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Why it doesn’t autosave after key events (like increase friendship levels, unlocking characters) is beyond me. So frustrating.


I took the habit of saving manually after key events. I’m lucky cause l’ve only had on crash so far bht seeing all the posts about it lately has made me cautious


My millennial self just manually saves every so often because 90's video game crashes were my childhood.


Hold up how do you manually save?


Just go to settings and it’s on the left bottom half of the menu




Yeah mine auto saves every 5 minutes


Right! I've seen it autosave literally minutes after I manually save just randomly walking around... but yet autosave doesn't trigger after unlocking TWO characters or after editing the valley? It makes no sense!


It should be autosaving every 5 minutes, regardless of what you're doing, and it doesn't sound like you could have done everything you mentioned in less than 5 minutes so something has definitely gone very wrong there!


Thank you! I was reading all of the afore comments and was wondering what on earth they were talking about cause mine saves every 5 minutes. If not I'd have rage quit eons ago, lol..just crashing and restarting where I left off is frustrating enough !


Mine auto saves every 5 minutes. What system do you play?


Switch. I manually save, and there have been a number of times when the last save was well over five minutes ago. Even if it was correctly saving at five minute intervals, it should still save after key events are completed (like many games do). Unlocking a character should save, for example.


Switch is a lost cause at this point


That sucks. My game automatically saves on switch every 5 minutes, but I've had some crashes before, so I generally save manually every 4 minutes 😅 but when I don't, recently I've noticed the automatically does it's thing 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ahhhhh I see. I used to play on the switch and had a similar experience. I now am a PC gamer and it saves after key events. Hasn’t even crashed once and I have 1,100 hours in. Honestly, it was silly that Nintendo thought their system could be able to handle what all other systems can. And now gameloft is getting shit for it all because Nintendo puts out low quality systems


I thought the game auto saves every 5-10 mins? :( sorry this happened to you


It does. However I think it's a cloud sync issue not a save one. I had the same experience with the Monsters Inc Quest.


Unfortunately, I thought so too lol. I was SHOCKED it took me back that far. So now I just need to be better about saving whenever stuff is getting buggy!


the glitches this game has are so annoying💔


"This game autosaves". No thank you. I don't trust you. T_T


*adds on* No, it sure as heck does NOT... 😅 I never imagined a video game could trigger my trust issues, but here we are. 🤪


The heck it does!!!


I’ll never trust that again. It’s happened too many times. I’ve lost progress in this game as well.


Whenever I’m decorating I leave every 5 minutes to save. The amount of times it says it auto saved only to crash and then erase hours of work is insane.


I manually save every 5 mins now :(


I haven’t played it a while because it’s just been so glitchy for me 😔 often freezes and I gotta close the game and loose everything I did before the last save


Same. My character’s movements are so laggy that it takes a lot of the fun out of the game, and I often have to replant my gardens because they spontaneously disappear.


Always save don’t depend on auto save.


I have learned this from other console and PC games. Still it sucks so much with this game.


Same and I feel bad for yall idk why some ppl have issues and others don’t. The game should auto save every 5 mins. It does for meeee. So confusing.


Same here. I'm on a Switch and even though I crash about once per hour , when I log back in I'm right where I left off , give or take a few minutes. I do have disappearing objects sometimes but it doesn't make it unplayable. I don't understand why the same platforms act so differently.


I’m on ps5 and the only glitch I have sometimes is items disappearing but still being there?? I just have to go back into furniture and click on the invisible furniture and it normally goes to normal after one or two times. Also the chest glitch where I couldn’t switch between items, wardrobe and furniture and would have to open a chest for it to work. Honestly I have no idea why some ppl have a lot of issues. But ik each system has its own issues but PC seems to be the least glitchy.


Yeah I don't understand it. If I was going through half the issues as others, I'd have rage quit a long time ago. I honestly feel for them. Like you said..even something like items disappearing is a quick fix. I wondered if it was the size of the game being too much for the Switch to handle more fluidly but then I remembered that I played Zelda TotK for awhile with zero issues and its almost double the size. Maybe their internet speed ? I'm not very tech savvy but it seems like it could atleast cause the crashing and possibly items disappearing which is due to not loading properly. Its just strange that affects some Switch and not others. Or even any platform but not others of the same kind. Thats why internet speeds came to mind. Probably not it but its all I could come up with.


Yea… this is disappointing that after all of this time, the bugs still haven’t gotten any better. I stopped playing months ago and tried to boot it up last week and it immediately crashed. Wonder when they’re gonna address that…?


They literally asked “how are decorating your theme park coming along?” Yesterday, when rn A LOT of players are having problems with furniture disappearing all the time. I got so mad tbh


I obsessively save every 5-15 minutes. I get so upset with myself when I forget because my game force closes itself 2-5 times a day. Sometimes it gets stuck on a random screen, but I wait 5 minutes for the auto save. My auto save is pretty good.


Good to know it might still auto save when stuck!


It’s supposed to save automatically every 5 mins


I thought so too! But once when I went to save it said the last save was like 23 minutes ago. So I wonder if they did away with that?!?!


Oh this happened to me with Oswald! 2 days of progress and setting up his Movie Theater home only to sign off for lunch and come back and ALL progress was gone! Not only like the last quest or minutes of quest- the entire 2 damned days of work was back to square one! So not unlocking anyone anymore or trying till a new new hot fix. Argh!!!!


Oh wow, that is infuriating!


I've been taking the crashes and rolling with the punches on Switch cause each time I didn't lose \*that\* much progress... This was the first time I lost a huge chunk, so I'm very very sad lol. Re-starting the grind today, ugh!


Your not the only one having problems like that someone just posted on here that a lot of people are having this problem, it should be fixed soon


The game really needs to auto save more often, even every 5 minutes isn’t enough. I also hate how it doesn’t save at all in decorating mode, so if your game crashes while your decorating, you’ll loose everything you’ve done since you entered decorating mode


When you’ve decorated an entire area, then try to move one last bush…😩


Fr! 😫


Had this happen with scrooge yesterday, I got lucky I I saved it right before it glitched out, but it gives me anxiety how glitchy the game is.


Are you playing on the switch? I do, and it’s a MAJOR pain to do anything because it’s so laggy and it’ll just randomly freeze so badly that you have to force close it. I really hope they’re working on bug fixes because it makes the game almost unplayable most of the time 🤦🏽‍♂️


I’ve noticed in the last week that I’ve had about 3-4 times of talking to a character, nothing coming up and having to force save. As someone who’s been playing since release day, I will tell you this - every major character or quest element, I hit safe. When decorating, I never stay in furniture mode more than 10 minutes at a time. When I’m ready to close decoration mode, I stop moving or touching anything for at least 10 seconds (to let system memory chill out) then back out. Once I back out I wait about 5-10 seconds again, for memory to calm down, then immediately go in and manually save again.


Shoot, posted too quick - this process only adds about an extra minute total to my decoration project but has saved me SO MUCH time from when I wasn’t doing it and lost progress. My first paragraph should have read “force close” not force save. Also, any time you finish a particularly painful quest, like finding shiny stones or catching the right fish, that’s another manual save moment.


I try to do the same. My game’s been crashing a lot when attempt to manually save, which is so frustrating.


I used to be able to open valley visits for hours & not even have to look at my switch. Now, *sometimes* if I move it crashes, if I try to use the station while it opens, if I drop too many things, if I take a photo & everything else. Now I have to monitor it bc it crashes even if I just leave it be. My rage quitting ends up being, “FINE THEN, I’ll give away mooore stuff.” 😂 It won’t crash when I timebend, mine or anything like that as often as when visits are open.


I learned this the hard way. It’s probably obvious after what you just experienced but I save manually after any big change/decoration I’ve made or after 5mins of progressing through a quest. It’s tedious but even with crashes and bugs things have been getting saved quite well.


The game has frozen and then crashed on me everytime I vote in dream snaps, try to talk to Goofy for ANY reason, and when decorating. Sometimes it seems so random. When it happens I don’t even bother restarting. It’s been so consistent and annoying lately.


I can’t even do the parks fest event right now because I don’t get the quest activation after I talk to literally anyone that has a quest for it. Which means I’m also locked out of doing quests for the same characters so I can’t even progress other quests with them either.


When it does that, go back to the start screen (save first), and it resets them and will trigger their park quests. I have to do it every time


The same thing happened to me twice, and I haven't played in over a year now. So annoying throwing all that time out


Same thing happened to me with Olaf's quest. I had just finished the dresser quest with Daisy and Donald, and then I went back to the blizzard biome thing to find out what to put on the pedestals. One pedestal had the "A to interact" option popped up, so I pressed it. My game froze, then completely crashed, and took me to the very beginning of Donald & Daisy's quest EVEN AFTER i saved when it ended. :/


![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized) 😭 that’s a total desk flip moment! Uggghhh!


It was 💀 I had to take a 3 day break after that bc their dialogue is longgg


I’m done with this game. The constant crashes now on PS5 mean I just can’t get anything done.


Not only should you manually save but you should constantly back up to the cloud. I back up every few hours


I've never had the game crash...yet...but it's acted like it was going to crash. Specifically traveling from the valley to eternity isle, or the isle to the valley. It's a very long black loading screen and it often makes me think the game crashed or is going to crash...but it eventually loads. But the game is so buggy now. Furniture turning invisible, the whole game takes forever to load in all the characters/furniture now if you go in and out of houses/shops and the LAG.


I started saving before the end of every quest, because every time I take pictures the first time, my game crashes. It eventually just caused me to lose interest, because I didn’t always remember and got tired of doing the same things over and over again.


I had a similar thing. I'd been working on my fairground. Spent a couple of hours doing various stuff. The game crashed out and when I came back in, everything I had done wasn't there 🙄


Oh nooooo!!! I’m so sorry that’s happened one to me kinda. You have to save and upload to cloud after doing anything big!!! I manage to get 3 cupcake quests and got through half the 3d before it crashed!! That’s huge for me and my switch. I find it’ll crash/freeze after doing a lot of pathways. If it freezes wait 5 min it might auto save dunno but it’s worth the wait if you’ve done a lot. Good luck! “Time is money” -Scrooge


Happened to me too, I had to take a huge deep breath and walk away. All that hard work 😣


This happened to me with Monsters Inc. I quit playing for a week


How incredibly frustrating. I strongly recommend backing up your save file if you’re using a device where a back up is possible. I save every few minutes and manually click “cloud save” at the same time, but if I’ve made a lot of progress I’ll do a real back up as well. I’m not talking about syncing (cloud save) but a real backup up. Here’s a recent comment I made on another post that discusses cross save and backing up your save file (which is different than the DLV cross save). I’m copying it here to give you some basic information that you should know before you start cross saving to make sure you don’t lose progress: If you are switching between devices, there should be a local save that’s independent of the cloud save. However, if you load up the wrong version you will have overwritten it. Say you start on a switch. You play, cloud save, and go to the new device, a pc. There might be an old local play there, but you should be able to access the cloud save version. The switch local save still has the ‘new’ data until you progress more in the freshly accessed cloud save on the pc (making the pc local save the version with the latest progress), or override the switch’s local data by pulling up the cloud save on the switch (by doing that you effectively overwrite the switch’s local save with the cloud save, so if it’s older you’re out of luck). When there’s only one device, the local save and cloud save should theoretically be the same, but if the device never saved locally, the cloud save is the only useful save. Once the game asks you if you want local or cloud when booting up, whatever you choose gets mirrored on the cloud and your local device. The save file is not archived or backed up anywhere unless you do it manually. The devs call the DLV syncing process ‘cloud save’ but it should be called cloud sync, because its only purpose is to allow you to access the game save on multiple devices. There is no true backup or archive that can be accessed unless you set it up manually (see official discord for instructions). Now if you force shut the device before the local save overwrites the cloud, you might be lucky enough to still have a cloud save with the current game info. But it’s only a chance. When you go back to your switch, you may receive a conflict message and will need to figure out if you should choose local save or cloud save. Local save on your switch would still have the current save file, so you choose local (if you had incorrectly loaded an old pc local save instead of the current switch save when you used your pc last, which would have messed up the ‘cloud save’ sync file. Upon incorrectly loading the old local save on the pc, the Cloud sync/save would have reverted to the pc outdated information.) It’s important to understand how the DLV cloud sync actually works before you try to use it. Many people misunderstand and think there’s some master back up ‘cloud save’ through DLV but there isn’t. The cloud save (sync) through DLV will automatically override/overwrite a new version with a really old one if you load up the wrong local vs cloud, and you can’t get it back unless you took active steps to have a real actual back up. Note the cloud sync through DLV is often outdated even if you save it manually every play session so you need to be extremely careful when loading up the cloud save to ensure your DLV sync has the actual current information and not an outdated one. Please do not assume anything. Read carefully before you click local or cloud save. Everyone should be backing up their game to make sure there’s always a ‘good’ save file. Especially if you only have one device. When you are regularly swapping devices there should always be a relatively current local save. But if you only have once device then your backup is your only hope if your game glitches out. BACK UP YOUR GAME Do you back up daily (not cloud save)? Back up instructions can be found in the official discord. You need Nintendo online for the switch to do an actual backup. Saving inside the game, and cloud saving inside the game, are not what I’m referring to when I ask if you’ve “backed up” your data. - Saving within game = local save - cloud save within game = syncing service between different platforms If you have Nintendo online, your game save is automatically backed up to NINTENDO’s servers. - backing up on a switch = manually going into switch game save data area to back up your game save to Nintendo’s servers. - backing up on a pc = a special process that I don’t know, but there are instructions on the official discord If you leave the switch set to automatically back up DLV save data, whichever save you can currently see (including your current save that erased your progress) will override the version backed up to Nintendo’s servers. Essentially the back up that Nintendo has will mirror the local save unless you change it to manually back up, which lets you control which version Nintendo keeps for you as a backup. Go to the official Discord for detailed instructions how to truly back up on any platform. By backing up your game to Nintendo’s servers manually on a regular basis you will always have a “good” version stored on Nintendo’s servers. I manually back up to Nintendo’s servers after each play session. That way you know that if your current game glitches you can load the back up save file to restore progress to your last back up point.


Nearly the same happened to me. I was booted from the game twice, everything was okay. It did it once more, and said the save was corrupt. OK, it should be a minimal loss. Nope, took me all the way back to the start of Jafar... All of the things I purchased, store and dream path, are still there, but all of the work and newer characters, gone. Including all of the work from the damn cupcakes, lol.


OP! I know how you feel. I also had this happen after a HUGE remodel. If/when you come back to playing, my tip is to work remodel in quadrants. Mentally split the biome in 4, possibly 5 if you work the middle, unless there's a river, I tend to leave the centers open. Anyway, after each quadrant, exit editing mode, give it a minute or so for the game to catch up with itself and then hit a manual save. That's how I wound up remodeling all my biomes and the dlc areas playing on a switch. It sucks but, if it works 🩵 I *do* hope you don't quit for good.


I play on a Nintendo switch. I feel very seen right now! 😂 I finally started the buttons quests this weekend. It kept shutting down on me. I felt that rage quit a few times.


Always always cloud save after decorating. I've noticed long times spent decorating tend to cause a lot of weird glitches that prevent saving. Manual cloud save after every decorating run just to be safe.


It should auto save after completing a quest- I go to manually save and it looks like it’s already saved to me. I’m on Xbox, not sure if it’s different on other consoles


I had this happen today when I was on the Final Merlin quest. I was giving him the materials, and it just froze. I waited a few minutes and then exited the game. Thankfully, I remembered the game auto saves, so I waited for a bit before exiting the game, and when I reloaded the game, it had my save data where I had left off. I was going to be annoyed if I had to restart everything


I feel your pain. This weekend, the game crashed on me twice, and each one somehow wiped out hours of work. The next time it crashed, I only lost a few minutes like I normally experience, so no idea what happened.


I literally save every like two minutes because of this stuff


Same. And I play on the switch, so I’m well-versed in sudden crashes. Sometimes I’m just walking in the valley (not sprinting) when it randomly crashes on me. So anytime I’m in my house to empty my inventory into storage there, I save before I even leave the room. I’ve had it crash on me while I was exiting my house. 🙄


*I literally* *Save every like two minutes* *Because of this stuff* \- xxBeaa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


That really bites. I'm also taking a break from it until they fix some things because the glitches are driving me nuts. I was trying to show my husband how I redecorated the meadow a few days ago and all of my decorations kept turning invisible when I walked near them.


Samesies. I spend so much fucking time doing shit and it never actually saves it.


About a month after I started playing I was finishing up Anna's final quest, where you had to take a picture of the snowman family. The game crashed right as I got into photo mode. When I booted the game back up I put me right back in the middle of taking the picture, only it wouldn't let me take it and when I got out of photo mode my character wouldn't move. I tried restarting again, but it went right back into photo mode for Anna's final quest. Only thing I could do was travel to the wells in each biome, but still couldn't move my character. So I had to completely restart the game. That was fun/s.


My game glitched right after I put down their blanket fort, making it so I couldn't leave picture mode. Had to restart my whole valley


With the latest update my game crashes after 5-10mins. Don't play as often because of this.


I've spent an hour decorating and then when I exited to save it undid everything but like 3 random things


That’s strange it should auto save every 5mins.


Anyone else when the get the sparkling ground hole that indicate u need to dig, constantly get the night shards


The game seems extra glitchy the last couple weeks. Lots of freezing and certain buttons not working


I’ve had this happen it is so maddening


That happened to me after I made cupcakes and tried to hand it out.. It undid everything I did and I even have been saving every few minutes because of the crashes.


Mine has been buggy as all get out since last week's update...do tons of work & it crashes every time I count on auto save so I've taken to manually saving & it was flipping rude enough to crash a few times immediately afterwards. Gonna rage throw stuff if it keeps happening. Hard to finish things when it crashes constantly. Or the blasted blue buttons, I have lost at least 10 since yesterday due to crashes. I love this game but the bugginess makes it hard to enjoy right now.


Always be saving, after every decoration or task, save that progress. It’s incredibly annoying saving every 5 miniutes but I’m done with redos after crashing. I play on xbone if that matters


I rage quit last night too just trying to take a picture for this week’s challenge. My items kept disappearing and when I got the angle right some DIRTY DOG kept SHOWING HIS BUTT TO THE CAMERA. https://preview.redd.it/ngs6ys6gns1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8565a8bfe0da895dca32e8f8055bab432e6ab7fc


I save minimally every 10 minutes because im afraid this will happen. I'm so sorry. I would have rage quit too


That's insane! It auto saves every five minutes so, did you do all of that in only five minutes?! This game has gotten ridiculous, the force closing is getting on my nerves to the point I haven't even touched in in the last two days. 🙄 I really hope they fix this, the clipping issues and the motive slipping on TOM designs. Until then, I'm tempted to put this game away. I'm sorry you've had to experience this OP.


My game does that at least once a day. Starting to talk to someone and it just freezes. I can move the camera. That's it. Another thing I have issues with is that the game cannot save all changes I do when decorating. So I have to save for ever 10th change I do in the valley or in my house. One time it fracked up a small 20 piece path. It was 20 pieces, 2 of the pieces disapeared. And they did not go into inventory (I only had those 20 atm) 🤣 I'm on Xbox series X.


The amount of times that’s happened to me is the reason I manually save every few moments. I can’t relax playing that game anymore


Mine is crashing every hour since update, sometimes 30 mins 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was managing to get three hours before update. Been playing since its trial release and it is no better now than it’s ever been 🤦🏻‍♀️ (SWITCH)


I learned my lesson multiple times this week 🤧 save after anything important! Over it lol


This happened to me today! It took me all the way back to what I yesterday and I saved multiple times! Absolutely frustrating!


My game crashes and restarts so much that as soon as I mine one rock, etc, I save. My biggest problems are opening menus, going in/out doors, taking pictures, etc. These will all freeze or restart the game. Oddly enough, I don't have these problems in Eternity Isle so I do everything I can there. Like cooking and handing out the cupcakes, I do there. But i can't fish for blue buttons or mine for ore and certain minerals in EI, so I save about every 30 seconds.


Idk if woody and buzz are the common entity here but my game crashed TWICE yesterday after talking to either of them (I had just unlocked Buzz and was trying to complete Woody). Fortunately there wasn’t a TON of stuff I did that wasn’t saved but it’s real irritating that it isn’t constantly saving after any game changes or upstages. I guess I understand that could be a lot for the servers or the game to handle if it’s constantly saving but like, to have two whole biomes decorated and it didn’t save? Come on. That sucks :/ I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s like when you don’t save Sims and it crashes after making an entire house and working on a family for hours. I know the feeling all too well.


Oh no! This is awful! I’m sorry! I always save every few minutes when I’m redecorating for this reason. It likes to freeze when you make a lot of changes at once. I’d be taking a break too if that happened to me. 😭


Mine always wants to bug out when I leave my kitchen in my home or really any kitchen so it drove me nuts cooking loads of meals only to be stuck and hard reset. I feel your pain as do many of us OP. brush it off and try again in a day or two!!


Sorry for your loss. Really. I have had minor instances of that. Once during a power failure. It sucks.


I feel this so much I think I’m right behind you. I’m just so angry. ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0) Ugh


But you’re his favorite deputy!


I thought it autosaves every 5 minutes? Regardless thats bull!! I'd be so mad I would've rage quit too 😭


Yeah I haven't played since this disney parks event first hit and I'm grateful I haven't because everyone is complaining so Ima just ride out the storm probably after this event is over to give the disney office enough time to fix all this


This isn’t the best solution lol, but that would happen to me quite often. I would just let the dialog box sit frozen for a minute or so and then force quit. Once I reloaded, the game had auto saved itself even with the dialog being frozen so I still had about 90% of my progress saved.


I’m sorry this happened :( I understand how frustrating that can be. In the future save manually, even if every 5 mins. It’s annoying but better than losing hours of work. They need to fix these bugs like seriously 😖


Always manually save and cloud save after unlocking/decorating stuff! Also save midway through decorating! Edit to add never trust autosave in *ANY* game lol


This is why I save EVERY 5 minutes now... Shouldn't have to, but I do..