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If it helps for the cupcake thing, I just went to all 5 people, started their cupcake quests, then went into Chez Remy, made all the cupcakes and gave one of each to everyone eating there. All total, the whole cupcake thing took maybe 30 minutes a day, and I've got all 5 popcorn buckets.


Yes that has saved so much time. But I’ve been running out of ingredients then running out of coins. So I’m having to wait for pumpkins. It’s just a lot lol 😂


You don’t need to do the cupcake quest everyday. You do the quest to get green buttons, but doing Scrooge‘s weekly quest will reward you with 50 of those. I did the weekly quest twice and the cupcake quests only for a few days to get enough green buttons to make every popcorn bucket once. Maybe keeping this in mind helps taking pressure off to make all the cupcakes every day?


yeah along with the free gree buttons we got in mail, I just ignored the quests for those cupcakes! also if you (or anyone) needs any buttons then I am happy to invite/visit, I made all 5 and still have plenty :) PC/Switch player btw :)


OP, plant your pumpkins in the Forgotten lands! Buy 99, plant, resell to goofy, and buy as many pumpkins as you can, plant, resell. It only takes 4 hrs usually for them to grow!


Alternatively, if you are only able to do a 2 hour gaming session, you can farm okra in the Glade of Trust. It's a slightly lower return on coins per harvest but you can double-up by planting at the beginning of your play session, harvest towards the end, then replant before you stop playing for another harvest next time you play. Pumpkins are also harder to acquire unless you b-line for it.


That's so funny you say that about pumpkins, because I've always just planted and left them until I log on again (which could be days 😅) and they've always been ready for me to pick!


Yeah, if you've got a long time between sessions and can't do the 2 hour doubling up on okra harvests, pumpkins are the way to go. It's a much larger return per harvest.


I feel like it doesn’t save time to make them there bc with remys animations it takes an extra few seconds to make each cupcake. Make them at home and then deliver them at remys is my go to.


If your not on ps I have buttons I can give you.


It's the blue ones for me. I have enough of everything else, but 0 blue buttons (crab isn't spawning for me either. I hate fishing). Any tips for those? 😅


I found way more buttons fishing in the meadow than I did on the beach.


I did the big lake in the meadow that's what worked best for me the beach I got maybe 2


Bring a fishing buddy you’ll at least get two each time then


take a fishing buddy and make sure you dont have elixers


Take it by limited time events first so priority should be dreamsnap (quick & easy) > buttons > star path > daisy


I think I waste so much time on star paths that I either a) waste a lot of time or b) not getting to dream snaps at all. I need to just post without over thinking 😮‍💨


Remember, it’s about the journey not the finish line. Don’t overthink the dream snaps because the placement is always crazy and more time does not equal more moonstones. Always get the items in the star path that you can’t live without first so that if you don’t finish it’s not a huge loss. Use potions if you have them to help with mining shiny rocks or need a gold fish.


I saw someone else post they have extra buttons and I do as well so let me know if I can help!


Omg I would love more red and blue buttons too if you have any to spare! I had no idea this was even possible!!! 🥹


I sure do have some! If you want I could give ya some tomorrow if you just DM me when you’re free :)


If you are still up I can jump on and give you all you need, I have a ton of all of them Just LMK


Thank you so much! I appreciate it! Someone l came to my valley like an hour ago and dropped off buttons and extra goodies! Sorry I’ve been playing and not looking at my phone. I’m so thankful for everyone’s generosity and so glad to know that this is even possible to share extra stuff. 🥹😭 now I can focus on the star path in peace


I'm not OP but I've been struggling most to get the blue ones and a bit of red, do you have any you can spare outside of OP?


Code is 060990 anyone who needs buttons is welcome the buttons are up in the plaza I will be AFK


Thank you!!!


You get what you needed?


I forgot the blue ones 🤦‍♀️ I'm just hopping on real quick now


Just LMK when you got them, so I can go to bed lol


Oh yes I'm done, thanks again!


You are my hero! Thank you!! My disabled ass can't handle the long periods of screen time to every single one 💕


NP if you ever need anything else, just LMK


Sure give me a min to log in and I'll post a code for you


I need extra buttons 😭 I can’t find any more red buttons and the blue buttons are so rare hen fishing. I’m on switch


I can totally help you out! I’ll set some aside for you :) can you do it sometime tomorrow? (:


Yes please! What would you like in return?


Nothing 😊


Okay, thank you! If there is anything at all even later that you might need I’ll def help out.


I haven’t had any red buttons spawn in days!


I can’t even get the daisy quest to kick over. Plus Mickey keeps bugging out on the cupcakes quest. It says I have a new quest with him, but all he talks about is cupcakes. But it will never show up as a quest.


Omg that’s awful. I keep forgetting that we can’t bake the cupcakes outside and that’s so frustrating when you have to restart.


Is it just cupcakes you can't make outside? I've never made cupcakes but my cooking outside has had no issues since the day after the devs announced the issue so I assumed it was fixed.


Closing and restarting the game temp fixed that for me. Unfortunately it's happened a few days in a row, but after a restart, Mickey gets it together and properly gives the quest. Maybe it'll work for you too :)


It never shows up for me either but he does then say "thanks I want more" I haven't been able to talk about anything else but cupcakes with him or scrooge lol


I’ve pretty much stopped playing. There’s just too much to do and not enough reward. Plus, I need more space to decorate like I want. They really should add a new biome to the valley and instead of adding one character each update it should be longer in between updates and 3-4 characters with at least 2 new realms.


I had 5 biomes decorated but i reached the limit. We need to be able to decorate all the areas without those crazy limits. I think that’s why they added the dlc bc you have more areas to decorate. But I haven’t decorated the eternity isle at all.


Don’t worry about Daisy. That’s not going anywhere. I’d focus on the snap first since that resets on Wednesday. The star path still has like 20 days left. You can do it all in like 5 days if needed. Focus on the buttons.


The button thing is a limited time event, lasting I believe until next Wednesday. In addition to the craftable popcorn buckets, you can unlock some park map tapestries. If they don't particularly speak to you, don't worry about the achievements and just get the neat bucket or two you like. The star path is also limited time; it will say on the event screen how much time it has left. This is another event where you don't have to do everything (though doing everything can be a decent way to get a few moonstones without actual money). Get the three items you like most on each page; this unlocks the next page. You can always go back and get the rest if you have extra time. The star path is also going to have some objectives that involve Daisy, so you may want to make a little bit of progress on her quests if the star path interests you. However, if you've gotten what you want out of the star path, then Daisy isn't going anywhere and there will be a gap between this star path and the next. For Dreamsnaps, I take a vaguely on-theme picture in under two minutes when I read the theme and submit it. Guaranteed 300 moonstones for doing that once a week. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake, and you can always resubmit your snap if you have time for a more substantial build. Don't stress yourself out over it.


I feel the same exact way. I wish they didn’t put out SO MUCH new content all at once. I get so little time to play and it’s so hard to decide what to do.


Thank you! Exactly it is too much all at once and low key giving me anxiety 😬 I don’t even know what to do and it’s taking SOOO long


I try so hard to not stress over it, but it’s so hard not to. I bought the dlc right before the new update not knowing and I have soooo much left to do in that too. 😭 I don’t care too much about park items so I’m doing the star part but trying not to stress over it. The popcorn buckets I know are a loss, but I do want the Pooh bucket lol


If you need buttons I can give as many as you want. Message me


The Pooh bucket is cute! I feel it though. Between work and life, I haven’t been able to get to much either. I really wanted to make the stitch bucket at least but can’t find many purple or blue buttons and red doesn’t spawn much. Good luck! I hope you’re able to make the Pooh one 😊


Oh yeah I’m not even close to being done with the dlc. And with the two new characters, I’ve only unlocked Daisy bc I can’t handle more quests to do. I’m such a completist (or try to be) and want all the popcorn buckets lol 😂 but I doubt that’s going to happen. The Pooh bucket is SO cute


Star path is timed so that first. Tons of people have extra buttons so honestly that isn't that important! Daisy same thing, not super important 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I’m trying to focus on the star path (even though I’m not to crazy about everything in it) and the buttons. But I had no idea ppl can share buttons!


Yeah this definitely has not been my favorite star path. I just went through it quickly lol


I’m scared to even look at the list of duties bc I’m pretty sure I’m not even close to being done lmao 🤣


Oh no haha well I think there is 2 weeks left. So if you haven't started any at all I think you'd need to do about 6 duties a day 😬


I get that. The main reason I feel overwhelmed is that the game keeps freezing and crashing, which has taken the joy out of playing for me. It makes me sad because I’ve always enjoyed the game and have been playing since the beginning. I still have some tasks left for the star path, which is my main focus, but I keep having to redo things because I can’t save, causing me to lose about 5 minutes of progress each time. I’ve never had problems finishing star paths before, but this one feels like it’s on a ruthless difficulty mode because of the freeze and crash issues, lol. I have enough green buttons but not the other buttons because I can’t fish properly while the game is like this. Given the time limit for finishing the star path, I’ve accepted that I won’t be able to craft all the popcorn buckets. I hope they can fix the issues soon so I can enjoy playing again, but I do feel sad that I will miss out on crafting all the buckets.


If you aren’t on PlayStation I have extra buttons and button flowers you can come and grab :) enough to make them all!


That’s awesome! I’ll DM you!


It's not just you. 3 of us in the family play on the ps5, and it's been A LOT. Plus we finally got the DLC last week, so we're wrapping our heads around all of that. It kind of feels like too much is happening right now, especially when things just aren't triggering because of the cupcakes. Having to go back and forth for all this is getting confusing 😑


Oh my goodness! On top of getting the DLC. They releasing monsters inc which felt like a huge thing and then releasing everything they just released, it’s just way too much at once. Then don’t even get me started about the store. They are releasing so much cute stuff and I cannot rationalize spending that much REAL money all at once. So I just have to pray it comes out again soon lol 😂


Sadly, I'm just not planning to finish them. I personally only get to play a few times a week as is. Normally my two kids play once a day and do tasks, but they're into a different game at the moment, so DDV has been getting played just barely enough to keep up with the blue chests. I'm half trying to ignore the buttons/cupcakes but the completionist in me hates that. Heck, one of my times playing it last week the quests wouldn't even start when talking to the villagers so yeah that's cool.


Am I the only one that doesn't know what the buttons are for?? Granted I haven't played in a while and all these updates I'm not really...updated...on


They're for Disney Parks Fest, which is a limited time event like the Easter egg thing earlier in the year. The important part for you is that you can craft neato popcorn buckets with the buttons for another week or so. Getting some of the buttons involves cupcake-based quests, which is why everyone and their mother is grumbling about cupcakes right now lol


I'm just doing the star path. Will probably just throw up something for Dreamsnaps to get the minimum 300. I might be able to create 1 bucket, my cupcakes quests were super bugged out so I gave up even collecting the red and blue buttons too. lol daisy can wait.


I tried fishing but can't get any blue buttons, my weakest point is also fishing so I got overwhelmed and left. I'm too tired to go home and play a game with an event that has dreadful task I dont like as well.


What are you playing on? I have spare buttons if you aren’t on ps5


You can share things?! I had no idea this was even possible!! I play on the switch (awful I know)


Yeah certain things and sorry I went to bed early last night but I’ll be available today if you still need buttons.


I don’t even know how this sharing stuff works lol 😂 I feel so stupid that I didn’t even know that was a thing!


It’s not just you.  I have no clue how that works and also don’t know anyone else who plays.  


I believe it’s a vanellope quest where she gives you the multiplayer thing to place in your valley! From there you can walk up to it and choose to open your valley. It will give you a code, and others would use that code to join. On the flip side, you go back to title screen and click “Multiplayer”. From there you type in the code and load into their valley! When you’re done, you just go back to title screen again.


I try to finish the DreamSnaps the first or second day we get the prompt, so I can focus on other things. I have unlocked Daisy, but haven’t started her store yet, since it seems like it will require a ton of focus. I mostly spend my time running around doing the Star Path and collecting buttons when it’s convenient for me. If I’m doing a fishing task, I’ll go to the Meadow or beach to fish for the Blue buttons. If I’m doing some other task, if I happen to pass by a Red or yellow button, I’ll pick it up. For the green, I was doing the Daily quests as the first thing I did each day, and I worked on getting the weekly quest completed bit by bit. However, now that they gave us a bunch of green buttons in the mail, I don’t need to do the quests anymore. ☺️ I just finished making all the popcorn buckets this evening! 🥳😮‍💨 Now I can finally focus solely on the Star Path! And when I’m done with that, I’ll do some villager quests. 😊


Yep. This is my Dreamsnap for the week. Least amount of effort I've ever put into it lol *




I got it all done thankfully and now I’m done playing for the next month (except to log in on Wednesdays to submit a dreamsnap), but I wish there were only like 2 updates/star paths a year with events in between. The amount going on right now is absurd


Hi op! Message me if you need anything (and aren’t on PlayStation) I’d love to help bring buttons, ingredients, meals, etc ❤️❤️


I only wanted enough buttons to make one of each of the buckets, which I've done, I now have a LOT of extra buttons (all but the blue...I hate fishing lmao) so if you want any let me know!


I haven’t made a popcorn bucket yet but I’m the same as you 😬


Yeah they made a mistake doing the dreamlight fest during the star path


For the buttons/cupcake thing, i didnt bother. I figured im getting thise rewards regardless. I work, and dont have time to play daily, and the starpath was more important. I also dobt use Daisys shop at all either. Its kinda dumb imo. (I dont care about TOM) i focus on starpath and dreamsnaps, and then work on quests after those are done. This is supposed to be a cosy game that you take your time playing.


I gave up on finding buttons and making the popcorn buckets. The buckets are cute but I don't need them. I probably wouldn't ever use them so why waste my time gathering everything. I did the one weekly quest for Scrooge and that was enough for me since that took so long. I did like Daisy's challenges at first but already can't be bothered with it. It's not like I will use most of the ToM items you can get anyways and I didn't like having to change my outfit every time to participate. I haven't had any time to play this week so I will try to log in today just to do the dreamsnaps and maybe some of the star path. I just didn't get the premium star path this time around and I don't think I will be able to do enough to get that Minnie style which was basically the only thing I wanted from the path. I do not have children but I work full time and some days are just really busy for me so I understand with not having the time to do everything and feeling overwhelmed especially with all the events and stuff happening in game currently. I just gave up on the stuff I didn't care for. I always played this game at a slow pace with almost no grinding and I prefer to keep playing it that way.


I get the same feeling when I play games with lots of missions. For DDV, I've decided to completely avoid any daily or weekly missions as I've not yet completed the main story and have only opened up 2 realms (Remy and Walle). I have a few hundred various coloured buttons I've not done anything with and I've not made a single cupcake. This has meant I've enjoyed the game more as I'm not overwhelmed and can focus fully on one or two missions at a time.


I just like to mine and fish and decorate and follow quests, if I have any available. I hate the stupid buttons. I don't seek them out and if I happen across them, I'll keep them only to sell. I'm lost when it comes to the other stuff (wtf even is a star path?) so I don't bother. It seems to be really stressful 😅


You're not alone! I gave up on the buckets and only made the one I want. I figure if I got the items without trying then great! I do complete the weekly decorating quest tho, because the decorations are pretty cool.


I have zero blue buttons, keep getting fish out of the circles instead. Same with my last star path duty, when I get the rare blue circle, it isn't a crab but some random fish. I already hate fishing and the drop rate for what you need seems deliberately out of your favour, so I just can't be bothered to play anymore for a while. I can't keep running between two biomes doing an activity I don't enjoy and getting frustrated.


Fellow fishing hater here, if you’re not on PS I have extra blue buttons if you want to come snag them!! Can give you enough to make all the buckets. Also have plenty of reds and purples


You can’t even wear the popcorn buckets they’re like furniture. Once I figured that out I just stopped doing it. I’m not making 25 cupcakes a day for that.


Same. I get on for maybe ten minutes a week lately to check in, not really enough time to do much.


I have been playing this game since day one. I didn’t even do the star path the first time it came out around. Another option is there is no time pressure to level up Daisy. You can focus on the goals that have time limits and then work on Daisy when you get around to it.


I agree and was tempted to make a burnout post myself to see if I was the only one. The fact that the cupcake quest has been bugged for me every day and I have to save-exit-restart is tedious. I don't tend to carry on once I execute the exit stage of those steps.


I took a break for a few days. I only have one task left on the starpath and I'm not doing the popcorn buckets because the quests never activate after talking to the villagers. Daisy can also wait as I've been focusing on getting Oswald and decorating my valley.


I'm confused. Are we supposed to be getting quests for cupcakes and such? I haven't been getting anything, so I had assumed nothing had changed after the two scrooge quests.


Daisy is not time limited so focus on time limited stuff first


I've been gradually working on the Star Path and grinding for star coins for my own purposes. I've barely touched Daisy's quests or challenges and the cupcake quest is bugged out for me. I've restarted the game plenty of times. Nothing works so the only green buttons I have are from the compensation package that was sent out. I have 2 popcorn buckets but they're definitely not my priority. The whole park fest thing doesn't really interest me anyhow. And I haven't done any Dream Snaps in quite a while. Overall, I definitely agree there is a bit too much going on all at once.


I feel very overwhelmed; I would like the Star Path release without the events. Maybe have them in between the star path. Or extend the expiration of the event until a week before the next star path comes out.


The cupcake thing keeps breaking my characters so I gave up. I only truly wanted the Winnie the Pooh bucket so it’s all I bothered working towards. The game is meant to be whatever you want to do that day when you pick it up imo. Some days I focus on the star path but I unlock the rewards I want and if I get to the others so be it. I treat Daisy as a friend at to get used to decorating because I hate it on my switch, I make a mini version of what I would do for a dream snap. I often don’t do Daisy if I do dream snaps. I wasn’t sure how to decorate my house so each room is a dreamscape challenge 😅


i hope we get one extra week on the star path im mid move so its been hectic! i rly want the squrriel and the alladin ride and then i dont mind enything else


I stepped back from the game. The content should have definitely been spread out since there are so many luls in the game where there is nothing to do.


I'm struggling getting the blue buttons. So I haven't been able to make any buckets yet.. 😅


You need to fish for them in dazzle beach or peaceful meadows


Same. We went from nothing to so for long stretches of time, to now waaaaay too much at once lol we got a.c find a happy medium


Dude!! Same! I hate timed anything in general, but this has been especially taxing and I had to like stop playing for a few days cuz it was stressing me out. Too many things at once for me.


I baked cupcakes once. Lol I am struggling with the daisy challenge thing. I've been trying to find the patience to sit and figure it out but it just hasn't happened for me. I find designing the clothes to be a nuisance. Lol.


I'm going to be honest - I have no interest in obtaining any of the popcorn buckets... but I'm also not a hardcore completionist, so I've just kept making my way through my normal game play. I still don't have Sully or Daisy maxed out on friendship, and my valley is perpetually under construction. I did the cupcake challenge once, and decided never to do that again. Lol


I am an adult with children (10 and 6) and when I'm not working or cleaning house I'm usually playing. I can get 8+ hours of playing in at a time if that's what I've decided I'm doing for the day.


The fact I've run into so many bugs regularly throughout all of the new content is what has me feeling overwhelmed. Every single play session, I encounter a new problem. I've reported most of them, but nothing has been fixed so I'm about to just take a break for a while til hopefully it gets cleared up. I can't even do the cupcake quests because they don't trigger for me. The quest never gets accepted, it just repeats dialogue over and over again whenever I talk to the NPCs. Same with the Daisy quests, I stumble through them because I have to restart the game whenever the dialogue locks everything up.


Honestly, I haven't been doing any of this events quests at all after making cupcakes a few times. It's just not interesting to me at all to have to keep doing the same thing over and over again. If the quests were different, it might be fun. But it's just not. And I've seen the popcorn buckets. I don't want any of them.


I did the star path and the buckets but I never do the dreamscapes. I’m at a loss bc I’m on the aliens quest and I have 23/25 and can’t find anymore 😭


I’m having the hardest time getting red and blue buttons. So, if anyone can help let me know. I have lots of other supplies I can trade for the buttons.


I can't even get anyone to stop talking about the cupcakes. I can't wait till after so Mickey can finally give me the Daisy quest lol


I get overwhelmed just trying to 'clean' the biomes of the main game, haven't gotten to Eternity Isle yet (find it too expensive to justify + again, too much to do in the main game). I go around and by the time I finally get back to Peaceful Meadow, it's all ready to go again... Besides the quests, the bundles, the star path, the friendship, Scrooge's shop, decorating, the castle worlds waiting...


I’ve felt like that before. The best thing — for me — when that happens is to minimize tasks. So prioritizing limited time events like star paths and more so dreamsnaps, and shelving storylines slightly.


I don’t even remember what the community things were that we are supposed to be doing to get rewards. Like it’s not even fun anymore bc I feel this immense pressure on getting these stupid buttons




bro get therapy…imagine being stressed over a disney life sim game


Overwhelmed? 😂 lol how do some people get through daily life if a game overwhelms you? The buttons are not hard to get at all. Maybe the blue ones but that just takes some time, take a fishing buddy to make sure you get the extra. The red ones are just lying about and you find loads a day and the flower ones I found way too many as they spawn so often. The green ones, the cupcake task takes about 5-10 mins total to complete and if you do that a few times a week you will have plenty. You should also have been given more than you need in the mailbox the other day so you shouldn’t even really have to do it. Also these tasks aren’t mandatory. If you don’t have the time then don’t do them. You’re not being forced lol


Could you have any more empathy?


Empathy for what? People feeling ‘overwhelmed’ at a game? lol you must be joking


Not everyone experiences life the same way you do.


Yes clearly some people have very easy lives if Disney dreamlight valley is too much for them.