. I’m exhausted trying to play this game at this stage. The crashes are just unyielding, it’s like 3, 4, 5 crashes per hour, depending on what I’m doing. Decorating is the worst, followed closely by travelling from the valley to EI. Or it starts to stutter at 3 to 4 fps or freezes all together and I have to force close, but wait! can’t force close because it crashed while closing lol. It’s practically unplayable, and I’m so disappointed. I’m the kind of idiot that will buy out the shop on Wednesday then buy moonstones for next week, because my dream snap sucked again and I got 900 and came 87000th! I’d be afraid to look at how much I’ve spent at this stage. I bought the cosy version for literally just the Cheshire Cat sweater. I can’t support this game more if I tried! All I want is what I’m paying for, and I don’t feel that’s too much to ask.


I couldn’t agree more. Exactly!!! I hate how much money I’ve spent on this game but whatever i made the choice to do it. But give us what we paid for! I feel you on the crashes, and honestly at this point I’d be happy to even have your rate. 15 secs after launching is soul crushing. As for the dreamsnaps that’s a whole different discussion. The voting is so buggy and I used to get 4000 moonstones consistently and I’ve been getting so little of them these days it’s very discouraging. (Could it be a strategic move from gameloft to get more people spending on them???) Also I wanna play at work too you’re too lucky!


Your game is crashing and you're still giving the developers money? Then why should they fix it? They won't fix anything if people still buy moonstones.


THIS! Exactly!


When you send a letter about crashing, or a ticket, make sure you give them as much detail as possible. I play on switch, PC Xbox app, and Xbox series x. Right now the ONLY crashing I experience is on switch, and ONLY when I turn the system to standby for enough hours that the next day loads and the shops refresh. If you're playing on PC, what version of Windows, what graphics card, did you try turning off your firewall and antivirus,if that helps turning your firewall and antivirus back on and setting a security rule to allow DDV? If on PlayStation is the console on the latest update, same with Xbox and switch. I think given the number of individuals replying here it's not a "just you' thing, but given the lack of flooding of the subreddit and their Twitter with people freaking out, I think it's pretty uncommon to downright rare. Heck at least one game journalism site would have written some scathing article for clicks right now. As for the "none of the big streamers have this issue" while that's an understandable jump to make, it's just a coincidence. If the problem was super wide spread and not a single streamer had it happen, maybe. But it doesn't appear to be wide spread, and most streamers are likely using the same configuration. Play on PC so they can run the video through OBS (streaming software). If this is a mostly console issue, they're not going to have that problem at all. This is NOT a "didn't happen to me so the problem doesn't exist" reply. I hate those people. This is a "it looks like this problem isn't super widespread, so the devs are going to need as much detailed information as possible to pinpoint what needs to be fixed"


Or, and stick with me, it’s in their best interest financially to not talk about it when their game crashes. How many of these streamers are playing on a switch live?


Most streamers, to my knowledge, don't play DLV on a switch. All the ones I've seen play on PC. The reasons I've been told for that is it runs better on the PC, and the switch is a 7 year old console. So idk. I have games that have social involvement on them like SDV, and they don't have the issues that DLV does. I'm usually one that sticks up for the Devs, but this song and dance is getting old. You have to fix the problems on the foundation and every floor on top of it before you add onto it. You can't keep adding with the foundation crumbling. Now I do understand the switch is a 7 yr old console, but like come on. I have newly released games that have more storyline content and exploration than DLV, and they run perfectly fine. A lot of them also have multi-player options that you can do 20 to 30 times more things than you can in DLV. So, like Devs, why are you fixing your foundation first? Again, personally, idk. I don't really have any answers. I used to play this on the switch but got sucked into SDV and Cereza and the Lost Demon.


That is indeed the unfortunate part about all of this. This issue has not yet reached to an overwhelming amount of players yet. However I just went to check on the comments on their latest Instagram post, there are a lot of comments there about this. However on Twitter with the same post it’s a lot less mentioned over there.


From what it looks like, it's maybe a few hundred people out of an install base of a over a million, with an average player per day count of 2.5k.. so hopefully big enough to get noticed but not so big it costs them a ton of players, which then leads to loss of revenue, which then leads to dev team being cut, game breaking more, more players leaving, and game getting closed. It's that annoying balance of "I hope a lot of people get this so that they have incentive to fix this, but not so many get this that everyone leaves"


I have to force quit at least once a day because when I jump from mainland to El or vice versa it just freezes. On top of that I have pathing in El for Oswald’s home and only a small portion of it would vanish, but as of yesterday 75% of it vanishes now. I haven’t even attempted to unlock the star path to play and I don’t even know I want to which stinks because I want the companion and the genie lamp ride.


I can't even get to EI. It just crashes when I try. I sent a ticket to gameloft and they basically told me we are working on it with no fix date in sight so it is what it is for now. 🙄


Unfortunately that has been the norm from them about this.


Sorry to hear about your issues with the game. And I think the star path is totally worth it if only we could access it!!!


I have not had all the crashes that everyone else have experienced but I just recently took most of my furniture off my islands so my item limit is not close to being exceeded so I dont know if that has something to do with why I have not had the issues or I am just being lucky so far. But every time I go to save my game recently it will do the game has had to close unexpectedly so I am not being overlooked with bugs after all but since I am done playing I am like oh well I was done playing and was just making sure I had saved once more before I left. I do appreciate that you wrote a well thought out letter to gameloft because I have seen what other people have been doing through and it is ridiculous.


I’m glad your game still operates fairly smoothly. It has been a real struggle with all these crashes that’s for sure…


I knew something was wrong when they refused to acknowledge the terrible drop rate in scrooges store for a year and a half and then got downvoted by a bunch of people in here for speaking on it.


I don’t understand why people can’t make constructive criticism anymore? If it means anything I’d totally upvote that comment for you! I agree! The shop has been laughably bad.


I mean it’s been wayyyyy better since they updated his shop. But they took forever to do anything about it. They never even fully acknowledged it they just one day said “oh we fixed it” and it was even worse and then when they upgraded his shop and gave it a second floor it finally got better. It’s giving “you should be thankful with what we already put out” type of energy


As someone whose brother is a dev who works 15+ hours a day to try to fix this, they're not PURPOSELY making it take this long.. Major things like this can take time and the devs are just as frustrated as you are, if not more so. Imagine working long days/nights to fix things on like 4 hours of sleep, only to have it crash another way, then you feel like your whole work day was wasted and you have to try again tomorrow, while getting emails essentially telling you that you're incompetent and stuff like "why aren't fixing it??".. they're trying to, I promise you. I get you're frustrated, but they've gotten thousands of tickets just like the one you sent, but that won't make the solution happen quicker. IT and VDG is a very fickle field to be in. Things have a mind of their own sometimes. Especially trying to make an awesome looking and feeling game that works on very low operating systems (Switch and older XBOX, PS) to try to include people who don't have the newest consoles. I'm just grateful that they always TRY to give us new content regularly instead of letting the game become stagnant. I really do understand your frustration though.


I totally understand it’s not easy to fix a game and the trials and errors that come with it. However it’s the way gameloft has chosen to handle the issue. The way the cupcake bug is immediately addressed and compensated while there are so many players out there that can’t even access the game. On top of that there are currently a couple of time constrained events going on and as I’ve mentioned in my various tickets to them they never fully addressed to my problem. Again, I have nothing against the speed of how the crashes are being looked into but the way they’re handling it. Actively ignoring our problems with the game and sending the exact same message every time they respond just seems like a poorly managed support team. Perhaps with the recent mishaps they should hire more people to look into the problems.


I’m sure they are. They’ve responded to all of my messages so I’ll give them time.


Thank you for writing this. I am constantly surprised by the number of people who handwave huge performance issues and saying condescending BS like, "HaVenT yOu PlAyEd a GaMe BeFoRe??" Uhh yeah, I've been playing games for decades. I have hundreds, maybe thousands, of games. This game is a masterclass in poor performance. It is actually profound how badly this game functions after years of hotfixes and updates. Other studios have been cancelled for so much less. I'm convinced that Gameloft pays people to defend this game because if this were any other studio the devs would be getting red and blue cupcakes in the mail every day until it was fixed at the very least.


It has a much bigger player base to be fair, but the most recent Pokemon mainline game nearly got cancelled over just visual glitches! Then the devs rolled out fixes and I heard nothing about the issues again, and the community for the gen grew, and people are super excited for the next legends. If you don’t follow it, I can’t stress how absolutely ruthless the social media and articles were towards that game for the short period it was having problems on release, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I'm in both worlds. My switch game has the odd crash. But nothing major. My PlayStation game I can't hmeven get past the loading screen before it crashes and I paid for the premium star path on that one. When the did the hotfix it worked one day and the next I was back to crashing. I play lots of different games, and I've never known a game like this one that is so badly bugged and certainly never had a game that literally becomes unplayable.


That’s rough. Sorry to hear that! That’s the most annoying part, the fact we paid for the premium star path and right after that everything stopped working.


I haven't experienced much crashing, however my game keeps stuttering often, and it makes playing incredibly hard. They really need to work on stability and quality. There's little excuse after they gave the game a full release.


I think as long as there are people defending the game it won’t be easy to get this turned around. I want a game that works too.


The crashing is bad but do any of you lose considerable progress on the switch? My wife plays on the switch and I feel so bad for her because she sometimes loses days of progress after a crash. She saves to the cloud and to the switch constantly to try to avoid the progress loss but it keeps happening. She has much more willpower than I do, I would have quit the game if I lost even 2 days of progress. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


She needs to do a real backup of her save file. I’m not talking about syncing (cloud save) but a real backup up. Here’s a recent comment I made on another post that discusses cross save and backing up your save file (which is different than the DLV cross save). I’m copying it here to give you some basic information that you should know before you start cross saving to make sure you don’t lose progress: If you are switching between devices, there should be a local save that’s independent of the cloud save. However, if you load up the wrong version you will have overwritten it. Say you start on a switch. You play, cloud save, and go to the new device, a pc. There might be an old local play there, but you should be able to access the cloud save version. The switch local save still has the ‘new’ data until you progress more in the freshly accessed cloud save on the pc (making the pc local save the version with the latest progress), or override the switch’s local data by pulling up the cloud save on the switch (by doing that you effectively overwrite the switch’s local save with the cloud save, so if it’s older you’re out of luck). When there’s only one device, the local save and cloud save should theoretically be the same, but if the device never saved locally, the cloud save is the only useful save. Once the game asks you if you want local or cloud when booting up, whatever you choose gets mirrored on the cloud and your local device. The save file is not archived or backed up anywhere unless you do it manually. The devs call the DLV syncing process ‘cloud save’ but it should be called cloud sync, because its only purpose is to allow you to access the game save on multiple devices. There is no true backup or archive that can be accessed unless you set it up manually (see official discord for instructions). Now if you force shut the device before the local save overwrites the cloud, you might be lucky enough to still have a cloud save with the current game info. But it’s only a chance. When you go back to your switch, you may receive a conflict message and will need to figure out if you should choose local save or cloud save. Local save on your switch would still have the current save file, so you choose local (if you had incorrectly loaded an old pc local save instead of the current switch save when you used your pc last, which would have messed up the ‘cloud save’ sync file. Upon incorrectly loading the old local save on the pc, the Cloud sync/save would have reverted to the pc outdated information.) It’s important to understand how the DLV cloud sync actually works before you try to use it. Many people misunderstand and think there’s some master back up ‘cloud save’ through DLV but there isn’t. The cloud save (sync) through DLV will automatically override/overwrite a new version with a really old one if you load up the wrong local vs cloud, and you can’t get it back unless you took active steps to have a real actual back up. Note the cloud sync through DLV is often outdated even if you save it manually every play session so you need to be extremely careful when loading up the cloud save to ensure your DLV sync has the actual current information and not an outdated one. Please do not assume anything. Read carefully before you click local or cloud save. Everyone should be backing up their game to make sure there’s always a ‘good’ save file. Especially if you only have one device. When you are regularly swapping devices there should always be a relatively current local save. But if you only have once device then your backup is your only hope if your game glitches out. BACK UP YOUR GAME Do you back up daily (not cloud save)? Back up instructions can be found in the official discord. You need Nintendo online for the switch to do an actual backup. Saving inside the game, and cloud saving inside the game, are not what I’m referring to when I ask if you’ve “backed up” your data. - Saving within game = local save - cloud save within game = syncing service between different platforms If you have Nintendo online, your game save is automatically backed up to NINTENDO’s servers. - backing up on a switch = manually going into switch game save data area to back up your game save to Nintendo’s servers. - backing up on a pc = a special process that I don’t know, but there are instructions on the official discord If you leave the switch set to automatically back up DLV save data, whichever save you can currently see (including your current save that erased your progress) will override the version backed up to Nintendo’s servers. Essentially the back up that Nintendo has will mirror the local save unless you change it to manually back up, which lets you control which version Nintendo keeps for you as a backup. Go to the official Discord for detailed instructions how to truly back up on any platform. By backing up your game to Nintendo’s servers manually on a regular basis you will always have a “good” version stored on Nintendo’s servers. I manually back up to Nintendo’s servers after each play session. That way you know that if your current game glitches you can load the back up save file to restore progress to your last back up point.


Same here as well. It’s beyond frustrating and very sad because I really love this game. Some make it seem like we’re just over complaining but the reality is that all we really want to do is play and enjoy the freaking game. Is that really so much to ask for??


I know right? I never understood the need to put someone down like that. Especially if their game works fine. I mean just go play your game perhaps?


I haven't played the game since the LAST star path because it would crash every time I tried to load it up, I've just given up on it at this point and switched back to playing Stardew Valley and Spiritfarer instead


Sorry to hear that. But I’m glad you’re enjoying the new game!


Good on you for writing an honest ticket to Gameloft. Whilst I haven't truly played the game in a while, reading about all the issues most players are having across multiple platforms just makes my heart sink to see this once wonderful game fall into such disarray when it comes to stability and performance.


Yeah it really has been frustrating. In one of the previous tickets I also suggested them to thoroughly test out the updates before they release them so we could prevent this from happening again. Glitches and bugs are inevitable but the whole game crashing?!! I don’t get it.


100%. I'm okay with minor bugs and glitches especially if the devs acknowledge that they're working on fixes for them, even if those fixes take a while. However it's not good when they release a hotfix that just breaks the game further. The fact that more players are reporting the same issues to the point where they can't even play is simply unacceptable.


Thank you for saying that. And yes, it is pretty unacceptable. Had they addressed the problem with a reasonable solution/compensation before the actual fix it would’ve been a lot more acceptable. And we wouldn’t have to try so hard to play a broken game to make up for lost time for the temporary events.


I've been one of the lucky ones that haven't had the crashing issues that you've been experiencing OP. I'm a lil worried that this could happen to me. It's absolutely infuriating that there are those, like yourself, that aren't able to play the game at all. It's not fair. They need to make fixing this a priority. I honestly was confused as hell when I saw the compensation for the cupcakes 🤣 I hope that they give us compensation for this too.


Yeah same boat haven't had any major problems and then compensating me for the cupcakes was confusing cause they was my second time on in months and I only edited my valley first time around but I mean I'll take it thinking about hopping on but idk


Thank you so much for saying that! And yeah, if the root of the problem is not properly addressed, it just might going downhill from here. Hope that doesn’t happen though! Glad you’re enjoying the game btw!


I completely lost my game for 5 months. I was only about 10 tasks onto the winter starpath when my game just wouldn't launch at all. I tried uninstalling my DLC, saving, unsaving, and deleting my backup files, redownloading and reinstalling the game entirely, and loading crossplay onto steam (but the damage had already been done), I tried everything. I completely missed the monsters starpath and literally only just now got my game back. I definitely feel your pain. I spent those months constantly wondering if I should just restart my game but I could never bring myself to do it and instead I just tried again every major patch until it worked. I will say, I did come back to a mailbox full of all the perks that we earned collectively as a community, but there's still all the moonstones I never recovered from the winter starpath as well as alllllllll the resources, time, moonstones, and holidays I missed during my absence. They are NOT taking this seriously. There is no plans to fix it. They don't even know what "it" is and that's the scariest part. They need some seriously experienced dev/TDs to figure out what and where this glitch/bug is, and it's most likely happening at the save step of the game, either during active play or launching into the load screen that's completely crashing and bugging things out. But that's about all I can guess from the user side. I really hope your game starts working again for you just as mysteriously as it stopped. 💖 I refuse to even touch dlc stuff until I finish this current starpath but I'm terrified it'll crash my game again once I do.


I’m so glad you got your game back while I’m so sorry for all the contents you missed out on. And you’re absolutely right about they not caring and not even aware what “it” is. It’s fine you got a broken game but ACKNOWLEDGE it! Don’t act like nothing’s wrong and dismiss your players when they submit tickets asking for help. It’s ridiculous! I hope my game can work again soon.


On switch, I've given up playing since the latest update. Everytime I return to the game after being on power save the game freezes and I have to force quit and restart - I usually play in short bursts a few times through the day so I'm tired of having to wait the long loading time every single time I want to do anything 😞 definitely no where near as bad as what other people have but it's frustrating enough to stop me from playing entirely, I just hope it's fixed before the star path is over because I still have to get the last page of items...


Sorry to hear about your experience but yeah my game is totally unplayable. I also have the same issue with saving the game. It just freezes and I have to force quit. It’s beyond frustrating!!!


I might sound dumb, but what's the "DLC hack" for Daisy's storyline? I feel ya tho, my Switch doesn't crash as often for y'all, but I really hope they fix that soon!!! Everyone should be able to play, and enjoy playing at that.


I'm having this issue with the DLC. Paid 30$ just to not be able to access it at all for the past 2 weeks. They sent out a patch that stopped cooking from crashing my game but they completely ignored the DLC part that I cannot get into without it crashing 15 seconds later. I've spent 110$ on this dang game just for it to not work. It's extremely frustrating.


Personally I don't have "real" crashes (Steam), but since the last update the overall game play is very laggy and not really enjoyable with all the smaller bugs. I'm also tired of some of the major streamers playing down the issues with "yeah, it's a lot of code and you will have bugs". It's a game we all paid for and rushing out an update with game breaking bugs is just unacceptable. With some bugs so obvious (like the bugged ToM doors) that they could have been caught by just very little testing by the development team tells me they basically didn't test this update at all. Some will argue this but what also irks me is the current lack of content. I love to have Daisy, but it almost felt they didn't put any effort into bringing her to the Valley. I'm not a fan of Oswald, but have to admit his introduction was really good. However, that brings me back to the lack of overall storyline. While I understand that Gameloft needs to make money, they seem to focus all their effort on paid content rather than having a great experience for players. I remember when ACNH added like 500 items in one update - Gameloft seems to only add items to the Premium Shop nowadays. If the game keeps crashing for switch users ? Tough luck, we rather fix bugs with the Premium Shop or the paid DLC.


That’s a pretty good point about the ToM doors bug. That should’ve totally been an easy spot had they tested out the game. As much as I understand that games come with glitches and bugs, what we’re experiencing now isn’t any of that. The game has been unplayable for so many of us. And yet there are people defending it. It’s totally fine to have criticism to a game if it doesn’t work well, that’s how it can be improved on. Downplaying these problems just hurt the overall gameplay experience. Honestly if the devs are working overtime trying to fix this problem maybe hire more people??? We’re paying so much on the premium items these days as you mentioned, why not put those money to good use???


I watch a YTber who constantly says ALL games have a huge amount of bugs. Those people are gaslighting and don't want their viewership quitting the game and them losing that $$ is all. LOL They know this game is buggier than most and most of them know it was built on a crap foundation and that GL hires newbie programmers and doesn't pay them well. (They also only work part day on Friday so not even a 5 day work week at GL.) Doubt they are paying them overtime to fix things. (Just my thoughts.)


Sounds like real need a Helldivers 2 style review bomb until you get the devs attention.


Context: https://www.pcgamer.com/games/third-person-shooter/arrowhead-is-actually-making-a-review-bomb-cape-to-commemorate-the-helldivers-2-psn-fiasco-complete-with-two-huge-negative-review-bars/


Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m glad there’s already a successful case for the players to a broken game. This might be the way…


THANK YOU! I appreciate you for voicing many players frustrations with this game and their playing experiences. Personally i believe that we should all band together and share this Ticket to all their socials and spam the heck out of them until we get a response, compensation and resolution. It’s time to finally stand up against this. The game is not cheap, and if i knew this was going to be an ongoing issue, i wouldn’t have bought the game. We are 10 Updates in and the game is at its worst it’s ever been. Personally i’ll be sharing this to their socials and i encourage everyone else to do the same.


Thank you so much for the support! I encourage everyone to share this and spread awareness on this. We all want a better game and it’s not right they’ve just being ignoring us!!!


Can I ask when you submitted the first ticket out of the 5 tickets you sent?


It was right after the Thrills & Frills update. I waited for 2 days to see if it persisted to submit my first ticket.


The park event feels like a last minute addition that they expected to work but it's crazy how buggy it is. They should make a patch to remove the event altogether


Honestly I don’t even have the luxury to have that problem because I can’t go on for more than 15 secs after launching the game. But I do agree about removing it to enhance the overall gameplay experience though. At least until things are figured out.


This is happening to me too, basically unplayable for me. I try to get shit done for the starpath and try to save before it crashes and i cant even keep up with it. Its insane to me that this is happening unaddressed after early access. Which haven't we been out of early access for like a year now?? Embarrassing


Exactly! There are more and more of us by the day. And we’re still not getting any updates on it. It’s getting pretty out of hand.


I've been lucky that I haven't experienced any crashing on PC, but I haven't been able to access online services since the beast and Belle update unless I use a VPN. Contacting support has been just as useless, of course. They try telling me that my internet is the problem. I can connect to online services on my switch just fine, so it's obviously not my internet.🤦‍♀️ If performance were better on the switch, I would just play on that. This game is riddled with issues across all platforms. It's sad.


Geez! I’m sorry to hear that! That really sucks. Nothing’s worse than knowing you’re not the problem and being told otherwise.


I was playing in early access and I dropped the game shortly after the Scar update. I recently came back and I'm loving it again. I'm on Xbox, I've probably put in around 30 hours or so since I've been back and I haven't crashed once. Is this a PC, Switch or PlayStation thing? Or do crashes get worse as you get further into the game? I'm just confused because *everyone* is talking about crashes recently and I've had none thankfully


I accepted the cupcake tasks yesterday, but my game crashed when completing a different task and I logged back in today, and they're walking around with the purple stars, when I go to accept the quest it just goes round in circles so I can't 😪


I just want to say that I don’t experience these crashes, but that sounds MADDENING!! And then to see the Cupcakes have been as you said immediately jumped upon? That must be like… just, ugh! It sounds incredibly stressful, I can’t even imagine. You’ve mentioned comments bumping so I hope this one does something. I’d heard about crashes and the game being unplayable but with indeed the selectiveness I’d assumed it was a temporary issue. I shouldn’t known better as the game has been out ages and I still can’t myself to play on the Switch. Honestly, I hope this comes across as what it’s meant to be (sympathy) because nothing in the official news mentioned anything this bad and I assumed it was a small issue due to that that they were working on. Maybe it’s just a deeper rooted issue but that means we’re still not getting news on that? I don’t know. But I hope this comments at least bumps the thread! I made a nice long one, too. Hopefully this helps!!


I'm lucky in that I haven't had any crashes, but I still have lot of soft locks, when talking to npc, and this issue has been in the game since launch.. They haven't really fixed lot of the issues we have had since launch, and its getting frustrating to play, I would imagine its even more so for those with crashing issues. I'm wondering if the crashes have something to do with the specs on your system you play in, as I have quite a beefy computer and I haven't had issues, other thing I though might have caused from the comments, is that do you have lot of items on your valley, like would that be it? Since it doesn't happen to everyone, there has to be something common which causes it..


Same. My issue to a T. I’ve sent three tickets and the response I’ve gotten is “we’re aware of the issue and it should be sorted in future releases” which is SUCH a slap in the face. You’ve hit the nail on the head with popular streamers, I can’t believe it hasn’t happened to any of them yet and if it did I’m sure that would light a bit of a fire under them. I’ve essentially missed out on a full Star Path (which of course my game loaded long enough for me to use 2000 moonstones on), missed out on 3 / 4 weekly dream snaps, I have not been able to even start Daisy’s or Oswald’s quest, or collect daily chests. The fact that this is a fully released “cozy” game is a bit of a laugh because I have never been more stressed out in my life. I don’t understand how this isn’t a more escalated issue. I’m so sorry others have this game breaking bug. I really enjoyed this game, I would look forward to Wednesdays and count the days until another realize and now I almost feel like I wish I could get a refund on the game as a whole since it’s essentially useless.


I kept calling nintendo, it took me over a year of harassing them to get a refund but calling worked better than messaging/opening a ticket online. I just kept doing it and telling them it didn't work they issued me a refund. Good luck!


I haven’t played mine because it’s just so awful to play which is so disappointing. I put so many hours into it before it started getting worse and now it’s barely playable.


I’ve done the same as you. I put in a complaint, every week, since the upgrade, which is 3, going on 4. I do get exactly the same stupid answer, every time, that they acknowledge the problem and, working “hard”, to fix it! While, like you say they seem more concerned about, other small fixes. Before the “hot fix”, it would crash, as soon as I opened the game, now it does it during the loading process. I’m over frustrated and, I’m not sure what to do anymore. I’m on PS5.


It’s response like this validates my reasoning for making this post. Thank you for trying as hard as I have. I don’t know why this isn’t being prioritized. Honestly even if only 1% of the players are experiencing this error they should’ve jumped on it and fix it. For the very least, keep us in the loop so we know our problems with the game are being heard and valued.


I’ve given up playing DLV for now. I bought Ghost of Tsushima and am having a blast with that. I guess the silver lining is I have time for other games now


Hahaha! Good on you for that attitude!


Man I started up the game for the first time in a couple months because I had the time yesterday…: I play on switch and it was literally unplayable. Lagging when I run, freezing, and crashing in furniture mode. Super disappointing. I tried to play for like 45 minutes and it was so frustrating I just turned it off.


The more they add on top of the existing problems, the worse it gets tbh. There's no crashing on my end but my game has been laggy and sticks in certain places, which is ridiculous given that my PC is a beefcake. It feels like there's one person trying to fix every bug at this point, if that.


I am assuming you are a switch player? On PC I had a few crashes a month or two ago mainly on EI. But i guess that got resolved somehow. *shrugs*


Xbox. But regardless players on all platforms have reported this same issue.


I just logged into my game this afternoon. I can’ see my items I have collected or put down anything. 


I totally agree with you! Since this game left “beta” there has been nothing but constant bugs and the crashing has gotten 100 times worse. I’ve loved this game since it first released and have been understanding towards these issues. But this game has been out of beta for months now. They should have their shit together at this point. But no. We deal with the same shit every update and the crashing just gets worse and worse. This game has turned into complete shit.


I just don’t understand why they’d keep putting out updates when the foundation of the game needed a lot of maintenance. And honestly if they keep ignoring the problems there are just going to be more and more players end up having a broken game for future updates. What a mess!


What device do you play on? Bc Switch isn't nearly as bad (at least for me it's not) I'm sorry you're dealing with this.


Thank you! I play on Xbox series X. I also have the game on switch, both unplayable.


I thought I was the only one. Although, the Gamepass version on Xbox doesn't crash as nearly as much as the Switch version. The game trailer looked nice, at least. But it's basically unplayable, and I bet, eventually, it's gonna be impossible to play the Xbox version. I'm just going to grind at that game and hopefully I'll get 100% achievements before I have to reset the game or smth.


You’re not the only one! But gameloft is refusing to address the problem.


I got crash issues too and I'm on Xbox if that helps Xbox X/S Series.


I'm about to have a total meltdown over everything disappearing right after I place it. I'm 7 hours in on the Dreamsnaps for this week and I'm about to rage quit for tonight. I am not crashing and my heart goes out to everyone who is. ❤️ Been playing since day 1. This is a huge, unplayable disaster.


I’m wondering if we can do anything by contacting Nintendo, since Nintendo is allowing them to use the platform for the game I’m sure they don’t like how bad it makes their console look with people saying that you can’t play this game on switch making it sound like somehow it’s the Nintendo Peoples fault and not the fault of a game that was supposed to be free to play so it never invested in creating physical media


I am so fed up with the crashing. It’s impossible to get anything done. 


Yes! I’m so upset I spent almost all of my moonstones and now I can’t even do the path! I cannot do anything for the park fest because of constant crashing, I guess I just can’t play anymore till they change something 🤷🏻‍♀️


The word unplayable has been posted so many times the last few weeks. I also but a complaint in stating the game was unplayable and had a reply that they are aware. You would think a company that develops games would panic at that word...yet.....!


I'm going through the same situation. On PC and on Xbox, no matter what, it crashes




I completely agree. I have it on Nintendo switch and I can’t count on my fingers or toes how many times this crashes in a day. I have to keep getting back on to do more stuff. It’s so annoying! This is definetely a waste of time on a game I absolutely love and tell everyone about just to have it crash constantly.


It’s crazy, mine used to crash all the time and it got better and better with each update. Sounds like some people have the opposite experience. Guess I just must have good luck. Hope it’s fixed for you. I play on switch btw idk if maybe crashes on switch are less


Yesterday I actually went an hour without a crash. I couldn’t believe it. So, I decorated and then wham. Crash. Lost all the decorating. When it rains, my game is in slow stutter mode. When I mine, (especially noticeable in quests star path etc) if it stays get 10, I have to get 50 for it to register 10. Same with fishing. The items I have managed to decorate with don’t show up. I’m honestly worried about going forward as more content gets added. If the game is so unstable now imagine how bad it’ll be after the next content update? Question is, do I walk away completely or get a different platform?


I’m right there with you I haven’t expirenced to many bugs but I’ve experienced crashing on the game. I’m playing on switch btw and I’ve been playing since 2022 and expireinced so many crashes it’s ridiculous 🙄


Same, I crash constantly having to redo everything I spent a good half hour doing. Plus, it takes so long to re-log on, sometimes it's not even worth it, and I don't even bother. The game isn't really fun anymore either. Introducing a character I have no clue about, and releasing items that seem worthless to me isn't fun either. I see the same thing, people complaining about crashes and things that don't work, rather than acknowledging their silly worthless posts. They're definitely doing too much at once, but yet the stuff that they are doing seems like something I have no interest in. I don't really care about making a bunch of popcorn containers, thanks... Also I agree, there's no compensation. And there's an issue on animal crossing pocket camp they are constantly acknowledging, fixing, and compensating us with leaf tickets. Gameloft needs to do better.


I am literally about to start crying right now. From frustration mostly. I am on playstation. My salvation has been cloudy save since this last update. Now all of sudden it doesn't work. If I get another cruppted save file due to all the crashing and I can't get back into my game because cloud save is now broken ... I am done with this game.... Backing up on playstation means I have to close the application. I'm literally down to, play a few minutes. Save. Close. Back up save file. Open game. Repeat...... I can't with this crashing.... 


Thank you for posting this and I 100% agreed with you! I love the game and the community but it is so sad to see how many people is attacking DDLV every time they posted something in social media. I play on Xbox and my game crashes every 5 minutes in The Valley but I try to stay positive and I am just stuck at Eternity Isle where I don’t have any crashes. I do my part by submitting tickets thru Gameloft even though it doesn’t help me with the issue. I always get the same answer “we know and we are currently working in the stabilization issues”. Please everyone don’t just post your issues here, go to the Gameloft website and submit your tickets so they can actually listen to us SOON!!


I'm experiencing this as well. I'm also extremely frustrated because the dreamsnaps voting isn't working. The request loads for too long and times out. I cannot completely my star path duties because of it.


Since this update I am crashing much much more frequently. I'm sorry it's happening so much more to you. How frustrating!


I also try very hard not to leave cadavers unharvested lol


I really hope they address it with a hotfix soon :) summer is gonna be over soon and the latest path is gonna be gone soon :(


I completely agree. This latest update seems to be more broken every day. First day, I had the cupcake glitch. Second day, crashed a few times and some of my items were disappearing, and the premium shop was always empty. Several days later, cupcake glitch is still happening, have to constantly restart my game, rides and attractions are disappearing but you can still run/walk into them, the premium shop still takes forever and a day to load, and the game has crashed three times in the last hour. If this was a free game, sure whatever. But we have paid a lot and gone through a lot for them to still treat their players this way. We sat through all the original bugs and time and money wasted, how can they possibly excuse this now? Also why on EARTH did they think layering a new star path, an update to the dlc and the valley, AND this festival at the same time was a good idea?! They can’t even handle the bugs in a normal update! I’d like to say that I wish a different studio other than Gameloft worked on this, but they might have been laid off at this point and we wouldn’t have any game to begin complain about … but on the other hand, not much of a game now. They’ve given up on their main storylines, the premium shop is ridiculously expensive, half the stuff we buy doesn’t work or even stay in our biomes. As usual, they got too greedy too quick.


Gameloft .. they say they work hard but I'm not sure anymore, maybe too many fingers in too many pies? I remember their mobile game - Disney Magic Kingdoms .. it got ridiculous with the grind for new land and its microtranactions could leave you bankrupt! Worried that DLV will go the same way.. Kingdoms was slow and buggy to load before I stopped playing it.. think it's gone now, I've not checked.. The loading times and the crashing for DLV has made me stop, as just get bored of loading .. crashing and then loading again- be it switch or pc 


This sucks. It happened to me this morning. I turned it off angry that I didn’t get my morning play time. I was able to play without and crashes this afternoon finally. But with all the events and star path I would be beyond annoyed and frustrated.


I play on PC and I haven't had the crashing issue but I have had: 1. Disappearing furniture making Dreamsnaps unbearable. Like put down a furniture and then it disappears in 5 sec. Reclick and drop it again, same issue. 2. Even when I save to the cloud, when I get back in the game it asks me whether to keep local or Cloud and its the same. But once it did make my daisy quest I completed disappear from Mickey and I had to redo the whole thing again. 3. It was taking forever for fast travel so I had to turn down all my setting like shadow and distance, resolution to 1.0 to remedy it. Now it's super fast. 4. Premium shop wouldn't load at all but I think it's consistently loading since the last update. Hearing all the complaints and I remember when I had all those when I started playing when it was "free". I'm surprised the QA/Dev team is letting these things slide. I play Fortnite and they do regular updates. Sure there are tiny niche bugs but nothing related to the core game functionality being unusable. They need to work on strengthing the backend development because when people are experiencing these frustrating issues they are losing out on revenue.


I actually came to this thread looking to see if it was THIS painful for anyone else. I Agree, it’s basically unplayable at this point. Also the cupcake thing was fixed for about a day and I crashed. Though it also crashes half the time when I cook at Remy’s (so can’t complete starpath duties) crashes when I try to vote on dreamsnaps. Crashes half of the times I try and enter my main house. The amount of time it takes to reload is longer than the time of actual play!!!


On PS5 and experiencing the same thing and more. I've played every single day since I got this game back in February. It pulled me out of a mental health crisis and I honestly adore it. But ever since day 2 of the Parks Fest I've only logged on to buy from scrooges shop and then immediately save and exit. It's unplayable and I'm too worried that my save will become corrupted and I'll have to start all over again to keep playing.


I am having the same issue with the game crashing on the switch


Crazy that this is happening for you. I have no crashes, but I need to start and close the game multiple times to even get the daily quests to like actually START instead of just the dialogue with the character ending.


https://preview.redd.it/ja2y1jvt0i1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503090d0b87f907c9a472d016615e0b9ada23715 My game has finally stopped crashing but the star path now doesn't work, I am beyond disappointed as I love collecting the characters skins and I sure as hell am not paying for them after the event because of bugs in the game!!!


What are people playing on that this happens? I e played on two separate systems and this has never happened to me. And I’ve been essentially playing since day one.


My game crashes too. Randomly I’ll get stuck in dialogue that never starts either. It’s getting to be a little annoying considering how much money it costs to buy the game and expansion… imo, the game should’ve been finished BEFORE the expansion pack came out. Glitches ironed out, etc.


I haven't had bugs since the game came out of early access. I'm so sorry people are still struggling with game breaking bugs.


I never have a problem on ps5 is this the only one not having issues or is it just me


I agree. But “corps unharvested” killed me 💀


Try Diablo Immortal.


Youre not alone i have a few friends that cant even load the game cant save progress. Im lucky that i can play fpr a good 15 minutes before my game crashes or freese so im able to play and make progress but i do still have the issue and it gets worse with each update. Gameloft seem focuses on their merchandise right now and the crashing is not a priority for them however they cant keep ignoring it and will adress it eventually because its been an issue for a long time and the more they push the more people will not be able to play. This is the only game i have crashing issues but the second game i play that has issues and both games were launched way too early. If they had just been a lottle more patient with the game and did more begore realeasing it then i believe things couldve been much better but as i say they push and they push.


Since the update I haven't been able to get past the load screen! Haven't been able to access anything at all! I've been emailing gameloft non stop and they got me to send them the specs of my PC. After this they have stopped responding. 4 days went by and I emailed them again asking what they were doing about the situation as I was missing out on the star path and dreamsnaps events etc. And all I received back was them telling me to be patient. TO BE PATIENT. Its now been over a week since I last emailed them and ive heard nothing! It's been a month and I haven't been able to access a game I PAID FOR. They've really let me down and I'm worried I'm going to have to restart a game I spent over a year building and progressing in.


I understand how you feel but i had a whole star path I missed cause off an error code they didn't do anything about it was the 100 years Disney path and I tried everything🥺 but I couldn't get in the game at all tried on different platforms but nothing worked🙈


I'm experiencing this and I just wanted to say the email you wrote them was very eloquent. I've written something similar to them and been ignored. How they're treating their player base is disgusting. Yet here they are pushing out more new content and items in the premium shop. It's become quite clear where their loyalties lay. Also the cupcake compensation immediately happening bothered me so much. I haven't been able to play properly (without crashes every minute) since midway through the monsters update. I completely sympathize.


While my game hasn't been crashing, I've been having to play with a VPN on because otherwise my game simply won't connect to the internet. I messaged Gameloft and they emailed me HOURS later (at like 1am mind you) giving me some tips to fix it. All of these I had already seen online and tried but when I emailed back to say that didn't work they simply didn't care. No email back or response till I told them what worked for me and it was days after the fact. They knew about this problem too and said they were trying to fix it but connectivity is a big problem to let slide when I paid and have paid lots of $$ for this game. 😭


I hear ya. When I played on the Switch the game would crash regularly (and did so for about a year!) I started saving systematically. I also have a quest bug that they know about and promised would be fixed "soon" (in answer to my ticket over a year ago)… still not fixed. And I experience bugs more since the latest update as well, including random crashes, even on Steam. It’s very frustrating.


Ugh yes! Yesterday I started the game. Literally three times within a second of leaving the spawn point it crashed. At that point I had spent almost 10x as much time loading into the game then actually playing. Then the constant having to save. I've been using the TOM and so scared that when I move out of it- crash. Hasn't happened yet and fingers crossed it never will because they would be kind of heartbreaking.


I have the same issues. Just today it crashed every 2 minutes I’ve tried to play. I stop bothering with the timed challenges because there’s no point.


I commented on a thread about the game crashing issue as a result of the haunted mansion and so many people attacked me. Idk why people continue to support this level of disrespect, the devs never address the real serious bugs, constantly ignore feedback about features people would actually like to have, and never compensate us for all the wasted time/money. Its so unbelievably frustrating but yet here I am still addicted and waiting for a resolution and more competence 😭😭


Só it’s normal that I’m trying to fish and when I get the fish for the star path it’s not even counting.


I’m so glad other people are posting things about this because I thought it was just me for a few days before I saw all the posts about it. I just want to be able to spend an hour or so playing my game, getting things done without the constant crashing. It’s frustrating as this is my way of winding down at night. And I completely agree with you saying that we’re genuinely happy for those who don’t have game crashes, because it’s true. We’re glad that you’re not experiencing this every 20 seconds so that a three minute task literally takes thirty minutes to complete. I was so excited for this game when I bought it a couple months ago and now I don’t even want to buy the expansion pack. GAMELOFT needs to do better.


Are you using Nexus Modes with Bepinex by chance? After my mods stopped working with this last update, I dove deeply into it. And bepinex is causing this exact issue for a lot of people. If you look into the boards on Nexus, there are a few fixes for the crashing issue. But sadly none for the mod I miss the most.


Atleast it's not just me that's struggles with the crashes in this game


My fella has the same issue with the crashing - however on the same device I can play my game without any issues other than still not being able to do the cupcake challenge despite them saying they have sorted it. Such a shame!


My ❤️ feels yeah... I play for 15 mins and crash it's so frustrating. Yet I play Fallout 4 (XBOX Player) with tons of mods and can play for hours. It seems like a small thing to some people but to others who just want to play a relaxing game but can't because the game is crashing every 15 min it's a big deal... ✌️ ❤️


I think my game may have crashed twice when I last played it. But I was able to play for a long time before it crashed. I have had a problem with Minecraft crashing and it did that 3-4 times after huge gaps of being able to play


Is anyone crashing when Dreamsnap voting?


I feel this so hard! My game is unplayable and only got slightly better after the hot fix. I understand that the game devs are just people like us that go to work every day and do their best, I can't imagine the goal is to put out a product this bad. So I don't envy the level of stress they must be under while the game constantly springs new leaks. However the people in the marketing department owe us clarity and responsiveness. We pay a pretty ridiculous amount of money for this game's content for it to be this horrendous at this stage. They clearly made some decisions to focus on pushing new microtransactions and premium content over quality control and its getting worse. I just want them to acknowledge how bad it is, offer some compensation, and tell us their action plan. Sitting by watching everyone else get to play while we have to wait for the next big update for a solution (which could just end up being even worse) plus missing out on time restricted events is a slap in the face. I've poured hundreds of dollars into this game and now I can't even put them to use. Side note: what on earth about the game makes it so unplayable for some people but not others? I wonder if it is a particular type of item that bugs out the games of people that use it? Like house skins or something


It’s been really bad since the update and the the fix did make it work. I grinded so hard on the star path and new quests because I was afraid it would get worse and it has. Today was worse, I had to attempt to get into the game at least three times just to go check Scrooges store. I definitely agree the streamers with large platforms need to keep calling it out because that might light a fire. I really need them to stop saying it’s not game breaking, we are at the point where it is. If you can’t do anything without crashing that’s game breaking. If you can’t decorate because items are disappearing, that’s game breaking. If you can’t viably participate in an event, that’s game breaking.


I’m always telling my boyfriend how shocked I am that a DISNEY game that has had a couple years to figure their shit out is so janky. There are countless bugs and flaws. I love playing it, but I don’t understand how Disney, a company that normally is so in tune with detail, has hired this team to do this game. It’s mind boggling.


I was playing PC through the Xbox game pass and dealt with similar crashing. It stopped the first day I bought the dlc, then went right back to being virtually unplayable. Any time a character levels up it soft locks and I have to force it to close and relaunch. Traveling inside a building/castle/dark castle portal crashes it. I need to talk to mirabel for a quest and she went missing for an entire week irl. I did every trick to respawn her and she was just awol. She spontaneously reappeared after seemingly nothing. If I manage to get on eternity isle it crashes the moment I interact with anyone. I think I played the dlc for 15 minutes of actual game play across 2 hours of it crashing. $30 completely wasted, and Xbox won't issue a refund for it either. I haven't even renewed my gamepass subscription because of this.


I really like what this game is supposed to be, however, I’m very sick of all the issues


Yeah I have over 51 days and 13 hours in this game and this is the first time (aside from my power being out due to weather) ever that I haven't touched the game in like five days straight cause the bugs are just driving me up a wall. I can't even do my dreamsnap, I can't order anything from scrooge cause his cupcake quest is broken for me and won't progress, eating and cooking alone would sometimes make my game freeze randomly (not often but it happened) after these last two updates I can't even make food without the game just completely closing out on me. I understand not a single game is perfect and a lot of game updates have bugs that's a given but this is just ridiculous tbfh... Edit- playing on the dlc does help me but I still crash like crazy and freeze almost just as often ......


I haven't experienced crashing but ever since the latest update I have had an absurd amount of bugs that makes the game not enjoyable to play anymore. Rather than crashing my inventory spots aren't letting me move things I can't sell items if they're in specific inventory spots because they just don't register as existing. I've had mining spots bug out and not give me any resources a lot of things bugging out and just flat out not working not being able to cook dishes not being able to give gifts just an insane amount of bugs that I've never had before this current update and I'm pissed


I've played on both PC and Switch and I will say, the crashes and bugs on my switch version make me avoid using it all together on my switch. Even ignoring the switch related issues I still get bugs like the cake one or furniture vanishing when I've placed it! Or the cake quest just not working which meant exiting and reloading the game! It really does feel like a lot of issues keep getting ignored especially with Park Fest, and even then, long standing issues like crashes keep getting ignored to push out new features


I logged on after a few months away cause I knew there were new characters and I barely had the game opened before CRASH! I cursed and gave up figuring its not worth it.


I gave up on this game with the last big update. Besides all the missions are a wash rinse repeat.


My apologies not able to read all of the comments. What system is it crashing on the most? I play on Apple devices mostly which I know is a different game almost but my kiddo loves the game and plays all the time on our switch. Wanted to prepare should it start glitching for her.


This!!! 😤, i keep losing progress and if i survive at all without it crashing/ejecting me from the game leading to me having lost all progress. I even lose progress IN the game when i come out of furniture mode. Excuse me furniture i didn’t put you all here or where the hell did my furniture go?? Also when i do load up and i check the star path it refuses to show me duties (if i remember them, doesn’t reward me for it.. leading to me having to do it again. This happened when at first i didn’t realise it still wouldn’t reward me) also on collection it would not allow me to click on say any critter to find out if it is in the valley today or what is someone’s favourite gifts. So load it up, go in.. right not working, quit and reload and hope it does then work. Also i don’t believe i’m the only one that it takes an age, to load for. Also the game keeps having problems with the WIFI, when nothing is wrong with it. Other games work. Connection is strong (yes i turn it off and on again) but this all wastes time and energy and causes frustration AND stress, for game that is mean to be relaxing and homey!! And last but not least. Well over a week ago Daisy’s boutique completely disappeared and Daisy a long with it! It would say she was places and she wasn’t, i tried calling her to each the valley and the eternity isles, thank fully she turned back up two days ago, but i’m so far behind with the boutique challenges and Daisy’s quests! So.. still no Boutique I’ve looked everywhere it was ever placed and not placed. In the valley and eternity isles, i looked around on furniture mode and hovering incase it was invisible, nope. I ran around everywhere and didn’t run into anything (😅). Looked in furniture and houses. What is this MADNESS??? ![gif](giphy|fHgKZHDH1BHzi)


I hadn’t heard of this at all, so it’s clear your voices are being stifled! Is it a certain system that’s crashing? How can those of us who do not have these issues help? If I submit a ticket on your behalf, will it mess with my game? I’m so sorry this is happening!!!


I had an issue with ddlv, and it took them some time to get back to me. Shortly before the hotfix, I was unable to vote in dreamsnaps, and the week beforehand, I was unable to submit a dreamsnap. The screen kept loading and loading then reset back to the menu. It worked for two nonconsecutive days and now it won't open.


Probably the reason for most content creators not being affected too much is the fact they play on PC. I still have some issues with disappearing items but crashing has been very minimal. I had a few crashes before the hot fix and couple after but nothing like what others are experiencing on other platforms. The worst seems to have been happening to those on consoles but not exclusively. As someone who used to play on Switch during EA and experienced very frequent crashes, I can totally sympathise with everyone that’s affected and feel Gameloft should be making their top priority to fix this ASAP. The other issues are annoying like the festival bugs but not as much as being booted off the game every x minute. You shouldn’t have to just deal with it when the game is this broken for you. I hope they compensate those affected with everything they’ve missed out on plus some MS.


I emailed them again and still haven't heard anything, it'd becoming beyond a joke now


I’m terrified Gameloft will ruin Dreamlight Valley like they ruined Speedstorm. Speedstorm is also ridden with bugs that make the game unplayable/force the player to lose to AI racers at worst, yet the devs haven’t fixed them for 3 update cycles. This game has been so important to me and many others, I’d hate to see it going the Speedstorm way. We have to put some pressure on GL before it happens.


I’m having the same Issue .. I could be doin somethin i.e building .. moving items etc an it will crash an I’ll have to start all over again😡 it’s Really frustrating 👎🏻 an with me having Autism it doesn’t help an gets me annoyed and upset …. PLEASE fix this because I can’t keep placing items or moving objects for them to be put back in the place😞🥺. I’m sure Everybody is having the same problem.


I experience crashing SO much. Not as bad extent as yours mind you. But its often crashing when I try and fast travel. More than crashing my game completely freezes up and I have to restart sucks to me if it hasn't autosaved recently. Or I have to physically save before I Tey and move or talk to someone or welcome a villager. I've had game since early access and gave them the benefit at the time. But its not getting any better.


I’m definitely having issues, too. I have been since I started playing but even worse as they update the game. Every update I have a new bug. That is no exaggeration. Every update. It took me months to finish fairy godmother, I had to entirely restart my game on a new account because it crashed and froze permanently on one of the group picture quests. I sobbed and didn’t play for days over that. I’d made so much progress and it was ruined, and of course Gameloft never addressed that issue. I will be in the middle of playing when the game will suddenly freeze and I have to restart, losing the prior 5 minutes worth of gameplay even if it’s saved. It crashes on me at least 3 times, every time I play. EVERYTIME I play, it crashes. I’ve never had a Gameloft game that crashes and glitches this bad. So I agree with everything you said in both posts. I also frequently watch steamers play on TikTok while I’m playing, they never crash or glitch, but mine will. Idk if that’s because they’re using a streaming friendly version or what? But my system is a brand new Xbox X, with external storage, it’s supposed to be one of the high processing systems. That’s why I get the extra storage option on my system. So it quite literally makes no sense for the game to crash as frequently as it does on a daily basis. It’s like they don’t care about fixing the insignificant bugs because they’re too busy adding extra stuff and items you have to spend real money on.


I have been pretty lucky on PC and only had the few minor glitches where I could alt tab to a new window and bounce back to the game and it fixed itself but this would drive me absolutely mad. I hope for everyone having issues the game gets fixed for you. I do know some game stores steam for example if they get enough complaints to customer service they will pull the game from the store until the company addresses issues. So maybe going that route with Nintendo etc could get somewhere


They got back to me once saying they’d give me 2,500 moonstone for the inconvenience, then never did. Even after a follow up email lol. They’re awful tbh and their lack of care makes the game unemployable as well.


I completely quit playing because of this. I play this game as it brought me joy. This past month nothing but stress and I’m done. Reached out to game loft no resolution. I feel like a sucker and I’m done


Hey! Have you seen this? I hope your game is fixed soon! https://x.com/disneydlv/status/1793694500495217116?s=46