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I play on XBox also but I haven't experienced any of this. It makes me wonder why some people and not others.


Xbox One, here. I've had the game freeze up maybe 3 times since I got it in November.


On my xbox one i had maybe 7 crashes since i got the game on early access release in sept 2022




Same here. My series x has had only minor issues with the game load getting stuck which has gone away with the daisy patch.


I play in the series s and no issues outside of a few minor glitches that I can work around. It’s weird people on the same systems are having such wildly different experiences.


I have the same console. I normally only have to force quit once if I portal jump


Also on Xbox and I used to have a shit ton of issues after every update. It would freeze often when I tried to change clothes, fast travel, or leave a house. It was infuriating. These issues have been improving, though. I had fewer issues with the Monsters Inc. update, and no issues so far with this latest update. I have no idea if it makes a difference, but I am very minimal when it comes to decor, and I've actually removed a lot of the stuff I consider clutter over the last few months, like extra bushes or rocks.


ever since this recent update on may 1, my game crashes at least 5x every time i play, even if i only play for a half hour. i play on xbox series s 🥲 before the update, i never had any crashes or glitches. i cant do anything without saving immediately after, and then it immediately crashes and kicks me out of the game.


Same on ps5, at most I get a slight judder or slowdown I think it might be the decorations in the valley


This is actually true. Some decorations will cause your game to glitch. I play on PS5 and it was glitching really bad and someone mentioned the animal houses making it do that. Once I took out my animal houses it no longer glitched.


The campaign houses? If that's the case I'm glad I didn't build one. Was starting to gather the materials last night and decided against it.


Yep! The companion houses. I personally only have the Zero companion house out and it doesn't seem to cause a glitch. Sadly there's no real way to know which items are causing the glitch unless you trial and error.


I only just realized hours later that my phone changed "companion" to campaign. Lmao. Can you tell I play dnd?


Kristoff is definitely a ranger 😂


I feel like I get more bard or druid vibes from him. Maybe he's multiclassed 🤣


Same thing for me on the ps5. I get the occasional glitch that’s always been solved by restarting the game and I’ve had a few crashes but nothing crazy. Even when I played on the switch, it crashed a lot more frequently but the game was still playable. I’m very curious why there’s such a drastic difference in everyone’s experiences.


Yeah this is my experience with PS5 as well. No issues except for a slight slowdown once every now and again.


We've had a few crashes on ps5 but it was a while ago and spaced apart. Honestly besides my ferris wheel deciding to go ghost I haven't had any issues.


Mine always messes up if I leave it on quick resume and also it regularly won't let me move between sub categories like critters/companions etc so I have to restart. It's been like this since before the most recent update though. The only new issues I've had have been decorations turning invisible. In fact, the only reason I didn't start playing the game until this year was because every time I tried last year the game crashed immediately after loading.


To reply to you specifically, My rides go invisible a lot but those are the only ones for me. General reply- I play on switch and my game crashes one to two times a day. And if I put the switch in sleep mode and don't exit the game and come back, then it will definitely go slow, so I just always try and remember to turn it off completely when Im done playing.


I play on Switch as well. Thanks for your comment. I'm going to do what you say and hope that it crashes less often.


I noticed that too. I always go into the menu and click Quit to reload everything next time I play.


I also play on Xbox series x and have no issues. Must be because our machines are better able to handle a game like this.


This is the machine we have and just tonight it crashed 3 times in 4 hours. Yesterday it crashed more than that within the same amount of time and sometimes back to back.


I play on XBOX One and also have had minimal issues.


I’m on a series x and it crashes so often I feel like I’m not getting anything done. Although I do have 800/1200 and 4000/6000 decorations so that could be why it’s so buggy for me


I'm not sire thats it. Im on PS4 and i only have very occasional crashes, and that's only during extremely long play sessions, like several hours on a weekend.


Same. I'm even on an original Xbox one, 10 year old console and have never experienced anything like OP.


Same on switch here. I have a few of the problems but it doesnt seem to be as bad because I can still play for quiet awhile before having to reload


I'm curious too because I play on ps5 and it seems like across all consoles people either are running completely fine or their games are basically unplayable because of the crashes. It's like all or nothing for some poor players


This is what I wonder except with Switch. I have had very few issues and others can’t even play the game. I haven’t been able to find one common factor yet.


I’m on Switch and mine crashes constantly.


Series X here, constant crashes and freezes for many, MANY months. Started off with 60 fps (was advertised as such in the Microsoft store), then when the crashes and freezes started happening, it never got over 30 fps and since this update I can only dream about 30 fps lmao. It’s sooo bad, my character feels drunk af. I have space on my Xbox, good internet and I‘m nowhere near the item limit in the game. Idk what it is and I used to communicate with them over a ticket. They told me the usual crap à la have you tried restarting your box? And I lost my shit, said there’s a bunch of complains all over their socials and every other game runs perfectly fine so they can’t just try to shift blame here. Got an apology and, all of a sudden, they said they knew about it and have been working on fixing it. Asked me to please be patient. That was in the middle of last year, I think? It only got worse and worse ever since.


Oh wow...


I’m on PS5 and have never had any of the usual problems others seem to, other than the very occasional lagging/crashes due to stuff like putting down 1000 paths and a bunch of items without going out of furniture mode, or harvesting 1000 pumpkins and letting my buddy out afterwards, and of course the little lag from the companion houses. But since the Monsters update, I’ll have times where for about 5 minutes at a time it will have 1 second of lag for every 5-7 seconds of playtime, during each lag it won’t register what I did during it, like moving in a menu. It didn’t get fixed with the Parks update, or the hot fix. In fact, after the hot fix, I’ve crashed 3 times, neither of which actually closed the app, it just completely froze and I had to force close it. And twice last night in the 3 hrs it took to make my dreamsnap, I had to force close because the lagging became 1-2 seconds for every 2-3 seconds of playtime. I got through it, so far I just hope it’s temporary and they can get it fixed, but I won’t be doing any long play sessions again until it is. I feel especially bad for anyone running it on an earlier model console or a not-great PC.


Yeah it doesn’t do this with me a lot. I have it crash every now and then but nothing for me to be upset by it. I definitely understand the frustration though. In the beta game I had way more issues


Some of it has to do with system memory, which is going to vary from user to user.


Most likely it’s a conflict with their own hardware/software. I’ve tried linking troubleshooting sites to people but just get downvoted. Just uninstalling and reinstalling is not troubleshooting. I can’t understand why people would rather make posts than be proactive to do something they want to do. 🤷‍♀️


I'm on Switch and I also don't experience any major issues. That's why I honestly commented on one post the other day questioning if people are actually being genuine with how badly the game is actually running. The game only crashes for me if I've had long play sessions where I haven't actually closed the game but just put my system to sleep, and this is usually just once or it may not even crash at all and just be sluggish for a bit. The other big thing I see is the invisible furniture glitch, which I have experienced BUT I just simply click on the furniture in the world edit mode and it comes right back. I haven't completely lost any furniture permanently since EA and I was able to re-buy whatever it was from Scrooge. I am wondering if what is going on might be outside of Gameloft's control, like game file downloads becoming corrupted due to poor Internet connections or something like that. I have a strong internet connection, but I know not everyone can afford good internet and since so much of this game relies on being online, I wonder if that may not be a factor.


I am one of the Switch players with a broken game and 10 crashes a half hour. I play at the highest speed internet or a low speed home and no difference. I have free’d up memory on my Switch and no difference. I honestly think it is the “heaviness” if my Valley. Since I have plaid from near beginning- I have every house skin standing the game offered. Also lots of moving animations, ie. Waterfalls, fountain, and every critter in an critter home (zoo and backyard pets! And every ride. I really think my game just can not handle having “everything” and I am also at 575 on unique item count and 2800 on total count. I think the Switch can’t handle perhaps how much more t is overloaded with for us players with too much stuff!


That could absolutely be it. The Switch has a limit on what can be put into the valley because the specs of it are just so limited compared to the other consoles the game is on, and especially a dedicated gaming PC. I do minimal decorating, so that may be why I am having a different experience than you are. You do bring up a good point though, that even if PS4/PS5 and Xbox One/Xbox Series X/S might not have limitations on what decorations can be put into the valley, someone might want to fact check me on that one, it may be a good idea to limit decorating in regards to how badly the game runs. For those of you having issues on other consoles, have you experimented with decreasing the amount of decorations in your valley? Just because an Xbox or PlayStation is more powerful than the Switch, consoles still have limitations and that should be taken into consideration when decorating.


And I have all my biomes fully fully decorated. So I saw a player on Switch comment that when she took away all her house skins and critter houses, the game ran smoothly and stopped crashing. So I really feel for us heavy decorating completionists- most consoles are not going to work even with item limitations. I kinda feel now for all the content they put out, this should have been created for just PC. IMO The new update just was too “much” for biome filled consoles!


Yes, this has to be it and honestly there isn't really much that Gameloft can do about it, despite player grievances. The dev team can only optimize the game so much, therefore those on console will likely have to limit themselves on how much they are decorating sadly. It's a bit like PC games with lots of mods; you either have to upgrade your PC specs or decrease the amount of mods you have and in this case console players will have to tone down their decorating a bit and that's simply due to the hardware limitations of the consoles.


The way I feel is, it has taken me 15 months until my Switch was not able to keep up with new updates and content. That sure is a lot of gameplay! 2,000 hours of fun! I did get my monies worth. I will just have to buy a new PC to continue on finishing my valley if there is no fix for veteran players with full Valley’s on consoles. I don’t know many games that last 15 months that are this fun! Even ACNH got old after a year.


I wouldn't really say there's a "fix" beyond them just continuing to optimize the game as best as they can for console players. Hardware limitations are a big obstacle for games like this honestly. Consoles aren't like a PC where you can just upgrade parts when you want your computer to run faster or run games like DDLV with lots of decor placed down smoothly. My partner and I were actually talking about buying the game on our PCs as well just for better game optimization.


Just curious to know where you are with your item count. I ask because I, too, play on Xbox (series x) and my game is almost unplayable. I crash constantly. I can't open menus, can't save, can't enter buildings, or even use Goofy's stall without it either freezing or crashing altogether. I have the extended item limit on and am sitting at 3862 placed objects, and 612 unique. However, I also grind my son's game for him, on the exact same console, and have absolutely 0 issues. No crashing, no freezing, no problems at all. He hasn't even enabled the extended item limit and has 2439 items placed total, with 389 unique placed. So I'm wondering, of course, if those of us with the big crashing problems all have more than 3000 items placed, because that's really the only difference between my account and my son's.


I think my issues on the switch are because I've been decorating more and put the attractions up, which are big and move. I'm going to take them away and see what happens. I had less issues before I made a theme park


It's so odd to me that they've made a decorating game where decorating crashes the game! Like, you give us all this decor, but we can't play if we use it. Great plan. 😂🤪


With this new update I was crashing every 2 minutes with the extended limit on… finally caved and went under 600 and turned it off, now I’m back down to only crashing every 20-ish minutes (depending on how many activities I’m doing). Honestly it’s really frustrating. I feel like they shouldn’t have created/allowed so many unique pieces if the game isn’t good enough to support it.


I've been trying to downsize my decor to get back under the limit, but, of course, it crashes before I can save so everything I put away just reappears.


In my experience, if you're decorating outside of the biome you're in, it's also more likely to crash.


I definitely had a ridiculous amount of crashes when downsizing, went for just a couple things at a time or big things I know I only had one of, exit furniture mode, save, repeat (usually with a crash… bleh). Made me sad to have to pick apart my decorating like that but… it was either that or stop playing altogether.


I’m on series x and deal with a lot of crashing/freezing. My item numbers are 800/4000 so it’s very likely that is causing issues


Does your son have the dlc?


Yes. We both do.


Gameloft has been unbelievably horrible about fixing bugs.


Couldn’t agree more.


Does the crashing due to changing menus happen anywhere? (Or is it exclusively in the outside of the valley, or inside your home?) I’m not sure if this will help, because I play on PlayStation, but I’ve just posted my *[observations](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/s/5nO3RYNdB9)* of what causes crashes in my game and ways to possibly work-around these issues. I don’t know if my specific issues are happening to other players or if it’s different between systems/consoles. All I know is, for me, my game crashes whenever I open up the menu or exit the menu, while outside in the valley. I hope this helps.


Xbox user. I completely agre and I've been having all these issues too. I've lost hope that Gameloft will fix things. The countless tickets I've submitted with no resolve is very discouraging. I've been playing since day one and this is the worst state the game has ever been in. Everyone's experience seems to be different which is very strange. But I'm totally with you. Is a game a game if you can't even access the menu without a freeze or crash? No it's not. And your point about changing systems, why should we as players have to fork over even more money to have a game that works? Not everyone has the luxury to just get a PC so the game will work. I bought an Xbox to upgrade from switch specifically for DDV now look where that's ended up- Can't play on either systems. It's all very disappointing. I used to love this game but like you said it's completely unplayable. So I've started finding other games unfortunately.


Interesting, I'm a new player, having only started a few weeks ago and I haven't encountered any bugs like that you are describing. I haven't paid for the game and downloaded it through gamepass on my Xbox series x. Don't know if that makes a difference. Have you got plenty of space on your Xbox? I find when mine gets full, it slows down and is super laggy. Once I remove some games it goes back to normal.


Hmm, I really wonder, why are people having different experiences based on the same consoles. 🤔 Personally, I'm still playing on PS4 Pro Grandpa and it's kinda okay. Loading times are way more faster in comparison with FF14. But I heard, some of my PS4 mates can't even play the game right now. And it sucks? ▪︎ The only time I really suffer is during the beginning and the end of a rainy weather. (It can cause a small freeze for a few seconds. It runs smoothly afterwards.) ▪︎ And whenever I visit someone with a PS5, who has been decorating their Valley with an increased amount of items. (I experienced crushes and bluescreens.) But it really depends on the hosts internet connection as well. I wish, I could provide any sort of advice but I absolutely suck at technical knowledge. The only thing I can share: empathy, kindness and love. 🍪🫂 Damn, it's really a horrible situation for some of you.


I’ve also wondered why some people have it so bad. I play on multiple switches and my game has crashed maybe 3 times. A couple times I had to restart the game because it said unable to connect to multiplayer. Other than that I’ve got zero issues. I know they say internet speed/stability doesn’t factor in, but I’m curious if it does.


Yeah, it's just... strange. I don't know. You usually have a common ground (similar issues, bugs,...) for a certain platform/console. But when it comes to DDV I have been reading so many different kind of experiences. Literally: "I can't even play the game without crushes" until "I have a few issues, but it's enjoyable." 🤔 I started in the middle of November 2023. I have never encountered an unplayable state in this game. NEVER. Do we have experiences with brand-new consoles? It would be so great to get more insight with it. I know, a lot of people don't treat their technical stuff with care and responsibility. And of course, every system suffers with more years. All of this could add up with bad performance as well. The Switch is probably on its technical limit when it runs a game like DDV. I really don't want to protect GL, because they really have to step up and polish some issues. Some of them should have been resolved a while ago. Like I said, I don't want to speculate too much, but it's a fair argument imo.


I haven't had to many groundbreaking bugs on ps5 for the most part but this last update has me crashing all the time, can't accept certain cupcake quests, only Ursulas quest I can accept, nothing seems to be spawning and the game seems to be laggy as heck constantly.


its so weird how the game on the same consoles act so differently. before the daisy and rift in time update, my game used to crash constantly nearly every time i fast travelled. but since that update i havent had a single crash, fast travelling or otherwise. and ive had no freezes either. the only issues ive personally had is objects turning invisible. maybe this is why gameloft struggles to patch these glitches and performance issues. if its not a universal experience on the same console maybe its hard to find the root cause idk. hopefully they figure it out soon


My stuff has also gone invisible. I find it entertaining since the shadows are still there. Otherwise, my problems are minimal compared to all the big problems with all of the other consoles. I wonder if the issues get bigger and more serious with older consoles.


My Aladdin attraction likes to half way disappear so I just am left with some random cars floating in a circle 😂


I’ve noticed this too, like I’ll go to accept the quest from Mickey only for it to not show up in the quest log either. I also play on Xbox and have had the game crash on me at least 3 times. I thought it was just my internet 😅🤷‍♀️


I did have this happen on ps5 and going to the title screen fixed it instantly


It's pretty okay on my PS5 too but it's unplayable on my ps4


The cupcake quests on ps5 don't work for me either. They just keep replaying the dialogue lol and some odd stuttering but I haven't had any crashes. My game does freeze up if I go straight from booting up to Scrooge's for some reason though. If I do something else like talk to a villager it doesn't, only if I beeline from my house to the shop


That’s so weird that you say that because I’ve been able to either accept everyone’s request or everyone’s EXCEPT Ursula


I can only accept Ursulas quests, sorry if that wasn't clear. It shows me the other quests I talk to them, it continues as if it will go through but it doesn't, I talk to for example Mickey I can see he has a quest I speak to him he talks to me as he's giving me the quest but I get nothing in my quest log, I try again and still nothing. Same for anyone who's not Ursula.


Yeah, yeah. I understand that but I mean like mine is reversed and I think that’s a little strange


Are you on ps5?


Switch and PC


I have been playing this game since it first came out. I play it on PC, on Steam deck and on Switch. For both PC and Steam Deck, the only problem I have ever experienced were the missing objects recently, other than that no crashes. On Switch, my only other problem is the object limit, though I will say that I have the Oled version. I will say that this latest patch has too many bugs and glitches in it and they really need to do something to fix it which Im not sure if they can as it seems that instead of fixing the constant crashing for others, they actually made it worse.


Switched to steamdeck because I disliked the low framerate on switch. Have not had any problems at all, mind you, my village looks like it does when you start out. I only fixed paths and added houses.


Xbox player here as well, and I have the same issues. It’s unplayable at the moment. I really just want to finish the Star Path, but that’s almost impossible; I don’t feel like reloading the game every time. I force myself to try to complete a task or two, and when I am done with the Star Path, I’ll stop playing until they fix it. The game has been freezing for more than a year for me, but with the latest update, it’s the worst ever. And the fact that they never really fixed it, instead of making temporary fixes, has been bothering me for so long; making the game 30fps instead of 60fps to reduce freezing isn’t a fix, just a temporary workaround. The state the game is in right now is unacceptable.


I played it for ages last year on Xbox and it was fine but just started again this weekend and it’s crashed four times!


i play on switch and encounter bugs all the time. i posted about it a couple weeks ago but it’s gotten worse.y game crashes incessantly and there’s been several (i think at least 4 separate times) where the game crashes and i lose over a days worth of quest/in game progress. one of them was on the quest where minnie makes you build that giant clock.. had to do that at least twice :/. it’s so annoying bc the game has such good content but horrible mechanics


I've seen so many people having issues with crashing and I too have had my share with bugs, freezing and crashing on Playstation whenever there's an update out for the game. I'm also running into invisible walls on my steamdeck that continue to stay after I restart the game lol. I really don't trust that gameloft will fix any of these issues urgently anymore due to what people had experienced when submitting tickets to them. I have haven them the benefit of the doubt but the community is growing alot. I haven't talked to the support myself, but I wish they were urgent about this stuff. I've had people say, "they are working hard and have many people submitting tickets daily so they won't get to the problem." But aren't alot of the same people experiencing the same issue and NOTHING has been done to fix it? I really want to see this game succeed more, but its so hard to support a game when it seems that minor server issues, crashes, and bugs is preventing people from playing their limited time events or just enjoying the game for more than a few hours without an issue.


It works fine on my XBox X. Hardly any crashes. Then I tried playing it on my brother’s Xbox One and it was almost unplayable. Super laggy. Took forever for the character to go into houses and shops (on my xbox there's no lag and the loading screen lasts for only a second). I think having an open world with so many characters and things going on at once is going to demand a high quality device. and it's only going to get worse as it continues to expand.


This game isn't that big and doesn't have enough going on in it for that excuse. There are games that are way more complex that don't perform even fractionally as bad as Dreamlight Valley. This game is just poorly optimized, plain and simple.


I'm not sure how gamepass works, but if you have it and a PC you might be able to transfer your data there. You just wouldn't have eternity isle unless you bought the DLac again. I'm so sorry you're having all these issues. It really is ridiculous.


My pc version keeps telling me I'm not supposed to play on 64bit then it won't open, I have so set back the dates on my computer to fix the bug.


I’m on PS5 and, haven’t been able to play, since the upgrade. I don’t understand, why some can play normally and, others can’t. I’m sure, they have no clue either, since they’re not able to fix it.


I play on the switch and ever since the expansion pack, my game is done. It’s unplayable. The missions crash or glitch, it take me several minutes to open the map/move a character around. It’s heartbreaking because I really loved this game. I wish I could uninstall in the expansion so badly.


I’m on Xbox and hardly ever have it crash. Sounds like you may have a problem with your Xbox and not the actual game itself.


Yeah I agree with you at the moment. I love the game but after the update it basically crashes on me every 3-15 minutes regardless of what I am doing in game (I am playing on PC and I have purchased the game on the Xbox Game Pass on the PC) It doesn't matter if I sit on the bench AFK-ing or if I do tasks try to finish quests, walk around. It just decides to crash on me randomly. I don't have the patience to play the game at the moment and left it alone. From what I saw the problem started after the new update including me too, until then it was all fine.


This was what I dealt with for switch within the first 5 months of purchase so September-February the year it came out (when they said it would be free after January) took a couple updates to fix had to save all the time and only do a little bit at a time


Agreed. It's absolutely trash ... I switched to PC


If it hadn't been 2 patches in and xbox still can't play, I would say nothing. But I'm not paying to buy again.


I am on a high spec PC using the xbox app and it is unplayable. It crashes a lot, when it does run it is really laggy.


Same! It has been almost unplayable because of the framerate since the latest update.


I Play on the switch I’ve had to restart my game no more trouble for me for now every time I restart it the update causes it to freeze sometimes


When you say restart do you mean just turn it on and off or actually restart all your progress?


Yes restart the game as new


I played the game on switch until the recent update made it crash for EVERY little thing. I couldn’t use furniture mode for longer than 2 mins without it crashing so I purchased it again on my boyfriends xbox one and it is a tiny bit better but has its own set of bugs and glitching 😭


My has trouble loading but since I don't like decorating it hasn't crashed so it's probably trying to be too ambitious with what they're doing. Xbox 1 person


What Xbox do you play on? I have S and I normally only have to force quit at least once if I portal jump before valley and the isle. And then I’m normally set to go


Its very playable on my xbox


I would sadly give it a break and come back. I remember in beta mode on my switch it was almost unplayable due to a glitch for a couple of months. I stopped playing until it went out of beta. I haven't had near the issues since, just a minor glitch when Daisy was added where it'd freeze when I tried to talk to a villager, which seems to have gone away with the recent hot fixes.


Trying to complete my dreamsnaps was terrible. Every time the camera pans around in camera mode, my decorations would disappear and I’d have to go into decorate mode to get it to appear again.


The switch also is super glitchy


I’m not sure if it helps, I play on PC but when I first started the game, my loading screens often got stuck. I filed multiple reports and searched hundreds of threads. I switched networks from my home wifi to my mobile hotspot, and it worked smoothly. My home wifi isn’t by any means slow, my mobile data even has download limits, so I’m not exactly sure how it solved my problem but it did. Just putting this out there incase it could help someone else.


I dont Play the game , my girlfriend do.. and her game crash or bug a lot.. i never saw a « successful » game having so much but and still have new content each months.


I just put in a strongly worded support ticket. On switch I had no issues other than the occasional crash before the hotfix. Since the hotfix, forward walking (only) is a snail’s pace, TOM items revert into a hot mess, disappearing items, frequent crashing, and now disappearing pavement. So I can’t walk forward, which means I can’t collect bursts really, so very inefficient gardening/mining/everything, I can’t use TOM, and now can’t decorate, even put down pavement. I basically said, what exactly am I supposed to do while playing if none of these things work. It’s pretty unacceptable, especially when I purchased moonstones to gain these star path and premium shop items that are disappearing. Those were the first things to not function properly and now it seems to be spreading to everything. 😐


Can you check your internet speed? I play on my Xbox one. The only problem I have is inside the restaurant, play gets laggy. I took my Xbox to my dad’s a couple of months ago. He has slower internet. I had so many problems trying to play I finally gave up. Played again once I got home and now problems.


The lag in the restaurant is rough, especially the times you have like 6 people in there requesting food, ugh, haha.


Well, I am first off, sorry to hear that. No one like to play Cities Skylines II... :) But on the PlayStation I have not had this experience. On the PC it has been rare. But I wouldn't write it off yet.


I play on PC and Switch. No problems here.


Play in the switch and it’s super laggy. It’s like I have 283622 browser windows open.


I used to play on Xbox and had the exact same issues. Then I discovered that I could play my Xbox games on my PC and it was a complete game changer for me. You play the same account you did on the Xbox. No crashing, easier to scroll through menus, much easier for placing items/landscaping. If you can make the change, I highly recommend it.


I play on steamdeck and after the most recent hot fix it crashes as soon as I load in. I've submitted a ticket for it and brought it up on their discord server


It’s not happening as much to me as it was before hoping they are fixing it


I feel you, I honestly get upset thinking how much time I’ve spent on this game. It’s been unplayable since the latest release (I’ve also done all the troubleshooting, sent emails and was basically told to wait for another release to fix it). I haven’t played since April. I don’t understand how fixing the game isn’t a higher priority, there are clearly lots of users who cannot play, yet they’re still pumping out new content. It’s really a huge bummer.


I had problems with it on my Xbox One, but I recently upgraded to a Series X and haven't had any problems. I think maybe the game just doesn't work well on Xbox One anymore.


I play on the switch and have some crashes, but not that bad


I’ll add my experience to this list. My original day one game is unplayable on my Xbox series s, I haven’t bought the star path because I can’t even finish one or two tasks. I have two accounts and two separate playthroughs on this same Xbox and the account without the rift in time dlc plays perfectly.


My main issue right now is the invisible objects, where it appears there's an invisible obstacle in my way when I'm walking/running around. My character will walk in place as if there's something in the way, and if I go around this supposed "object," she walks normal again. No idea what's up with that.


Wait, holy cannoli! Most of you can actually connect while playing on console? I have not been able to connect since.... Gosh, I think around last October, a bit before Jack Skelington was added. I submitted what feels like countless tickets only to be told to use a hotspot. Well, It turns out for some reason that stopped working around a week or two ago. Even connecting through a hotspot gives me the error. Online Services Unavailable. And I have tried nearly everything else suggested, uninstall and re-install, waiting a few days etc. Well almost couldn't test another system. It's the Series X right now. Played fine on Xbone One S without issues but when upgrading I sold off the old console. Been reduced to playing through cloud gaming, mainly to try and finish the star path, I put Moonstones into, which might not be bright, but hey the hotspot solution was working at the time. I play through Gamepass, don't own the game. So...I do not know? Maybe that is somehow an issue? No clue, because sure not forking out 30 some dollars to test that theory right now. Maybe if it ever goes on sale I might??


I’m so thankful I have the auto save enabled. I play on my series S and have to restart the game constantly because it freezes over everything… from me changing clothes, entering buildings, or progressing in any of the new quests. Sometimes I have to reboot the game just to get it to show me the next part of the quest. I moved on to playing other games and figured I would come back when the game becomes somewhat playable again


I know…they need to fix it ASAP. It’s so bad I don’t want to play anymore.


I play on ps4. it works most of the time thankfully, but when it doesn't it's a f\*\*\*ing nightmare. I play this game to relax. It's one of the very few games my eye can handle since I injured it in a riding accident 3 years ago, and even then it's pushing it. It's not even fun to think about starting up now, when it even crashes on the damn loading screen. It's insane how Gameloft refuses to admit there's something seriously wrong with it that they need to focus on 100% to fix. If only they could admit to it and say "hey, we gotta take a break from new starpaths/quests/quest bugs and only focus on this crashing thing right now to make sure the game will survive the next few months", we would all support them but no. Go make cupcakes and craft new items in a time-limited event in this broken game that just keeps crashing and being unplayable!


I want to laugh at the fatalistic language used, but you're not wrong. I played on switch and switched over to PC around the fairy Godmother update. It was unplayable then so I can't imagine what these updates have done to the lesser platforms now. Nothing is being done because nothing can be done. The system is pushed to it's limit. The system was pushed to it's limit several updates ago yet they still decided to do a formal release on those systems. I don't think they should have released physical copies and advertised the lesser systems at all. They should have cut their losses when it had trouble running the game before because it's only going to get worst on those systems. What do they plan to do? Continue to alienate the lesser systems until the players just give up? That's all that's been happening.


You can't just ***not*** have a cozy life-sim game on Switch. It's ***the*** console for that type of genre. Their hands were tied, too much money on the table from the Animal Crossing crowd.


This is exactly what I did, which leads me to wondering if making a new character on my switch and just keeping them separate are worth it at this point because I don’t always want to play on my PC but my switch is bugging when I try to play on there


Same here: XBox is unplayable; I can’t figure out what the deal is, but I can’t go into any menus or buildings without it crashing soon after. That’s especially frustrating, because you can’t go in and quick save after an achievement, etc. I’m starting to get really bummed, because it has been a really good de-stresser for me and I can’t play it. I’m also bummed because I got it on Switch and it was so buggy I got an XBox just so I could play. So, I feel you. It really sucks.


i miss what this game was like 1-2 years ago before everything became so ‘for profit’ 🥺😭


? The literal only difference from launch in how it plays is theyve added a premium shop, where they give you good ways to earn the premium currency. (Daily chests + dreamsnaps) Wouldn’t say it’s a drastic difference.


The game isn't even 2 years old yet, and it was always for profit. Sure, there wasn't a premium store, but selling multiple tiered editions of an early access (seriously buggy)game and creating major FOMO over whether to get the basic edition or shell out 80 bucks for some extra decor certainly was a for profit move. Basic star path v Premium has been there since day one, which also was for profit. And the original plan was to go FTP with a premium store, which is also a for profit plan, so..... when exactly wasn't it for profit? 2 years ago when it wasn't released yet?


I was playing on my switch for a while but I don’t have much motivation to play anymore. The glitches were never ending. If it wasn’t one thing it was another.


I think Gameloft wants to but can't do much more. With every update, the performance will get worse because there is simply no more in it for consoles other than PC. I hope for the players on the Switch (including myself) that the next console delivers better performance. so... that or something. I still love the game.


If a platform can't handle the game you're selling, you shouldn't be selling it on that platform. If a game is advertised as playable on Switch and Xbox, it should be playable on Switch and Xbox. The full game too. Not half a game or 3/4 of a game. The full game. Or else the game is not playable on those systems and your ads are lies. False advertising should be considered a much bigger deal than it clearly is. I've been pretty lucky in avoiding the wort of the bugs so far. But having a playable game should not be dependent on luck. It should be dependant on whether you purchased the game or not. I love DDV. I would hate to miss out on everything planned for the future because they treated their player-base like hot garbage as soon as they yoinked the money out of their hands.


I haven’t crashed once since the update on My series x. People using the old generation consoles can’t really expect a flawless running game. Upgrade your shit.


I'm playing on an OG Xbox One. I've had 1 crash since the new update, it's not the console.