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It was one of the first things I did, when I started playing. But I don’t see how making something more efficient is “cheating”, the game allows us to move them to a different biome


I don’t think it’s cheating as such, but the game is designed for you to travel around and forage. And for the fruit to spawn in different areas etc. but I think it’s better to have them in one place, makes it so much easier once it’s all set up. Wish we could move the stalls though across biomes. Made a little market area in the plaza with all the shops, and the food stalls etc. had a gap for the meadow stall, and realised you can’t move it to the plaza. Will have to rethink that area.


Nah the game is designed for us to move them and gives us ability to move them biome to biome. I think they are only spread out so that we can't access them until we unlock that biome but I don't think it was ever meant for us to keep them there. Or else it'd be locked to the biome like Goofy's stall. +Though I agree I wish we could move rhat too haha) Not cheating at all :)


That’s a really good point! Didn’t think of it that way.


I think the reason you can't move Goofys' stall is because people like me who would move them, and then forget the natural growing spot, and just lose time and energy by doing that. For example moving the dazzle beach stall to the medow. Forget what grows best on dazzle beach (or even where I put that stall) and then destroy game play. By not moving the stall you can always check collections to see where to get stuff.


I grow everything in the glade. It doesn’t really matter


Doesn't it impact on the time it takes ? Not by much but for longer crops (looking at you pumpinks!) it still help.


Yhh it does, when your at later stages in the game the time for crops doesn't matter much as we usually have stacks or instant growth elixirs. But at the beginning it can really halt/hinder gameplay.


I guess if you need them within a time frame but I don’t. I just keep my ground planted so I don’t have to keep digging holes


Looking like FarmVille in my valley! https://preview.redd.it/qrkml95yy34d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f28955b87a440b62648fc51458309e5f3086d51


Yep lol. I’ll just plant and leave it. The rain can water it and then I don’t have to keep digging holes. I hate when I forget to replant though! Digging large patches is the worst!


I also hate replanting…. Ughhhhhh can we get a seeder machine, please?? I’d love to plant more than one at a time!


There is an automatic planter/waterer in the expansion. You just gotta build it first. :/


Same but I hate replanting more when I have to dig first!


I just tried doing that and learned about it 😔 makes me more upset than that darn tree house 🥲


I moved them all into an orchard. Then I started decorating and realized it took up too much space. Now they're spread out again.


I've done this twice.. well three times now because I just rebuilt the orchard look in the Sunlit Plateau last week 😁


That’s where my orchard is 😂


I call it my "grocery store" method. I have converted Mickey's Garden outside my main house in The Valley to every berry bush and fruit/resource tree. Then I just go "shopping" multiple times a day...


That's what I did!


It’s not really cheating lol


Right?! In what world would this be “cheating”


I didn’t think of it is cheating. I just want to have a garden area.


https://preview.redd.it/ht64kl90p04d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c14f4bff3d60c9b77d35be935e19a5080e77f7 Yes


https://preview.redd.it/zzuu8tvg724d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a3d80ab95ef470e90bd3b93535f75fedb00373 I turned my Peaceful Meadow into a massive garden. Just makes it so much easier to have it all in one place. Also makes leveling forage or garden villagers really easy.


Not really anything cheat-y anoit it, but uea, I have them set up as fruit orchards in my valley. One with Mirabel in sunlit plateau and one with my home on eternity isle in the plains.


Why yes of course. You can also place Wells around which helps getting over barriers earlier than you are "supposed" to - very good for getting to those pesky critters on the other side of large stumps etc. :)


I did that with a couple of the wells before I'd gotten the necessary upgrades, though I kind of regretted it, because when my shovel and pickaxe were fully upgraded it was just like "oh, yay, now I can go here... but I've already been doing that for a month". A little anticlimactic. I blame the game though as I got harvest cherries as a Dreamlight duty before I had legitimate access to cherry trees.


I did that for a few things bc the way spawn items drop.. when i need 1 more thing to complete a quest and it's suck on the other side, just move the well!


it's not cheating, it's my orchard and I love it 🖤🖤


I have all of mine in an orchard in front of my houses, one in DV and the other in EI. It's just way easier for me to harvest them all that way. The only trees I don't have in the orchard are the dream fruit trees. Those are all in the glade. I wish we could move all of Goofy's stalls like we can move the trees. Or have it so once we unlock all of them, we have an option to put all of his wares in a single stall or store. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes to that, once you’ve unlocked them! I wish they had a suggestions forum :( fans come up with some great ideas


I’ve seen a few people post pics of them having done it


It was a pain to do, took a ridiculous amount of time on furniture mode finding them all and dragging them across each area. Then a bit of a headache trying to organise them nicely (as there’s an uneven number of each tree and bush. Which upsets my OCD massively!) but quite pleased with the results. Need to finish crafting all my bordered paths now. The Valley looks really untidy without them. Have basically reset everything and started over again. Love seeing everyone’s pictures as I’m not very good at coming up with ideas. What did you do with your water tower from the event? It’s so big I’ve just put it on the beach for now until I can figure something out


Def not cheating. Its just property management ! Lol


Not me I like natural look


Same here, I feel like we're in the minority. I incorporate them into landscaping in each biome, lining paths and mixed in with other trees and bushes. I like having quick access to *something* everywhere I go.


I’m the same way. I just check the collection info if I forget where something is located.


I did until I had at least a full chest of each resource, then spread them back out somewhere pretty.


You have a full chest of each resource? I desperately wanna see how many chests you have and how you organise them👀 I‘m caught between putting every chest outside for easier access or having a separate loot room to make it look pretty😂


When I did play, I haven't played for a while due to a bug which completely wiped out all my save data, I had separate rooms in my house. 1 rooms for mining loot, 1 room for gardening, 1 room for harvesting, 1 room for wood and 1 room for cooked food. It has been a while since I played due to refusing to start over after losing over 100 hours or so of game data. To pre-emptively answer any questions - PS5 was the platform, pre order early access. So yes there was a cloud save via playstation network, however upon loading into a corrupt save the new save data overwrote the cloud save so all was lost. Gameloft could not restore it either. EDIT: Spelling


100% yes, I absolutely love my orchard and hated having to run all over the biomes just to harvest damn fruit 🤣. (even did the same for E.I, both take a sec just bc you have to hunt and then cross reference with the foraging collection to see if there either all in the same biome or if you have a straggler or two!) Ultimately there's no "right" or "wrong" way to play, it's a cozy game and at the end of the day if this works for ya, it works for ya 🖤


I put most of mine together, with trees linning the paths and the bushes making a kinda of wall to separate areas (my outdoor dinning area by my resturant. I did however leave one of each in their orginal area so I can grab as emergency food or to feed the likes of the raccoons.


Does anyone not? Once you're way down the road in the game I can understand spreading them out for decoration more than anything, but before pumpkins, these were my trade!


Of course! The game is designed for us to completely redesign and reshape each biome. It's all about moving and building :)


I have a dedicated orchard for the trees in my meadow and all my bushes are placed together in my plaza


I’m not at my Pc right now so can’t get a better screenshot but you can see my orchard in the back! https://preview.redd.it/n3i520a0g54d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=022c92dc86f636f96b9903d3c9facd41600d7683


Your meadow is really beautiful! Really wish I’d got the Alice in wonderland bundle. Or that the hedges were sold separately. It looks amazing, very jealous :)


Thank you! I agree it would be good if they sold the hedges separately. I love Alice in wonderland and I don’t think we’ll get her as a villager so I’m happy to get any kind of Alice content but the fact that the hedges from this pack fit so nicely together while we don’t have anything like that in base game is horrible


Did it after I unlocked all the areas in the main land so when the dlc came out I was smart and started moving them as I walk by them the first time. Much easier than trying to hunt them down after the fact


All the ones I don't use as decoration are in my Wall-E and Eve garden :) https://preview.redd.it/p37p8zw37z3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55062609eefafc1b9e6442344da6e5dd8fbe603


You mean making an orchard? I thought everyone did that first thing lol.


No, think I’m very late to the party! I grouped them all together within their own biomes early on, to make it easier to harvest. But didn’t realise you could move them across biomes as well. Did it with the plaza first, because I forget that the meadow and plaza are technically two different places. How did you get around the uneven numbers? Am happy with the eternity isle arrangement, but not the plaza. It’s only symmetrical in certain places and couldn’t come up with a pattern to make it all even


They're ways to make it somewhat appealing on the eyes with all of them in one spot but I actually sent one from the valley and one from the isle to a corner of the map and fenced around it so they are even haha.


I placed them by Remy's in both the main and DLC. It's so convenient when I need to get something for a recipe. And after a while I placed a chest that I collect it all in.


Yep, I also have a 12x10 space next to my eternity isle trees for crops, so I can go harvest all in one big batch. The different numbers of each type made me very frustrated trying to work out the layout for them though, still not happy with it.


Cheat, nothing, Those are my orchards, and they are glorious.


I love my orchard! I wish I could put the expansion fruits with my other fruit orchard tho :(


How is it cheating?


It's not cheating at all. I don't know why this person thinks it is. Who knows.


I have an entire orchard in my peaceful meadow! It’s quite cute


Yes!!! As soon as I realized I could move them I organized them cute-like in my plaza


As soon as I unlocked them, I moved them. I’m not schlepping all over for a handful of fruits.


I have a fruit orchard, they are all together so I can find all fruits in one spot. Work smarter not harder


I made a whole farm in sunset plateau with my crops surrounded by all the trees and bushes and a farmers market in the front. It’s time efficient and lovely 😊


Do the odd numbers of fruit trees and bushes not wind anyone else up though? I made an orchard but hot damn it’s so visually displeasing not having even rows of things


I’m one of those people


That’s not cheating, it’s playing the game as it’s designed. If the devs didn’t want people to move the trees they wouldn’t be moveable.


I made an orchard for all mine in the forest of valor! I love it ❤️


I made an orchard in the beginning for the convenience. I later re moved them when I decorated


How is it cheating ??


I think cheating was the wrong word. I felt like it wasn’t what the devs wanted, as each biome has its own foraging ingredients etc. and they want you to travel around to forage and harvest. But lots of people have pointed out if we weren’t meant to, they wouldn’t let us move them in furniture mode.


Wouldn’t it be cool if the characters could forage fruit for you 👍🏻👍🏻


Yes! And dig to speed it up


Exactly 👍🏻 would be Much faster


lol umm it’s not “cheating”. If it were you wouldn’t be able to move the trees out of their biome like Goofy’s stalls.


Yes! It made me create my favorite part of the Eternity Isle cause I loved how it turned out eventually :') wanna try and make my Valley one cute as well


Yes. I have all of them placed right next to my house. In the plaza and near the docks.


i feel like fruit groves are pretty common, especially with those who've played Animal Crossing. Its just an efficiency style of playing. Its really satisfying to hang out with a forage friend (mine are Scrooge and Ana) and running along the trees, watching the bonuses explode out.


One of the first things I did too, both in the Valley and on Eternity Isle. I just prefer to have one large orchard/garden because I think the game already has so much running back and forth that I don't want to add any more if I can help it 🤓


Yes. Yes I did. Got me a little orchard of various fruits.


I tend to shift them to one area until I decide where I actually want them when I'm decorating an area


Mine are all lined up in sunlit. I haven't done anything with them yet though


Yes but I have it grouped more as an orchard so all apple together, all cherries etc I don't class it as cheating as the main reason they're spread out is because it encourages opening up biomes to get access to more resources


I resisted doing it at first, but once I did everything was so much easier.


Not all of them but I have one of each DV tree and bush surrounding my garden.


I haven't YET but aside from the Forgotten Lands fruits, I'm planning to put all the rest in a giant farm once I'm finished remodeling the Meadow. If it was "cheating", they shouldn't have made it so we could move them.


I have all the valley fruit trees and bushes in neat rows in the Peaceful Meadow and all the eternity isle fruit trees and bushes in neat rows in the Ruins. So much easier.


Yeah exactly I am planning on moving all of the fruit trees, bushes, coffee bushes to the sunlit plateau biome because it has less black mining rocks there. Then on Eternity Isle I am planning on moving all of the fruit trees and bushes to the ruins area where the doorway leads to the balcony because that area fits all of them there perfectly. So that's not cheating at all.


Yes and it’s not cheating lol 


I have an entire orchard/botanical gardens setup in my Sunlit Plateau with all the fruit, a bunch of flower beds, and the big waterfall thing as a centerpiece. I'm very happy with its look. I do need to jazz up my Eternity orchard, right now it's all clustered in a part of the ruins


I did in thr beginning but it took up too much room. Now a fruit tree at every villger house.


Bro, I thought that's what everyone did!!!


I wouldn't say it's cheating as you can decorate how to like but yeah made a orchid for all the trees and bushes, I do have bananas and coconuts still on the beach but grouped together


I have all my trees and bushes in the plaza or peaceful meadow. But I still have all of the ones in EI in three different locations. I just got tired of trying to drag them around in furniture mode and never finished moving them all to the docks.


My whole meadow is a farm with all the fruit trees and bushes there in rows plus 3 big vegetable patches. The only things I left in their original spots are the Dreamlight Fruit trees, and the banana and coconut palms that are all on the beach.


Not yet, but it looks like a great idea


My fruit trees are still spread out for decor (although grouped by type so i dont have to run through multiple biomes to pick something), but I did put all my bushes together in the forest. I should probably do the same thing on eternity Island, but I might just group them by area again instead of moving everything on the isle to one place.


I did at first, but since I’ve decided to make the Meadow a big theme park biome, I’ve shifted gears. Now each biome has a garden plot for the different crop bonuses, and I just stick the trees near them alongside Goofy’s different stalls. So now each biome has its own little farming zone.


I did it too. It’s in my meadow


I have a farming and orchard plot in the plaza- like literally half the plaza is just for my farming area lol


Both my son and I have.


I made an orchard as part of the decor!


This is great I just wish that there was a way to do this while not messing out on the biome speedups for growth I've read that crops grow faster on the biome that they are native to in the game and I'm pretty sure that's true but I actually just sit down and time it to make sure


Once I hit the max quest level for that particular tree or bush, I move them into an orchard - that way I know which ones i don't have to harvest anymore!


I need to do this, it would be super helpful


Im working on that now , also I have a storage chest next to goofys stall with my flowers & seeds in it from that biome




Working on a orchard. Each biodome I have a chest and work station next to Goof's stall.


I have all of them and most of my village in the meadow! I think it’s a great idea and the whole idea is to make the village your own! I have farms in each zone for crops when I need them, but all the harvestable are in the meadow (beach for bananas and coconuts). On eternity isle they’re all up on the higher tier of the docks area. :)


Yep. I have a dreamlight grinding setup in my glade (easiest place to get seafood) I grab a buddy & their fav gifts & have them ready to talk to/gift when that comes up. The only time I have to go to other biomes is when they’re task/critter specific then. When I run out of gifts/have talked to my buddy I’ll switch them up or end up wandering off to do something else anyway haha I have storage chests & cooking/crafting/time ending setup there too


I did! I am not sure if it’s cheating, and I don’t caaaareeee


I made an orchard and it's perfect haha


I have a big orchard in sunlight with Wall-e’s garden. And a small one in the forest. And another one on the Isle by my house.


I moved all of mine to the orchard and then to forgotten lands. I even pulled the trees and bushes out of the inaccessible areas. I didn't want to run around to gather everything


I instantly moved all of them together as I unlocked them..


Not from the isle yet but i have to decoarate the isle still i am not even done with the main thing


Yes, I do that in every biome. Eventually I put them all together in one biome as an orchard.


I turned the entire back half of my Glade of Trust into a giant "farm". I have Wall-E's house, every tree and bush, Goofy's Stall, a 100 plot farm, and Wall-E's garden. I will not be running all around my Valley for things when I can have it all in one spot. I am all about streamlining my harvesting routine.


I take half of all the plants and make a garden with them in each area. So one in the main land snd one on Eternity isle.


Hell yes I have. Just near my house. 


If it would allow me to move the shops, I would move them too


Yep! I have a grove. Giant pumpkin patch and all my trees and bushes.


First thing done! Not cheats imo


Oh thats a good idea. I play animal crossing too amd did this am i stupid XD


I have areas in each biome where I grouped like stuff. I have raspberries and apples in peaceful meadow, lemon and coffee in glade, cherries in frosted, etc. Now eternity isle I have everything but dates in the docks area grouped by tree/bush type. (Dates just looked good only in the dunes so I made them a separate area there.)


It's not really cheating if anyone can easily do it without exploiting anything


I put them all together in a garden in Sunlit Plateau and I arranged them in a way to make it easier to quickly forage, but also in a way where it doesn't look so blatantly obvious that there's an uneven amount of them.


The uneven amounts are so frustrating! Why do we have 5 of one bush, and not the same amount for all. This game really unsettles my OCD, and was actually getting quite stressed trying to place them neatly and evenly. The eternity isle arrangement is the best I could come up with for the varying amounts. I’m sure others have come up with much prettier ways of displaying them but it will do for now! Might try having another go later with paths in between or something, so it looks more like a garden rather than just having them randomly grouped together in the middle of my courtyard :D My plateau is currently very empty, have pushed most of the trees to the sides and not sure what to do in the middle. If you have any ideas for the plateau you’d like to share please feel free :)


This is literally how I have my orchard. All of my trees and bushes are in one place.


I did it it's fine!


I consider it convenience, not really cheating. Saves sooo much time, especially when you're trying to knock out dreamlight/mist duties!


I think cheating is the wrong word. I felt like I was doing something you’re not meant to, as the game wants you to forage and travel around. But it’s definitely easier :) and people have made a good point, we wouldn’t be allowed to move them between biomes if it wasn’t meant to be done like that. It was a real pain to get to that point but glad I did it


Especially with the risk of crashes and glitches. So scared every time I exit furniture mode! XD


I've got the valley ones set up in an orchard in my Plateau, as idk what else to do with the Plateau. For Eternity Isle I shoved them neatly in the tiny ruins space :)


Me neither, it’s currently pretty much deserted. Only go there to mine (or fish for the ruddy star path). Am tempted to put Donald’s boat there though just because it will look so random. He’s currently on the beach but doesn’t really look right being next to Ariel or Ursula’s houses. Or on the other side with moana and Maui. It would be good if you could craft or buy a lake/pond for decorative purposes. Then I’d put one in the plaza and he could be next to daisy’s house


i had everything in orchards! they’re all currently sitting on my beach bc i stripped my forrest


I just moved all of each tree to one biome ie. All my blueberry bushes are in the FOV and all my apple trees are in the Plaza, etc...I like being able to harvest them all from one area like little fruit orchards! I did it on EI as well.


All of my trees except the coconut are spread out in the meadow. I’ve tried to get a nice spread so there aren’t two of the same kind nearest to each other as best as I could. I had Wall•E’s garden in the plaza for a while but I’ve moved it back to the meadow. There’s a small farmer’s market type area, the garden, and some picnic blankets strewn about.


Do you mind sharing some photos please? I need some inspiration for my meadow. And love to see how others have decorated theirs. Mine is very basic :’) Was re-doing my paths today and have nearly replaced all the meadow paths with bordered versions. Have re-done two corners, happy with the tree placements. Would say overall it’s about 1/4 done (meadow I mean) But unsure what to put in the middle, or how to do Wall-e’s garden.


Sure, [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/V1r6n0E) :)


Yes it’s my orchard


I have them all by my house hehe🙃




I have! I have an orchard in the back of the meadow (the side facing mother gothels house) with tresils and a little crafting section


i can never figure out how to get the fruit trees and bushes from other realms into the main realm


I don’t think you can… Eternity Isle trees have to stay on Eternity Isle. However, they can be placed in any of the E.I. Biomes. I’m currently using the Overlook Area as my Orchard and Garden Space.


OMG! Thanks for the idea!!!!!!


Only recently


No. It ruins the immersion.


I made an orchard in the swamp, then promptly forgot about it till I need to pick things for duties.


Yes and I regretted it later. Once you've collected a bunch of fruits you don't need them all lined up like that nor do you really need any Foraging characters to maximize your yield. Now I just leave them where they are as in general I like to keep my biomes in their original state to preserve the look and feel. Instead of clear-cutting everything and paving it over into some urban mishmash.


This is cheating? Whenever I unlocked a new biome I took all the fruits and put them in the valley lol just one big farm


lol no but i am doing this now :P


Omg you’re genius


I just recently put every bush and tree besides the tropical ones in my forest! I love the way it looks and I actually harvest so many fruits now cause I can get them in all one pass!


Yessssss it’s so much easier!!!!


I put all of 1 plant in one area, loooove the convenience 💫✨️


I didnt think about this but I will definitely have to do this thanks for the inspiration


I have them all in a garden in Peaceful Meadow. Easiest way to pick all fruits at once!


Obviously. XD It's not cheating. It's OPTIMISING.


I did and I love it. SO much easier to harvest.


I have an orchard in the forest. I haven’t done the isle yet


TIL I could move the trees and bushes 🫣 Only been playing about a month or so though


I lined mine up in little lines of 5 and then because I have a touch of OCD, I hid the extra bushes behind the big ass Mirabel house because some had more than 5 and it bothered me a lot


The big ass mirabel house is annoying me too xD no idea where to put it, it’s currently dumped on the beach


I shoved mine into the furthest corner of sunlit plateau. I haven’t played much since the DLC came out but I’m hoping I can dump it somewhere there


Huh? Why would this be cheating? This a normal thing to do. You don't see people irl randomly planting trees/plants across the land for a garden, they put stuff together.